571 resultados para microRNA(miRNA)
La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad crónica autoinmune y desmielinizante del sistema nervioso central caracterizada por las lesiones o placas escleróticas que presentan sus pacientes. Estas placas se forman como consecuencia de una desmielinización focal aguda e inflamatoria asociada a una posible pérdida axonal con una posterior remielinización.La función de estas moléculas de RNA, compuestas por 22 nucleótidos aproximadamente, es regular la expresión génica, bien degradando el mRNA, o bien inhibiendo su traducción. Diversos estudios han demostrado que los miRNA, están implicados en muchos procesos biológicos, tales como el desarrollo, diferenciación, regulación de células madre, proliferación y muerte celular, desarrollo y función de las células del sistema inmune, etc. Este trabajo pretende analizar si genes de miRNA podrían estar ligados a la esclerosis múltiple.
Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that are implicated in non-coding molecules such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Genetic variations in miRNAs can affect levels of miRNA expression if present in pre-miRNAs and in miRNA biogenesis genes or alter miRNA function if present in both target mRNA and miRNA sequences. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate whether polymorphisms in pre-miRNAs, and/or miRNA processing genes contribute to predisposition for CLL. A total of 91 SNPs in 107 CLL patients and 350 cancer-free controls were successfully analyzed using TaqMan Open Array technology. We found nine statistically significant associations with CLL risk after FDR correction, seven in miRNA processing genes (rs3805500 and rs6877842 in DROSHA, rs1057035 in DICER1, rs17676986 in SND1, rs9611280 in TNRC6B, rs784567 in TRBP and rs11866002 in CNOT1) and two in pre-miRNAs (rs11614913 in miR196a2 and rs2114358 in miR1206). These findings suggest that polymorphisms in genes involved in miRNAs biogenesis pathway as well as in pre-miRNAs contribute to the risk of CLL. Large-scale studies are needed to validate the current findings.
microRNAs(miRNAs)是基因组中广泛编码的一类小RNA 基因,存在于绝大多数多细胞生物中,而且在各种生物学过程中都起着举足轻重的作用。miRNAs 在转录后水平通过与mRNAs 的3’UTRs 序列互补识别靶基因,并引起靶基因的降解或阻遏其翻译。在动物中,一个miRNA 可以调控数百个靶基因的表达。大多数miRNAs 在物种间高度保守,暗示了其功能的重要性。然而,非保守的miRNAs可能对物种特有新功能的产生有贡献。为了回答miRNAs是如何起源,如何进化的问题,我们研究了两个非保守miRNA 家族在灵长类中的进化历史。第一个miRNA 家族位于X 染色体上,在灵长类中的数目比狗或啮齿类中的多。我们比较了这一家族在灵长类主要分支-人、大猿、小猿、旧大陆猴和新大陆猴中的序列情况,发现了这一家族在灵长类中的快速进化。这种快速进化包括频繁的串联重复和碱基替换现象。此外,在人和黑猩猩中还发现了相应进化分支特有的替换,可能会导致分支特有的新miRNAs 的产生。对这一miRNA 家族在不同发育阶段恒河猴睾丸中的表达分析揭示了miRNA 表达变化和雄性性成熟之间的负相关,暗示这一家族在睾丸发育和精子成熟中可能起的调节作用。最后,我们认为,像蛋白编码基因一样,与雄性生殖功能相关的miRNAs 容易受到性选择而发生适应性进化。第二个miRNA 家族是位于19 号染色体上的一个灵长类特有的家族。通过分析和比较这一家族以及其临近区域在9 个不同灵长类物种中的序列,我们发现了 Alu 介导的这一家族的产生和扩张。序列比较表明,物种内和物种间miRNAs 的序列分歧相似;同时,在各个灵长类分支中均存在基因拷贝的获得和丢失,也存在基因的假基因化。由此表明,这一家族在灵长类中经历了典型的“生-死”进化历程,暗示这个家族的miRNA 基因在灵长类的进化中其功能可能发生了多样化,以适应不同灵长类物种在发育过程中的需要。此外,二级结构的保守性和前体miRNAs 区域的低SNP 密度都表明这一家族受到功能性约束。最后,我们进一步分析了这一家族在胎盘和胎儿大脑中的表达,揭示其对灵长类胚胎发育可能的重要性。除了研究miRNAs 在灵长类中的进化,我们还探讨了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的影响。通过对已发表的193 例人类大脑基因表达谱的分析发现,基因在人群中的表达变异的大小和调控它的miRNA 数目呈正比,这暗示了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的直接影响。相比于不受miRNA 调控的基因,受到两个以上 miRNA 核心区调控的基因有较高的表达变异度,不受miRNA 类型的影响。同时,我们还证明,人群中靶基因miRNA 识别序列上的变异(SNPs)会进一步导致靶基因表达变异的增加。我们的研究表明miRNAs 是影响人群中基因表达变异度的因素之一。
MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一类长约21-25nt 的非编码小分子RNAs,通过与靶基因的互补结合在转录水平及转录后水平来负调控基因表达。人们已在众多高等多细胞生物中如人、果蝇、线虫、拟南芥等鉴定出众多microRNAs 分子。近来报道单细胞原生生物衣藻中也存在大量microRNAs。然而到目前为止,在被很多证据证实是最原始的单细胞真核生物贾第虫中却仍未有microRNAs 的报道。那么到底贾第虫这种具有特殊进化地位的单细胞原生动物是否存在有microRNAs 呢?如果存在的话,其microRNAs 的特点是什么?与高等多细胞生物及单细胞衣藻的 microRNA 相比又有何异同点呢?贾第虫的microRNAs 是否与其致病性相关呢?已有研究表明,贾第虫基因组中存在与RNAi 相关的Argonaute(AGO)家族蛋白和Dicer 酶。有意思的是,这些与siRNA 引起RNAi 作用关键的蛋白AGO 和Dicer 同样也是miRNA 系统的关键成份,这就提示我们在贾第虫中很有可能也存在有miRNA 并发挥功能。有研究发现在贾第虫基因组中存在大量的非编码转录物,这些大量的非编码转录物中,是否都是后来所认为的为双向启动子转录有用基因时的副产物,还是也存在一些起调控作用的RNA 分子(如miRNAs 等),需要进一步的研究。本文利用生物信息学的手段,依据miRNAs 的生物学特征,结合多种计算机预测的方法,在贾第虫基因组中筛选可能的microRNAs 分子,结果共鉴定出50 个miRNAs 候选分子,这50 个可能的贾第虫miRNAs 不具有保守性,在已知的其他物种的miRNAs 中找不到同源物。用这50 个microRNAs BLASTN 贾第虫的蛋白质编码序列及其相邻5’端和3’端各200bp 的序列,来寻找这些microRNAs 所调控的靶基因。结果表明,寻找到的贾第虫miRNA 的靶基因除很大一部分未知功能的蛋白外,还包括了很多涉及不同功能的蛋白,如VSP 蛋白(various surface proteins)这样一类表面抗原蛋白,提示我们贾第虫miRNA 可能与其致病性相关。接下来我们对其中14 个预测的贾第虫microRNAs 进行了RT-PCR 检测并克隆测序,结果表明gla-mir-6, gla-mir-35 在贾第虫滋养体细胞中稳定表达。我们的研究第一次用生物信息学结合实验的方法在贾第虫寻找到了microRNAs,为下一步深入研究这些microRNAs 在贾第虫中的功能提供了可能。
MicroRNAs (miRNA) that are around 22 nucleotides long non-protein-coding RNAs, play key regulatory roles in plants. Recent research findings show that miRNAs are involved in plant defense and viral offense systems. Advances in understanding the mechanism of miRNA biogenesis and evolution are useful for elucidating the complicated roles they play in viral infection networks. In this paper a brief summary of evolution of plant anti-virus defense is given and the function of miRNAs involved in plant-virus competition is highlighted. It is believed that miRNAs have several advantages over homology-dependent and siRNA-mediated gene silencing when they are applied biotechnologically to promote plant anti-virus defense. miRNA-mediated anti-virus pathway is an ancient mechanism with a promising future. However, using miRNAs as a powerful anti-virus tool will be better realized only if miRNA genomics and functions in plant viral infection are fully understood.
Cellular therapies have recently employed the use of small RNA molecules, particularly microRNAs (miRNAs), to regulate various cellular processes that may be altered in disease states. In this study, we examined the effect of transient muscle-specific miRNA inhibition on the function of three-dimensional skeletal muscle cultures, or bioartificial muscles (BAMs). Skeletal myoblast differentiation in vitro is enhanced by inhibiting a proliferation-promoting miRNA (miR-133) expressed in muscle tissues. As assessed by functional force measurements in response to electrical stimulation at frequencies ranging from 0 to 20 Hz, peak forces exhibited by BAMs with miR-133 inhibition (anti-miR-133) were on average 20% higher than the corresponding negative control, although dynamic responses to electrical stimulation in miRNA-transfected BAMs and negative controls were similar to nontransfected controls. Immunostaining for alpha-actinin and myosin also showed more distinct striations and myofiber organization in anti-miR-133 BAMs, and fiber diameters were significantly larger in these BAMs over both the nontransfected and negative controls. Compared to the negative control, anti-miR-133 BAMs exhibited more intense nuclear staining for Mef2, a key myogenic differentiation marker. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that miRNA mediation has functional effects on tissue-engineered constructs.
CD133 is one of the most common stem cell markers, and functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD133 may modulate its gene functions and thus cancer risk and patient survival. We hypothesized that potentially functional CD133 SNPs are associated with gastric cancer (GC) risk and survival. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a case-control study of 371 GC patients and 313 cancer-free controls frequency-matched by age, sex, and ethnicity. We genotyped four selected, potentially functional CD133 SNPs (rs2240688A>C, rs7686732C>G, rs10022537T>A, and rs3130C>T) and used logistic regression analysis for associations of these SNPs with GC risk and Cox hazards regression analysis for survival. We found that compared with the miRNA binding site rs2240688 AA genotype, AC + CC genotypes were associated with significantly increased GC risk (adjusted OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.09-2.13); for another miRNA binding site rs3130C>T SNP, the TT genotype was associated with significantly reduced GC risk (adjusted OR = 0.68, 95% CI = 0.48-0.97), compared with CC + CT genotypes. In all patients, the risk rs3130 TT variant genotype was significantly associated with overall survival (OS) (adjusted P(trend) = 0.016 and 0.007 under additive and recessive models, respectively). These findings suggest that these two CD133 miRNA binding site variants, rs2240688 and rs3130, may be potential biomarkers for genetic susceptibility to GC and possible predictors for survival in GC patients but require further validation by larger studies.
Over the past ten years, a variety of microRNA target prediction methods has been developed, and many of the methods are constantly improved and adapted to recent insights into miRNA-mRNA interactions. In a typical scenario, different methods return different rankings of putative targets, even if the ranking is reduced to selected mRNAs that are related to a specific disease or cell type. For the experimental validation it is then difficult to decide in which order to process the predicted miRNA-mRNA bindings, since each validation is a laborious task and therefore only a limited number of mRNAs can be analysed. We propose a new ranking scheme that combines ranked predictions from several methods and - unlike standard thresholding methods - utilises the concept of Pareto fronts as defined in multi-objective optimisation. In the present study, we attempt a proof of concept by applying the new ranking scheme to hsa-miR-21, hsa-miR-125b, and hsa-miR-373 and prediction scores supplied by PITA and RNAhybrid. The scores are interpreted as a two-objective optimisation problem, and the elements of the Pareto front are ranked by the STarMir score with a subsequent re-calculation of the Pareto front after removal of the top-ranked mRNA from the basic set of prediction scores. The method is evaluated on validated targets of the three miRNA, and the ranking is compared to scores from DIANA-microT and TargetScan. We observed that the new ranking method performs well and consistent, and the first validated targets are elements of Pareto fronts at a relatively early stage of the recurrent procedure. which encourages further research towards a higher-dimensional analysis of Pareto fronts. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent research has demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulators of many cell processes often deregulated in cancer, including apoptosis. Indeed, it is becoming clear that many miRNAs are anti-apoptotic and mediate this effect by targeting pro-apoptotic mRNAs or positive regulators of pro-apoptotic mRNAs. Conversely, many pro-apoptotic miRNAs target anti-apoptotic mRNAs or their positive regulators. We have reviewed the current knowledge in this area including evidence of miRNA involvement in cancer drug resistance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Osteosarcoma (OS) is a primary bone tumor that is most prevalent during adolescence. RUNX2, which stimulates differentiation and suppresses proliferation of osteoblasts, is deregulated in OS. Here, we define pathological roles of RUNX2 in the etiology of OS and mechanisms by which RUNX2 expression is stimulated. RUNX2 is often highly expressed in human OS biopsies and cell lines. Small interference RNA (siRNA)-mediated depletion of RUNX2 inhibits growth of U2OS OS cells. RUNX2 levels are inversely linked to loss of p53 (which predisposes to OS) in distinct OS cell lines and osteoblasts. RUNX2 protein levels decrease upon stabilization of p53 with the MDM2 inhibitor Nutlin-3. Elevated RUNX2 protein expression is post-transcriptionally regulated and directly linked to diminished expression of several validated RUNX2 targeting microRNAs (miRNAs) in human OS cells compared to mesenchymal progenitor cells. The p53-dependent miR-34c is the most significantly down-regulated RUNX2 targeting miRNA in OS. Exogenous supplementation of miR-34c markedly decreases RUNX2 protein levels, while 3UTR reporter assays establish RUNX2 as a direct target of miR-34c in OS cells. Importantly, Nutlin-3 mediated stabilization of p53 increases expression of miR-34c and decreases RUNX2. Thus, a novel RUNX2-p53-miR34 network controls cell growth of osseous cells and is compromised in OS.
Finding a suitable cell source for endothelial cells (ECs) for cardiovascular regeneration is a challenging issue for regenerative medicine. In the paper we describe a novel mechanism regulating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) differentiation into ECs, with a particular focus on miRNAs and their targets. We first established a protocol using collagen IV and VEGF to drive the functional differentiation of iPSCs into ECs and compared the miRNA signature of differentiated and undifferentiated cells. Among the miRNAs overrepresented in differentiated cells, we focused on microRNA-21 (miR-21) and studied its role in iPSC differentiation. Overexpression of miR-21 in pre-differentiated iPSCs induced EC marker upregulation and in vitro and in vivo capillary formation; accordingly, inhibition of miR-21 produced the opposite effects. Importantly, miR-21 overexpression increased TGF-β2 mRNA and secreted protein level, consistent with the strong upregulation of TGF-β2 during iPSC differentiation. Indeed, treatment of iPSCs with TGFβ-2 induced EC marker expression and in vitro tube formation. Inhibition of SMAD3, a downstream effector of TGFβ-2, strongly decreased VE-cadherin expression. Furthermore, TGFβ-2 neutralization and knockdown inhibited miR-21-induced EC marker expression. Finally, we confirmed the PTEN/Akt pathway as a direct target of miR-21 and we showed that PTEN knockdown is required for miR-21 mediated endothelial differentiation. In conclusion, we elucidated a novel signaling pathway that promotes the differentiation of iPSC into functional ECs suitable for regenerative medicine applications.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short (similar to 22nt), single stranded RNA molecules that function as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. MiRNAs can regulate a variety of important biological pathways, including: cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Profiling of miRNA expression patterns was shown to be more useful than the equivalent mRNA profiles for characterizing poorly differentiated tumours. As such, miRNA expression "signatures" are expected to offer serious potential for diagnosing and prognosing cancers of any provenance. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of using deregulation of urinary miRNAs in order to detect Prostate Cancer (PCa) among Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). To identify the miRNA signatures specific for PCa, miRNA expression profiling of 8 PCa patients, 12 BPH patients and 10 healthy males was carried out using whole genome expression profiling. Differential expression of two individual miRNAs between healthy males and BPH patients was detected and found to possibly target genes related to PCa development and progression. The sensitivity and specificity of miR-1825 for detecting PCa among BPH individuals was found to be 60% and 69%, respectively. Whereas, the sensitivity and specificity of miR-484 were 80% and 19%, respectively. Additionally, the sensitivity and specificity for miR-1825/484 in tandem were 45% and 75%, respectively. The proposed PCa miRNA signatures may therefore be of great value for the accurate diagnosis of PCa and BPH. This exploratory study has identified several possible targets that merit further investigation towards the development and validation of diagnostically useful, non-invasive, urine-based tests that might not only help diagnose PCa but also possibly help differentiate it from BPH.
MicroARN (miARN) ont récemment émergé comme un acteur central du gène réseau de régulation impliqués dans la prise du destin cellulaire. L'apoptose, un actif processus, par lequel des cellules déclenchent leur auto-destruction en réponse à un signal, peut être contrôlé par les miARN. Il a également été impliqué dans une variété de maladies humaines, comme les maladies du cœur, et a été pensé comme une cible pour le traitement de la maladie. Tanshinone IIA (TIIA), un monomère de phenanthrenequinones utilisé pour traiter maladies cardiovasculaires, est connu pour exercer des effets cardioprotecteurs de l'infarctus du myocarde en ciblant l'apoptose par le renforcement de Bcl-2 expression. Pour explorer les liens potentiels entre le miARN et l'action anti-apoptotique de TIIA, nous étudié l'implication possible des miARN. Nous avons constaté que l'expression de tous les trois membres de la famille miR-34, miR-34a, miR-34b et miR-34c ont été fortement régulée à la hausse après l'exposition soit à la doxorubicine, un agent endommageant l'ADN ou de pro-oxydant H2O2 pendant 24 heures. Cette régulation à la hausse causé significativement la mort cellulaire par apoptose, comme déterminé par fragmentation de l'ADN, et les effets ont été renversés par les ARNs antisens de ces miARN. Le prétraitement des cellules avec TIIA avant l'incubation avec la doxorubicine ou H2O2 a empêché surexpression de miR-34 et a réduit des apoptose. Nous avons ensuite établi BCL2L2, API5 et TCL1, en plus de BCL2, comme les gènes nouveaux cibles pour miR-34. Nous avons également élucidé que la répression des ces gènes par MiR-34 explique l'effet proapoptotique dans les cardiomyocytes. Ce que la régulation positive de ces gènes par TIIA realisée par la répression de l'expression de miR-34 est probable le mécanisme moléculaire de son effet bénéfique contre ischémique lésions cardiaques.