980 resultados para interaction mechanism
Quinupristin-dalfopristin (Q-D) synergizes with cefepime for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Here, we studied whether the synergism was restricted to MRSA and if it extended to non-beta-lactam cell wall inhibitors or to other inhibitors of protein synthesis. Three MRSA and two methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains were tested, including an isogenic pair of mecA (-)/mecA (+) S. aureus Newman. The drug interactions were determined by fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indices and population analysis profiles. The antibacterial drugs that we used included beta-lactam (cefepime) and non-beta-lactam cell wall inhibitors (D-cycloserine, fosfomycin, vancomycin, teicoplanin), inhibitors of protein synthesis (Q-D, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, linezolid, fusidic acid), and polynucleotide inhibitors (cotrimoxazole, ciprofloxacin). The addition of each protein inhibitor to cefepime was synergistic (FIC ≤ 0.5) or additive (FIC > 0.5 but < 1) against MRSA, but mostly indifferent against MSSA (FIC ≥ 1 but ≤ 4). This segregation was not observed after adding cotrimoxazole or ciprofloxacin to cefepime. Population analysis profiles were performed on plates in the presence of increasing concentrations of the cell wall inhibitors plus 0.25 × minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Q-D. Cefepime combined with Q-D was synergistic against MRSA, but D-cycloserine and glycopeptides were not. Thus, the synergism was specific to beta-lactam antibiotics. Moreover, the synergism was not lost against fem mutants, indicating that it acted at another level. The restriction of the beneficial effect to MRSA suggests that the functionality of penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP2A) was affected, either directly or indirectly. Further studies are necessary in order to provide a mechanism for this positive interaction.
As an approved vaccine adjuvant for use in humans, alum has vast health implications, but, as it is a crystal, questions remain regarding its mechanism. Furthermore, little is known about the target cells, receptors, and signaling pathways engaged by alum. Here we report that, independent of inflammasome and membrane proteins, alum binds dendritic cell (DC) plasma membrane lipids with substantial force. Subsequent lipid sorting activates an abortive phagocytic response that leads to antigen uptake. Such activated DCs, without further association with alum, show high affinity and stable binding with CD4(+) T cells via the adhesion molecules intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1). We propose that alum triggers DC responses by altering membrane lipid structures. This study therefore suggests an unexpected mechanism for how this crystalline structure interacts with the immune system and how the DC plasma membrane may behave as a general sensor for solid structures.
IL-2 is crucial to T cell homeostasis, especially of CD4(+) T regulatory cells and memory CD8(+) cells, as evidenced by vigorous proliferation of these cells in vivo following injections of superagonist IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes. The mechanism of IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes is unknown owing to a lack of understanding of IL-2 homeostasis. We show that IL-2 receptor alpha (CD25) plays a crucial role in IL-2 homeostasis. Thus, prolongation of IL-2 half-life and blocking of CD25 using antibodies or CD25-deficient mice led in combination, but not alone, to vigorous IL-2-mediated T cell proliferation, similar to IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes. These data suggest an unpredicted role for CD25 in IL-2 homeostasis.
ABSTRACT Poor outcome for glioblastoma patients is largely due to resistance to chemoradiation therapy. While epigenetic inactivation of MGMT mediated DNA repair is highly predictive for benefit from the alkylating agent therapy Temozolomide, additional mechanisms for resistance associated with molecular alterations exist. Furthermore, new concepts in cancer suggest that resistance to treatment may be linked to cancer stem cells that escape therapy and act as source for tumour recurrence. We determined gene expression signatures associated with outcome in glioblastoma patients enrolled in a phase II and phase III clinical trial establishing the new combination therapy of radiation plus concomitant and adjuvant Temozolomide. Correlating stable gene clusters emerging from unsupervised analysis with survival of 42 treated patients identified a number of biological processes associated with outcome. Most prominent, a gene cluster dominated by HOX genes and comprising PROM1, was associated with resistance. PROM1 encodes CD133, a marker for a subpopulation of tumour cells enriched for glioblastoma stem- like cells. The core of this correlated HOX cluster was comprised in the top genes of a "self-renewal signature" defined in a mouse model for MLL-AF9 initiated leukaemia. The association of the HOX gene cluster with tumour resistance was confirmed in two external data sets of 146 malignant glioma As additional resistance factors we identified over-expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene, EGFR, while increased gene expression related to biological features of tumour host interaction, including markers for tumour vascular and cell adhesion, and innate immune response, were associated with better outcome. The "self-renewal" signature associated with resistance to the new combination chemoradiation therapy provides first clinical evidence that glioma stem like cells may implicated in resistance in a uniformly treated cohort of glioblastoma patients. This study underlines the need to target the tumour stem cell compartment, and provides some testable hypothesis for biological mechanisms relevant for malignant behaviour of glioblastoma that may be targeted in new treatment approaches. Résumé Le glioblastome, tumeur cérébrale primaire maligne la plus fréquente, est connue pour son mauvais pronostique. Des avancées chimiothérapeutiques récentes avec des agents alkylants comme le témozolomide (TMZ), ont permis une amélioration notable dans la survie de certains patients. Les bénéficiaires ont la caractéristique commune de présenter une particularité génétique, la methylation du MGMT (methylguanine methyltransferase). Néanmoins, d'autres mécanismes de résistance en fonction des aberrations moléculaires existent. Nous avons établi les profils d'expressions génétiques des patients traités par irradiation et TMZ dans des études cliniques de phase II et III. En combinant des méthodes non-supervisées et supervisées, de l'étude de la cohorte des patients traités nous avons découvert des groupes de gènes associés à la survie. Un ensemble de gènes contenant les gènes Hox semble lié au mécanisme de résistance au traitement. Récemment, les gènes Hox ont été décrits comme faisant partie d"une signature d'autorenouvellement (self-renewal) des cellules souches cancéreuses de la leucémie. L'autorenouvellement est un processus grâce auquel les cellules souches se maintiennent tout au long de la vie. Cette association à la résistance est confirmée dans deux autres études indépendantes. Un autre facteur de résistance au traitement est la surexpression du gène EGFR. D'autre part, deux groupes de gènes associés à la relation entre hôte-tumeur tels que les marqueurs des vaisseaux tumoraux et de la réponse immunitaire innée s'avèrent avoir un effet positif sur la survie des patients traités. La découverte de la signature d'autorenouvellement comme facteur de résistance à la nouvelle chimio-radiothérapie offre une preuve clinique que les cellules souches cancéreuses sont impliquées dans la résistance au traitement. If est donc logique de penser que le traitement ciblé contre des cellules souches cancéreuses va dans l'avenir permettre des thérapies anticancéreuses plus performantes.
The tubero-infundibular and nigrostriatal DA neurone systems of rats respond to systemic (i.p.) injection of alpha-MSH (2-100 microgram/kg). The response of the tubero-infundibular (arcuate) DA neurones, an increase in cellular fluorescence intensity which can be interpreted as a sign of increased neuronal activity, is essentially the same in males, estrogen-progesterone-pretreated ovariectomized females and hypophysectomized males, whereas the type of response elicited by alpha-MSH in the nigral DA neurones depends upon the hormonal state of the animal. Differences between the two DA neurone groups exist also with regard to the effects of peptide fragments containing the two active sites of the alpha-MSH molecule. Results of lesion experiments in the lower brainstem (area postrema) and of blockade of muscarinic mechanisms by atropine further point to differences in the mechanisms underlying the peptide effects on the two neurone systems. The reaction of the tubero-infundibular DA system (which controls the pars intermedia of the pituitary) can be considered to reflect the activation of a feedback mechanism on MSH secretion, while the functional counterpart of the changes observed in the nigral system remains unknown at the present time.
Phosphorylation of transcription factors is a rapid and reversible process linking cell signaling and control of gene expression, therefore understanding how it controls the transcription factor functions is one of the challenges of functional genomics. We performed such analysis for the forkhead transcription factor FOXC2 mutated in human hereditary disease lymphedemadistichiasis and important for the development of venous and lymphatic valves and lymphatic collecting vessels. We found that FOXC2 is phosphorylated in a cell-cycle dependent manner on eight evolutionary conserved serine/threonine residues, seven of which are clustered within a 70 amino acid domain. Surprisingly, the mutation of phosphorylation sites or a complete deletion of the domain did not affect the transcriptional activity of FOXC2 in a synthetic reporter assay. However, overexpression of the wild type or phosphorylation-deficient mutant resulted in overlapping but distinct gene expression profiles suggesting that binding of FOXC2 to individual sites under physiological conditions is affected by phosphorylation. To gain a direct insight into the role of FOXC2 phosphorylation, we performed comparative genome-wide location analysis (ChIP-chip) of wild type and phosphorylation-deficient FOXC2 in primary lymphatic endothelial cells. The effect of loss of phosphorylation on FOXC2 binding to genomic sites ranged from no effect to nearly complete inhibition of binding, suggesting a mechanism for how FOXC2 transcriptional program can be differentially regulated depending on FOXC2 phosphorylation status. Based on these results, we propose an extension to the enhanceosome model, where a network of genomic context-dependent DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions not only distinguishes a functional site from a nonphysiological site, but also determines whether binding to the functional site can be regulated by phosphorylation. Moreover, our results indicate that FOXC2 may have different roles in quiescent versus proliferating lymphatic endothelial cells in vivo.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen, persistently infecting more than 170 million individuals worldwide. Studies of the HCV life cycle have become possible with the development of cell culture systems supporting the replication of viral RNA and the production of infectious virus. However, the exact functions of individual proteins, especially of nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B), remain poorly understood. NS4B triggers the formation of specific, vesicular membrane rearrangements, referred to as membranous webs, which have been reported to represent sites of HCV RNA replication. However, the mechanism of vesicle induction is not known. In this study, a panel of 15 mutants carrying substitutions in the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain was generated. Five mutations had only a minor effect on replication, but two of them enhanced assembly and release of infectious virus. Ten mutants were replication defective and used for selection of pseudoreversions. Most of the pseudoreversions also localized to the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain and were found to restore replication competence upon insertion into the corresponding primary mutant. Importantly, pseudoreversions restoring replication competence also restored heterotypic NS4B self-interaction, which was disrupted by the primary mutation. Finally, electron microscopy analyses of membrane alterations induced by NS4B mutants revealed striking morphological abnormalities, which were restored to wild-type morphology by the corresponding pseudoreversion. These findings demonstrate the important role of the C-terminal domain in NS4B self-interaction and the formation of functional HCV replication complexes.
SUMMARY Under stressful conditions, mutant or post-translationally modified proteins may spontaneously misfold and form toxie species, which may further assemble into a continuum of increasingly large and insoluble toxic oligomers that may further condense into less toxic, compact amyloids in the cell Intracellular accumulation of aggregated proteins is a common denominator of several neurodegenerative diseases. To cope with the cytotoxicity induced by abnormal, aggregated proteins, cells have evolved various defence mechanisms among which, the molecular chaperones Hsp70. Hsp70 (DnaK in E. coii) is an ATPase chaperone involved in many physiological processes in the cell, such as assisting de novo protein folding, dissociating native protein oligomers and serving as pulling motors in the import of polypeptides into organelles. In addition, Hsp70 chaperones can actively solubilize and reactivate stable protein aggregates, such as heat- or mutation-induced aggregates. Hsp70 requires the cooperation of two other co-chaperones: Hsp40 and NEF (Nucleotide exchange factor) to fulfil its unfolding activity. In the first experimental section of this thesis (Chapter II), we studied by biochemical analysis the in vitro interaction between recombinant human aggregated α-synuclein (a-Syn oligomers) mimicking toxic a-Syn oligomers species in PD brains, with a model Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system (the E. coii DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). We found that chaperone-mediated unfolding of two denatured model enzymes were strongly affected by α-Syn oligomers but, remarkably, not by monomers. This in vitro observed dysfunction of the Hsp70 chaperone system resulted from the sequestration of the Hsp40 proteins by the oligomeric α-synuclein species. In the second experimental part (Chapter III), we performed in vitro biochemical analysis of the co-chaperone function of three E. coii Hsp40s proteins (DnaJ, CbpA and DjlA) in the ATP-fuelled DnaK-mediated refolding of a model DnaK chaperone substrate into its native state. Hsp40s activities were compared using dose-response approaches in two types of in vitro assays: refolding of heat-denatured G6PDH and DnaK-mediated ATPase activity. We also observed that the disaggregation efficiency of Hsp70 does not directly correlate with Hsp40 binding affinity. Besides, we found that these E. coii Hsp40s confer substrate specificity to DnaK, CbpA being more effective in the DnaK-mediated disaggregation of large G6PDH aggregates than DnaJ under certain conditions. Sensibilisées par différents stress ou mutations, certaines protéines fonctionnelles de la cellule peuvent spontanément se convertir en formes inactives, mal pliées, enrichies en feuillets bêta, et exposant des surfaces hydrophobes favorisant l'agrégation. Cherchant à se stabiliser, les surfaces hydrophobes peuvent s'associer aux régions hydrophobes d'autres protéines mal pliées, formant des agrégats protéiques stables: les amyloïdes. Le dépôt intracellulaire de protéines agrégées est un dénominateur commun à de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives. Afin de contrer la cytotoxicité induite par les protéines agrégées, les cellules ont développé plusieurs mécanismes de défense, parmi lesquels, les chaperonnes moléculaires Hsp70. Hsp70 nécessite la collaboration de deux autres co-chaperonnes : Hsp40 et NEF pour accomplir son activité de désagrégation. Hsp70 (DnaK, chez E. coli) est impliquée par ailleurs dans d'autres fonctions physiologiques telles que l'assistanat de protéines néosynthétisées à la sortie du ribosome, ou le transport transmembranaire de polypeptides. Par ailleurs, les chaperonnes Hsp70 peuvent également solubiliser et réactiver des protéines agrégées à la suite d'un stress ou d'une mutation. Dans la première partie expérimentale de cette thèse (Chapter II), nous avons étudié in vitro l'interaction entre les oligomères d'a-synucleine, responsables entre autres, de la maladie de Parkinson, et le système chaperon Hsp70/Hsp40 (système Escherichia coli DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). Nous avons démontré que contrairement aux monomères, les oligomères d'a-synucleine inhibaient le système chaperon lors du repliement de protéines agrégées. Cette dysfonction du système chaperon résulte de la séquestration des chaperonnes Hsp40 par les oligomères d'a-synucleine. La deuxième partie expérimentale (Chapitre III) est consacrée à une étude in vitro de la fonction co-chaperonne de trois Hsp40 d'is. coli (DnaJ, CbpA, et DjlA) lors de la désagrégation par DnaK d'une protéine pré-agrégée. Leurs activités ont été comparées par le biais d'une approche dose-réponse au niveau de deux analyses enzymatiques: le repliement de la protéine agrégée et l'activité ATPase de DnaK. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence que l'efficacité de désagrégation d'Hsp70 et l'affinité des chaperonnes Hsp40 vis-à-vis de leur substrat n'étaient pas corrélées positivement. Nous avons également montré que ces trois chaperonnes Hsp40 étaient directement impliquées dans la spécificité des fonctions accomplies par les chaperonnes Hsp70. En effet, DnaK en présence de CbpA assure la désagrégation de large agrégats protéiques avec une efficacité nettement plus accrue qu'en présence de DnaJ.
We study a model for water with a tunable intramolecular interaction Js, using mean-field theory and off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations. For all Js>~0, the model displays a temperature of maximum density. For a finite intramolecular interaction Js>0, our calculations support the presence of a liquid-liquid phase transition with a possible liquid-liquid critical point for water, likely preempted by inevitable freezing. For J=0, the liquid-liquid critical point disappears at T=0.
Ten years ago, the first cellular receptor for the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the highly pathogenic Lassa virus (LASV) was identified as alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG), a versatile receptor for proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Biochemical analysis of the interaction of alpha-DG with arenaviruses and ECM proteins revealed a strikingly similar mechanism of receptor recognition that critically depends on specific sugar modification on alpha-DG involving a novel class of putative glycosyltransferase, the LARGE proteins. Interestingly, recent genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations revealed evidence for positive selection of a locus within the LARGE gene in populations from Western Africa, where LASV is endemic. While most enveloped viruses that enter the host cell in a pH-dependent manner use clathrin-mediated endocytosis, recent studies revealed that the Old World arenaviruses LCMV and LASV enter the host cell predominantly via a novel and unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the virus is rapidly delivered to endosomes via an unusual route of vesicular trafficking that is largely independent of the small GTPases Rab5 and Rab7. Since infection of cells with LCMV and LASV depends on DG, this unusual endocytotic pathway could be related to normal cellular trafficking of the DG complex. Alternatively, engagement of arenavirus particles may target DG for an endocytotic pathway not normally used in uninfected cells thereby inducing an entry route specifically tailored to the pathogen's needs.
Membrane-active antimicrobial peptides, such as polymyxin B (PxB), are currently in the spotlight as potential candidates toovercome bacterial resistance. We have designed synthetic analogs ofPxB in order to determine the structural requirements for membraneaction. Since the mechanism of action of PxB involves interaction withboth the outer membrane and the cytoplasmic membrane of Gramnegative bacteria, we have used an approach based on mimicking theouter layers of these membranes using monolayers, Langmuir-Blodgettfilms and unilamelar vesicles, and applying a battery of biophysicalmethods in order to dissect the different events of membraneinteraction. Collectively, results indicate that the PxB analogues act inthe bacterial membrane by the same mechanism than PxB, and that cationic amphipathicity determines peptide activity.
c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in numerous signal transduction pathways. The kinase,SH3 and SH2 domains of c-Src are attached to the membrane-anchoring SH4 domain through the flexible Unique domain. Here we show intra- and intermolecular interactions involving the Unique and SH3 domains suggesting the presence of a previously unrecognized additional regulation layer in c-Src. We have characterized lipid binding by the Unique and SH3 domains, their intramolecular interaction and its allosteric modulation by a SH3-binding peptide or by Calcium-loaded calmodulin binding to the Unique domain. We also show reduced lipid binding following phosphorylation at conserved sites of the Unique domain. Finally, we show that injection of full-length c-Src with mutations that abolish lipid binding by the Unique domain causes a strong in vivo phenotype distinct from that of wild-type c-Src in a Xenopus oocyte model system, confirming the functional role of the Unique domain in c-Src regulation.
Membrane-active antimicrobial peptides, such as polymyxin B (PxB), are currently in the spotlight as potential candidates toovercome bacterial resistance. We have designed synthetic analogs ofPxB in order to determine the structural requirements for membraneaction. Since the mechanism of action of PxB involves interaction withboth the outer membrane and the cytoplasmic membrane of Gramnegative bacteria, we have used an approach based on mimicking theouter layers of these membranes using monolayers, Langmuir-Blodgettfilms and unilamelar vesicles, and applying a battery of biophysicalmethods in order to dissect the different events of membraneinteraction. Collectively, results indicate that the PxB analogues act inthe bacterial membrane by the same mechanism than PxB, and that cationic amphipathicity determines peptide activity.
This publication presents one of the first uses of silicon oxide nanoparticles to detect fingermarks. The study is not confined to showing successful detection of fingermarks, but is focused on understanding the mechanisms involved in the fingermark detection process. To gain such an understanding, various chemical groups are grafted onto the nanoparticle surface, and parameters such as the pH of the solutions or zeta potential are varied to study their influence on the detection. An electrostatic interaction has been the generally accepted hypothesis of interaction between nanoparticles and fingermarks, but the results of this research challenge that hypothesis, showing that the interaction is chemically driven. Carboxyl groups grafted onto the nanoparticle surfaces react with amine groups of the fingermark secretion. This formation of amide linkage between carboxyl and amine groups has further been favoured by catalyzing the reaction with a compound of diimide type. The research strategy adopted here ought to be applicable to all detection techniques using nanoparticles. For most of them the nature of the interaction remains poorly understood.
One of the most striking results of the human (and mammalian) genomes is the low number of protein-coding genes. To-date, the main molecular mechanism to increase the number of different protein isoforms and functions is alternative splicing. However, a less-known way to increase the number of protein functions is the existence of multifunctional, multitask, or ‘‘moonlighting’’, proteins. By and large, moonlighting proteins are experimentally disclosed by serendipity. Proteomics is becoming one of the very active areas of biomedical research, which permits researchers to identify previously unseen connections among proteins and pathways. In principle, protein–protein interaction (PPI) databases should contain information on moonlighting proteins and could provide suggestions to further analysis in order to prove the multifunctionality. As far as we know, nobody has verified whether PPI databases actually disclose moonlighting proteins. In the present work we check whether well-established moonlighting proteins present in PPI databases connect with their known partners and, therefore, a careful inspection of these databases could help to suggest their different functions. The results of our research suggest that PPI databases could be a valuable tool to suggest multifunctionality.