964 resultados para laser techniques


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This paper shows how computational techniques have been used to develop axi-symmetric, straight, sonic-line, minimum length micro nozzles that are suitable for laser micro-machining applications. Gas jets are used during laser micro-machining processing applications to shield the interaction zone between laser and workpiece material, and they determine the machining efficiency of such applications. The paper discusses the nature of laser-material interactions and the importance of using computational fluid dynamics to model pressure distributions in short nozzles that are used to deliver gas to the laser-material interaction zone. Experimental results are presented that highlight unique problems associated with laser micro machining using gas jets.


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Alguns Bastonetes Gram-negativos não fermentadores (BGNNF) costumam ser considerados clinicamente pouco significantes e a sua implicação em infecções é subestimada. Devido à similaridade fenotípica, mudanças taxonômicas, baixa reatividade bioquímica e limitações nos bancos de dados em sistemas comerciais, a identificação de BGNNF é frequentemente equivocada, culminando com a denominação de diferentes micro-organismos apenas como BGNNF, por falta de melhor diferenciação. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, por métodos fenotípico convencional, proteômico e molecular, a identificação de BGNNF incomuns isolados em hemoculturas de pacientes atendidos em um hospital universitário no Rio de Janeiro. Foram selecionadas 78 amostras isoladas de hemoculturas caracterizadas no laboratório clinico como BGNNF para a identificação por sequenciamento dos genes 16S RNA e recA, por um conjunto amplo de testes fenotípicos manuais e por MALDI-TOF MS. Os micro-organismos predominantes na amostragem foram genotipados pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE). Pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, a maioria das amostras (n=31; 40%) foi incluída no gênero Burkholderia, seguido de Pseudomonas stutzeri (10%) e Delftia acidovorans (4%). Os demais isolados foram agrupados em 27 diferentes espécies. O sequencimento do gene recA identificou a maioria das espécies de Burkholderia como Burkholderia contaminans (n=19; 24%). Os testes fenotípicos incluíram as 31 amostras apenas no CBc e para as outras 47 amostras, a concordância com o sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA em nível de espécie foi de 64% (n=30) e apenas em gênero a concordância foi de 17% (n=8). A análise comparativa geral da identificação por MALDI-TOF MS com o sequenciamento do gene16S rRNA mostrou que 42% (n=33) das 78 amostras foram concordantes em nível de espécie e 45% (n=35) apenas em gênero. Excluindo as amostras do CBc, houve um aumento da concordância em nível de espécie para 60%. As discordâncias parecem ser devido às diferenças nos perfis proteicos das amostras em relação às amostras-referência do banco de dados do equipamento e podem ser aprimorados com a atualização de perfis no sistema. A análise do polimorfismo genético de B. contaminans mostrou a ausência de um clone disseminado causando surto, além da provável origem ambiental das infecções. Os setores de nefrologia e hemodiálise contribuíram com maior número de pacientes com amostras positivas (5 pacientes e 9 amostras). Os grupos clonais BcoD e BcoE foram encontrados em pacientes assistidos no mesmo setor com diferença de quatro meses (BcoD, nefrologia) e 1,5 ano (BcoE, hemodilálise), entre as culturas, respectivamente. As discordâncias entre as técnicas ocorreram principalmente devido a dificuldade de identificação das espécies do CBc. Os BGNNF incomuns são de difícil caracterização independente da metodologia usada e nenhum método por si só foi capaz de identificar todas as amostras.


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Siloxane Polymer exhibits low loss in the 800-1500 nm range which varies between 0.01 and 0.66 dB cm1. It is for such low loss the material is one of the most promising candidates in the application of engineering passive and active optical devices [1, 2]. However, current polymer fabrication techniques do not provide a methodology which allows high structurally solubility of Er3+ ions in siloxane matrix. To address this problem, Yang et al.[3] demonstrated a channel waveguide amplifier with Nd 3+-complex doped polymer, whilst Wong and co-workers[4] employed Yb3+ and Er3+ co-doped polymer hosts for increasing the gain. In some recent research we demonstrated pulsed laser deposition of Er-doped tellurite glass thin films on siloxane polymer coated silica substrates[5]. Here an alternative methodology for multilayer polymer-glass composite thin films using Er3+ - Yb3+ co-doped phosphate modified tellurite (PT) glass and siloxane polymer is proposed by adopting combinatorial pulsed laser deposition (PLD). © 2011 IEEE.


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The importance of metal coating technologies drives the continuous improvement of metal deposition techniques for application in a wide range of industrial sectors. This work presents the foundations of a new process technology for the deposition of Ti and Ti64 coatings on various substrates using supersonic powder streams and impact site laser heating. Full density metallic deposits are obtained under appropriate impact conditions without the need for transiting the melting point of the deposited material or substrate leading to large energy savings. Details of the experimental approach will be presented along with the general characteristics of the titanium coatings produced using this novel coatings method.


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The importance of metal coating technologies drives the continuous improvement of metal deposition techniques for application in a wide range of industrial sectors. This work presents the foundations of a new process technology for the deposition of titanium coatings on steel tube substrates using supersonic powder streams and impact site laser heating, known as Supersonic Laser Deposition (SLD). Metallic deposits are obtained under appropriate impact conditions without the need for exceeding the melting point of the deposited material or substrate leading to improved coating quality. Details of the experimental approach are presented along with the general characteristics of the titanium coating produced using this novel coatings method. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Graphene-based saturable absorber is fabricated using wet chemistry techniques. We use it to passively mode-lock an Erbium doped fiber laser. ~500fs pulses are produced at 1560nm with a 5.2nm spectrum bandwidth. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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The efficiency and overall quality of a laser cutting operation is highly dependent on the assist gas parameters. The desire to cut thicker material has led to the observation of small process operating windows for thicker sections. The gas jet delivery and subsequent dynamical behaviour have significant effects on the cutting operation as the sample thickness increases. To date, few workers have examined the dynamical behaviour of the gas jet. This paper examines the characteristics of oxygen gas jets during CO2 laser cutting of steel. Particular emphasis is placed on the mass transfer effects that are operating within the kerf. Oxygen concentration levels within a model kerf are measured for various laser cutting set-ups. The results show a substantial reduction in oxygen concentration within the kerf. A system for oxygen concentration maintenance is described and cutting results from this system are compared with conventional techniques for cutting steels in the range 10 to 20mm thick. A theoretical analysis of turbulent mass transfer within a kerf is presented and compared with experiment.


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This paper demonstrates the application of laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques to a particle-laden reacting flow of pulverized coal. A laboratory-scale open-type annular burner is utilized to generate velocity profiles of coal particles and micrometric alumina particles. Pair-wise two-component LDV measurements and high-speed stereo PIV measurements provide three-dimensional velocity components of the flow field. A detailed comparison of velocities for alumina and coal particle seeding revealed differences attributed to the wide size distribution of coal particles. In addition, the non-spherical shape and high flame luminosity associated with coal particle combustion introduces noise to the Mie scatter images. The comparison of mean and RMS velocities measured by LDV and PIV techniques showed that PIV measurements are affected by the wide size distribution of coal particles, whereas LDV measurements become biased toward the velocity of small particles, as signals from large particles are rejected. This small-particle bias is also reflected in the spectral characteristics for both techniques, which are in good agreement within the range of frequencies accessible. PIV measurements showed an expected lack of response of large coal particles to the turbulence fluctuations. The overall good agreement between LDV and PIV measurements demonstrates the applicability of the high-speed PIV technique to a particle-laden, high luminosity coal flame while highlighting some of its limitations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The authors present numerical simulations of ultrashort pulse generation by a technique of linear spectral broadening in phase modulators and compression in dispersion compensating fibre, followed by a further stage of soliton compression in dispersion shifted fibre. This laser system is predicted to generate pulses of 140 fs duration with a peak power of 1.5 kW over a wide, user selectable repetition rate range while maintaining consistent characteristics of stability and pulse quality. The use of fibre compressors and commercially available modulators is expected to make the system setup compact and cost-effective. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014.


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In this letter, the power spectrum of a cooled distributed feedback laser module is measured using the self-heterodyne technique. Periodical oscillation peaks have been observed in the measurement. Further investigation shows that the additional modulation signal is coupled from the thermal electric cooler (TEC) controller to the laser driver, and then applied to the laser diode. The additional modulation can be eliminated by properly isolating the laser driving source from the TEC controller.


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A novel method for characterizing the parasitics of parasitic network is proposed based on the relations between the scattering parameters of a semiconductor laser chip and laser diode. Experiments are designed and performed using our method. The analysis results are in good agreement with the measurements. Furthermore, how the parasitics change with the parasitic element values are investigated. The method only needs reflection coefficient of laser diode to be measured, which is simple because of the developed electrical-domain measurement techniques. 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Based on the high frequency techniques such as frequency response measurement, equivalent circuit modeling and packaging parasitics compensation, a comprehensive optimization method for packaging high-speed semiconductor laser module is presented in this paper. The experiments show that the small-signal magnitude frequency response of the TO packaged laser module is superior to that of laser diode in frequencies, and the in-band flatness and the phase-frequency linearity are also improved significantly.


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A 1.55-mu m single shallow ridge electroabsorptionmodulated distributed feedback laser that is monolithically integrated with a buried-ridge-stripe dual-core spot-size converter (SSC) at the input and output ports was fabricated by combining selective area growth, quantum-well intermixing, and dual-core integration techniques simultaneously. These devices exhibit a threshold current of 34 mA, a side mode suppression ratio of 38.0 dB, a 3-dB modulation bandwidth of 11.0 GHz, and a modulator extinction ratio of 25.0 dB dc. The output beam divergence angles of the SSC in the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 7.3 degrees x 18 degrees, respectively, resulting in 3.2-dB coupling loss with a cleaved single-mode optical fiber.


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Scattering parameters of photodiode chip, TO header and TO packaged module are measured, and the effects of TO packaging network on the high-frequency response of photodiode are investigated. Based on the analysis, the potential bandwidth of TO packaging techniques is estimated from the scattering parameters of the TO packaging network. Another method for estimating the potential bandwidth from the equivalent circuit for the TO packaged photodiode model is also presented. The results obtained using both methods show that the TO packaging techniques used in the experiments can potentially achieve a frequency bandwidth of 22 GHz.


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By optimizing the molecule beam epitaxy growth condition, the quality of quantum cascade (QC) material has greatly been improved. The spectrum of double x-ray diffraction indicates that the interface between the constituent layers is very smooth, the lattice mismatch between the epilayer and the substrate is less than 0.1%, and the periodicity fluctuation of the active region is not more than 4.2%. The QC laser with the emission wavelength of about 5.1 mum is operated at the threshold of 0.73 kA/cm(2) at liquid nitrogen temperature with the repetition rate of 10kHz and at a duty cycle of 1%. Meanwhile, the performance of the laser can be improved with suitable post process techniques such as the metallic ohmic contact technology.