841 resultados para internet of things


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As a subset of the Internet of Things (IoT), the Web of Things (WoT) shares many characteristics with wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) and ubiquitous computing systems (Ubicomp). Yet to a far greater degree than the IoT, WSANs or Ubicomp, the WoT will integrate physical and information objects, necessitating a means to model and reason about a range of context types that have hitherto received little or no attention from the RE community. RE practice is only now developing the means to support WSANs and Ubicomp system development, including faltering first steps in the representation of context. We argue that these techniques will need to be developed further, with a particular focus on rich context types, if RE is to support WoT application development. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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El principal objetivo de Internet of Things (IoT) es integrar las tecnologías informáticas en el quehacer cotidiano de las personas, facilitando su interacción con un entorno de dispositivos interconectados, pero el estado actual del arte hace que dicha interacción esté aún lejos de resultar trivial, precisando de continua intervención del usuario. Como alternativa a esta situación, iniciativas emergentes como la de Internet of People (IoP) pretenden integrar de forma más efectiva el IoT en la vida de las personas. En línea con este propósito, el modelo People as a Service (PeaaS) facilita estas tareas por medio del uso del teléfono móvil como interfaz del usuario con el IoT y haciendo uso del contexto del usuario del mismo. PeaaS permite elaborar un perfil sociológico del usuario, que puede ser explotado por el mismo y servido a terceros de forma segura y controlada. En este trabajo presentamos una aplicación móvil para la supervisión de personas afectadas de alzhéimer mediante el aprendizaje y monitorización de sus rutinas como prueba de concepto del modelo PeaaS, teniendo como resultado una funcionalidad que va mucho más allá de la ofrecida por otros productos similares en este campo, y una tecnología que es base para infinidad de aplicaciones que provoquen el avance hacia IoP.


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Con l’avvento dell’Industry 4.0, l’utilizzo dei dispositivi Internet of Things (IoT) è in continuo aumento. Le aziende stanno spingendo sempre più verso l’innovazione, andando ad introdurre nuovi metodi in grado di rinnovare sistemi IoT esistenti e crearne di nuovi, con prestazioni all’avanguardia. Un esempio di tecniche innovative emergenti è l’utilizzo dei Digital Twins (DT). Essi sono delle entità logiche in grado di simulare il reale comportamento di un dispositivo IoT fisico; possono essere utilizzati in vari scenari: monitoraggio di dati, rilevazione di anomalie, analisi What-If oppure per l’analisi predittiva. L’integrazione di tali tecnologie con nuovi paradigmi innovativi è in rapido sviluppo, uno tra questi è rappresentato dal Web of Things (WoT). Il Web of Thing è un termine utilizzato per descrivere un paradigma che permette ad oggetti del mondo reale di essere gestiti attraverso interfacce sul World Wide Web, rendendo accessibile la comunicazione tra più dispositivi con caratteristiche hardware e software differenti. Nonostante sia una tecnologia ancora in fase di sviluppo, il Web of Thing sta già iniziando ad essere utilizzato in molte aziende odierne. L’elaborato avrà come obiettivo quello di poter definire un framework capace di integrare un meccanismo di generazione automatica di Digital Twin su un contesto Web of Thing. Combinando tali tecnologie, si potrebbero sfruttare i vantaggi dell’interoperabilità del Web of Thing per poter generare un Digital Twin, indipendentemente dalle caratteristiche hardware e software degli oggetti da replicare.


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Global digitalization has affected also industrial sector. A trend called Industrial Internet has been present for some years and established relatively steady position in businesses. Industrial Internet is also referred with the terminology Industry 4.0 and in consumer businesses IoT (Internet of Things). Eventually, trend consists of many traditionally proven technologies and concepts, such as condition monitoring, remote services, predictive maintenance and Internet customer portals. All these technologies and information related to them are estimated to change the rules of business in industrial sector. This may result even a new industrial revolution. This research has its focus on Industrial Internet products, services and applications. The study analyses four case companies and their digital service offerings. According to this analysis the comparison of these services is done to find out if there is still space for companies to gain competitive advantage through differentiation with these state of the art solutions. One of the case companies, Case Company Ltd., is working as a primary case company and a subscriber of this particular research. The research and results are analyzed primarily from this company’s perspective and need. In empirical part, the research clarifies how Case Company Ltd. has allocated its development resources through last five years. These allocations in certain categories are then compared to other case companies’ current customer offering and conclusions are made how the approach of different companies differ from each other. Existing theoretical knowledge of Industrial Internet is about to find its shape. In this research we take a look how the case company analysis and findings correlate with the existing knowledge and literature of the topic.


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How to create or integrate large Smart Spaces (considered as mash-ups of sensors and actuators) into the paradigm of ?Web of Things? has been the motivation of many recent works. A cutting-edge approach deals with developing and deploying web-enabled embedded devices with two major objectives: 1) to integrate sensor and actuator technologies into everyday objects, and 2) to allow a diversity of devices to plug to Internet. Currently, developers who want to use this Internet-oriented approach need have solid understanding about sensorial platforms and semantic technologies. In this paper we propose a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology, based on Model Driven Architecture (MDA), to facilitate to any developer the development and deployment of Smart Spaces. Early evaluations of the ROOD methodology have been successfully accomplished through a partial deployment of a Smart Hotel.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The examination was conducted by a committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society. cf. Preliminary remarks.


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Mode of access: Internet.