957 resultados para learning platform


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La introducció de les TIC en l’ensenyament (les TAC) planteja molts interrogants entre els membres de la comunitat educativa, especialment entre el professorat. L’atracció del mitjà per als aprenents, la manca de reflexió en l’ús, tant per part del professorat com de l’alumnat, la necessitat d’una formació específica, l’adequació de les infraestructures al concepte i a les possibilitats que ofereix el web 2.0 i la incorporació de les aplicacions TAC en les programacions d’aula són alguns aspectes que mereixen una atenció específica i una anàlisi detinguda. La base de gran part de les respostes rau en una planificació eficaç de la formació del professorat que satisfaça les expectatives de tothom. Els projectes de centre, la utilització de plataformes educatives com Moodle i l’autoformació són sendes que ens acosten envers les solucions. En aquest treball, hi centrem l’atenció en les valoracions, les pràctiques habituals, les actituds i els coneixements relacionats amb la competència mediàtica o digital del professorat de l’IES Dr. Balmis d’Alacant. Ens basem en una enquesta realitzada en línia que aplega aquests continguts en una combinació d’ítems de resposta tancada i d’altres de resposta oberta.


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En un contexto dominado por las nuevas tecnologías, los MOOCs parecen posicionarse como una alternativa o complemento a la formación tradicional. Se observa sin embargo, que la metodología empleada por este tipo de cursos masivos, no difiere de la comúnmente utilizada en el aula. Este artículo evalúa y describe una nueva tipología de MOOC, denominada Social MOOC, la cual se presenta como disruptiva en cuanto a pedagogía se refiere. A través de la plataforma ECO Learning, se analiza de forma exhaustiva mediante un estudio de caso, la pedagogía empleada y el rol que asume el estudiante en el primer sMOOC llevado a cabo que tuvo lugar durante los meses de marzo y abril de 2015. Se concluye, que la pedagogía empleada en esta nueva versión social de los ya citados MOOC, es innovadora tanto dentro como fuera del contexto digital. Los estudiantes asumen un papel muy activo y la comunicación se torna de un carácter bidireccional entre el facilitador y los mismos.


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Clustering algorithms, pattern mining techniques and associated quality metrics emerged as reliable methods for modeling learners’ performance, comprehension and interaction in given educational scenarios. The specificity of available data such as missing values, extreme values or outliers, creates a challenge to extract significant user models from an educational perspective. In this paper we introduce a pattern detection mechanism with-in our data analytics tool based on k-means clustering and on SSE, silhouette, Dunn index and Xi-Beni index quality metrics. Experiments performed on a dataset obtained from our online e-learning platform show that the extracted interaction patterns were representative in classifying learners. Furthermore, the performed monitoring activities created a strong basis for generating automatic feedback to learners in terms of their course participation, while relying on their previous performance. In addition, our analysis introduces automatic triggers that highlight learners who will potentially fail the course, enabling tutors to take timely actions.


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Dans un contexte de prévention secondaire, les interventions motivationnelles brèves (IMB) effectuées par les infirmières ont le potentiel de réduire les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires. De par sa flexibilité, la formation en ligne s’impose aujourd’hui comme une méthode pédagogique essentielle au développement des habiletés cliniques des professionnels de la santé. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’effet préliminaire d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB (MOTIV@CŒUR) sur les habiletés perçues et l’utilisation clinique des IMB chez des infirmières en soins cardiovasculaires. Pour ce faire, une étude pilote pré-post à groupe unique a été menée. MOTIV@CŒUR est composée de deux sessions d’une durée totale de 50 minutes incluant des vidéos d’interactions infirmière-patient. Dans chaque session, une introduction théorique aux IMB est suivie de situations cliniques dans lesquelles une infirmière évalue la motivation à changer et intervient selon les principes des IMB. Les situations ciblent le tabagisme, la non-adhérence au traitement médicamenteux, la sédentarité et une alimentation riche en gras et en sel. Il était suggéré aux infirmières de compléter les deux sessions de formation en ligne en moins de 20 jours. Les données sur la faisabilité, l'acceptabilité et les effets préliminaires (habiletés perçues et utilisation clinique auto-rapportée des IMB) ont été recueillies à 30 jours (± 5 jours) après la première session. Nous avons recruté 27 femmes et 4 hommes (âge moyen 37 ans ± 9) en mars 2016. Vingt-quatre des 31 participants (77%) ont terminé les deux sessions de formation en moins de 20 jours. À un mois suite à l’entrée dans l’étude, 28 des 31 participants avaient complété au moins une session. Un haut niveau d’acceptabilité a été observé vu les scores élevés quant à la qualité de l'information, la facilité d'utilisation perçue et la qualité de la plateforme MOTIV@CŒUR. Le score d'utilisation clinique auto-rapporté des interventions visant la confiance était plus élevé après les deux sessions qu’avant les sessions (P = .032). Bien que tous les scores fussent plus élevés après les deux sessions qu’au début, les autres résultats n’étaient pas statistiquement significatifs. En conclusion, l’implantation d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB est à la fois faisable et acceptable auprès d’infirmières en soins aigus cardiovasculaires. De plus, une telle formation peut avoir un effet positif sur l'utilisation clinique d’interventions motivationnelles visant la confiance face au changement de comportement de santé.


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Dans un contexte de prévention secondaire, les interventions motivationnelles brèves (IMB) effectuées par les infirmières ont le potentiel de réduire les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires. De par sa flexibilité, la formation en ligne s’impose aujourd’hui comme une méthode pédagogique essentielle au développement des habiletés cliniques des professionnels de la santé. Le but de ce projet était d’évaluer la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’effet préliminaire d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB (MOTIV@CŒUR) sur les habiletés perçues et l’utilisation clinique des IMB chez des infirmières en soins cardiovasculaires. Pour ce faire, une étude pilote pré-post à groupe unique a été menée. MOTIV@CŒUR est composée de deux sessions d’une durée totale de 50 minutes incluant des vidéos d’interactions infirmière-patient. Dans chaque session, une introduction théorique aux IMB est suivie de situations cliniques dans lesquelles une infirmière évalue la motivation à changer et intervient selon les principes des IMB. Les situations ciblent le tabagisme, la non-adhérence au traitement médicamenteux, la sédentarité et une alimentation riche en gras et en sel. Il était suggéré aux infirmières de compléter les deux sessions de formation en ligne en moins de 20 jours. Les données sur la faisabilité, l'acceptabilité et les effets préliminaires (habiletés perçues et utilisation clinique auto-rapportée des IMB) ont été recueillies à 30 jours (± 5 jours) après la première session. Nous avons recruté 27 femmes et 4 hommes (âge moyen 37 ans ± 9) en mars 2016. Vingt-quatre des 31 participants (77%) ont terminé les deux sessions de formation en moins de 20 jours. À un mois suite à l’entrée dans l’étude, 28 des 31 participants avaient complété au moins une session. Un haut niveau d’acceptabilité a été observé vu les scores élevés quant à la qualité de l'information, la facilité d'utilisation perçue et la qualité de la plateforme MOTIV@CŒUR. Le score d'utilisation clinique auto-rapporté des interventions visant la confiance était plus élevé après les deux sessions qu’avant les sessions (P = .032). Bien que tous les scores fussent plus élevés après les deux sessions qu’au début, les autres résultats n’étaient pas statistiquement significatifs. En conclusion, l’implantation d’une plateforme de formation en ligne sur les IMB est à la fois faisable et acceptable auprès d’infirmières en soins aigus cardiovasculaires. De plus, une telle formation peut avoir un effet positif sur l'utilisation clinique d’interventions motivationnelles visant la confiance face au changement de comportement de santé.


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Within the pedagogical community, Serious Games have arisen as a viable alternative to traditional course-based learning materials. Until now, they have been based strictly on software solutions. Meanwhile, research into Remote Laboratories has shown that they are a viable, low-cost solution for experimentation in an engineering context, providing uninterrupted access, low-maintenance requirements, and a heightened sense of reality when compared to simulations. This paper will propose a solution where both approaches are combined to deliver a Remote Laboratory-based Serious Game for use in engineering and school education. The platform for this system is the WebLab-Deusto Framework, already well-tested within the remote laboratory context, and based on open standards. The laboratory allows users to control a mobile robot in a labyrinth environment and take part in an interactive game where they must locate and correctly answer several questions, the subject of which can be adapted to educators' needs. It also integrates the Google Blockly graphical programming language, allowing students to learn basic programming and logic principles without needing to understand complex syntax.


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Previous studies conclude that finding a collaborative tool to suit the e-Iearning environment adequately is quite a task. Consequently, research has been conducted for this very purpose, to trial the use of wikis as a platform to support collaboration in a way that students will embrace and adopt for regular use. The wiki is easily accessible, requires no software and allows its contributors to feel a sense of responsibility and ownership. However there are wiki related challenges that have yet to be researched in the online e-Iearning environment. Possible intrusions, no opinion control, user hostility, and unintentional deletions or editing all require further investigation. This paper will further research the wiki environment in the tertiary e-Iearning setting, as well as consider wiki moderation, member authentication, and interest sustainability to support this community focused collaborative tool. Relevant results from the current case study are explored whilst delivering meaningful data, thus providing an insight into how wikis are an appropriate platform to incorporate in the online collaborative environment.


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Construction Planning and Scheduling is taught for the fIrst time ill Semester 2, 2004 in the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University. During the unit development process and the implementation of teaching activities, several issues arose in relation to implementing computer-aided construction scheduling and unit delivery in a unitary environment. Although various types of construction planning and scheduling software have been developed and applied, none of them can be run inside an online teaching software package, which provides powerful functions in administration. This research aims to explore the strategies to connect a project planning and scheduling software package and an online ~aching and learning software package by a Web-based support platform so that both the lecturer and students can draw up and communicate a construction plan or schedule with tables and fIgures. The key techniques of this supportive platfonn are idt;nlifies and they include a web-based graphically user-interfaced, dynamic and distributed multimedia data acquisition mechanism, which accepts users' drawings and retrieval information from canvas and stores the multimedia data ona server for further usage. This paper demonstrates the techniques and principals needed to construct such a multimedia data acquisition tool. This. research will fill the gap.in the literature in respect to an online pedagogical solution to an existing problem.


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Modern e-learning systems represent a special type of web information systems. By definition, information systems are special computerized systems used to perform data operations by multiple users simultaneously. Each active user consumes an amount of hardware resources. A shortage of hardware resources can be caused by growing number of simultaneous users. Such situation can result in overall malfunctioning or slowed-down system. In order to avoid this problem, the underlying hardware system gets usually continuously upgraded. These upgrades, typically accompanied with various software updates, usually result in a temporarily increased amount of available resources. This work deals with the problem in a different way by proposing an implementation of a web e-learning system with a modified software architecture reducing resource usage of the server part to the bare minimum. In order to implement a full-scale e-learning system that could be used as a substitute to a conventional web e-learning system, a Rich Internet Application framework was used as basis. The technology allowed implementation of advanced interactivity features and provided an easy transfer of a substantial part of the application logic from server to clients. In combination with a special server application, the server part of the new system is able to run with a reasonable performance on a hardware with very limited computing resources.


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The area of mobile city guides has grown really fast in the last years based on new mobile capabilities. This growth has been fostered by the evolution of ubiquitous systems and the great penetration of smartphones in the society. In this paper we propose a generic model to support a new way of visiting the city: instead of as a place for tourism, we see it as a place for learning in which located educational resources are available for end users. The model has been conceived as a way to encourage them to create their own educational tours, in which Learning Points Of Interest are set up to be discovered. Two main use cases are supported by the model: formal (conducted by a teacher) and informal (no educator is related to the learning experience) outdoor mobile learning. Details about the impact of the conjunction of tourism, learning and gamification dimensions in the model design, as well as about the model itself are provided. Finally, a mobile application prototype developed in the context of the FI-CONTENT European project is presented as a proof of concept of the model.


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The increasing ageing population is demanding new care approaches to maintain the quality of life of elderly people. Informal carers are becoming crucial agents in the care and support of elderly people, which can lead to those carers suffering from additional stress due to competing priorities with employment or due to lack of knowledge about elderly people?s care needs. Thus, support and stress relief in carers should be a key issue in the home-care process of these older adults. Considering this context, this work presents the iCarer project aimed at developing a personalized and adaptive platform to offer informal carers support by means of monitoring their activities of daily care and psychological state, as well as providing an orientation to help them improve the care provided. Additionally, iCarer will provide e-Learning services and an informal carers learning network. As a result, carers will be able to expand their knowledge, supported by the experience provided by expert counsellors and fellow carers. Additionally, the coordination between formal and informal carers will be improved, offering the informal carers flexibility to organize and combine their assistance and social activities.


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Systematic evaluation of Learning Objects is essential to make high quality Web-based education possible. For this reason, several educational repositories and e-Learning systems have developed their own evaluation models and tools. However, the differences of the context in which Learning Objects are produced and consumed suggest that no single evaluation model is sufficient for all scenarios. Besides, no much effort has been put in developing open tools to facilitate Learning Object evaluation and use the quality information for the benefit of end users. This paper presents LOEP, an open source web platform that aims to facilitate Learning Object evaluation in different scenarios and educational settings by supporting and integrating several evaluation models and quality metrics. The work exposed in this paper shows that LOEP is capable of providing Learning Object evaluation to e-Learning systems in an open, low cost, reliable and effective way. Possible scenarios where LOEP could be used to implement quality control policies and to enhance search engines are also described. Finally, we report the results of a survey conducted among reviewers that used LOEP, showing that they perceived LOEP as a powerful and easy to use tool for evaluating Learning Objects.


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The use of serious games in education and their pedagogical benefit is being widely recognized. However, effective integration of serious games in education depends on addressing two big challenges: the successful incorporation of motivation and engagement that can lead to learning; and the highly specialised skills associated with customised development to meet the required pedagogical objectives. This paper presents the Westminster Serious Games Platform (wmin-SGP) an authoring tool that allows educators/domain experts without games design and development technical skills to create bespoke roleplay simulations in three dimensional scenes featuring fully embodied virtual humans capable of verbal and non-verbal interaction with users fit for specific educational objectives. The paper presents the wmin-SGP system architecture and it evaluates its effectiveness in fulfilling its purpose via the implementation of two roleplay simulations, one for Politics and one for Law. In addition, it presents the results of two types of evaluation that address how successfully the wmin-SGP combines usability principles and game core drives based on the Octalysis gamification framework that lead to motivating games experiences. The evaluation results shows that the wmin-SGP: provides an intuitive environment and tools that support users without advanced technical skills to create in real-time bespoke roleplay simulations in advanced graphical interfaces; satisfies most of the usability principles; and provides balanced simulations based on the Octalysis framework core drives. The paper concludes with a discussion of future extension of this real time authoring tool and directions for further development of the Octalysis framework to address learning.


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The current study examined the conceptions of learning held by upper primary children in government schools in Brunei. Previous studies have shown that the conceptions of learning held by students influence the ways in which they approach learning tasks and, in turn, impact on their learning outcomes. However, the majority of these studies were carried out with university and secondary school students, with little research involving primary school children. A phenomenographic research approach was used to describe the qualitatively different ways in which a group of sixteen upper primary children experienced learning in two government schools in Brunei. Data were gathered using scenariobased semi]structured interviews. Iterative cycles of analysis revealed three categories of description depicting three qualitatively different ways in which the children experienced the phenomenon. The three categories of description were: learning as acquiring information (Category 1), learning as remembering information (Category 2) and learning as doing hands]on activities (Category 3). These categories indicate a variation in the ways in which upper primary children experience learning in government schools in Brunei. The conceptions of learning held by the children provide a platform from which educators and policy]makers can consider possibilities for meaningful learning in government schools in Brunei.