862 resultados para human motion tracking
In this paper, a novel motion-tracking scheme using scale-invariant features is proposed for automatic cell motility analysis in gray-scale microscopic videos, particularly for the live-cell tracking in low-contrast differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. In the proposed approach, scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) points around live cells in the microscopic image are detected, and a structure locality preservation (SLP) scheme using Laplacian Eigenmap is proposed to track the SIFT feature points along successive frames of low-contrast DIC videos. Experiments on low-contrast DIC microscopic videos of various live-cell lines shows that in comparison with principal component analysis (PCA) based SIFT tracking, the proposed Laplacian-SIFT can significantly reduce the error rate of SIFT feature tracking. With this enhancement, further experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is a robust and accurate approach to tackling the challenge of live-cell tracking in DIC microscopy.
This thesis investigates a method for human-robot interaction (HRI) in order to uphold productivity of industrial robots like minimization of the shortest operation time, while ensuring human safety like collision avoidance. For solving such problems an online motion planning approach for robotic manipulators with HRI has been proposed. The approach is based on model predictive control (MPC) with embedded mixed integer programming. The planning strategies of the robotic manipulators mainly considered in the thesis are directly performed in the workspace for easy obstacle representation. The non-convex optimization problem is approximated by a mixed-integer program (MIP). It is further effectively reformulated such that the number of binary variables and the number of feasible integer solutions are drastically decreased. Safety-relevant regions, which are potentially occupied by the human operators, can be generated online by a proposed method based on hidden Markov models. In contrast to previous approaches, which derive predictions based on probability density functions in the form of single points, such as most likely or expected human positions, the proposed method computes safety-relevant subsets of the workspace as a region which is possibly occupied by the human at future instances of time. The method is further enhanced by combining reachability analysis to increase the prediction accuracy. These safety-relevant regions can subsequently serve as safety constraints when the motion is planned by optimization. This way one arrives at motion plans that are safe, i.e. plans that avoid collision with a probability not less than a predefined threshold. The developed methods have been successfully applied to a developed demonstrator, where an industrial robot works in the same space as a human operator. The task of the industrial robot is to drive its end-effector according to a nominal sequence of grippingmotion-releasing operations while no collision with a human arm occurs.
In this text, we present two stereo-based head tracking techniques along with a fast 3D model acquisition system. The first tracking technique is a robust implementation of stereo-based head tracking designed for interactive environments with uncontrolled lighting. We integrate fast face detection and drift reduction algorithms with a gradient-based stereo rigid motion tracking technique. Our system can automatically segment and track a user's head under large rotation and illumination variations. Precision and usability of this approach are compared with previous tracking methods for cursor control and target selection in both desktop and interactive room environments. The second tracking technique is designed to improve the robustness of head pose tracking for fast movements. Our iterative hybrid tracker combines constraints from the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm and normal flow constraint. This new technique is more precise for small movements and noisy depth than ICP alone, and more robust for large movements than the normal flow constraint alone. We present experiments which test the accuracy of our approach on sequences of real and synthetic stereo images. The 3D model acquisition system we present quickly aligns intensity and depth images, and reconstructs a textured 3D mesh. 3D views are registered with shape alignment based on our iterative hybrid tracker. We reconstruct the 3D model using a new Cubic Ray Projection merging algorithm which takes advantage of a novel data structure: the linked voxel space. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our approach on 3D face modelling using real-time stereo images.
Tracking activities during daily life and assessing movement parameters is essential for complementing the information gathered in confined environments such as clinical and physical activity laboratories for the assessment of mobility. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are used as to monitor the motion of human movement for prolonged periods of time and without space limitations. The focus in this study was to provide a robust, low-cost and an unobtrusive solution for evaluating human motion using a single IMU. First part of the study focused on monitoring and classification of the daily life activities. A simple method that analyses the variations in signal was developed to distinguish two types of activity intervals: active and inactive. Neural classifier was used to classify active intervals; the angle with respect to gravity was used to classify inactive intervals. Second part of the study focused on extraction of gait parameters using a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached to the pelvis. Two complementary methods were proposed for gait parameters estimation. First method was a wavelet based method developed for the estimation of gait events. Second method was developed for estimating step and stride length during level walking using the estimations of the previous method. A special integration algorithm was extended to operate on each gait cycle using a specially designed Kalman filter. The developed methods were also applied on various scenarios. Activity monitoring method was used in a PRIN’07 project to assess the mobility levels of individuals living in a urban area. The same method was applied on volleyball players to analyze the fitness levels of them by monitoring their daily life activities. The methods proposed in these studies provided a simple, unobtrusive and low-cost solution for monitoring and assessing activities outside of controlled environments.
In questo progetto di tesi sarà innanzitutto presentato il Kinect One e sarà fatta una panoramica sull’uso della realtà virtuale in ambito riabilitativo. In seguito sarà analizzato l’algoritmo di Body tracking, valutandone il comportamento in diverse situazioni pratiche e poi stimandone la precisione in statica. Sarà presentato un filtraggio per limitare il rumore in tempo reale e valutarne i pro ed i contro in funzione delle caratteristiche impostabili. Saranno presentate inoltre le metodologie con cui gli algoritmi integrati del Kinect permettono di ricavare una stima dell’orientamento delle parti anatomiche nello spazio ed alcune considerazioni circa le implicazioni pratiche di tali metodologie, anche in base alle osservazioni sul campo ottenute durante i mesi di realizzazione di questo progetto. Lo scopo è determinare se e come sia possibile utilizzare il Microsoft Kinect One come unico sistema di motion tracking del paziente in applicazioni cliniche di riabilitazione, quali limiti ci sono nel suo utilizzo e quali categorie di scenari e prove potrebbe supportare.
In this paper, we investigate how a multilinear model can be used to represent human motion data. Based on technical modes (referring to degrees of freedom and number of frames) and natural modes that typically appear in the context of a motion capture session (referring to actor, style, and repetition), the motion data is encoded in form of a high-order tensor. This tensor is then reduced by using N-mode singular value decomposition. Our experiments show that the reduced model approximates the original motion better then previously introduced PCA-based approaches. Furthermore, we discuss how the tensor representation may be used as a valuable tool for the synthesis of new motions.
Coronary heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States and increased blood cholesterol level has been found to be a major risk factor with roots in childhood. Tracking of cholesterol, i.e., the tendency to maintain a particular cholesterol level relative to the rest of the population, and variability in blood lipid levels with increase in age have implications for cholesterol screening and assessment of lipid levels in children for possible prevention of further rise to prevent adulthood heart disease. In this study the pattern of change in plasma lipids, over time, and their tracking were investigated. Also, within-person variance and retest reliability defined as the square root of within-person variance for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides and their relation to age, sex and body mass index among participants from age 8 to 18 years were investigated. ^ In Project HeartBeat!, 678 healthy children aged 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline were enrolled and examined at 4-monthly intervals for up to 4 years. We examined the relationship between repeated observations by Pearson's correlations. Age- and sex-specific quintiles were calculated and the probability of participants to remain in the uppermost quintile of their respective distribution was evaluated with life table methods. Plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C at baseline were strongly and significantly correlated with measurements at subsequent visits across the sex and age groups. Plasma triglyceride at baseline was also significantly correlated with subsequent measurements but less strongly than was the case for other plasma lipids. The probability to remain in the upper quintile was also high (60 to 70%) for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C. ^ We used a mixed longitudinal, or synthetic cohort design with continuous observations from age 8 to 18 years to estimate within person variance of plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides. A total of 5809 measurements were available for both cholesterol and triglycerides. A multilevel linear model was used. Within-person variance among repeated measures over up to four years of follow-up was estimated for total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides separately. The relationship of within-person and inter-individual variance with age, sex, and body mass index was evaluated. Likelihood ratio tests were conducted by calculating the deviation of −2log (likelihood) within the basic model and alternative models. The square root of within-person variance provided the retest reliability (within person standard deviation) for plasma total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides. We found 13.6 percent retest reliability for plasma cholesterol, 6.1 percent for HDL-cholesterol, 11.9 percent for LDL-cholesterol and 32.4 percent for triglycerides. Retest reliability of plasma lipids was significantly related with age and body mass index. It increased with increase in body mass index and age. These findings have implications for screening guidelines, as participants in the uppermost quintile tended to maintain their status in each of the age groups during a four-year follow-up. The magnitude of within-person variability of plasma lipids influences the ability to classify children into risk categories recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program. ^
El uso de técnicas para la monitorización del movimiento humano generalmente permite a los investigadores analizar la cinemática y especialmente las capacidades motoras en aquellas actividades de la vida cotidiana que persiguen un objetivo concreto como pueden ser la preparación de bebidas y comida, e incluso en tareas de aseo. Adicionalmente, la evaluación del movimiento y el comportamiento humanos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva es esencial para profundizar en las dificultades que algunas personas encuentran en la ejecución de actividades diarias después de accidentes cerebro-vasculares. Estas dificultades están principalmente asociadas a la realización de pasos secuenciales y al reconocimiento del uso de herramientas y objetos. La interpretación de los datos sobre la actitud de este tipo de pacientes para reconocer y determinar el nivel de éxito en la ejecución de las acciones, y para ampliar el conocimiento en las enfermedades cerebrales, sus consecuencias y severidad, depende totalmente de los dispositivos usados para la captura de esos datos y de la calidad de los mismos. Más aún, existe una necesidad real de mejorar las técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva contribuyendo al diseño de sistemas automáticos para crear una especie de terapeuta virtual que asegure una vida más independiente de estos pacientes y reduzca la carga de trabajo de los terapeutas. Con este objetivo, el uso de sensores y dispositivos para obtener datos en tiempo real de la ejecución y estado de la tarea de rehabilitación es esencial para también contribuir al diseño y entrenamiento de futuros algoritmos que pudieran reconocer errores automáticamente para informar al paciente acerca de ellos mediante distintos tipos de pistas como pueden ser imágenes, mensajes auditivos o incluso videos. La tecnología y soluciones existentes en este campo no ofrecen una manera totalmente robusta y efectiva para obtener datos en tiempo real, por un lado, porque pueden influir en el movimiento del propio paciente en caso de las plataformas basadas en el uso de marcadores que necesitan sensores pegados en la piel; y por otro lado, debido a la complejidad o alto coste de implantación lo que hace difícil pensar en la idea de instalar un sistema en el hospital o incluso en la casa del paciente. Esta tesis presenta la investigación realizada en el campo de la monitorización del movimiento de pacientes para proporcionar un paso adelante en términos de detección, seguimiento y reconocimiento del comportamiento de manos, gestos y cara mediante una manera no invasiva la cual puede mejorar la técnicas actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva para la adquisición en tiempo real de datos sobre el comportamiento del paciente y la ejecución de la tarea. Para entender la importancia del marco de esta tesis, inicialmente se presenta un resumen de las principales enfermedades cognitivas y se introducen las consecuencias que tienen en la ejecución de tareas de la vida diaria. Más aún, se investiga sobre las metodologías actuales de rehabilitación cognitiva. Teniendo en cuenta que las manos son la principal parte del cuerpo para la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana, también se resumen las tecnologías existentes para la captura de movimiento de manos. Una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis está relacionada con el diseño y evaluación de una solución no invasiva para detectar y seguir las manos durante la ejecución de tareas manuales de la vida cotidiana que a su vez involucran la manipulación de objetos. Esta solución la cual no necesita marcadores adicionales y está basada en una cámara de profundidad de bajo coste, es robusta, precisa y fácil de instalar. Otra contribución presentada se centra en el reconocimiento de gestos para detectar el agarre de objetos basado en un sensor infrarrojo de última generación, y también complementado con una cámara de profundidad. Esta nueva técnica, y también no invasiva, sincroniza ambos sensores para seguir objetos específicos además de reconocer eventos concretos relacionados con tareas de aseo. Más aún, se realiza una evaluación preliminar del reconocimiento de expresiones faciales para analizar si es adecuado para el reconocimiento del estado de ánimo durante la tarea. Por su parte, todos los componentes y algoritmos desarrollados son integrados en un prototipo simple para ser usado como plataforma de monitorización. Se realiza una evaluación técnica del funcionamiento de cada dispositivo para analizar si es adecuada para adquirir datos en tiempo real durante la ejecución de tareas cotidianas reales. Finalmente, se estudia la interacción con pacientes reales para obtener información del nivel de usabilidad del prototipo. Dicha información es esencial y útil para considerar una rehabilitación cognitiva basada en la idea de instalación del sistema en la propia casa del paciente al igual que en el hospital correspondiente. ABSTRACT The use of human motion monitoring techniques usually let researchers to analyse kinematics, especially in motor strategies for goal-oriented activities of daily living, such as the preparation of drinks and food, and even grooming tasks. Additionally, the evaluation of human movements and behaviour in the field of cognitive rehabilitation is essential to deep into the difficulties some people find in common activities after stroke. This difficulties are mainly associated with sequence actions and the recognition of tools usage. The interpretation of attitude data of this kind of patients in order to recognize and determine the level of success of the execution of actions, and to broaden the knowledge in brain diseases, consequences and severity, depends totally on the devices used for the capture of that data and the quality of it. Moreover, there is a real need of improving the current cognitive rehabilitation techniques by contributing to the design of automatic systems to create a kind of virtual therapist for the improvement of the independent life of these stroke patients and to reduce the workload of the occupational therapists currently in charge of them. For this purpose, the use of sensors and devices to obtain real time data of the execution and state of the rehabilitation task is essential to also contribute to the design and training of future smart algorithms which may recognise errors to automatically provide multimodal feedback through different types of cues such as still images, auditory messages or even videos. The technology and solutions currently adopted in the field don't offer a totally robust and effective way for obtaining real time data, on the one hand, because they may influence the patient's movement in case of marker-based platforms which need sensors attached to the skin; and on the other hand, because of the complexity or high cost of implementation, which make difficult the idea of installing a system at the hospital or even patient's home. This thesis presents the research done in the field of user monitoring to provide a step forward in terms of detection, tracking and recognition of hand movements, gestures and face via a non-invasive way which could improve current techniques for cognitive rehabilitation for real time data acquisition of patient's behaviour and execution of the task. In order to understand the importance of the scope of the thesis, initially, a summary of the main cognitive diseases that require for rehabilitation and an introduction of the consequences on the execution of daily tasks are presented. Moreover, research is done about the actual methodology to provide cognitive rehabilitation. Considering that the main body members involved in the completion of a handmade daily task are the hands, the current technologies for human hands movements capture are also highlighted. One of the main contributions of this thesis is related to the design and evaluation of a non-invasive approach to detect and track user's hands during the execution of handmade activities of daily living which involve the manipulation of objects. This approach does not need the inclusion of any additional markers. In addition, it is only based on a low-cost depth camera, it is robust, accurate and easy to install. Another contribution presented is focused on the hand gesture recognition for detecting object grasping based on a brand new infrared sensor, and also complemented with a depth camera. This new, and also non-invasive, solution which synchronizes both sensors to track specific tools as well as recognize specific events related to grooming is evaluated. Moreover, a preliminary assessment of the recognition of facial expressions is carried out to analyse if it is adequate for recognizing mood during the execution of task. Meanwhile, all the corresponding hardware and software developed are integrated in a simple prototype with the purpose of being used as a platform for monitoring the execution of the rehabilitation task. Technical evaluation of the performance of each device is carried out in order to analyze its suitability to acquire real time data during the execution of real daily tasks. Finally, a kind of healthcare evaluation is also presented to obtain feedback about the usability of the system proposed paying special attention to the interaction with real users and stroke patients. This feedback is quite useful to consider the idea of a home-based cognitive rehabilitation as well as a possible hospital installation of the prototype.
We present a targetless motion tracking method for detecting planar movements with subpixel accuracy. This method is based on the computation and tracking of the intersection of two nonparallel straight-line segments in the image of a moving object in a scene. The method is simple and easy to implement because no complex structures have to be detected. It has been tested and validated using a lab experiment consisting of a vibrating object that was recorded with a high-speed camera working at 1000 fps. We managed to track displacements with an accuracy of hundredths of pixel or even of thousandths of pixel in the case of tracking harmonic vibrations. The method is widely applicable because it can be used for distance measuring amplitude and frequency of vibrations with a vision system.
The hallucinogenic serotonin(IA&2A) agonist psilocybin is known for its ability to induce illusions of motion in otherwise stationary objects or textured surfaces. This study investigated the effect of psilocybin on local and global motion processing in nine human volunteers. Using a forced choice direction of motion discrimination task we show that psilocybin selectively impairs coherence sensitivity for random dot patterns, likely mediated by high-level global motion detectors, but not contrast sensitivity for drifting gratings, believed to be mediated by low-level detectors. These results are in line with those observed within schizophrenic populations and are discussed in respect to the proposition that psilocybin may provide a model to investigate clinical psychosis and the pharmacological underpinnings of visual perception in normal populations.
Head motion during a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) brain scan can considerably degrade image quality. External motion-tracking devices have proven successful in minimizing this effect, but the associated time, maintenance, and workflow changes inhibit their widespread clinical use. List-mode PET acquisition allows for the retroactive analysis of coincidence events on any time scale throughout a scan, and therefore potentially offers a data-driven motion detection and characterization technique. An algorithm was developed to parse list-mode data, divide the full acquisition into short scan intervals, and calculate the line-of-response (LOR) midpoint average for each interval. These LOR midpoint averages, known as “radioactivity centroids,” were presumed to represent the center of the radioactivity distribution in the scanner, and it was thought that changes in this metric over time would correspond to intra-scan motion.
Several scans were taken of the 3D Hoffman brain phantom on a GE Discovery IQ PET/CT scanner to test the ability of the radioactivity to indicate intra-scan motion. Each scan incrementally surveyed motion in a different degree of freedom (2 translational and 2 rotational). The radioactivity centroids calculated from these scans correlated linearly to phantom positions/orientations. Centroid measurements over 1-second intervals performed on scans with ~1mCi of activity in the center of the field of view had standard deviations of 0.026 cm in the x- and y-dimensions and 0.020 cm in the z-dimension, which demonstrates high precision and repeatability in this metric. Radioactivity centroids are thus shown to successfully represent discrete motions on the submillimeter scale. It is also shown that while the radioactivity centroid can precisely indicate the amount of motion during an acquisition, it fails to distinguish what type of motion occurred.
Bayesian nonparametric models, such as the Gaussian process and the Dirichlet process, have been extensively applied for target kinematics modeling in various applications including environmental monitoring, traffic planning, endangered species tracking, dynamic scene analysis, autonomous robot navigation, and human motion modeling. As shown by these successful applications, Bayesian nonparametric models are able to adjust their complexities adaptively from data as necessary, and are resistant to overfitting or underfitting. However, most existing works assume that the sensor measurements used to learn the Bayesian nonparametric target kinematics models are obtained a priori or that the target kinematics can be measured by the sensor at any given time throughout the task. Little work has been done for controlling the sensor with bounded field of view to obtain measurements of mobile targets that are most informative for reducing the uncertainty of the Bayesian nonparametric models. To present the systematic sensor planning approach to leaning Bayesian nonparametric models, the Gaussian process target kinematics model is introduced at first, which is capable of describing time-invariant spatial phenomena, such as ocean currents, temperature distributions and wind velocity fields. The Dirichlet process-Gaussian process target kinematics model is subsequently discussed for modeling mixture of mobile targets, such as pedestrian motion patterns.
Novel information theoretic functions are developed for these introduced Bayesian nonparametric target kinematics models to represent the expected utility of measurements as a function of sensor control inputs and random environmental variables. A Gaussian process expected Kullback Leibler divergence is developed as the expectation of the KL divergence between the current (prior) and posterior Gaussian process target kinematics models with respect to the future measurements. Then, this approach is extended to develop a new information value function that can be used to estimate target kinematics described by a Dirichlet process-Gaussian process mixture model. A theorem is proposed that shows the novel information theoretic functions are bounded. Based on this theorem, efficient estimators of the new information theoretic functions are designed, which are proved to be unbiased with the variance of the resultant approximation error decreasing linearly as the number of samples increases. Computational complexities for optimizing the novel information theoretic functions under sensor dynamics constraints are studied, and are proved to be NP-hard. A cumulative lower bound is then proposed to reduce the computational complexity to polynomial time.
Three sensor planning algorithms are developed according to the assumptions on the target kinematics and the sensor dynamics. For problems where the control space of the sensor is discrete, a greedy algorithm is proposed. The efficiency of the greedy algorithm is demonstrated by a numerical experiment with data of ocean currents obtained by moored buoys. A sweep line algorithm is developed for applications where the sensor control space is continuous and unconstrained. Synthetic simulations as well as physical experiments with ground robots and a surveillance camera are conducted to evaluate the performance of the sweep line algorithm. Moreover, a lexicographic algorithm is designed based on the cumulative lower bound of the novel information theoretic functions, for the scenario where the sensor dynamics are constrained. Numerical experiments with real data collected from indoor pedestrians by a commercial pan-tilt camera are performed to examine the lexicographic algorithm. Results from both the numerical simulations and the physical experiments show that the three sensor planning algorithms proposed in this dissertation based on the novel information theoretic functions are superior at learning the target kinematics with
little or no prior knowledge
International audience
This research explores music in space, as experienced through performing and music-making with interactive systems. It explores how musical parameters may be presented spatially and displayed visually with a view to their exploration by a musician during performance. Spatial arrangements of musical components, especially pitches and harmonies, have been widely studied in the literature, but the current capabilities of interactive systems allow the improvisational exploration of these musical spaces as part of a performance practice. This research focuses on quantised spatial organisation of musical parameters that can be categorised as grid music systems (GMSs), and interactive music systems based on them. The research explores and surveys existing and historical uses of GMSs, and develops and demonstrates the use of a novel grid music system designed for whole body interaction. Grid music systems provide plotting of spatialised input to construct patterned music on a two-dimensional grid layout. GMSs are navigated to construct a sequence of parametric steps, for example a series of pitches, rhythmic values, a chord sequence, or terraced dynamic steps. While they are conceptually simple when only controlling one musical dimension, grid systems may be layered to enable complex and satisfying musical results. These systems have proved a viable, effective, accessible and engaging means of music-making for the general user as well as the musician. GMSs have been widely used in electronic and digital music technologies, where they have generally been applied to small portable devices and software systems such as step sequencers and drum machines. This research shows that by scaling up a grid music system, music-making and musical improvisation are enhanced, gaining several advantages: (1) Full body location becomes the spatial input to the grid. The system becomes a partially immersive one in four related ways: spatially, graphically, sonically and musically. (2) Detection of body location by tracking enables hands-free operation, thereby allowing the playing of a musical instrument in addition to “playing” the grid system. (3) Visual information regarding musical parameters may be enhanced so that the performer may fully engage with existing spatial knowledge of musical materials. The result is that existing spatial knowledge is overlaid on, and combined with, music-space. Music-space is a new concept produced by the research, and is similar to notions of other musical spaces including soundscape, acoustic space, Smalley's “circumspace” and “immersive space” (2007, 48-52), and Lotis's “ambiophony” (2003), but is rather more textural and “alive”—and therefore very conducive to interaction. Music-space is that space occupied by music, set within normal space, which may be perceived by a person located within, or moving around in that space. Music-space has a perceivable “texture” made of tensions and relaxations, and contains spatial patterns of these formed by musical elements such as notes, harmonies, and sounds, changing over time. The music may be performed by live musicians, created electronically, or be prerecorded. Large-scale GMSs have the capability not only to interactively display musical information as music representative space, but to allow music-space to co-exist with it. Moving around the grid, the performer may interact in real time with musical materials in music-space, as they form over squares or move in paths. Additionally he/she may sense the textural matrix of the music-space while being immersed in surround sound covering the grid. The HarmonyGrid is a new computer-based interactive performance system developed during this research that provides a generative music-making system intended to accompany, or play along with, an improvising musician. This large-scale GMS employs full-body motion tracking over a projected grid. Playing with the system creates an enhanced performance employing live interactive music, along with graphical and spatial activity. Although one other experimental system provides certain aspects of immersive music-making, currently only the HarmonyGrid provides an environment to explore and experience music-space in a GMS.
Background The use of dual growing rods is a fusionless surgical approach to the treatment of early onset scoliosis (EOS), which aims of harness potential growth in order to correct spinal deformity. The purpose of this study was to compare the in-vitro biomechanical response of two different dual rod designs under axial rotation loading. Methods Six porcine spines were dissected into seven level thoracolumbar multi-segmental units. Each specimen was mounted and tested in a biaxial Instron machine, undergoing nondestructive left/right axial rotation to peak moments of 4Nm at a constant rotation rate of 8deg.s-1. A motion tracking system (Optotrak) measured 3D displacements of individual vertebrae. Each spine was tested in an un-instrumented state first and then with appropriately sized semi-constrained growing rods and ‘rigid’ rods in alternating sequence. Range of motion, neutral zone size and stiffness were calculated from the moment-rotation curves and intervertebral ranges of motion were calculated from Optotrak data. Findings Irrespective of test sequence, rigid rods showed significantly reduction of total rotation across all instrumented levels (with increased stiffness) whilst semi-constrained rods exhibited similar rotation behavior to the un-instrumented (P<0.05). An 11% and 8% increase in stiffness for left and right axial rotation respectively and 15% reduction in total range of motion was recorded with dual rigid rods compared with semi-constrained rods. Interpretation Based on these findings, the semi-constrained growing rods do not increase axial rotation stiffness compared with un-instrumented spines. This is thought to provide a more physiological environment for the growing spine compared to dual rigid rod constructs.