993 resultados para morphological description
Objetivo: Quantificar as fibras colágenas de meniscos de coelhos submetidos à temperaturas e períodos de preservação variáveis. Métodos: Retirou-se assepticamente 120 meniscos (mediais e laterais) de 30 coelhos (Nova Zelândia), machos, idade entre 6/8 meses, peso médio de 3250g. Os meniscos foram congelados, de dois até trinta dias, a 7,2°Celsius negativos (n=60) e 73°Celsius negativos (n=60). A cada dois dias, de cada temperatura, foram descongelados quatro meniscos que foram encaminhados para o estudo histológico. A descrição morfológica foi feita com os cortes corados por HE, e para o estudo morfométrico os cortes foram corados pelo método de Picrosirius e posteriormente submetidos à polarização. A quntificação de área ocupada pelas fibras colágenas em cada lâmina foi calculada por subtração de imagens à partir do programa de software Image Pro Plus. Resultados: Na análise descritiva das médias percentuais de colágeno foram observadas diferenças maiores e estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001) à temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos. A análise comparativa das médias percentuais de fibras colágenas ao longo dos períodos de preservação, embora com diferença de valores, apresentaram uma curva simétrica de variação. Também obervou-se que à partir do 14ºdia, em ambas temperaturas, a variação na porcentagem de fibras colágenas em relação aos demais períodos, não apresenta significância estatística, contudo a temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos mostrou-se superior à 7,2ºCelsius negativos na preservação de fibras colágenas. A análise de regressão polinomial mostrou que a variação das médias percentuais de fibras colágenas é um polinômio de terceiro grau, sugerindo outras variáveis implicadas na preservação do colágeno. Conclusão: A temperatura de 73ºCelsius negativos mostrou médias percentuais de colágeno superiores em todos os períodos observados, porém à partir do 14º até o 30º dia de congelamento, a quantidade de fibras colágenas permanece estável em ambas temperaturas.
Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are syndromes of acute diffuse damage to the pulmonary parenchyma by a variety of local or systemic insults. Increased alveolar capillary membrane permeability was recognized as the common end organ injury and a central feature in all forms of ALI/ARDS. Although great strides have been made in understanding the pathogenesis of ALI/ARDS and in intensive care medicine, the treatment approach to ARDS is still relying on ventilatory and cardiovascular support based on the recognition of the clinical picture. In the course of evaluating novel treatment approaches to ARDS, 3 models of ALI induced in different species, i.e. the surfactant washout lavage model, the oleic acid intravenous injection model and the endotoxin injection model, were widely used. This review gives an overview of the pathological characteristics of these models from studies in pigs, dogs or sheep. We believe that a good morphological description of these models, both spatially and temporally, will help us gain a better understanding of the real pathophysiological picture and apply these models more accurately and liberally in evaluating novel treatment approaches to ARDS.
Roughly 90% of the gas-exchange surface is formed by alveolarization of the lungs. To the best of our knowledge, the formation of new alveoli has been followed in rats only by means of morphological description or interpretation of semiquantitative data until now. Therefore, we estimated the number of alveoli in rat lungs between postnatal days 4 and 60 by unambiguously counting the alveolar openings. We observed a bulk formation of new alveoli between days 4 and 21 (17.4 times increase from 0.8 to 14.3 millions) and a second phase of continued alveolarization between days 21 and 60 (1.3 times increase to 19.3 million). The (number weighted) mean volume of the alveoli decreases during the phase of bulk alveolarization from ∼593,000 μm(3) at day 4 to ∼141,000 μm(3) at day 21, but increases again to ∼298,000 μm(3) at day 60. We conclude that the "bulk alveolarization" correlates with the mechanism of classical alveolarization (alveolarization before the microvascular maturation is completed) and that the "continued alveolarization" follows three proposed mechanisms of late alveolarization (alveolarization after microvascular maturation). The biphasic pattern is more evident for the increase in alveolar number than for the formation of new alveolar septa (estimated as the length of the free septal edge). Furthermore, a striking negative correlation between the estimated alveolar size and published data on retention of nanoparticles was detected.
Redescription of Hyalella Azteca from Its Type Locality, Vera Cruz, Mexico (Amphipoda : Hyalellidae)
Hyalella azteca is a species complex distributed in North, Central, and northern South America. The identity of the species has always been a problem, especially because the original description by Saussure (1858) from a "cistern" in Vera Cruz, Mexico, is poor, and the figures are not clear. Since then, mention of the type material or specimens from the type locality has not been made by investigators using the name H. azteca. Ecological and genetic information available today suggests that there are several species in the complex commonly referred to as H. azteca. The subtle morphological differences among the populations have made the problem of defining these species very complicated. To aid in this process, we present here the morphological description of H. azteca based on the syntype series established by Saussure and deposited in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Ville de Geneve, Switzerland.
Embora os escamados sejam comumente encontrados em sítios fossilíferos cenozóicos sul−americanos, materiais esqueléticos completos são raros. Apenas alguns poucos exemplares assim foram registrados, com a maioria dos achados representando materiais fragmentários de crânio e mandíbulas ou vértebras isoladas. Dentre as localidades provedoras de vertebrados fósseis na América do Sul, a Formação Chichínales se destaca pela recente descoberta, em seus sedimentos, de um crânio quase completo de um lagarto teiídeo previamente desconhecido. Dada a fauna associada, a idade da formação é definida como Mioceno Temprano (Colhuehuapense). No presente estudo, conclui−se, através de uma análise filogenética contendo 39 espécies viventes e fósseis de escamados e 149 caracteres osteológicos, que este material pertence a uma nova espécie do gênero contemporâneo Callopistes. Uma descrição morfológica detalhada do fóssil, obtida através de análises estereoscópicas e de microtomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (CT Scan), também é apresentada. A matriz morfológica foi analisada com o auxílio do software TNT Versão 1.1, seguindo o princípio de máxima parcimônia, com todos os caracteres tratados com a mesma pesagem, resultando em quatro árvores igualmente parcimoniosas, que foram então utilizadas para a construção de uma árvore de consenso estrito. Em todas as quatro árvores, o novo táxon posicionou−se dentro da família Teiidae como um membro do clado formado pelas demais espécies viventes de Callopistes. Entretanto, não foi possível estabelecer uma relação de grupo−irmão inequívoca entre as duas espécies de Callopistes presentes na análise e o fóssil. A atual distribuição das duas espécies viventes de Callopistes e a localidade de onde foi recuperado o fóssil em estudo indicam que esse gênero possuía uma distribuição muito mais ampla no passado, chegando a áreas patagônicas cis−Andinas, diferentemente das áreas trans−Andinas de altitude onde as duas espécies atuais estão restritas
A espécie recente Eira barbara (Mustelidae, Carnivora) possui uma distribuição geográfica desde o México até o norte da Argentina. É um importante táxon a ser estudado como modelo anatômico dentre os mustelídeos, assim como um importante modelo para uma melhor compreensão e entendimento sobre a diversificação dos Mustelidae. Atualmente, os registros fósseis de E. barbara na América do Sul são bastante escassos e restritos às idades pleistocênicas, sendo que os estudos destes fósseis são frequentemente desprovidos de maiores esforços para realização de descrições morfológicas detalhadas e de estudos paleobiogeográficos. Assim como os estudos dos fósseis de E. barbara são limitados, constatou-se que o mesmo cenário é observado quanto aos estudos sobre a morfologia e biogeografia da espécie. Desta forma, o presente trabalho se propôs a: realizar uma revisão de todos os registros da espécie e de uma forma geral, contribuir para um melhor conhecimento sobre a morfologia sincraniana e sobre a história biogeográfica e paleobiogeográfica de E. barbara. Para tanto, os seguintes objetivos foram propostos: estudo e redescrição detalhada do fóssil UFAC-PV 036, proveniente do Pleistoceno final do Alto Rio Juruá do sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira; descrição sincraniana comparada de estruturas morfológicas externas e internas, analisando caracteres intraespecíficos da espécie E. barbara; realização de análises multivariadas a fim de investigar variações geográficas sob o uso de caracteres craniométricos de E. barbara entre os diferentes biomas brasileiros. A revisão dos registros fósseis foi de grande importância para o estabelecimento dos verdadeiros registros de Eira na América do Sul e a redescrição de UFAC-PV 36 contribui para o melhor conhecimento morfológico e paleobiogeográfico da espécie. A descrição morfológica comparada do sincrânio de E. barbara contribui de forma significativa para o conhecimento sobre a morfologia da espécie bem como, a descrição de caracteres intraespecíficos proporcionam caracteres mais apropriados em matrizes morfológicas, fornecendo maior robustez nas análises filogenéticas futuras. Este trabalho propõe que E. barbara não possui diferenças craniométricas estatisticamente significativas entre os biomas brasileiros, porém, E. barbara caracteriza-se aqui como uma espécie dimórfica, na qual os machos possuem estruturas cranianas relativamente maiores do que as fêmeas.
Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a dioecius perennial plant. The cultivation is specific for female plants, used mainly for brewing and pharmacology. Female inflorescence, known as cone or strobili, contains bitter acids, essential oil and polyphenols. Commercial hop cultivation provides better results in regions between 45 and 55 degrees north or south in latitude, an area that also includes the northern part of Italy, where hop is endemic. Despite several studies have been conducted on the characterization of wild hops biodiversity in the U.S.A. and Europe, a lack in literature concerning the description of Italian wild hops genetic variability is still present. The increasing request of hop varieties improved in important traits, like diseases, resistance and valuable aroma profile, is bringing the hop industry. Moreover, Italian agricultural sector needs new impulse to be competitive in the market. In this view, Italian wild hop biodiversity is a resource, useful for the obtaining of Italian hop varieties, characterized by peculiar aromatic traits and more adaptable to Mediterranean climate, making their cultivation more sustainable. Based on this consideration, the present Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of the Italian hop biodiversity, through the characterization of the wild samples under different point of view. The project started with the recovery of wild hop samples in different areas of north of Italy to consitue a collection field, where 11 commercial cultivars of US and European origin were grown, to have a complete vision of the hop panorama. Ph.D. project followed different research lines, the results of each one contributed to completly characterize the northern Italian hop wild biodiversity: • the morphological description showed a high phenological variability (Study 1); • the genetic characterization confirmed the rich biodiversity of the Italian population and showed a significant genetic distance between Italian genotypes and the commercial cultivars, taken in consideration (Study 2); • the need of an early sex discrimination method leads to an improvement of a genetic marker, developing a more efficient marker (Study 3); • a complete morphologic, genetic and chemical analysis of plants gave results to select the most promising genotypes (Study 4); • the comparison between the performance of wild hops and commercial cultivars in the same collection field indicated that some wild genotypes had a higher environment adaptability (Study 5); • the evaluation of the terroir, obtained comparing commercial cultivars in the collection field and the same genotypes purchased in the market, showed the influence of the northern Italian environment on the aromatic profile (Study 5); • a new analytical method for the revelation of bioactive metabolites and a simple extraction procedure were developed (Study 6). In conclusion, the Ph.D. thesis, contains the first characterization of Italian wild hop, made under field condition. The present study: i) permits to obtain a complete and significative description of the genotypes; ii) allows the identification of the most promising wild Italian genotypes; iii) allows the identification of commercial cultivars more adaptable the northern Italian climate.
The description of all the species present in nature is a vast task to be fulfilled by using the classical approach of morphological description of the organisms. In recent years, the traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa and inconsistencies with the genetic data. Furthermore, the increasing need to get a true estimate of biodiversity has led Zoological Taxonomy to seek new approaches and methodologies to support the traditional methods. The classification procedure has added modern criteriasuch as the evolutionary relationships and the genetic, biochemical and morphological characteristics of the organisms.Until now the Linnean binomial was the only abbreviated code associated with the description of the morphology of a species. The new technologies aim to achieve a short nucleotide sequence of the DNA to be used as an unique and solely label for a particular species, a specific genetic barcode. For both morphological and genetic approaches, skills and experience are required. Taxonomy is one of zoological disciplines that has been benefited from the achievements reached by modern molecular biotechnology. Using a molecular approach it is possible to identify cryptic species, to establish a family relationship between species and their membership of taxonomic categories or to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a taxon.
Parastichopus regalis (Cuvier, 1817) is the most expensive seafood product on the Catalonian market (NE Spain), with prices at approximately 130 €/Kg (fresh weight). Despite its ecological and economic importance, biological and genetic information on this sea cucumber species is scarce. Here, we provide both the first insight on the genetic structure of P. regalis using sequences of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes and a morphological description of its population. Individual sea cucumbers were collected in six locations along the Spanish Mediterranean coast, including an area under fishery pressure (Catalonia). We found high haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity for both genes, with higher levels of genetic diversity observed in the COI gene. The population pairwise fixation index (FST), AMOVA and correspondence analysis (CA) based on the COI gene revealed significant genetic differentiation among some locations. However, further analysis using nuclear markers (e.g., microsatellites) is necessary to corroborate these results. Moreover, the genetic and morphological data may indicate fishery effects on the Catalonian population with a decrease in the size and weight averages and lower genetic diversity compared with locations that lack fishery pressure. For the appropriate management of this species, we suggest the following: 1) accurately assessing the stock status along the Spanish coasts; 2) studying the reproductive cycle of this target species and the establishment of a closed fishery season according to the reproductive cycle; and 3) establishing protected areas (i.e., not take zones) to conserve healthy populations and favour recruitment in the nearby areas.
IntroductionMicrosporidia constitute the most common black fly pathogens, although the species' diversity, seasonal occurrence and transmission mechanisms remain poorly understood. Infections by this agent are often chronic and non-lethal, but they can cause reduced fecundity and decreased longevity. The objective of this study was to identify microsporidia infecting Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax (Kollar, 1832) larvae from Caraguatatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, by molecular and morphological characterization.MethodsLarvae were collected at a single point in a stream in a rural area of the city and were kept under artificial aeration until analysis. Polydispyrenia spp. infection was characterized by the presence of at least 32 mononuclear spores measuring 6.9 ± 1.0 × 5.0 ± 0.7µm in persistent sporophorous vesicles. Similarly, Amblyospora spp. were characterized by the presence of eight uninucleate spores measuring 4.5 × 3.5µm in sporophorous vesicles.ResultsThe molecular analysis confirmed the presence of microsporidian DNA in the 8 samples (prevalence of 0.51%). Six samples (Brazilian larvae) were related to Polydispyrenia simulii and Caudospora palustris reference sequences but in separate clusters. One sample was clustered with Amblyospora spp. Edhazardia aedis was the positive control taxon.ConclusionsSamples identified as Polydispyrenia spp. and Amblyospora spp. were grouped with P. simulii and Amblyospora spp., respectively, corroborating previous results. However, the 16S gene tree showed a considerable distance between the black fly-infecting Amblyospora spp. and the mosquito-infecting spp. This distance suggests that these two groups are not congeneric. Additional genomic region evaluation is necessary to obtain a coherent phylogeny for this group.
n.s. no.105(2005)
A nymph of Thaumamannia Drake & Davis, 1960, a rare vianaidine genus known only from adults, is described by the first time. The specimens were collected in the soil and walls of caves located in the state of Pará, Brazil. This is the first record of Vianaidinae for Brazil. The T. vanderdrifti fifth instar is compared with the same stadium of Anommatocoris coleopteratus (Kormilev, 1955), the only other vianaidine nymph described so far, and patterns between them and within the family are also discussed.
A new trypanosomatid species, Blastocrithidia cyrtomeni, is herein described using morphological and molecular data. It was found parasitising the alimentary tract of the insect host Cyrtomenus bergi, a polyphagous pest. The morphology of B. cyrtomeni was investigated using light and transmission microscopy and molecular phylogeny was inferred from the sequences of spliced leader RNA (SL rRNA) - 5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. Epimastigotes of variable size with straphanger cysts adhering to the middle of the flagellum were observed in the intestinal tract, hemolymph and Malpighian tubules. Kinetoplasts were always observed anterior to the nucleus. The ultrastructure of longitudinal sections of epimastigotes showed the flagellum arising laterally from a relatively shallow flagellar pocket near the kinetoplast. SL RNA and 5S rRNA gene repeats were positive in all cases, producing a 0.8-kb band. The amplicons were 797-803 bp long with > 98.5% identity, indicating that they originated from the same organism. According to the sequence analysis of the SL-5S rRNA gene repeats and the 18S SSU rRNA gene, B. cyrtomeni is different from all other known species or isolates of Trypanosomatidae. Both analyses indicate that among known species, it is most closely related to Blastocrithidia triatomae.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)