951 resultados para lung viscoelasticity


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Objective: Gorticosteroids have been proposed to be effective in modulating the inflammatory response and pulmonary tissue remodeling in acute lung injury (ALI). We hypothesized that steroid treatment might act differently in models of pulmonary (p) or extrapulmonary (exp) ALI with similar mechanical compromise. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: One hundred twenty-eight BALB/c mice (20-25 g). Interventions: Mice were divided into six groups. In control animals sterile saline solution was intratracheally (0.05 mL, Cp) or intraperitoneally (0.5 mL, Gexp) injected, whereas ALI animals received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide intratracheally (10 mu g, ALIp) or intraperitoneally (125 mu g, ALIexp). Six hours after lipopolysaccharide administration, ALIp and ALlexp animals were further randomized into subgroups receiving saline (0.1 mL intravenously) or methylprednisolone (2 mg/kg intravenously, Mp and Mexp, respectively). Measurements and Main Results: At 24 hrs, lung state elastance, resistive and viscoelastic pressures, lung morphometry, and collagen fiber content were similar in both ALI groups. KC, interieukin-6, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta levels in bronchoatveolar lavage fluid, as well as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, migration inhibitory factor (MIF), interferon (IFN)-gamma, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 messenger RNA expression in lung tissue were higher in ALIp than in ALIexp animals. Methylprednisolone attenuated mechanical and morphometric changes, cytokine levels, and TNF-alpha, MIF, IFN gamma, and TGF-beta 2 messenger RNA expression only in ALIp animals, but prevented any changes in collagen fiber content in both ALI groups. Conclusions. Methylprednisolone is effective to inhibit fibrogenesis independent of the etiology of ALI, but its ability to attenuate inflammatory responses and lung mechanical changes varies according to the cause of ALI.


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The impact of particle emissions by biomass burning is increasing throughout the world. We explored the toxicity of particulate matter produced by sugar cane burning and compared these effects with equivalent mass of traffic-derived particles. For this purpose, BALB/c mice received a single intranasal instillation of either distilled water (C) or total suspended particles (15 mu g) from an urban area (SP group) or biomass burning-derived particles (Bio group). Lung mechanical parameters (total, resistive and viscoelastic pressures, static elastance, and elastic component of viscoelasticity) and histology were analyzed 24h after instillation. Trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) metabolites of the two sources of particles were determined. All mechanical parameters increased similarly in both pollution groups compared with control, except airway resistive pressure, which increased only in Bio. Both exposed groups showed significantly higher fraction area of alveolar collapse, and influx of polymorphonuclear cells in lung parenchyma than C. The composition analysis of total suspended particles showed higher concentrations of PAHs and lower concentration of metals in traffic than in biomass burning-derived particles. In conclusion, we demonstrated that a single low dose of ambient particles, produced by traffic and sugar cane burning, induced significant alterations in pulmonary mechanics and lung histology in mice. Parenchymal changes were similar after exposure to both particle sources, whereas airway mechanics was more affected by biomass-derived particles. Our results indicate that biomass particles were at least as toxic as those produced by traffic. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We studied the results of chronic oral administration of amiodarone on in vitro lung tissue mechanics, light and electron microscopy. Fifteen Wistar male rats were divided into three groups. In control (CTRL) group animals received saline (0.5 mL/day). In amiodarone (AMIO) groups, amiodarone was administered by gavage at a dose of 175 mg/kg 5 days per week for 6 (6AMIO) or 12 weeks (12AMIO). Lung tissue strips were analyzed 24 h after the last drug administration. Tissue resistance and elastance were higher in 6AMIO and 12AMIO than in CTRL, while hysteresivity was similar in all groups. Total amount of collagen fibers in lung parenchyma increased progressively with the time course of the lesion. However, at 6 weeks there was an increase in the amount of type III collagen fibers, while in 12AMIO mainly type I collagen fibers were found. In our study amiodarone increased lung tissue impedance that was accompanied by matrix remodeling and lesion of type II pneumocytes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work we investigated the effects of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (CdtV) on the pulmonary mechanic events [static and dynamic elastance, resistive (Delta P1) and viscoelastic pressures (Delta P2)] and histology after intramuscular injection of saline solution (control) or venom (0.6 mu g/g). The static and dynamic elastance values were increased significantly after 3 It of venom inoculation, but were reduced at control values in the other periods studied. The Delta P1 values that correspond to the resistive properties of lung tissue presented a significant increase after 6 h of CdtV injection, reducing to basal levels 12 h after the venom injection. In Delta P2 analysis, correspondent to viscoelastic components, an increase occurred 12 h after the venom injection, returning to control values at 24 h. CdtV also caused an increase of leukocytes recruitment (3-24 h) to the airways wall as well as to the lung parenchyma. In conclusion, C. durissus terrificus rattlesnake venom leads to lung injury which is reverted, after 24 h of inoculation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers (RMs) might act differently in models of pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) acute lung injury (ALI) with similar transpulmonary pressure changes. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting. University research laboratory. Subjects: Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. In control groups, sterile saline solution was intratracheally (0.1 mL, Cp) or intraperitoneally (1 mL, Cexp) injected, whereas ALI animals received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide intratracheally (100 jig, ALIp) or intraperitoneally (1 mg, ALIexp). After 24 hrs, animals were mechanically ventilated (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H2O) and three RMs (pressure inflations to 40 cm H2O for 40 secs, 1 min apart) applied. Measurements and Main Results. Pao(2), lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures, static elastance, lung histology (light and electron microscopy), and type III procollagen messenger RNA expression in pulmonary tissue were measured before RMs and at the end of 1 hr of mechanical ventilation. Mechanical variables, gas exchange, and the fraction of area of alveolar collapse were similar in both ALI groups. After RMs, lung resistive and viscoelastic pressures and static elastance decreased more in ALIexp (255%,180%, and 118%, respectively) than in ALIp (103%, 59%, and 89%, respectively). The amount of atelectasis decreased more in ALIexp than in ALIp (from 58% to 19% and from 59% to 33%, respectively). RMs augmented type III procollagen messenger RNA expression only in the ALIp group (19%), associated with worsening in alveolar epithelium injury but no capillary endothelium lesion, whereas the ALIexp group showed a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane. Conclusions. Given the same transpulmonary pressures, RMs are more effective at opening collapsed alveoli in ALIexp than in ALIp, thus improving lung mechanics and oxygenation with limited damage to alveolar epithelium.


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Oral tolerance attenuates changes in in vitro lung tissue mechanics and extracellular matrix remodeling induced by chronic allergic inflammation in guinea pigs. J Appl Physiol 104: 1778-1785, 2008. First published April 3, 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00830.2007.-Recent studies emphasize the presence of alveolar tissue inflammation in asthma. Immunotherapy has been considered a possible therapeutic strategy for asthma, and its effect on lung tissue had not been previously investigated. Measurements of lung tissue resistance and elastance were obtained before and after both ovalbumin and acetylcholine challenges. Using morphometry, we assessed eosinophil and smooth muscle cell density, as well as collagen and elastic fiber content, in lung tissue from guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary allergic inflammation. Animals received seven inhalations of ovalbumin (1-5 mg/ml; OVA group) or saline (SAL group) during 4 wk. Oral tolerance (OT) was induced by offering ad libitum ovalbumin 2% in sterile drinking water starting with the 1st inhalation (OT1 group) or after the 4th (OT2 group). The ovalbumin-exposed animals presented an increase in baseline and in postchallenge resistance and elastance related to baseline, eosinophil density, and collagen and elastic fiber content in lung tissue compared with controls. Baseline and post-ovalbumin and acetylcholine elastance and resistance, eosinophil density, and collagen and elastic fiber content were attenuated in OT1 and OT2 groups compared with the OVA group. Our results show that inducing oral tolerance attenuates lung tissue mechanics, as well as eosinophilic inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling induced by chronic inflammation.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of the rate of airway pressure increase and duration of recruitment maneuvers on lung function and activation of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and apoptosis in experimental acute lung injury. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-five Wistar rats submitted to acute lung injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Interventions: After 48 hrs, animals were randomly distributed into five groups (seven animals each): 1) nonrecruited (NR); 2) recruitment maneuvers (RMs) with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 15 secs (CPAP15); 3) RMs with CPAP for 30 secs (CPAP30); 4) RMs with stepwise increase in airway pressure (STEP) to targeted maximum within 15 secs (STEP15); and 5) RMs with STEP within 30 secs (STEP30). To perform STEP RMs, the ventilator was switched to a CPAP mode and positive end-expiratory pressure level was increased stepwise. At each step, airway pressure was held constant. RMs were targeted to 30 cm H(2)O. Animals were then ventilated for 1 hr with tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Measurements and Main Results: Blood gases, lung mechanics, histology (light and electronic microscopy), interleukin-6, caspase 3, and type 3 procollagen mRNA expressions in lung tissue. All RMs improved oxygenation and lung static elastance and reduced alveolar collapse compared to NR. STEP30 resulted in optimal performance, with: 1) improved lung static elastance vs. NR, CPAP15, and STEP15; 2) reduced alveolar-capillary membrane detachment and type 2 epithelial and endothelial cell injury scores vs. CPAP15 (p < .05); and 3) reduced gene expression of interleukin-6, type 3 procollagen, and caspase 3 in lung tissue vs. other RMs. Conclusions: Longer-duration RMs with slower airway pressure increase efficiently improved lung function, while minimizing the biological impact on lungs. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1074-1081)


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We tested the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMCs) at an early phase of cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced sepsis may have lasting effects on: (1) lung mechanics and histology, (2) the structural remodelling of lung parenchyma, (3) lung, kidney, and liver cell apoptosis, and (4) pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors. At day 1, BMDMC significantly reduced mortality, as well as caspase-3, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1 beta vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta, but increased IL-10 mRNA expression in lung tissue in septic mice contributing to endothelium and epithelium alveolar repair and improvement of lung mechanics. BMDMC also prevented the increase of apoptotic cells in lung, liver, and kidney. At day 7, these early functional and morphological effects were preserved or further improved. In conclusion, in the present model of sepsis, the beneficial effects of early administration of BMDMCs on lung and distal organs were preserved, possibly by paracrine mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We hypothesized that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMC) would attenuate the remodeling process in a chronic allergic inflammation model. C57BL/6 mice were assigned to two groups. In OVA, mice were sensitized and repeatedly challenged with ovalbumin. Control mice (C) received saline under the same protocol. C and OVA were further randomized to receive BMDMC (2 x 10(6)) or saline intravenously 24 h before the first challenge. BMDMC therapy reduced eosinophil infiltration, smooth muscle-specific actin expression, subepithelial fibrosis, and myocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, thus causing a decrease in airway hyperresponsiveness and lung mechanical parameters. BMDMC from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic mice transplanted into GFP-negative mice yielded lower engraftment in OVA. BMDMC increased insulin-like growth factor expression, but reduced interleukin-5, transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor, and vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA expression. In conclusion, in the present chronic allergic inflammation model, BMDMC therapy was an effective pre-treatment protocol that potentiated airway epithelial cell repair and prevented inflammatory and remodeling processes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Up to 60% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) patients can present airway hyperresponsiveness. However, it is not known whether the peripheral lung tissue also shows an exaggerated response to agonists in COPD. Objectives: To investigate the in vitro mechanical behavior and the structural and inflammatory changes of peripheral lung tissue in COPD patients and compare to nonsmoking controls. Methods: We measured resistance and elastance at baseline and after acetylcholine (ACh) challenge of lung strips obtained from 10 COPD patients and 10 control subjects. We also assessed the alveolar tissue density of neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, mast cells and CD8+ and CD4+ cells, as well as the content of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells and elastic and collagen fibers. We further investigated whether changes in in vitro parenchymal mechanics correlated to structural and inflammatory parameters and to in vivo pulmonary function. Results: Values of resistance after ACh treatment and the percent increase in tissue resistance (%R) were higher in the COPD group (p <= 0.03). There was a higher density of macrophages and CD8+ cells (p < 0.05) and a lower elastic content (p = 0.003) in the COPD group. We observed a positive correlation between %R and eosinophil and CD8+ cell density (r = 0.608, p = 0.002, and r = 0.581, p = 0.001, respectively) and a negative correlation between %R and the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s to forced vital capacity (r = -0.451, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The cholinergic responsiveness of parenchymal lung strips is increased in COPD patients and seems to be related to alveolar tissue eosinophilic and CD8 lymphocytic inflammation and to the degree of airway obstruction on the pulmonary function test. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: In acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers have been used to open collapsed lungs and set positive end-expiratory pressure, but their effectiveness may depend on the degree of lung injury. This study uses a single experimental model with different degrees of lung injury and tests the hypothesis that recruitment maneuvers may have beneficial or deleterious effects depending on the severity of acute lung injury. We speculated that recruitment maneuvers may worsen lung mechanical stress in the presence of alveolar edema. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-six Wistar rats randomly divided into three groups (n = 12 per group). Interventions: In the control group, saline was intraperitoneally injected, whereas moderate and severe acute lung injury animals received paraquat intraperitoneally (20 mg/kg [moderate acute lung injury] and 25 mg/kg [severe acute lung injury]). After 24 hrs, animals were further randomized into subgroups (n = 6/each) to be recruited (recruitment maneuvers: 40 cm H(2)O continuous positive airway pressure for 40 secs) or not, followed by 1 hr of protective mechanical ventilation (tidal volume, 6 mL/kg; positive end-expiratory pressure, 5 cm H(2)O). Measurements and Main Results: Only severe acute lung injury caused alveolar edema. The amounts of alveolar collapse were similar in the acute lung injury groups. Static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, hyperinflation, lung, liver, and kidney cell apoptosis, and type 3 procollagen and interleukin-6 mRNA expressions in lung tissue were more elevated in severe acute lung injury than in moderate acute lung injury. After recruitment maneuvers, static lung elastance, viscoelastic pressure, and alveolar collapse were lower in moderate acute lung injury than in severe acute lung injury. Recruitment maneuvers reduced interleukin-6 expression with a minor detachment of the alveolar capillary membrane in moderate acute lung injury. In severe acute lung injury, recruitment maneuvers were associated with hyperinflation, increased apoptosis of lung and kidney, expression of type 3 procollagen, and worsened alveolar capillary injury. Conclusions: In the presence of alveolar edema, regional mechanical heterogeneities, and hyperinflation, recruitment maneuvers promoted a modest but consistent increase in inflammatory and fibrogenic response, which may have worsened lung function and potentiated alveolar and renal epithelial injury. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 2207-2214)


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We tested the hypothesis that at the early phase of acute lung injury (ALI) the degree of endothelium injury may predict lung parenchyma remodelling For this purpose, two models of extrapulmonary ALI induced by Escherichia col: lipopolysaccharide (ALI-LPS) or cecal ligation and puncture (ALI-CLP) were developed in mice At day 1, these models had similar degrees of lung mechanical compromise, epithelial damage, and intraperitoneal inflammation, but endothelial lesion was greater in ALI-CLP A time course analysis revealed, at day 7 ALI-CLP had higher degrees of epithelial lesion, denudation of basement membrane, endothelial damage, elastic and collagen fibre content, neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), peritoneal fluid and blood, levels of interleukin-6, KC (murine analogue of IL-8), and transforming growth factor-beta in BALF Conversely, the number of lung apoptotic cells was similar in both groups In conclusion, the intensity of fibroelastogenesis was affected by endothelium injury in addition to the maintenance of epithelial damage and intraperitoneal inflammation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The treatment of microcystin-LR (MCYST-LR)-induced lung inflammation has never been reported Hence. LASSBio 596, an anti-Inflammatory drug candidate, designed as symbiotic agent that modulates TNF-alpha levels and inhibits phosphodiesterase types 4 and 5, or dexamethasone were tested in this condition Swiss mice were intraperitoneally (i p) injected with 60 mu l of saline (CTRL) or a sub-lethal dose of MCYST-LR (40 mu g/kg). 6 h later they were treated (i p.) with saline (TOX), LASSB10 596 (10 mg/kg, L596), or dexamethasone (1 mg/kg, 0.1 mL, DEXA). 8 h after MCYST-LR injection, pulmonary mechanics were determined, and lungs and livers prepared for histopathology, biochemical analysis and quantification of MCYST-LR. TOX showed significantly higher lung impedance than CTRL and L596, which were similar. DEXA could only partially block the mechanical alterations. In both TOX and DEXA alveolar collapse and inflammatory cell influx were higher than in CTRL and L596, being LASSB10 596 more effective than dexamethasone. TOX showed oxidative stress that was not present in an and L596, while DEXA was partially efficient. MCYST-LR was detected in the livers of all mice receiving MCYST-LR and no recovery was apparent In conclusion, LASSBio 596 was more efficient than dexamethasone in reducing the pulmonary functional impairment induced by MCYST-LR. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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Along the aluminum refining process, alumina (Al(2)O(3)) constitutes the main source of dust. Although aluminum refinery workers present respiratory symptoms with lung functional changes, no conclusive data about lung function impairment after alumina exposure has been so far reported. We examined the pulmonary alterations of exposure to material collected in an aluminum refinery in Brazil. BALB/c mice were exposed in a whole-body chamber for 1 h to either saline (CTRL, n = 11) or to a suspension (in saline) of 8 mg/m(3) of the dust (ALUM, n = 11) both delivered by an ultrasonic nebulizer. Twenty-four hours after exposure lung mechanics were measured by the end-inflation method. Lungs were prepared for histology. ALUM showed significantly higher static elastance (34.61 +/- 5.76 cmH(2)O/mL), elastic component of viscoelasticity (8.16 +/- 1.20 cmH(2)O/mL), pressure used to overcome the resistive component of viscoelasticity (1.62 +/- 0.24 cmH(2)O), and total resistive pressure (2.21 +/- 0.49 cmH(2)O) than CTRL (27.95 +/- 3.63 cmH(2)O/mL, 6.12 +/- 0.99 cmH(2)O/mL, 1.23 +/- 0.19 cmH(2)O, and 1.68 +/- 0.23 cmH(2)O, respectively). ALUM also presented significantly higher fraction area of alveolar collapse (69.7 +/- 1.2%) and influx of polymorphonuclear cells (27.5 +/- 1.1%) in lung parenchyma than CTRL (27.2 +/- 1.1% and 14.6 +/- 0.7%, respectively). The composition analysis of the particulate matter showed high concentrations of aluminum. For the first time it was demonstrated in an experimental model that an acute exposure to dust collected in an aluminum producing facility impaired lung mechanics that could be associated with inflammation.


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The goal of the study was to compare the effects of different assisted ventilation modes with pressure controlled ventilation (PCV) on lung histology, arterial blood gases, inflammatory and fibrogenic mediators in experimental acute lung injury (ALI). Paraquat-induced ALI rats were studied. At 24 h, animals were anaesthetised and further randomized as follows (n = 6/group): (1) pressure controlled ventilation mode (PCV) with tidal volume (V (T)) = 6 ml/kg and inspiratory to expiratory ratio (I:E) = 1:2; (2) three assisted ventilation modes: (a) assist-pressure controlled ventilation (APCV1:2) with I:E = 1:2, (b) APCV1:1 with I:E = 1:1; and (c) biphasic positive airway pressure and pressure support ventilation (BiVent + PSV), and (3) spontaneous breathing without PEEP in air. PCV, APCV1:1, and APCV1:2 were set with P (insp) = 10 cmH(2)O and PEEP = 5 cmH(2)O. BiVent + PSV was set with two levels of CPAP [inspiratory pressure (P (High) = 10 cmH(2)O) and positive end-expiratory pressure (P (Low) = 5 cmH(2)O)] and inspiratory/expiratory times: T (High) = 0.3 s and T (Low) = 0.3 s. PSV was set as follows: 2 cmH(2)O above P (High) and 7 cmH(2)O above P (Low). All rats were mechanically ventilated in air and PEEP = 5 cmH(2)O for 1 h. Assisted ventilation modes led to better functional improvement and less lung injury compared to PCV. APCV1:1 and BiVent + PSV presented similar oxygenation levels, which were higher than in APCV1:2. Bivent + PSV led to less alveolar epithelium injury and lower expression of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6, and type III procollagen. In this experimental ALI model, assisted ventilation modes presented greater beneficial effects on respiratory function and a reduction in lung injury compared to PCV. Among assisted ventilation modes, Bi-Vent + PSV demonstrated better functional results with less lung damage and expression of inflammatory mediators.