978 resultados para laser spectroscopy, ESR, bismuth, lithium-like, QED-test


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We report on the measurement of second-harmonic signals from hyperplastic parenchyma and stroma in malignant human prostate tissue under femtosecond pulsed illumination in the wavelength range from 730 to 870 nm. In particular, the relationship of the second-harmonic generation to the excitation wavelength is measured. The result in these two regions behaves considerably differently and thus provides a possible indicator for identifying tissue components and malignancy.


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Polymeric outdoor insulators are being increasingly used for electrical power transmission and distribution in the recent years. One of the current topics of interest for the power transmission community is the aging of such outdoor polymeric insulators. A few research groups are carrying out aging studies at room temperature with wet period as an integral part of multistress aging cycle as specified by IEC standards. However, aging effect due to dry conditions alone at elevated temperatures and electric stress in the presence of radiation environment has probably not been explored. It is interesting to study and understand the insulator performance under dry conditions where wet periods are either rare or absent and to estimate the extent of aging caused by multiple stresses. This paper deals with the long-term accelerated multistress aging on full-scale 11 kV distribution class composite silicone rubber insulators. In order to assess the long-term synergistic effect of electric stress, temperature and UV radiation on insulators, they are subjected to accelerated aging in a specially designed multistress-aging chamber for 3800 hours. All the stresses are applied at an accelerated level. Using a data acquisition system developed for the work, leakage current has been monitored in LabVIEW environment. Chemical changes due to degradations have been studied using Energy Dispersive X-Ray analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope and Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Periodically different parameters like low molecular weight (LMW) molecular content, hydrophobicity, leakage current and surface morphology were monitored. The aging study is under progress and only intermediate results are presented in this paper.


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We have measured hyperfine structure in the first-excited P state (D lines) of all the naturally occurring alkali atoms. We use high-resolution laser spectroscopy to resolve hyperfine transitions, and measure intervals by locking the frequency shift produced by an acousto-optic modulator to the difference between two transitions. In most cases, the hyperfine coupling constants derived from our measurements improve previous values significantly.


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Recent picosecond and subpicosecond laser spectroscopy experiments have revealed several chemically and biologically important reactions in solution in which the reaction potential surface does not present a barrier to the motion along the reaction coordinate.The dynamics of these reactions display diverse and interesting behavior. They include the dependence of relaxation rate on the solvent viscosity, the solvent polarity, the temperature, and the wavelength of the exciting light. In this article we review the recent developments in the theoretical description of activationless processes in solution and compare them with the available experimental results


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The fluid flow associated with micro and meso scale devices is currently of interest. Experiments were performed to study the fluid flow in meso-scale channels. A straight flow tube was fabricated with 1.0x4.0mm^2 in rectangular cross section and 200mm in length, which was made of quartz for flow visualization and PIV measurements. Reynolds numbers were ranged from 311 to over 3105. The corresponding pressure drop was from 0.65KPa to over 16.58KPa between the inlet and outlet of the tube. The micro PIV was developed to measure the velocity distribution in the tube. A set of microscope object lens was mounted ahead of CCD camera to obtain optimized optical magnification on the CCD chip. The velocity distributions near the outlet of the tube were measured to obtain full-developed flow. A CW laser beam was focused directly on the test section by a cylinder lens to form a small light sheet. Thus, high power density of light was formed on the view region. It is very important to the experiment while the velocity of the flow reaches to a few meters per second within millimeter scale. In this case, it is necessary to reduce exposure time to microseconds for PIV measurements. In the present paper, the experimental results are compared with the classical theories.


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Transparent Ni2+-doped beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics were synthesized. The nanocrystal phase in the glass-ceramics was identified to be beta-Ga2O3 and its size was about 3.6 nm. It was confirmed from the absorption spectra that the ligand environment of Ni2+ ions changed from the trigonal bi-pyramid fivefold sites in the as-cast glass to the octahedral sites in the glass-ceramics. The broadband infrared emission centering at 1270 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 250 nm was observed. The fluorescence lifetime was about 1.1 mu s at room temperature. The observed infrared emission could be attributed to the T-3 (2g) (F-3) -> (3)A (2g) (F-3) transition of octahedral Ni2+ ions. It is suggested that the Ni2+-doped transparent beta-Ga2O3 glass-ceramics with broad bandwidth and long lifetime have a potential as a broadband amplification medium.


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A hanseníase, uma doença conhecida por suas lesões de pele anestésicas, é a principal causa de neuropatia periférica nos países endêmicos. Os episódios reacionais são classicamente conhecidos por promover piora da função nervosa através das chamadas neurites que variam de quadros exuberantes a assintomáticos. Estas características da neuropatia tornam o diagnóstico precoce excepcionalmente desafiador assim como a necessidade de se intervir para se prevenir lesões permanentes nos nervos. Este estudo clínico, prospectivo, foi realizado selecionando-se pacientes com hanseníase, independente da forma clínica, no Ambulatório Souza Araujo, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, que apresentavam episódios reacionais. O objetivo foi estudar o perfil neurológico clínico, eletroneurofisiológico e por imagem do nervo antes e após o tratamento das reações. Foram avaliados vinte e cinco pacientes levando-se em conta: exame neurológico, avaliação fisioterápica, estudo de condução nervosa, avaliação de espessura e ecogenicidade nervosa pelo método ultrassonográfico, fluxometria por laser Doppler e teste quantitativo da sensibilidade durante e um ano após o tratamento da reação. Estes pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: oito pacientes com neurite aguda, nove pacientes com neurite silenciosa e oito pacientes com reação cutânea sem neurite. Nos pacientes com episódios reacionais, observou-se predomínio do sexo masculino (60%), do grupo multibacilar (80%) e da forma clínica borderline-lepromatosa (36%). A neurite isolada foi o tipo de reação mais frequente, seguida de neurite associada à reação do tipo1, seguida da neurite associada à reação do tipo 2. O nervo motor mais acometido por neurite foi o fibular seguido pelo ulnar, enquanto o nervo sensitivo mais acometido foi o sural. O padrão eletroneuromiográfico característico dos episódios reacionais foi a mononeurite múltipla. A ultrassonografia, a fluxometria por laser Doppler e o teste quantitativo de sensibilidade, associados à clínica e ao estudo da condução nervosa, foram tidos como exames úteis para avaliação inicial e para acompanhar o tratamento dos episódios reacionais. Após o tratamento, foi constatada melhora nos parâmetros referentes à função motora, mas o mesmo não ocorreu para sensibilidade. Com esse estudo, observa-se a necessidade de acompanhamento multidiciplinar com exames especializados para os pacientes com hanseníase a fim de diagnóstico de reação e tratamento precoce evitando sequelas neurológicas.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively and negatively charged ions were studied by use of density functional method. Ground electronic state was assigned for each molecule. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d and f orbitals and oxygen p orbitals. Contrary to the well known lanthanide contraction, the bond distance is not regular from LaO to LuO for both neutral and charged molecules. An obvious population at 5d orbital was observed through the lanthanide series. 4f electrons also participate the chemical bonding for CeO to NdO and TbO to TmO. For EuO, GdO, YbO and LuO, 4f electrons tend to be localized. The spin multiplicity is regular for neutral and charged molecules. The spin multiplicity of the charged molecules can be obtained by -1 (or +1 for TbO+, DyO+, YbO- and YbO+) compared with the corresponding neutral molecules.


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is a homogeneous non-equilibrium discharge at ambient pressure. It operates with a noble base gas and a percentage-volume admixture of a molecular gas. Applications of the discharge are mainly based on reactive species in the effluent. The effluent region of a discharge operated in helium with an oxygen admixture has been investigated. The optical emission from atomic oxygen decreases with distance from the discharge but can still be observed several centimetres in the effluent. Ground state atomic oxygen, measured using absolutely calibrated two-photon laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy, shows a similar behaviour. Detailed understanding of energy transport mechanisms requires investigations of the discharge volume and the effluent region. An atmospheric pressure plasma jet has been designed providing excellent diagnostics access and a simple geometry ideally suited for modelling and simulation. Laser spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy can be applied in the discharge volume and the effluent region.


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A scheme for producing collimated protons from laser interactions with a diamond-like-carbon+pinhole target is proposed. The process is based on radiation pressure acceleration in the multi-species light-sail regime [B. Qiao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 155002 (2010); T. P. Yu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 065002 (2010)]. Particle-in-cell simulations demonstrate that transverse quasistatic electric field at TV/m level can be generated in the pinhole. The transverse electric field suppresses the transverse expansion of protons effectively, resulting in a higher density and more collimated proton beam compared with a single foil target. The dependence of the proton beam divergence on the parameters of the pinhole is also investigated. 


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La spectroscopie Raman est un outil non destructif fort utile lors de la caractérisation de matériau. Cette technique consiste essentiellement à faire l’analyse de la diffusion inélastique de lumière par un matériau. Les performances d’un système de spectroscopie Raman proviennent en majeure partie de deux filtres ; l’un pour purifier la raie incidente (habituellement un laser) et l’autre pour atténuer la raie élastique du faisceau de signal. En spectroscopie Raman résonante (SRR), l’énergie (la longueur d’onde) d’excitation est accordée de façon à être voisine d’une transition électronique permise dans le matériau à l’étude. La section efficace d’un processus Raman peut alors être augmentée d’un facteur allant jusqu’à 106. La technologie actuelle est limitée au niveau des filtres accordables en longueur d’onde. La SRR est donc une technique complexe et pour l’instant fastidieuse à mettre en œuvre. Ce mémoire présente la conception et la construction d’un système de spectroscopie Raman accordable en longueur d’onde basé sur des filtres à réseaux de Bragg en volume. Ce système vise une utilisation dans le proche infrarouge afin d’étudier les résonances de nanotubes de carbone. Les étapes menant à la mise en fonction du système sont décrites. Elles couvrent les aspects de conceptualisation, de fabrication, de caractérisation ainsi que de l’optimisation du système. Ce projet fut réalisé en étroite collaboration avec une petite entreprise d’ici, Photon etc. De cette coopération sont nés les filtres accordables permettant avec facilité de changer la longueur d’onde d’excitation. Ces filtres ont été combinés à un laser titane : saphir accordable de 700 à 1100 nm, à un microscope «maison» ainsi qu’à un système de détection utilisant une caméra CCD et un spectromètre à réseau. Sont d’abord présentés les aspects théoriques entourant la SRR. Par la suite, les nanotubes de carbone (NTC) sont décrits et utilisés pour montrer la pertinence d’une telle technique. Ensuite, le principe de fonctionnement des filtres est décrit pour être suivi de l’article où sont parus les principaux résultats de ce travail. On y trouvera entre autres la caractérisation optique des filtres. Les limites de basses fréquences du système sont démontrées en effectuant des mesures sur un échantillon de soufre dont la raie à 27 cm-1 est clairement résolue. La simplicité d’accordabilité est quant à elle démontrée par l’utilisation d’un échantillon de NTC en poudre. En variant la longueur d’onde (l’énergie d’excitation), différentes chiralités sont observées et par le fait même, différentes raies sont présentes dans les spectres. Finalement, des précisions sur l’alignement, l’optimisation et l’opération du système sont décrites. La faible acceptance angulaire est l’inconvénient majeur de l’utilisation de ce type de filtre. Elle se répercute en problème d’atténuation ce qui est critique plus particulièrement pour le filtre coupe-bande. Des améliorations possibles face à cette limitation sont étudiées.


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Two-dimensional electronic systems play a crucial role in modern electronics and offer a multitude of opportunities to study the fundamental phenomena at low dimensional physics. A quantum well heterostructure based on polyaniline (P) and iodine doped polyaniline (I) thin films were fabricated using radio frequency plasma polymerization on indium tin oxide coated glass plate. Scanning probe microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies were employed to study the morphology and roughness of the polymer thin films. Local electronic density of states (LDOS) of the P–I–P heterostructures is probed using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS). A step like LDOS is observed in the P–I–P heterostructure and is attributed to the quantum well confinement of electrons in the polymer heterostructure.


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The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of ^{221- 226}Ra and ^{212, 214}Ra have been measured in the ionic (Ra 11) transition 7s^2 S_{1/2} - 7p ^2 P_{3/2} (\lamda = 381.4 nm). The method of on-line collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy has been applied using frequency-doubling of cw dye laser radiation in an external ring cavity. The magnetic hyperfine fields are compared with semi-empirical and ab initio calculations. The analysis of the quadrupole splitting by the same method yields the following, improved values of spectroscopic quadrupole moments: Q_s(^221 Ra)= 1.978(7)b, Q_s (^223 Ra)= 1.254(3)b and the reanalyzed values Q_s(^209 Ra) = 0.40(2)b, Q_s(^211 Ra) = 0.48(2)b, Q_s(^227 Ra)= 1.58(3)b, Q_s (^229 Ra) = 3.09(4)b with an additional scaling uncertainty of ±5%. Furthermore, the J-dependence of the isotope shift is analyzed in both Ra II transitions connecting the 7s^2 S_{1/2} ground state with the first excited doublet 7p^ P_{1/2} and 7p^ P_{3/2}.


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Relativistic multi-configuration Dirac-Fock wavefunctions, coupled to good angular momentum J, have been calculated for low lying states of Ba I and Ba II. The resulting electronic factors show good agreement with data derived from recent high-resolution laser spectroscopy experiments and results from a comparison of muonic and optical data.