970 resultados para nanowires,nanotechnology,plasmonic effect,laser,plasma,nanostructured


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Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray harmonic spectra produced by intense laser-solid interactions have, so far, been consistent with Doppler upshifted reflection from collective relativistic plasma oscillations-the relativistically oscillating mirror mechanism(1-6). Recent theoretical work, however, has identified a new interaction regime in which dense electron nanobunches are formed at the plasma-vacuum boundary resulting in coherent XUV radiation by coherent synchrotron emission(7,8) (CSE). Our experiments enable the isolation of CSE from competing processes, demonstrating that electron nanobunch formation does indeed occur. We observe spectra with the characteristic spectral signature of CSE-a slow decay of intensity, I, with high-harmonic order, n, as I(n) proportional to n(-1.62) before a rapid efficiency rollover. Particle-in-cell code simulations reveal how dense nanobunches of electrons are periodically formed and accelerated during normal-incidence interactions with ultrathin foils and result in CSE in the transmitted direction. This observation of CSE presents a route to high-energy XUV pulses(7,8) and offers a new window on understanding ultrafast energy coupling during intense laser-solid density interactions.


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Beam divergences of high-order extreme ultraviolet harmonics from intense laser interactions with steep plasma density gradients are studied through experiment and Fourier analysis of the harmonic spatial phase. We show that while emission due to the relativistically oscillating mirror mechanism can be explained by ponderomotive surface denting, in agreement with previous results, the divergence of the emission due to the coherent wake emission mechanism requires a combination of the dent phase and an intrinsic emission phase. The temporal dependence of the divergences for both mechanisms is highlighted while it is also shown that the coherent wake emission divergence can be small in circumstances where the phase terms compensate each other. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Ion acceleration driven by superintense laser pulses is attracting an impressive and steadily increasing effort. Motivations can be found in the applicative potential and in the perspective to investigate novel regimes as available laser intensities will be increasing. Experiments have demonstrated, over a wide range of laser and target parameters, the generation of multi-MeV proton and ion beams with unique properties such as ultrashort duration, high brilliance, and low emittance. An overview is given of the state of the art of ion acceleration by laser pulses as well as an outlook on its future development and perspectives. The main features observed in the experiments, the observed scaling with laser and plasma parameters, and the main models used both to interpret experimental data and to suggest new research directions are described.


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The scenario of electron capture and loss has been recently proposed for the formation of negative ion and neutral atom beams with up to MeV kinetic energy [S. Ter-Avetisyan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 051501 (2011)]. Validation of these processes and of their generic nature is here provided in experiments where the ion source and the interaction medium have been spatially separated. Fast positive ions accelerated from a laser plasma source are sent through a cold spray where their charge is changed. Such formed neutral atom or negative ion has nearly the same momentum as the original positive ion. Experiments are released for protons, carbon, and oxygen ions and corresponding beams of negative ions and neutral atoms have been obtained. The electron capture and loss phenomenon is confirmed to be the origin of the negative ion and neutral atom beams. The equilibrium ratios of different charge components and cross sections have been measured. Our method is general and allows the creation of beams of neutral atoms and negative ions for different species which inherit the characteristics of the positive ion source.


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We present observations of intense beams of energetic negative hydrogen ions and fast neutral hydrogen atoms in intense (5 × 10 W/cm) laser plasma interaction experiments, which were quantified in numerical calculations. Generation of negative ions and neutral atoms is ascribed to the processes of electron capture and loss by a laser accelerated positive ion in the collisions with a cloud of droplets. A comparison with a numerical model of charge exchange processes provides information on the cross section of the electron capture in the high energy domain.


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Fast-electron generation and dynamics, including electron refluxing, is at the core of understanding high-intensity laser-plasma interactions. This field is itself of strong relevance to fast ignition fusion and the development of new short-pulse, intense, x-ray, gamma-ray, and particle sources. In this paper, we describe experiments that explicitly link fast-electron refluxing and anisotropy in hard-x-ray emission. We find the anisotropy in x-ray emission to be strongly correlated to the suppression of refluxing. In contrast to some previous work, the peak of emission is directly along the rear normal to the target rather than along either the incident laser direction or the specular reflection direction.


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This article reveals the effect of plasma pre-treatment on antimony tin oxide (ATO) nanoparticles. The effect is to allow Pt@Pd to be deposited homogeneously on the ATO surface with high dispersion and narrow particle size distribution. The Pt@Pd core–shell catalyst was prepared using the polyol method and shows a dramatic improvement towards ORR activity and durability.


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Intense, femtosecond laser interactions with blazed grating targets are studied through experiment and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. The high harmonic spectrum produced by the laser is angularly dispersed by the grating leading to near-monochromatic spectra emitted at different angles, each dominated by a single harmonic and its integer-multiples. The spectrum emitted in the direction of the third-harmonic diffraction order is measured to contain distinct peaks at the 9th and 12th harmonics which agree well with two-dimensional PIC simulations using the same grating geometry. This confirms that surface smoothing effects do not dominate the far-field distributions for surface features with sizes on the order of the grating grooves whilst also showing this to be a viable method of producing near-monochromatic, short-pulsed extreme-ultraviolet radiation.


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In this work, a laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source and a free electron laser were used to create Ne photo-ionized plasmas. In both cases, a radiation beam was focused onto a gas stream injected into a vacuum chamber synchronously with the radiation pulse. Extreme ultraviolet radiation from the plasma spanned a wide spectral range with pronounced maximum centered at lambda = 11 +/- 1 nm while the free electron laser pulses were emitted at a wavelength of 32 nm. The power density of the focused plasma radiation was approximately 2 x 10(7) W/cm(2) and was seven orders of magnitude lower compared with the focused free electron laser beam. Radiation fluences in both experimental conditions were comparable. Despite quite different spectral characteristics and extremely different power densities, emission spectra of both photo-ionized plasmas consist of the same spectral lines within a wavelength range of 20 to 50 nm, however, with different relative intensities of the corresponding lines. The dominating spectral lines originated from singly charged ions (Ne II); however, Ne III lines were also detected. Additionally, computer simulations of the emission spectra, obtained for photo-ionized plasmas, driven by the plasma extreme ultraviolet source, were performed. The corresponding measured and calculated spectra are presented. An electron temperature and ionic composition were estimated. Differences between the experimental spectra, obtained for both irradiation conditions, were analyzed. The differences were attributed mainly to different energies of driving photons.


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The Terawatt Apparatus for Relativistic And Non-linear Interdisciplinary Science (TARANIS), installed in the Centre for Plasma Physics at the Queen's University Belfast, supports a wide ranging science program, including laser-driven particle acceleration, X-ray lasers and high energy density physics experiments. We present (1) an overview of the laser facility, (2) results of preliminary investigations on proton acceleration, laser action at 13.9 nm and Kα sources and (3) speculation on future experiments using these extreme sources.


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The increase in fractional rate of protein synthesis (K-s) in the skeletal muscle of growing rats during the transition from fasted to fed state has been explained by the synergistic action of a rise in plasma insulin and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). Since growing lambs Also exhibit an increase in K-s with level of feed intake, the objective of the present study was to determine if this synergistic relationship between insulin and BCAA also occurs in ruminant animals. Six 30 kg fasted (72 h) lambs (8 months of age) received each of four treatments, which were based on continuous infusion into the jugular vein for 6 h of: (1) saline (155 mmol NaCl/l); (2) a mixture of BCAA (0.778 mumol leucine, 0.640 mumol isoleucine and 0.693 mumol valine/min.kg); (3) 18.7 mumol glucose/min.kg (to induce endogenous insulin secretion): (4) co-infusion of BCAA and glucose. Within each period all animals received the same isotope of phenylalanine, (Phe) as follows: (1) L-[1-C-13]Phe; (2) L-phenyl-[ring H-2(5)]-alanine; (3) L-[N-15]Phe; (4) L-[ring 2,6-H-3]Phe. Blood was sampled serially during infusions to measure plasma concentrations of insulin, glucose and amino acids, and plasma free Phe isotopic activity; biopsies were taken 6 h after the beginning of infusions to determine K-s in in. longissimus dorsi and vastus muscle. Compared with control (saline-infused) lambs, K-s was increased by an average of 40% at the end of glucose infusion, but this effect was not statistically significant in either of the muscles sampled. BCAA infusion, alone or in combination with glucose, also had no significant effect on K-s compared with control sheep. K-s was approximately 60% greater for vastus muscle than for m. longissimus dorsi (P<0.01), regardless of treatment. It is concluded that there are signals other than insulin and BCAA that are responsible for the feed-induced increase in K-s in muscle of growing ruminant animals.


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Atmospheric pressure plasma with a relatively short exposure time was sufficient to modify the wool surface. The ageing studies showed the hydrophobic recovery of fibre surface took place at the early stages after plasma treatment. While plasma improved wool shrink-resistance, improvement in dyeability depends on the hydrophilic-hydrophobic nature of dyestuff.


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Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of wool fabric, with a relatively short exposure time, effectively removed the covalently bonded lipid layer from the wool surface. The plasma-treated fabric showed increased wettability and the fibres showed greater roughness. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed a much more hydrophilic surface with significant increases in oxygen and nitrogen concentrations and a decrease in carbon concentration. Adhesion, as measured by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) force volume analysis, also increased, consistent with the more hydrophilic surface leading to a greater meniscus force on the SPM probe. The ageing of fibres from the plasma-treated fabric was assessed over a period of 28 days. While no physical changes were observed, the chemical nature of the surface changed significantly. XPS showed a decrease in the hydrophilic nature of the surface with time, consistent with the measured decrease in wettability. This change is proposed to be due to the reorientation of proteolipid chains. SPM adhesion studies also showed the surface to be changing with time. After ageing for 28 days, the plasma-treated surface was relatively stable and still dramatically different from the untreated fibre, suggesting that the oxidation of the surface and modification or removal of the lipid layer were permanent.