437 resultados para interrelations
O presente trabalho resultou de um estudo antropológico sobre o Museu Severina Paraíso da Silva, dedicado à história e às tradições do grupo de candomblé da nação Xambá, cujo diferencial é estar instalado dentro de uma casa de culto afro brasileiro, o Terreiro de Santa Bárbara Ylê Axé Oyá Meguê, em Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasil. Este é um exemplo de Museu que representa a memória de um grupo social minoritário, criado por seus membros, com o objetivo de preservar seu patrimônio étnico-cultural, o qual é utilizado como categoria política para obtenção de reconhecimento perante a sociedade. Foram analisadas, neste estudo, as inter-relações em torno do Museu, observando-se aspectos como sua criação pelos próprios membros; coleta e utilização dos objetos; público-alvo; espaço físico e objetos, em especial os que não perderam seu poder simbólico, embora expostos no Museu e, principalmente, as mensagens transmitidas para a sociedade. Tais aspectos são importantes fios condutores para entender a postura dos membros do grupo em relação à sociedade e à formação de suas autoconsciências individuais e coletivas, ou seja, como eles elaboram e interpretam a identidade como grupo através do Museu; e entender também a importância do Museu na construção da memória e preservação da identidade étnica do grupo Xambá e da cultura negra em Pernambuco. A questão principal, porém, foi verificar se o Memorial e o Museu, como espaços de preservação, criam em seus membros um sentimento de pertencimento. Para a pesquisa foram coletados dados bibliográficos, documentais, no site do terreiro, na cartilha do grupo, em vídeos, plantas, em entrevistas formais com os criadores do museu e informais com outros membros do grupo, mas principalmente através da observação participante nas visitas dirigidas ao Museu e nos toques. Durante a pesquisa verificou-se que uma parte do grupo se destaca pela busca de sua visibilidade como estratégia de reivindicação de direitos sociais. Busca esta que procura legitimar a tradição usando categorias como autenticidade e pureza e pela presença de pesquisadores e pessoas ilustres, além da afirmação da importância do Museu para a construção do patrimônio cultural do negro no Estado. Um ganho substancial nesta busca pela visibilidade foi a concessão do título de Quilombo Urbano, alguns anos após a criação do Museu, sugerindo que este contribuiu para o reconhecimento do local como espaço de preservação de práticas culturais de descendentes de africanos. Há outros elementos que representam vitórias, na luta pelo reconhecimento, ou seja, um empoderamento para o grupo, como o nome de Xambá, dado ao Terminal Integrado de Passageiros construído próximo ao terreiro dentro do perímetro do Quilombo. Além da visibilidade para o grupo, o Museu trouxe outros ganhos, ele cria uma coesão entre seus membros, que passam a se ver como um grupo, como uma nação.
Population research is a front area concerned by domestic and overseas, especially its researches on its spatial visualization and its geo-visualization system design, which provides a sound base for understanding and analysis of the regional difference in population distribution and its spatial rules. With the development of GIS, the theory of geo-visualization more and more plays an important role in many research fields, especially in population information visualization, and has been made the big achievements recently. Nevertheless, the current research is less attention paid to the system design for statistical-geo visualization for population information. This paper tries to explore the design theories and methodologies for statistical-geo-visualization system for population information. The researches are mainly focused on the framework, the methodologies and techniques for the system design and construction. The purpose of the research is developed a platform for population atlas by the integration of the former owned copy software of the research group in statistical mapping system. As a modern tool, the system will provide a spatial visual environment for user to analyze the characteristics of population distribution and differentiate the interrelations of the population components. Firstly, the paper discusses the essentiality of geo-visualization for population information and brings forward the key issue in statistical-geo visualization system design based on the analysis of inland and international trends. Secondly, the geo-visualization system for population design, including its structure, functionality, module, user interface design, is studied based on the concepts of theory and technology of geo-visualization. The system design is proposed and further divided into three parts: support layer, technical layer, user layer. The support layer is a basic operation module and main part of the system. The technical layer is a core part of the system, supported by database and function modules. The database module mainly include the integrated population database (comprises spatial data, attribute data and geographical features information), the cartographic symbol library, the color library, the statistical analysis model. The function module of the system consists of thematic map maker component, statistical graph maker component, database management component and statistical analysis component. The user layer is an integrated platform, which provides the functions to design and implement a visual interface for user to query, analysis and management the statistic data and the electronic map. Based on the above, China's E-atlas for population was designed and developed by the integration of the national fifth census data with 1:400 million scaled spatial data. The atlas illustrates the actual development level of the population nowadays in China by about 200 thematic maps relating with 10 map categories(environment, population distribution, sex and age, immigration, nation, family and marriage, birth, education, employment, house). As a scientific reference tool, China's E-atlas for population has already received the high evaluation after published in early 2005. Finally, the paper makes the deep analysis of the sex ratio in China, to show how to use the functions of the system to analyze the specific population problem and how to make the data mining. The analysis results showed that: 1. The sex ratio has been increased in many regions after fourth census in 1990 except the cities in the east region, and the high sex ratio is highly located in hilly and low mountain areas where with the high illiteracy rate and the high poor rate; 2. The statistical-geo visualization system is a powerful tool to handle population information, which can be used to reflect the regional differences and the regional variations of population in China and indicate the interrelations of the population with other environment factors. Although the author tries to bring up a integrate design frame of the statistical-geo visualization system, there are still many problems needed to be resolved with the development of geo-visualization studies.
McInnes, C., 'HIV/AIDS and national security', in: AIDS and Governance, N. Poku, A. Whiteside and B. Sandkjaer (eds.),(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), pp.93-111 RAE2008
This paper is part of a collaborative project being undertaken by the three leading universities of Brussels, VUB, ULB and USL-B supported by Innnoviris. The project called Media Clusters Brussels - MCB - started in October 2014 with the goal to analyze the development of a Media Park around the two public broadcasters at the site of Reyers in Brussels being host of a media cluster in the capital city. Not only policymakers but also many authors recognized in the last decade that the media industry is characterized from a geographical point of view by a heavy concentration to a limited number of large cities, where media clusters have emerged (Karlsson & Picard, 2011). The common assumption about media clusters is that locating inside a regional agglomeration of related actors brings advantages for these firms. Especially, the interrelations and interactions between the actors on a social level matter for the shape and efficiency of the agglomerations (Picard, 2008). However, even though the importance of the actors and their interrelations has been a common assumption, many authors solely focus on the macro-economical aspects of the clusters. Within this paper, we propose to realize a socio-economical analysis of media clusters to make informed decisions in the development and so, bring the social (human) factor back into scope. Therefore, this article focuses on the development of a novel valuable framework, the so-called 7P framework with a multilevel and interdisciplinary approach, which includes three aspects, which have been identified as emerging success-factors of media clusters: partnerships, (media) professionals and positive spillovers.
Urban spectacles such as the Olympic Games have been long perceived as being able to impose desired effects in the city that act as host. This kind of urban boost may include the creation of new jobs and revenue for local community, growth in tourism and convention business, improvements to city infrastructure and environment, and the stimulation of broad reform in the social, political and institutional realm. Nevertheless at the other end of the debate, the potentially detrimental impacts of Olympic urban development, particularly on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, have also been increasingly noticed in recent years and subsequently cited by a number of high profile anti-Olympic groups to campaign against Olympic bids and awards. The common areas of concern over Olympic-related projects include the cost and debts risk, environmental threat, the occurrence of social imbalance, and disruption and disturbance of existing community life. Among these issues, displacement of low income households and squatter communities resulting from Olympic-inspired urban renewal are comparatively under-explored and have emerged as an imperative area for research inquiry. This is particularly the case where many other problems have become less prominent. Changing a city’s demographic landscape, particularly displacing lower income people from the area proposed for a profitable development is a highly contentious matter in its own right. Some see it as a natural and inevitable outgrowth of the process of urban evolution, without which cities cannot move towards a more attractive location for consumption-based business. Others believe it reflects urban crises and conflicts, highlighting the market failures, polarization and injustice. Regardless of perception,these phenomena are visible everywhere in post-industrial cities and particularly cannot be ignored when planning for the Olympic Games and other mega-events. The aim of this paper is to start the process of placing the displacement issue in the context of Olympic preparation and to seek a better understanding of their interrelations. In order to develop a better understanding of this issue in terms of cause, process, influential factors and its implication on planning policy, this paper studies the topic from both theoretic and empirical angles. It portrays various situations where the Olympics may trigger or facilitate displacement in host cities during the preparation of the Games, identifies several major variables that may affect the process and the overall outcome, and explores what could be learnt in generic terms for planning Olympic oriented infrastructure so that ill-effects to the local community can be effectively controlled. The paper concludes that the selection of development sites, the integration of Olympic facilities with the city’s fabric, the diversity of housing type produced for local residents and the dynamics of the new socioeconomic structure.
Los agrietamientos poligonales representan una forma común de modelado granítico cuyo origen y evolución continúa en fase de estudio, no existiendo una sistematización de estas estructuras diversas. Algunos autores explican su origen por procesos geodinámicos internos, relacionándolo con movimientos de planos de fractura en estados tardíos de consolidación magmática. Otros autores atribuyen su formación y desarrollo a factores externos relacionados con el régimen climático. La gran variedad de agrietamientos poligonales requiere la utilización de un número mayor de variables para definir los distintos orígenes, y las posibles interrelaciones entre los factores externos e internos, así como para explicar la evolución de dichas estructuras y avanzar en la clasificación de los patrones concretos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a sistematizar los mecanismos que intervienen en el desarrollo de agrietamientos poligonales. Para ello se estudian únicamente agrietamientos poligonales formados sobre planos de fractura verticales o subverticales. En particular se establecen relaciones entre la presencia de agrietamientos poligonales y la red de fracturación, la altura de aparición, la orientación e inclinación de la pared, la morfología de las placas y la profundidad de incisión de las grietas perimetrales. Por otra parte, establece relaciones entre procesos geodinámicos internos y procesos de meteorización externos.
La Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento (DIC), denominada “Jerarquía de la Información” o “Pirámide del Conocimiento”, es uno de los modelos más importantes en la Gestión de la Información y la Gestión del Conocimiento. Por lo general, la estructuración de la cadena se ha ido definiendo como una arquitectura en la que cada elemento se levanta sobre el elemento inmediatamente inferior; sin embargo no existe un consenso en la definición de los elementos, ni acerca de los procesos que transforman un elemento de un nivel a uno del siguiente nivel. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento examinando las definiciones más relevantes sobre sus elementos y sobre su articulación en la literatura, para sintetizar las acepciones más comunes. Se analizan los elementos de la Cadena DIC desde la semiótica de Peirce; enfoque que nos permite aclarar los significados e identificar las diferencias, las relaciones y los roles que desempeñan en la cadena desde el punto de vista del pragmatismo. Finalmente se propone una definición de la Cadena DIC apoyada en las categorías triádicas de signos y la semiosis ilimitada de Peirce, los niveles de sistemas de signos de Stamper y las metáforas de Zeleny.
A medida que el concepto de "nación" se ha debilitado en estos últimos años, y de forma muy rápida, el límite convencional de la cultura se está desvaneciendo y el mundo se mueve hacia un orden cultural integrado, a través de intercambios constantes entre las culturas, a pesar de las barreras discriminatorias. La literatura, en este sentido, no es una excepción y es necesario discutir la relación entre la literatura coreana y la hispanoamericana desde la perspectiva de la literatura comparativa. El presente estudio ofrece una mirada más cercana al proceso y a los distintos aspectos del modo en que las obras de los escritores hispanoamericanos han sido aceptadas en Corea del Sur. La literatura hispanoamericana se ha introducido en Corea desde principios del siglo XX y se extendió rápidamente a partir de los ochenta, cuando la controversia literaria del posmodernismo se desató y las obras de Borges y García Márquez fueron presentadas a los lectores coreanos. Sería interesante examinar los aspectos sobre cómo los escritores hispanoamericanos como Neruda, Borges y García Márquez se han integrado en la literatura coreana. En esta etapa, sin embargo, es difícil determinar si su influencia es suficientemente permanente como para convertirse en un linaje, o simplemente se trata de un fenómeno temporal. No obstante, la literatura hispanoamericana seguirá expandiendo interrelaciones crecientes con la coreana más allá de las fronteras, ejerciendo una gran influencia entre sí.
Relations between political violence and child adjustment are matters of international concern. Past research demonstrates the significance of community, family, and child psychological processes in child adjustment, supporting study of interrelations between multiple social ecological factors and child adjustment in contexts of political violence. Testing a social ecological model, 300 mothers and their children (M = 12.28 years, SD = 1.77) from Catholic and Protestant working class neighborhoods in Belfast, Northern Ireland, completed measures or community discord, family relations, and children's regulatory processes (i.e., emotional security) and outcomes. Historical political violence in neighborhoods based on objective records (i.e., politically motivated deaths) were related to family members' reports of current sectarian antisocial behavior and nonsectarian antisocial behavior. Interparental conflict and parental monitoring and children's emotional security about both the community and family contributed to explanatory pathways for relations between sectarian antisocial behavior in communities and children's adjustment problems. The discussion evaluates support for social ecological models for relations between political violence and child adjustment and its implications for understanding relations in other parts of the world.
Bridge construction responds to the need for environmentally friendly design of motorways and facilitates the passage through sensitive natural areas and the bypassing of urban areas. However, according to numerous research studies, bridge construction presents substantial budget overruns. Therefore, it is necessary early in the planning process for the decision makers to have reliable estimates of the final cost based on previously constructed projects. At the same time, the current European financial crisis reduces the available capital for investments and financial institutions are even less willing to finance transportation infrastructure. Consequently, it is even more necessary today to estimate the budget of high-cost construction projects -such as road bridges- with reasonable accuracy, in order for the state funds to be invested with lower risk and the projects to be designed with the highest possible efficiency. In this paper, a Bill-of-Quantities (BoQ) estimation tool for road bridges is developed in order to support the decisions made at the preliminary planning and design stages of highways. Specifically, a Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a hidden layer of 10 neurons is trained to predict the superstructure material quantities (concrete, pre-stressed steel and reinforcing steel) using the width of the deck, the adjusted length of span or cantilever and the type of the bridge as input variables. The training dataset includes actual data from 68 recently constructed concrete motorway bridges in Greece. According to the relevant metrics, the developed model captures very well the complex interrelations in the dataset and demonstrates strong generalisation capability. Furthermore, it outperforms the linear regression models developed for the same dataset. Therefore, the proposed cost estimation model stands as a useful and reliable tool for the construction industry as it enables planners to reach informed decisions for technical and economic planning of concrete bridge projects from their early implementation stages.
O mercado imobiliário tem um papel importante nas economias modernas, tanto a nível macro como a nível micro. Ao nível macro, a construção de habitação representa um sector importante e influente na economia, com efeitos multiplicadores significativos sobre a produção e o emprego. Ao nível micro, uma residência representa o activo mais valioso da maioria dos indivíduos e uma parcela muito relevante da riqueza das famílias. Para estas, o custo e a qualidade das suas habitações influencia directa e indirectamente a sua qualidade de vida. A habitação é por isso mesmo um tema, que avaliado nas suas múltiplas dimensões, se caracteriza por ser bastante complexo, mas também ao mesmo tempo desafiante. De modo a delimitar o objecto de análise do trabalho de investigação, esta tese realça os aspectos de localização e distribuição espacial das habitações urbanas. Será desenvolvido um quadro conceptual e respectiva metodologia para a compreender a estrutura espacial da habitação urbana realçando os três aspectos fundamentais da análise espacial: heterogenidade espacial, dependência espacial e escala espacial. A metodologia, aplicada à área urbana de Aveiro e Ílhavo é baseada numa análise hedónica factorial de preços e na noção não geométrica do espaço. Primeiro, é fixada uma escala territorial e são definidos submercados habitacional. Posteriormente, quer a heterogeneidade quer a dependência espaciais são estudados utilizando métodos econométricos, sem considerar qualquer padrão fixo e conhecido de interações espaciais. Em vez disso, são desenvolvidos novos métodos,tendo como base o modelo hedónico factorial, para inferir sobre os potenciais drivers de difusão espacial no valor de uma habitação. Este modelo, foi aplicado a duas diferentes escalas espaciais, para compreender as preferências dos indivíduos em Aveiro ao escolher os seus locais de residencia, e como estas afectam os preços da habitação. O trabalho empírico, utilizando duas bases de dados de habitação distintas, aplicadas ao mercado de habitação de Aveiro mostram: i) em linha com a literatura, a dificuldade de definir submercados e compreender as inter-relações entre esses mercados; ii) a utilidade de uma abordagem híbrida, combinando análise factorial com regressão; iii) a importância fundamental que o efeito escala espacial desempenha no estudo da heterogeneidade e dos spillovers e, finalmente, iv) uma metodologia inovadora para analisar spillovers sem assumir aprioristicamente uma estrutura espacial específica de difusão espacial. Esta metodologia considera a matriz de pesos espaciais (W) desconhecida e estimatima as interações espaciais dentro e entre submercados habitação.
The main goal of this thesis is to propose a conceptual theoretical model of critical success factors of International Development Cooperation programmes that are based in knowledge transfer approaches in the context of tourism development. The research was structured around three main theoretical pillars: international development cooperation (IDC), tourism as a tool for development, and knowledge transfer (KT). By exploring these pillars´ main interrelations, it was possible to gather the necessary background to develop the theoretical model and apply it to a real context. It was adopted a qualitative research approach using as a case study an IDC programme in tourism - the UNWTO.Volunteers programme. The key contribution of this thesis in the theoretical realm is the bridging of fields of study that are insufficiently covered in the scientific literature. The resulting model proposal applied to a real context of an IDC programme implementation permitted to test it partially providing useful insights for future research. It is postulated that IDC programmes in these contexts constitute a process rather than an end in itself. Therefore, they should be seen as a way of changing the state of the art of the tourism system in a sustainable manner so that it potentially generates positive development changes. This study suggested that it is not possible to achieve positive results if, instead of encouraging a KT and learning environment, it is simply disseminated knowledge in a linear, static, north-south approach. The characteristics of these interventions should be reviewed in that it was found that it is very difficult to guarantee the maintenance of the development changes induced by them if it is not safeguarded the necessary conditions and accountability to implement the recommended actions. While it was perceived a great potential for development changes to be induced by some IDC programmes in tourism destinations, it was concluded that these processes are too much dependent on the local political systems and existing power relations, as well as on the level of tourism development of the destination. However, more research is needed to examine the ability to generalise the findings to other IDC programmes and different destinations of developing countries.
In this paper I chart lines of flight in women artist’s narratives. In focusing on the complex interrelations between the social milieus of education and art, what I suggest is that they should be analysed as an assemblage where power relations and forces of desire are constantly at play in creating conditions of possibility for women to resist, imagine themselves becoming other and for new possibilities in their lives to be actualised. As a novel approach to social ontology the theory of assemblages offers an analytics of social complexity that accounts for open configurations, continuous connections and unstable hierarchies, structures and axes of difference. In reconsidering resistance as immanent in dispositifs of power and assemblages of desire, what I finally argue is that women artists’ narratives contribute to the constitution of minor knowledges and create archives of radical futurity.
Cette thèse traite des représentations construites par des artistes-enseignants du secondaire au sujet de la dialectique tradition/novation inhérente au processus d'intégration des TIC. Elle rend compte d'une recherche visant à mieux comprendre les disparités en matière d'intégration des technologies, dans les pratiques enseignantes en arts plastiques. L'auteure a observé ce problème dans son parcours professionnel, marqué par son passage du rôle de praticienne à celui de formatrice en enseignement des arts. Elle s'est demandée si cela tenait uniquement à la formation ou si des facteurs intrinsèques tels que les représentations pouvaient intervenir. Ce questionnement est à l'origine d'une étude dont les objectifs étaient d'identifier les représentations entourant la dialectique tradition/novation et de voir s'il existe des interrelations entre représentations et pratiques. Pour arriver à ses fins, l'auteure a utilisé les notions de représentation sociale et de poïétique comme leviers théoriques tout en s'inspirant de la démarche artistique, par souci de cohérence avec le domaine des arts. Le recueil de l'information s'est effectué à partir d'entretiens de type compréhensif, donnant lieu à des représentations discursives, métaphoriques et graphiques. L'analyse des représentations révèle que les artistes-enseignants interviewés voient la dialectique tradition/novation tantôt comme un duo, tantôt comme un duel ou même comme un deuil, et que ces représentations interagissent avec les pratiques. Ces conclusions traduisent l'importance de s'intéresser aux facteurs intrinsèques qui peuvent faire obstacle au changement. Si la rencontre art/technologie est assez bien documentée par les esthéticiens, les philosophes et les artistes, plus rares sont les contributions touchant le corollaire éducatif d'une telle alliance. En ce sens, cette recherche est tout à fait pertinente et originale. Elle l'est également au regard de la méthodologie proposée, qui s'ajuste à la démarche artistique. Bref, cette thèse parle d'art, parle par l'art et parle pour l'art.
Cette recherche professionnelle porte sur les profils psychomoteurs d'un échantillon de 83 enfants français, garçons et filles de 7, 8 et 9 ans à hauts potentiels intellectuels rencontrant des difficultés pour apprendre à l'école primaire. Elle est mise en oeuvre au moyen d'une méthodologie mixte. Née en France, la psychomotricité est un corpus paramédical qui propose une approche éducative et de remédiation des difficultés d'apprentissage, à partir d'une conception du développement psychomoteur qui considère que les interrelations entre les fonctionnements corporels, les éprouvés émotionnels et les cognitions sont primordiales et qu'elles se réalisent et sont accessibles via l'expérience corporelle globalisante. Ce construit, et les outils d'évaluation qui en découlent, c'est-à-dire le bilan psychomoteur, sont ici mobilisés pour décrire les profils adaptatifs d'enfants à hauts potentiels intellectuels en souffrance pour apprendre. Si les principaux travaux consacrés à ces enfants hors-normes et à leurs développements atypiques évoquent leur sensibilité et fragilité, ils sont trop souvent restreints aux seuls aspects du quotient intellectuel. Les apports de la psychomotricité peuvent donc les compléter. À partir de la description du dialogue tonicoémotionnel, qui inscrit le sujet dans la continuité biologiquepsychologique, l'expérience du corps, sous le double effet de la maturation neuromotrice et du bain environnemental, évolue vers la différenciation des fonctions psychomotrices qui permet la maîtrise gestuelle, la représentation du corps, de l'espace et du temps. Ces descriptions sont cohérentes avec d'autres conceptions multi-référencées qui reconnaissent aux émotions et à leur devenir un rôle important dans le développement, comme la théorie de l'attachement. Elles conduisent au repérage de troubles psychomoteurs. Ceux-ci peuvent friner l'accès aux apprentissages scolaires notamment l'écriture. Ce sont des perturbations de l'équilibre psychocorporel. Par définition et spécifiquement, ils ne répondent pas à une atteinte neurologique et expriment une souffrance psychique. L'analyse centrée sur les variables fournit une vision générale des données collectées. Les corrélations entre les 30 rubriques sont étudiées en les classant par sphères correspondant aux fonctions psychomotrices - motricité - rythme - espace - intégration corporelle - graphomotricité; puis par processus - tonicoémotionnel - sensori-perceptivo-moteur - cognitif - apprentissage explicité. Cette taxonomie éclaire les corrélations et donc les niveaux d'organisation. Ce premier traitement statistique débouche sur a) l'intérêt de la démarche globale en psychomotricité puisque toutes les rubriques étudiées se sont avérées troublées, b) l'apport de la prise en considération des dimensions tonicoémotionnelles, c) l'importance de l'articulation sensori-perceptivo-motrice et d) une confirmation des liens entre les compétences psychomotrices et l'écriture. La seconde étape est une classification hiérarchique ascendante puis une analyse factorielle des grappes. Elle dégage des résultats concernant des différences entre les organisations internes de ces enfants sous-réalisateurs, à partir des poids respectifs des facteurs 1) de la dyspraxie et de la dysgraphie, 2) de l'hyperactivité et de l'anxiété avec impulsivité et difficultés graphiques, 3) des troubles de la motricité large et fine et de l'expression émotionnelle, 4) des troubles spatiaux, 5) des troubles visuopraxiques et de l'intégration corporelle floue, 6) des troubles diffus et légers et 7) des troubles du rythme. Ainsi les cinq grappes sont décrites de manière dynamique comme caractérisées par 1) de bonnes compétences scripturales, des difficultés légères mais aussi des perturbations du tonus musculaire, 2) des tendances dysgraphiques pour des enfants maladroits et inquiets mais aussi avec des compétences préservées, qui se différencient 3) d'enfants franchement dysgraphiques avec des difficultés à se situer et manier les informations relatives à l'espace et au rythme, 4) d'enfants également dysgraphiques mais aussi hyperactifs, anxieux et manquant de référence spatio-temporelle, et 5) de sujets qui dysgraphiques, dyspraxiques, émotifs ont des tendances hyperactives et des incertitudes visuopraxiques. Ainsi à partir de la référence holistique-interactionniste, ces résultats confirment l'intérêt des approches globales et multi-référencées pour explorer les profils des enfants dont le développement n'est pas harmonieux et qui se trouvent confrontés à des difficultés pour apprendre dans le cadre scolaire.