974 resultados para learning spaces


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This article shifts from the formal learning spaces of school anduniversity to an Australian public swimming pool to playfullyengage some of the dilemmas that recent theory poses forcurriculum studies. The article enacts multiple diffractions(Barad, 2007) as theory becomes swimming and swimmingbecomes theory, and ideas and movements are themselvesdiffracted or changed by the writing of a poem. What does thepool teach us? What is learnt at the pool? How does learningemerge at the pool? Physics, chemistry, biology, and artistrycombine, as multiple human and non-human bodies intra-act(Barad, 2007), calling each other into being in this exploration ofhow distributed agencies and fractal causalities (Bennett, 2010)change how learning might be thought, represented, andswum. The poem incorporated here serves as provocation andinspiration for other scholars struggling with these educationaldilemmas and interested in arts-based research.


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The most frequently told story charting the rise of mass schooling should be fairly familiar to most of us. This story normally centres around the post-enlightenment social changes of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and details how society slowly became more caring and more humane, and how we all decided that rather than simply being fodder for the mills, all children – including those from the working-classes - had the right to an education. The more civilised we became, the more we pushed back the school leaving age, until we eventually developed schools which clearly reflected the values and ambitions of the wider community. After all, are school not simply microcosms of society at large? In addition to this, the form that modern schooling takes is regarded as an unproblematic part of the same story. Of course we should organise our learning in the way we do, with the emphasis on formalised learning spaces, graded curricula, timetables of activities, various forms of assessment, and a clear hierarchy of authority. These features of the contemporary education merely reflect the fact that this is self-evidently the best system available. After all, how else could education possibly be organised?


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This volume is the second in a series that addresses change and development in the delivery of vocational and education programs in Queensland. A similar volume was published in 2007. Considerable change was foreshadowed for TAFE Queensland by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan (QSP) in 2006. This volume addresses implementation issues for the Actions identified in the QSP. The chapters focus on a breadth of issues that relate to the changing landscape for teaching and learning in TAFE Institutes. The incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches into the delivery of training packages remain key foci for change, as was evident in the first volume of this series. The chapters also consider issues for some client groups in VET, as well as approaches to professional development to build the capabilities of staff for new teaching and learning environments. The chapter by Sandra Lawrence examines the professional development issues for staff across TAFE institutes in the implementation of the Learning Management System. Suzanne Walsh discusses the issues of new “learning spaces” and “Mode 2 learning in the re-development at Southbank Institute. The chapter by Angela Simpson focuses on VET in schools and school-to-work transition programs. Josie Drew, in her chapter, takes up the issues of embedding employability skills into the delivery of training packages through flexible delivery. The chapter by Colleen Hodgins focuses on the organisational challenges for Lead Institutes in relation to the professional development for TAFE educators in light of policy changes. Bradley Jones discusses the changing roles of libraries in VET contexts and their importance. He examines the adequacy of the VOCED database and reflects on the current nature, role, and practices of VET libraries. Finally, Piero Dametto discusses the pragmatics for TAFE educators in understanding the use of digital objects and learning objects within the LMS and LCMS systems that were presaged in the QSP. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts. Donna Berthelsen Faculty of Education Queensland University of Technology


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Re-evaluation of pedagogical practice is driving learning design at Queensland University of Technology. One objective is to support approaches to increase student engagement and attendance in physical and virtual learning spaces through opportunities for active and problem-based learning. This paper provides an overview and preliminary evaluation of the pilot of one of these initiatives, the Open Web Lecture (OWL), a new web-based student response application that seamlessly integrates a virtual learning environment within a physical learning space.


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Using a critical ethnographic approach this study investigates the potential for multiple voices of experience, of educators, designers/architects, education facility planners and students/learners, to influence creatively the designing of school libraries. School libraries are considered as social and cultural entities within the contexts of school life and of wider society. It is proposed that school library designing is a social interaction of concern to those influenced by its practices and outcomes. School library designing is therefore of significance to educators and students as well as to those with professionally accredited involvement in school library designing, such as designers/architects and education facility planners. The study contends that current approaches to educational space designing, including school libraries, amplify the voices of accredited designers and diminish or silence the voices of the user participants. The study is conceptualised as creative processes of discovery, through which attention is paid to the voices of experience of user and designer participants, and is concerned with their understandings and experiences of school libraries and their understandings and experiences of designing. Grounded theory coding (Charmaz) is used for initial categorising of interview data. Critical discourse analysis (CDA, Fairclough) is used as analytical tool for reflection on the literature and for analysis of the small stories gathered through semi-structured interviews, field observations and documents. The critical interpretive stance taken through CDA, enables discussions of aspects of power associated with the understandings and experiences of participants, and for recognition of creative possibilities and creative influence within and beyond current conditions. Through an emphasis on prospects for educators and students as makers of the spaces and places of learning, in particular in school libraries, the study has the potential to inform education facility designing practices and design participant relationships, and to contribute more broadly to knowledge in the fields of education, design, architecture, and education facility planning.


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The dynamic interplay between existing learning frameworks: people, pedagogy, learning spaces and technology is challenging the traditional lecture. A paradigm is emerging from the correlation of change amongst these elements, offering new possibilities for improving the quality of the learning experience. For many universities, the design of physical learning spaces has been the focal point for blending technology and flexible learning spaces to promote learning and teaching. As the pace of technological change intensifies, affording new opportunities for engaging learners, pedagogical practice in higher education is not comparatively evolving. The resulting disparity is an opportunity for the reconsideration of pedagogical practice for increased student engagement in physical learning spaces as an opportunity for active learning. This interplay between students, staff and technology is challenging the value for students in attending physical learning spaces such as the traditional lecture. Why should students attend for classes devoted to content delivery when streaming and web technologies afford more flexible learning opportunities? Should we still lecture? Reconsideration of pedagogy is driving learning design at Queensland University of Technology, seeking new approaches affording increased student engagement via active learning experiences within large lectures. This paper provides an overview and an evaluation of one of these initiatives, Open Web Lecture (OWL), an experimental web based student response application developed by Queensland University of Technology. OWL seamlessly integrates a virtual learning environment within physical learning spaces, fostering active learning opportunities. This paper will evaluate the pilot of this initiative through consideration of effectiveness in increasing student engagement through the affordance of web enabled active learning opportunities in physical learning spaces.


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The dynamic interplay between existing learning frameworks: people, pedagogy, learning spaces and technology is challenging the traditional lecture. A paradigm is emerging from the correlation of change amongst these elements, offering new possibilities for improving the quality of the learning experience. For many universities, the design of physical learning spaces has been the focal point for blending technology and flexible learning spaces to promote learning and teaching. As the pace of technological change intensifies, affording new opportunities for engaging learners, pedagogical practice in higher education is not comparatively evolving. The resulting disparity is an opportunity for the reconsideration of pedagogical practice for increased student engagement in physical learning spaces as an opportunity for active learning. This interplay between students, staff and technology is challenging the value for students in attending physical learning spaces such as the traditional lecture. Why should students attend for classes devoted to content delivery when streaming and web technologies afford more flexible learning opportunities? Should we still lecture? Reconsideration of pedagogy is driving learning design at Queensland University of Technology, seeking new approaches affording increased student engagement via active learning experiences within large lectures. This paper provides an overview and an evaluation of one of these initiatives, Open Web Lecture (OWL), an experimental web based student response application developed by Queensland University of Technology. OWL seamlessly integrates a virtual learning environment within physical learning spaces, fostering active learning opportunities. This paper will evaluate the pilot of this initiative through consideration of effectiveness in increasing student engagement through the affordance of web enabled active learning opportunities in physical learning spaces.


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The Making Connections: Innovations in Learning and Teaching Forum, jointly hosted by the Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support (TILS) and the Learning and Teaching Unit (LTU), was held on 20 June. The forum provided a snapshot of innovative practice across QUT, as well as an overview of services supporting innovation. Past events have attracted sizeable audiences and informal feedback has been very positive and encouraging. The objective of the forum is to give an opportunity to academic teaching staff to share their innovative practice with their peers, and it is planned that more events will be held to allow for further sharing of ideas. The program for the June 2012 forum included the following presentations: Ms Lindy Osborne: The 7pm Project Dr Ana Pavasovic: A multifaceted approach to teaching a first year unit Mr Paul Willis: Out of our comfort zone: How can Collaborate engage students in inclusive teaching practices Dr Kelly Zuniga: Can you draw what I see? Recasting the ‘crit’ to engage a larger classroom audience Dr Peter Bell, Dr Mark Lauchs, Amy Henderson and Edward Robinson: Crime Club: Lightbulb moments Dr Deboarh Peach: Improving student engagement through the integration of blended delivery approaches in WIL. Lindy Osborne Biography: As an early career academic, Lindy Osborne draws upon professional experience as a registered architect to offer students pioneering curricula that are firmly grounded in real-world practice. Since commencing her academic career in 2008, she has purposefully reconceptualised the delivery of Architectural Design, Technology, Professional Practice and Research subjects, using innovative digital technology and empowering students to direct their own learning. Lindy is cognisant of the impact that the physical learning environment has on students, and seeks to actively modify it to support students by enabling powerful enactive learning. Using technology embedded flexible learning spaces and innovative simulated office practice pedagogy,students actively learn in an authentic environment, redressing the structural and cyclical factors that have resulted in a lack of workplace learning opportunities. Lindy’s creative integration of interdisciplinary opportunities, popular culture, social media and Web-2.0 technologies connects with students on their level, while they develop critical professional skills both inside and perhaps more importantly outside, the formal classroom environment.


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Australian universities now commonly list creativity amongst the generic attributes that graduates are expected to have achieved or demonstrated upon graduation. While this reflects emerging local and global trends to encourage creativity at every educational level, creativity as a generic capability has special difficulties. These include problems of definition, its perceived value, the gap between espoused beliefs and practice, and tensions between standards and accreditation agendas and the desire to embed creative outcomes in the curriculum. Contextual and disciplinary differences also shape the expression of creative teaching and teaching for creativity. This paper explores these issues, acknowledging the role of information and communications technologies in shaping the technology-enhanced learning spaces where creativity may emerge. Csikszentmihalyi’s model of creativity as a system of interactions is presented as a useful foundation for furthering the discourse in this domain, along with the notion of creative ecologies as spaces for effecting change.


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Policy makers increasingly recognise that an educated workforce with a high proportion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduates is a pre-requisite to a knowledge-based, innovative economy. Over the past ten years, the proportion of first university degrees awarded in Australia in STEM fields is below the global average and continues to decrease from 22.2% in 2002 to 18.8% in 2010 [1]. These trends are mirrored by declines between 20% and 30% in the proportions of high school students enrolled in science or maths. These trends are not unique to Australia but their impact is of concern throughout the policy-making community. To redress these demographic trends, QUT embarked upon a long-term investment strategy to integrate education and research into the physical and virtual infrastructure of the campus, recognising that expectations of students change as rapidly as technology and learning practices change. To implement this strategy, physical infrastructure refurbishment/re-building is accompanied by upgraded technologies not only for learning but also for research. QUT’s vision for its city-based campuses is to create vibrant and attractive places to learn and research and to link strongly to the wider surrounding community. Over a five year period, physical infrastructure at the Gardens Point campus was substantially reconfigured in two key stages: (a) a >$50m refurbishment of heritage-listed buildings to encompass public, retail and social spaces, learning and teaching “test beds” and research laboratories and (b) destruction of five buildings to be replaced by a $230m, >40,000m2 Science and Engineering Centre designed to accommodate retail, recreation, services, education and research in an integrated, coordinated precinct. This landmark project is characterised by (i) self-evident, collaborative spaces for learning, research and social engagement, (ii) sustainable building practices and sustainable ongoing operation and; (iii) dynamic and mobile re-configuration of spaces or staffing to meet demand. Innovative spaces allow for transformative, cohort-driven learning and the collaborative use of space to prosecute joint class projects. Research laboratories are aggregated, centralised and “on display” to the public, students and staff. A major visualisation space – the largest multi-touch, multi-user facility constructed to date – is a centrepiece feature that focuses on demonstrating scientific and engineering principles or science oriented scenes at large scale (e.g. the Great Barrier Reef). Content on this visualisation facility is integrated with the regional school curricula and supports an in-house schools program for student and teacher engagement. Researchers are accommodated in a combined open-plan and office floor-space (80% open plan) to encourage interdisciplinary engagement and cross-fertilisation of skills, ideas and projects. This combination of spaces re-invigorates the on-campus experience, extends educational engagement across all ages and rapidly enhances research collaboration.


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The economics of supporting learning has seen institutional encouragement of a wide range of blended learning initiatives in face to face and online teaching and learning. This has become one of the key drivers for the adoption of technology in teaching, in a manner occassionally guilty of putting the cart before the horse. Learning spaces are increasingly equipped with a dizzying array of technological options testifying to institutional and governmental investment and commitment in supporting face to face blended learning (QUT, 2011, C/4.2). Yet innovation within traditional learning and teaching models faces a number of challenges both at an institutional level and at the teaching coal face. Web 2.0 technologies present a vast array of opportunities to harness and capture the attention of students in engaging learning opportunitites. This presentation will explore technologies supportive of active learning pedagogies.


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As we race towards a new era, rapid change of conventional models has become the norm. Just as technology has etched itself to the core of society, the sheer quantity of student devices connecting to university networks presents a sector wide challenge coinciding almost perfectly with many universities creating technology rich learning spaces. New fears include future proofing. It is not just a matter of technology becoming outdated. In seeking to accommodate the teaching styles and experience of staff across diverse faculties, is this technology simply too vanilla to meet their needs as they become increasingly skilled and inspired by technology’s potential? Through the early findings of a study into staff use of technology within Queensland University of Technology's next generation collaborative learning spaces, this paper explores whether the answers lie in a model presented by students equipping themselves with the tools they need to learn in the 21st century.


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The Federal Government’s recent Building the Education Revolution program resulted in, among other features, the creation of over 600 new school libraries in Queensland alone. This paper reports on a component of a research project carried out with students in six primary schools and one secondary school that benefitted from the program, investigating the influences of these new physical environments on learning and teaching. In particular, this paper discusses one missing voice from the design process - that of the students who would be key users of the newly-created spaces in those schools. While opportunities for real involvement in design were minimal for most potential users of the new spaces, students’ imagined possibilities for school libraries, as submitted to the research project, suggest that students could have contributed different perspectives to enhance learning engagement through imaginative design elements. The findings of the project have relevance for teachers and teacher librarians in reconsidering the ways in which the new learning spaces are used as well as informing school designers in planning engaging school facilities. The findings may be extrapolated to the design and planning of general classrooms and other learning environments.


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Agile learning spaces have the potential to afford flexible and innovative pedagogic practice. However there is little known about the experiences of teachers and learners in newly designed learning spaces, and whether the potential for reimagined pedagogies is being realised. This paper uses data from a recent study into the experiences of teacher-librarians, teachers, students and leaders of seven Queensland school libraries built with Building the Education Revolution (BER) funding, to explore the question, “how does the physical environment of school libraries influence pedagogic practices?” This paper proposes that teachers explored new pedagogies within the spaces when there was opportunity for flexibility and experimentation and the spaces sufficiently supported their beliefs about student learning. The perspectives of a range of library users were gathered through an innovative research design incorporating student drawings, videoed library tours and reflections, and interviews. The research team collected qualitative data from school libraries throughout 2012. The libraries represented a variety of geographic locations, socioeconomic conditions and both primary and secondary campuses. The use of multiple data sources, and also the perspectives of the multiple researchers who visited the sites and then coded the data, enabled complementary insights and synergies to emerge. Principles of effective teacher learning that can underpin school wide learning about the potential for agile learning spaces to enhance student learning, are identified. The paper concludes that widespread innovative use of the new library spaces was significantly enhanced when the school leadership fostered whole school discussions about the type of learning the spaces might provoke. This research has the potential to inform school designers, teachers and teacher-librarians to make the most of the transformative potential of next generation learning spaces.


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In this article, we investigate eight and nine year old girls’ school and home use of the popular game Minecraft and the ways in which the girls ‘bring themselves into being’ through talk and digital production in the social spaces of the classroom and within the game’s multiplayer online world. This work was conducted as part of a broader digital games in education project involving primary and secondary school-aged students in Australia and focuses specifically on data collected from an all-girls primary school in Brisbane. We investigate the processes of identity construction that occur as the girls undertake practices of curatorship (Potter, 2012) to display their knowledge of Minecraft through discussion of the game, both ‘in world’ and in face-to-face interactions, and as they assemble resources within and around the game to design, build and display their creations and share stories about their game play. The article begins with a consideration of recent scholarship focussing on children, learning and digital culture and literacy practices before explaining how Minecraft is, in many ways, an exemplary instance of a digital game that promotes and enables complex practices of digital participation. We then introduce the concepts of performativity and recognition (Butler 1990, 2004, 2005) which, we argue, provide productive ways to theorise identity work within affinity groups. The article then outlines some background to the research project and our methodology before providing analysis of the data in the second half of the article. We conclude by outlining the implications of our investigation for the conceptualisation of learning spaces as affinity groups and for considering digital participation as curatorship.