955 resultados para light extraction efficiency


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Die Erdatmosphäre besteht hauptsächlich aus Stickstoff (78%), Sauerstoff (21%) und Edelga¬sen. Obwohl Partikel weniger als 0,1% ausmachen, spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre, da sie das Klima der Erde sowohl direkt als auch indirekt beeinflussen. Je nach Art der Bildung unterscheidet man zwischen primären und sekundären Partikeln, wobei primäre Partikel direkt in die Atmosphäre eingetragen werden. Sekundäre Partikel hingegen entstehen durch Kondensation von schwerflüchtigen Verbindungen aus der Gasphase, welche durch Reaktionen von gasförmigen Vorläufersubstanzen (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) mit atmosphärischen Oxidantien wie Ozon oder OH-Radikalen gebildet werden. Da die meisten Vorläufersubstanzen organischer Natur sind, wird das daraus gebil¬dete Aerosol als sekundäres organisches Aerosol (SOA) bezeichnet. Anders als die meisten primären Partikel stammen die VOCs überwiegend aus biogenen Quellen. Es handelt sich da¬bei um ungesättigte Kohlenwasserstoffe, die bei intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung und hohen Temperaturen von Pflanzen emittiert werden. Viele der leichtflüchtigen Vorläufersubstanzen sind chiral, sowohl die Vorläufer als auch die daraus gebildeten Partikel werden aber in den meisten Studien als eine Verbindung betrachtet und gemeinsam analysiert. Die mit Modellen berechneten SOA-Konzentrationen, welche auf dieser traditionellen Vorstellung der SOA-Bil¬dung beruhen, liegen deutlich unterhalb der in der Atmosphäre gefundenen, so dass neben diesem Bildungsweg auch noch andere SOA-Bildungsarten existieren müssen. Aus diesem Grund wird der Fokus der heutigen Forschung vermehrt auf die heterogene Chemie in der Partikelphase gerichtet. Glyoxal als Modellsubstanz kommt hierbei eine wichtige Rolle zu. Es handelt sich bei dieser Verbindung um ein Molekül mit einem hohen Dampfdruck, das auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft nur in der Gasphase zu finden sein sollte. Da es aber über zwei Alde¬hydgruppen verfügt, ist es sehr gut wasserlöslich und kann dadurch in die Partikelphase über¬gehen, wo es heterogenen chemischen Prozessen unterliegt. Unter anderem werden in An¬wesenheit von Ammoniumionen Imidazole gebildet, welche wegen der beiden Stickstoff-He¬teroatome lichtabsorbierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Die Verteilung von Glyoxal zwischen der Gas- und der Partikelphase wird durch das Henrysche Gesetz beschrieben, wobei die Gleichgewichtskonstante die sogenannte Henry-Konstante ist. Diese ist abhängig von der un¬tersuchten organischen Verbindung und den im Partikel vorhandenen anorganischen Salzen. Für die Untersuchung chiraler Verbindungen im SOA wurde zunächst eine Filterextraktions¬methode entwickelt und die erhaltenen Proben anschließend mittels chiraler Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie, welche an ein Elektrospray-Massenspektrometer gekoppelt war, analysiert. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf dem am häufigsten emittierten Monoterpen α-Pinen und seinem Hauptprodukt, der Pinsäure. Da bei der Ozonolyse des α-Pinens das cyclische Grund¬gerüst erhalten bleibt, können trotz der beiden im Molekül vorhanden chiralen Zentren nur zwei Pinsäure Enantiomere gebildet werden. Als Extraktionsmittel wurde eine Mischung aus Methanol/Wasser 9/1 gewählt, mit welcher Extraktionseffizienzen von 65% für Pinsäure Enan¬tiomer 1 und 68% für Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 erreicht werden konnten. Des Weiteren wurden Experimente in einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer durchgeführt, um die Produkte der α-Pinen Ozonolyse eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Enantiomer 1 wurde demnach aus (+)-α-Pinen gebildet und Enantiomer 2 entstand aus (-)-α-Pinen. Auf Filterproben aus dem brasilianischen Regenwald konnte ausschließlich Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 gefunden werden. Enantiomer 1 lag dauerhaft unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze von 18,27 ng/mL. Im borealen Nadelwald war das Verhältnis umgekehrt und Pinsäure Enantiomer 1 überwog vor Pinsäure Enantiomer 2. Das Verhältnis betrug 56% Enantiomer 1 zu 44% Enantiomer 2. Saisonale Verläufe im tropischen Regenwald zeigten, dass die Konzentrationen zur Trockenzeit im August höher waren als wäh¬rend der Regenzeit im Februar. Auch im borealen Nadelwald wurden im Sommer höhere Kon¬zentrationen gemessen als im Winter. Die Verhältnisse der Enantiomere änderten sich nicht im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf. Die Bestimmung der Henry-Konstanten von Glyoxal bei verschiedenen Saataerosolen, nämlich Ammoniumsulfat, Natriumnitrat, Kaliumsulfat, Natriumchlorid und Ammoniumnitrat sowie die irreversible Produktbildung aus Glyoxal in Anwesenheit von Ammoniak waren Forschungs¬gegenstand einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer-Kampagne am Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Villigen, Schweiz. Hierzu wurde zunächst das zu untersuchende Saataerosol in der Kammer vorgelegt und dann aus photochemisch erzeugten OH-Radikalen und Acetylen Glyoxal er¬zeugt. Für die Bestimmung der Glyoxalkonzentration im Kammeraerosol wurde zunächst eine beste¬hende Filterextraktionsmethode modifiziert und die Analyse mittels hochauflösender Mas¬senspektrometrie realisiert. Als Extraktionsmittel kam 100% Acetonitril, ACN zum Einsatz wo¬bei die Extraktionseffizienz bei 85% lag. Für die anschließende Derivatisierung wurde 2,4-Di¬nitrophenylhydrazin, DNPH verwendet. Dieses musste zuvor drei Mal mittels Festphasenex¬traktion gereinigt werden um störende Blindwerte ausreichend zu minimieren. Die gefunde¬nen Henry-Konstanten für Ammoniumsulfat als Saataerosol stimmten gut mit in der Literatur gefundenen Werten überein. Die Werte für Natriumnitrat und Natriumchlorid als Saataerosol waren kleiner als die von Ammoniumsulfat aber größer als der Wert von reinem Wasser. Für Ammoniumnitrat und Kaliumsulfat konnten keine Konstanten berechnet werden. Alle drei Saataerosole führten zu einem „Salting-in“. Das bedeutet, dass bei Erhöhung der Salzmolalität auch die Glyoxalkonzentration im Partikel stieg. Diese Beobachtungen sind auch in der Litera¬tur beschrieben, wobei die Ergebnisse dort nicht auf der Durchführung von Kammerexperi¬menten beruhen, sondern mittels bulk-Experimenten generiert wurden. Für die Trennung der Imidazole wurde eine neue Filterextraktionsmethode entwickelt, wobei sich ein Gemisch aus mit HCl angesäuertem ACN/H2O im Verhältnis 9/1 als optimales Extrak¬tionsmittel herausstellte. Drei verschiedenen Imidazole konnten mit dieser Methode quanti¬fiziert werden, nämlich 1-H-Imidazol-4-carbaldehyd (IC), Imidazol (IM) und 2,2‘-Biimidazol (BI). Die Effizienzen lagen für BI bei 95%, für IC bei 58% und für IM bei 75%. Kammerexperimente unter Zugabe von Ammoniak zeigten höhere Imidazolkonzentrationen als solche ohne. Wurden die Experimente ohne Ammoniak in Anwesenheit von Ammoni¬umsulfat durchgeführt, wurden höhere Imidazol-Konzentrationen gefunden als ohne Ammo¬niumionen. Auch die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit spielte eine wichtige Rolle, da sowohl eine zu hohe als auch eine zu niedrige relative Luftfeuchtigkeit zu einer verminderten Imidazolbildung führte. Durch mit 13C-markiertem Kohlenstoff durchgeführte Experimente konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden, dass es sich bei den gebildeten Imidazolen und Glyoxalprodukte handelte. Außerdem konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene Bildungsmechanismus erfolgreich weiter¬entwickelt werden. Während der CYPHEX Kampagne in Zypern konnten erstmalig Imidazole in Feldproben nach¬gewiesen werden. Das Hauptprodukt IC zeigte einen tageszeitlichen Verlauf mit höheren Kon¬zentrationen während der Nacht und korrelierte signifikant aber schwach mit der Acidität und Ammoniumionenkonzentration des gefundenen Aerosols.


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Conventional liquid liquid extraction (LLE) methods require large volumes of fluids to achieve the desired mass transfer of a solute, which is unsuitable for systems dealing with a low volume or high value product. An alternative to these methods is to scale down the process. Millifluidic devices share many of the benefits of microfluidic systems, including low fluid volumes, increased interfacial area-to-volume ratio, and predictability. A robust millifluidic device was created from acrylic, glass, and aluminum. The channel is lined with a hydrogel cured in the bottom half of the device channel. This hydrogel stabilizes co-current laminar flow of immiscible organic and aqueous phases. Mass transfer of the solute occurs across the interface of these contacting phases. Using a y-junction, an aqueous emulsion is created in an organic phase. The emulsion travels through a length of tubing and then enters the co-current laminar flow device, where the emulsion is broken and each phase can be collected separately. The inclusion of this emulsion formation and separation increases the contact area between the organic and aqueous phases, therefore increasing the area over which mass transfer can occur. Using this design, 95% extraction efficiency was obtained, where 100% is represented by equilibrium. By continuing to explore this LLE process, the process can be optimized and with better understanding may be more accurately modeled. This system has the potential to scale up to the industrial level and provide the efficient extraction required with low fluid volumes and a well-behaved system.


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An LED backlight has been designed using the flow-line design method. This method allows a very efficient control of the light extraction. The light is confined inside the guide by total internal reflection, being extracted only by specially calculated surfaces: the ejectors. Backlight designs presented here have a total optical efficiency of up to 80% (including Fresnel and absorption losses) with an FWHM below 30 degrees. The experimental results of the first prototype are shown.


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Herein we demonstrate a facile, reproducible, and template-free strategy to prepare g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites by an in situ growth mechanism. The results indicate that monodisperse Fe3O4 nanoparticles with diameters as small as 8 nm are uniformly deposited on g-C3N4 sheets, and as a result, aggregation of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles is effectively prevented. The as-prepared g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites exhibit significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity for the degradation of rhodamine B under visible-light irradiation. Interestingly, the g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites showed good recyclability without loss of apparent photocatalytic activity even after six cycles, and more importantly, g-C3N4–Fe3O4 could be recovered magnetically. The high performance of the g-C3N4–Fe3O4 photocatalysts is due to a synergistic effect including the large surface-exposure area, high visible-light-absorption efficiency, and enhanced charge-separation properties. In addition, the superparamagnetic behavior of the as-prepared g-C3N4–Fe3O4 nanocomposites also makes them promising candidates for applications in the fields of lithium storage capacity and bionanotechnology.


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Controlling the growth mechanism for nano-structures is one of the most critical topics in material science. In the past 10 years there has been intensive research worldwide in IIIN based nanowires for its many unique photonic and electrical properties at this scale. There are several advantages to nanostructuring III-N materials, including increased light extraction, increased device efficiency, reduction of efficiency droop, and reduction in crystallographic defect density. High defect densities that normally plague III-N materials and reduce the device efficiency are not an issue for nano-structured devices such as LEDs, due to the effective strain relaxation. Additionally regions of the light spectrum such as green and yellow, once found difficult to achieve in bulk planar LEDs, can be produced by manipulating the confinement and crystal facet growth directions of the active regions. A cheap and easily repeatable self-assembly nano-patterning technique at wafer scale was designed during this thesis for top down production of III-N nanowires. Through annealing under ammonia and N2 gas flow, the first reported dislocation defect bending was observed in III-N nanorods by in-situ transmission electron microscopy heating. By growing on these etched top down nanorods as a template, ultra-dense nanowires with apex tipped semi-polar tops were produced. The uniform spacing of 5nm between each wire is the highest reported space-filling factor at 98%. Finally by using these ultra-dense nanorods bridging the green gap of the light spectrum was possible, producing the first reported red, yellow, green light emission from a single nano-tip.


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The immune system is able to produce antibodies, which have the capacity to recognize and to bind to foreign molecules or pathogenic organisms. Currently, there are a diversity of diseases that can be treated with antibodies, like immunoglobulins G (IgG). Thereby, the development of cost-efficient processes for their extraction and purification is an area of main interest in biotechnology. Aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) have been investigated for this purpose, once they allow the reduction of costs and the number of steps involved in the process, when compared with conventional methods. Nevertheless, typical ABS have not showed to be selective, resulting in low purification factors and yields. In this context, the addition of ionic liquids (ILs) as adjuvants can be a viable and potential alternative to tailor the selectivity of these systems. In this work, ABS composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) of different molecular weight, and a biodegradable salt (potassium citrate) using ILs as adjuvants (5 wt%), were studied for the extraction and purification of IgG from a rabbit source. Initially, it was tested the extraction time, the effect on the molecular weight of PEG in a buffer solution of K3C6H5O7/C6H8O7 at pH≈7, and the effect of pH (59) on the yield (YIgG) and extraction efficiency (EEIgG%) of IgG. The best results regarding EEIgG% were achieved with a centrifugation step at 1000 rpm, during 10 min, in order to promote the separation of phases followed by 120 min of equilibrium. This procedure was then applied to the remaining experiments. The results obtained in the study of PEGs with different molecular weights, revealed a high affinity of IgG for the PEG-rich phase, and particularly for PEGs of lower molecular weight (EEIgG% of 96 % with PEG 400). On the other hand, the variation of pH in the buffer solution did not show a significant effect on the EEIgG%. Finally, it was evaluated the influence of the addition of different ILs (5% wt) on the IgG extraction in ABS composed of PEG 400 at pH≈7. In these studies, it was possible to obtain EEIgG% of 100% with the ILs composed of the anions [TOS]-, [CH3CO2]-and Cl-, although the obtained YIgG% were lower than 40%. On the other hand, the ILs composed of the anions Br-, as well as of the cation [C10mim]+, although not leading to EEIgG% of 100%, provide an increase in the YIgG%. ABS composed of PEG, a biodegradable organic salt and ILs as adjuvants, revealed to be an alternative and promising method to purify IgG. However, additional studies are still required in order to reduce the loss of IgG.


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Ergosterol, a molecule with high commercial value, is the most abundant mycosterol in Agaricus bisporus L. To replace common conventional extraction techniques (e.g. Soxhlet), the present study reports the optimal ultrasound-assisted extraction conditions for ergosterol. After preliminary tests, the results showed that solvents, time and ultrasound power altered the extraction efficiency. Using response surface methodology, models were developed to investigate the favourable experimental conditions that maximize the extraction efficiency. All statistical criteria demonstrated the validity of the proposed models. Overall, ultrasound-assisted extraction with ethanol at 375 W during 15 min proved to be as efficient as the Soxhlet extraction, yielding 671.5 ± 0.5mg ergosterol/100 g dw. However, with n-hexane extracts with higher purity (mg ergosterol/g extract) were obtained. Finally, it was proposed for the removal of the saponification step, which simplifies the extraction process and makes it more feasible for its industrial transference.


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With advances in nanolithography and dry etching, top-down methods of nanostructuring have become a widely used tool for improving the efficiency of optoelectronics. These nano dimensions can offer various benefits to the device performance in terms of light extraction and efficiency, but often at the expense of emission color quality. Broadening of the target emission peak and unwanted yellow luminescence are characteristic defect-related effects due to the ion beam etching damage, particularly for III–N based materials. In this article we focus on GaN based nanorods, showing that through thermal annealing the surface roughness and deformities of the crystal structure can be “self-healed”. Correlative electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy show the change from spherical nanorods to faceted hexagonal structures, revealing the temperature-dependent surface morphology faceting evolution. The faceted nanorods were shown to be strain- and defect-free by cathodoluminescence hyperspectral imaging, micro-Raman, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In-situ TEM thermal annealing experiments allowed for real time observation of dislocation movements and surface restructuring observed in ex-situ annealing TEM sampling. This thermal annealing investigation gives new insight into the redistribution path of GaN material and dislocation movement post growth, allowing for improved understanding and in turn advances in optoelectronic device processing of compound semiconductors.


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Résumé : Les performances de détecteurs à scintillation, composés d’un cristal scintillateur couplé à un photodétecteur, dépendent de façon critique de l’efficacité de la collecte et de l’extraction des photons de scintillation du cristal vers le capteur. Dans les systèmes d’imagerie hautement pixellisés (e.g. TEP, TDM), les scintillateurs doivent être arrangés en matrices compactes avec des facteurs de forme défavorables pour le transport des photons, au détriment des performances du détecteur. Le but du projet est d’optimiser les performances de ces détecteurs pixels par l'identification des sources de pertes de lumière liées aux caractéristiques spectrales, spatiales et angulaires des photons de scintillation incidents sur les faces des scintillateurs. De telles informations acquises par simulation Monte Carlo permettent une pondération adéquate pour l'évaluation de gains atteignables par des méthodes de structuration du scintillateur visant à une extraction de lumière améliorée vers le photodétecteur. Un plan factoriel a permis d'évaluer la magnitude de paramètres affectant la collecte de lumière, notamment l'absorption des matériaux adhésifs assurant l'intégrité matricielle des cristaux ainsi que la performance optique de réflecteurs, tous deux ayant un impact considérable sur le rendement lumineux. D'ailleurs, un réflecteur abondamment utilisé en raison de ses performances optiques exceptionnelles a été caractérisé dans des conditions davantage réalistes par rapport à une immersion dans l'air, où sa réflectivité est toujours rapportée. Une importante perte de réflectivité lorsqu'il est inséré au sein de matrices de scintillateurs a été mise en évidence par simulations puis confirmée expérimentalement. Ceci explique donc les hauts taux de diaphonie observés en plus d'ouvrir la voie à des méthodes d'assemblage en matrices limitant ou tirant profit, selon les applications, de cette transparence insoupçonnée.


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The formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cells causes damage to biomolecules, including membrane lipids, DNA, proteins and sugars. An important type of oxidative damage is DNA base hydroxylation which leads to the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-29-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) and 5-hydroxymethyluracil (5-HMUra). Measurement of these biomarkers in urine is challenging, due to the low levels of the analytes and the matrix complexity. In order to simultaneously quantify 8-oxodG and 5-HMUra in human urine, a new, reliable and powerful strategy was optimised and validated. It is based on a semi-automatic microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) technique, using a new digitally controlled syringe (eVolH), to enhance the extraction efficiency of the target metabolites, followed by a fast and sensitive ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC). The optimal methodological conditions involve loading of 250 mL urine sample (1:10 dilution) through a C8 sorbent in a MEPS syringe placed in the semi-automatic eVolH syringe followed by elution using 90 mL of 20% methanol in 0.01% formic acid solution. The obtained extract is directly analysed in the UHPLC system using a binary mobile phase composed of aqueous 0.1% formic acid and methanol in the isocratic elution mode (3.5 min total analysis time). The method was validated in terms of selectivity, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), extraction yield, accuracy, precision and matrix effect. Satisfactory results were obtained in terms of linearity (r2 . 0.991) within the established concentration range. The LOD varied from 0.00005 to 0.04 mg mL21 and the LOQ from 0.00023 to 0.13 mg mL21. The extraction yields were between 80.1 and 82.2 %, while inter-day precision (n=3 days) varied between 4.9 and 7.7 % and intra-day precision between 1.0 and 8.3 %. This approach presents as main advantages the ability to easily collect and store urine samples for further processing and the high sensitivity, reproducibility, and robustness of eVolHMEPS combined with UHPLC analysis, thus retrieving a fast and reliable assessment of oxidatively damaged DNA.


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Research on development of efficient passivation materials for high performance and stable quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) is highly important. While ZnS is one of the most widely used passivation material in QDSCs, an alternative material based on ZnSe which was deposited on CdS/CdSe/TiO2 photoanode to form a semi-core/shell structure has been found to be more efficient in terms of reducing electron recombination in QDSCs in this work. It has been found that the solar cell efficiency was improved from 1.86% for ZnSe0 (without coating) to 3.99% using 2 layers of ZnSe coating (ZnSe2) deposited by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method. The short circuit current density (Jsc) increased nearly 1-fold (from 7.25 mA/cm2 to13.4 mA/cm2), and the open circuit voltage (Voc) was enhanced by 100 mV using ZnSe2 passivation layer compared to ZnSe0. Studies on the light harvesting efficiency (ηLHE) and the absorbed photon-to-current conversion efficiency (APCE) have revealed that the ZnSe coating layer caused the enhanced ηLHE at wavelength beyond 500 nm and a significant increase of the APCE over the spectrum 400−550 nm. A nearly 100% APCE was obtained with ZnSe2, indicating the excellent charge injection and collection process in the device. The investigation on charge transport and recombination of the device has indicated that the enhanced electron collection efficiency and reduced electron recombination should be responsible for the improved Jsc and Voc of the QDSCs. The effective electron lifetime of the device with ZnSe2 was nearly 6 times higher than ZnSe0 while the electron diffusion coefficient was largely unaffected by the coating. Study on the regeneration of QDs after photoinduced excitation has indicated that the hole transport from QDs to the reduced species (S2−) in electrolyte was very efficient even when the QDs were coated with a thick ZnSe shell (three layers). For comparison, ZnS coated CdS/CdSe sensitized solar cell with optimum shell thickness was also fabricated, which generated a lower energy conversion efficiency (η = 3.43%) than the ZnSe based QDSC counterpart due to a lower Voc and FF. This study suggests that ZnSe may be a more efficient passivation layer than ZnS, which is attributed to the type II energy band alignment of the core (CdS/CdSe quantum dots) and passivation shell (ZnSe) structure, leading to more efficient electron−hole separation and slower electron recombination.


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The proposed simplified Integrated Sugar Production Process (ISPP) using membrane technology would allow the sugar industry to produce new product streams and higher quality mill sugar with increased sugar extraction efficiency. Membrane filtration technology has proven to be a technically sound process to increase sugar quality. However commercial viability has been uncertain partly because the benefits to crystallisation and sugar quality have not outweighed the increased processing cost. This simplified ISPP produces additional value-added liquid streams to make the membrane fractionation process more financially viable and improve the profitability of sugar manufacture. An experimental study used pilot scale membrane fractionation of clarified mill juice confirmed the technical feasibility of separating inorganic salt and antioxidant rich fractions from cane juice. The paper presents details on the compositions of the liquid streams along with their potential uses, values and challenges in getting these products out to market.


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Exotic and invasive woody vines are major environmental weeds of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation in coastal eastern Australia, where they smother standing vegetation, including large trees, and cause canopy collapse. We investigated, through glasshouse resource manipulative experiments, the ecophysiological traits that might facilitate faster growth, better resource acquisition and/or utilization and thus dominance of four exotic and invasive vines of South East Queensland, Australia, compared with their native counterparts. Relative growth rate was not significantly different between the two groups but water use efficiency (WUE) was higher in the native species while the converse was observed for light use efficiency (quantum efficiency, AQE) and maximum photosynthesis on a mass basis (Amax mass). The invasive species, as a group, also exhibited higher respiration load, higher light compensation point and higher specific leaf area. There were stronger correlations of leaf traits and greater structural (but not physiological) plasticity in invasive species than in their native counterparts. The scaling coefficients of resource use efficiencies (WUE, AQE and respiration efficiency) as well as those of fitness (biomass accumulated) versus many of the performance traits examined did not differ between the two species-origin groups, but there were indications of significant shifts in elevation (intercept values) and shifts along common slopes in many of these relationships – signalling differences in carbon economy (revenue returned per unit energy invested) and/or resource usage. Using ordination and based on 14 ecophysiological attributes, a fair level of separation between the two groups was achieved (51.5% explanatory power), with AQE, light compensation point, respiration load, WUE, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio, in decreasing order, being the main drivers. This study suggests similarity in trait plasticity, especially for physiological traits, but there appear to be fundamental differences in carbon economy and resource conservation between native and invasive vine species.