404 resultados para hub
Although patterns of somatic alterations have been reported for tumor genomes, little is known on how they compare with alterations present in non-tumor genomes. A comparison of the two would be crucial to better characterize the genetic alterations driving tumorigenesis. We sequenced the genomes of a lymphoblastoid (HCC1954BL) and a breast tumor (HCC1954) cell line derived from the same patient and compared the somatic alterations present in both. The lymphoblastoid genome presents a comparable number and similar spectrum of nucleotide substitutions to that found in the tumor genome. However, a significant difference in the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions was observed between both genomes (P = 0.031). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that mutations in the tumor genome preferentially affect hub-genes (P = 0.0017) and are co-selected to present synergistic functions (P < 0.0001). KEGG analysis showed that in the tumor genome most mutated genes were organized into signaling pathways related to tumorigenesis. No such organization or synergy was observed in the lymphoblastoid genome. Our results indicate that endogenous mutagens and replication errors can generate the overall number of mutations required to drive tumorigenesis and that it is the combination rather than the frequency of mutations that is crucial to complete tumorigenic transformation.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.
Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,
Smart Cities are designed to be living systems and turn urban dwellers life more comfortable and interactive by keeping them aware of what surrounds them, while leaving a greener footprint. The Future Cities Project [1] aims to create infrastructures for research in smart cities including a vehicular network, the BusNet, and an environmental sensor platform, the Urban Sense. Vehicles within the BusNet are equipped with On Board Units (OBUs) that offer free Wi-Fi to passengers and devices near the street. The Urban Sense platform is composed by a set of Data Collection Units (DCUs) that include a set of sensors measuring environmental parameters such as air pollution, meteorology and noise. The Urban Sense platform is expanding and receptive to add new sensors to the platform. The parnership with companies like TNL were made and the need to monitor garbage street containers emerged as air pollution prevention. If refuse collection companies know prior to the refuse collection which route is the best to collect the maximum amount of garbage with the shortest path, they can reduce costs and pollution levels are lower, leaving behind a greener footprint. This dissertation work arises in the need to monitor the garbage street containers and integrate these sensors into an Urban Sense DCU. Due to the remote locations of the garbage street containers, a network extension to the vehicular network had to be created. This dissertation work also focus on the Multi-hop network designed to extend the vehicular network coverage area to the remote garbage street containers. In locations where garbage street containers have access to the vehicular network, Roadside Units (RSUs) or Access Points (APs), the Multi-hop network serves has a redundant path to send the data collected from DCUs to the Urban Sense cloud database. To plan this highly dynamic network, the Wi-Fi Planner Tool was developed. This tool allowed taking measurements on the field that led to an optimized location of the Multi-hop network nodes with the use of radio propagation models. This tool also allowed rendering a temperature-map style overlay for Google Earth [2] application. For the DCU for garbage street containers the parner company provided the access to a HUB (device that communicates with the sensor inside the garbage containers). The Future Cities use the Raspberry pi as a platform for the DCUs. To collect the data from the HUB a RS485 to RS232 converter was used at the physical level and the Modbus protocol at the application level. To determine the location and status of the vehicles whinin the vehicular network a TCP Server was developed. This application was developed for the OBUs providing the vehicle Global Positioning System (GPS) location as well as information of when the vehicle is stopped, moving, on idle or even its slope. To implement the Multi-hop network on the field some scripts were developed such as pingLED and “shark”. These scripts helped upon node deployment on the field as well as to perform all the tests on the network. Two setups were implemented on the field, an urban setup was implemented for a Multi-hop network coverage survey and a sub-urban setup was implemented to test the Multi-hop network routing protocols, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and Babel.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
O xenodiagnóstico (xeno) clássico e artificial feitos com Dipatalogaster maximus de primeiro estágio foi realizado simultaneamente em 57 pacientes com infecção chagásica crônica (22 do sexo masculino e 35 do sexo feminino, com idades entre 7 e 80 anos). Exceto dois pacientes com clínica de megaesôfago, os demais tinham dois exames sorológicos prévios positivos sendo feita nova sorológia no decorrer do estudo. Os pacientes eram provenientes do ambulatório do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB) ou eram residentes no município de Mambaí, GO. Dos 57 pacientes, 24 (42%) apresentaram xenodiagnósticos positivos. Dos 114 xenodiagnósticos realizados, 36 (32%) foram positivos. A comparação das duas técnicas não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,42), porém o xeno artificial apresenta vantagem porque o sangue é oferecido aos triatomíneos através de um aparelho enquanto, no xeno clássico, os triatomíneos sugam através da pele do paciente.
MARQUES, B.P. (2008) “Local Development Initiatives: the case of São Paulo and ABCD Municipalities”, in Actas do 14.º Congresso da APDR, Tomar, pp. 253-279, ISBN 978-972-98803-9-1.
O acesso à energia é uma das principais preocupações de todos os Estados quer dos economicamente desenvolvidos quer dos em vias de desenvolvimento. Da energia dependem todos os sectores económicos do primário ao terciário. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico as necessidades das populações, das atividades produtivas e dos serviços fazem crescer a procura energética. A segurança energética é encarada como uma parte importante da segurança dos países, sendo o consumo energético permanente, o controlo dos fluxos que garantam o fornecimento tornaram-se estratégicos, tanto para importadores como para exportadores. A Turquia é atualmente a décima sétima economia mundial. A sua economia, particularmente a indústria, tem assistido nos últimos anos a um desenvolvimento significativo, fazendo com que as suas necessidades de energia tenham aumentado. Sendo o que se pode chamar de país híbrido, ou seja não é um país meramente importador de energia, é também produtor, no entanto dado que a sua produção não é suficiente de modo a suprir todas as necessidades de consumo, necessita de recorrer à importação e como tal, tem como preocupação central o acesso aos recursos energéticos. Os desafios que se lhe apresentam são muitos, quer no que toca à diversificação de fornecedores de energia quer na diversificação do mix energético. Com uma posição geográfica privilegiada, a Turquia procura tirar partido desse facto construindo relações energéticas com os países vizinhos. Está situada junto aos principais países exportadores mas também junto dos países importadores da Europa, o que faz com que esteja no centro dos corredores energéticos. No seu território passam e desaguam rotas de transporte de energia, o que aumenta o seu potencial como país de trânsito e como hub energético, estatuto que almeja. O presente trabalho pretende analisar os desafios e as potencialidades deste país no que diz respeito à energia.
A União Europeia resulta de um dos projectos mais ambiciosos e bem-sucedidos de sempre; um enorme esforço político de reconstrução e integração regional e sobretudo, de paz. Porém, apesar de a paz e o progresso terem durado mais de 60 anos, a actual conjuntura social, política e económica da Europa e regiões limítrofes está a pôr em causa o sucesso desta obra inacabada. Portugal, mais precisamente, apresenta-se como um país pouco influente, bastante dependente e com uma das mais frágeis economias da zona-Euro. Tem necessariamente de fazer valer o seu posicionamento geográfico privilegiado, ponto de partida para outras vantagens competitivas de que dispõe, encetando uma aproximação cultural, política e económica à América Latina e a África, tomando assim uma atitude perante o actual cenário de crise. Neste contexto surge a ideia de uma “Pangeia Atlântica” que, metaforicamente, sugere a aproximação dos três continentes a todos os níveis. Este é um conceito já debatido e relativamente conhecido, que veio a materializar-se em Portugal, com Instituto para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da América Latina (IPDAL), através de iniciativas como o Encontro “Triângulo Estratégico: América Latina – Europa – África”; trata-se de um evento de carácter institucional e empresarial, que junta destacadas figuras da diplomacia, da política internacional e do mundo empresarial, alertando responsáveis públicos e privados para a importância desta tríplice aliança entre continentes com uma história em comum. O “Triângulo Estratégico: América Latina – Europa – África” tem na cidade de Lisboa o hub europeu por excelência e é absolutamente estratégico para a afirmação e defesa dos interesses de Portugal no Mundo. Portugal será mais forte na Europa se aumentar e solidificar a sua posição na América Latina e em África, onde se encontram populações jovens e alguns dos principais produtores mundiais de recursos energéticos e hídricos, e algumas das maiores superfícies aráveis do planeta. Sob uma perspectiva económica, Portugal já beneficia de uma forte presença humana, empresarial e cultural, além de um relevante capital de simpatia, o que é determinante nestes mercados. Iniciado este processo de aproximação, através do bom uso de Instituições com potencial, como a CPLP (Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa), ou a SEGIB (Secretaria-Geral Ibero-Americana) e respeitando a simplificação de conceitos e a integração de estratégias, a “Pangeia Atlântica” exibirá, não só, alternativas para o tecido empresarial português e os seus bens e serviços de alta qualidade, mas também, formas de crescer e atrair investimento para Portugal, enquanto se responde em benefício da Europa e se criam as oportunidades que lançarão os restantes vértices do Triângulo num plano decisório mundial. Na íntegra, o presente estudo tem como objetivos a partilha de informação de teor histórico, político e económico e a exposição dos pontos passíveis de discussão, promovendo um alargado e enriquecedor debate sobre esta matéria. Assiste ao autor a esperança de que este trabalho contribua para o reconhecimento geral deste exequível cenário e do compromisso de instituições como o IPDAL, e, que se cumpra o marco de despertar Portugal para a imensidão de rumos que o seu empreendedorismo pode tomar.
The species Rhabdodendron macrophyllum (Spr. ex Benth.) Hub. (Rhabdondendraceae) was observed in order to determine its pollination mechanism. Although it flowers around the year, there are flowering peaks when it is visited by several species of pollen-gathering bees. The principal floral visitors are two species of trigonid bees and one Melipona. The Melipona and one other visitor used the buzz method to extract pollen from the longitudinally dehiscent anthers. The trigonid bees collected pollen without buzzing. The flowers open around 6:00 a.m. and are available to the bess until about 10:30 a.m. Pollinator exclusion experiments showed that this species sets fruit equally by self fertilization.
This Study assessed the development of sludge treatment and reuse policy since the original 1993 National Sludge Strategy Report (Weston-FTA, 1993). A review of the 48 sludge treatment centres, current wastewater treatment systems and current or planned sludge treatment and reuse systems was carried out Sludges from all Regional Sludge Treatment Centres (areas) were characterised through analysis of selected parameters. There have been many changes to the original policy, as a result of boundary reviews, delays in developing sludge management plans, development in technology and changes in tendering policy, most notably a move to design-build-operate (DBO) projects. As a result, there are now 35 designated Hub Centres. Only 5 of the Hub Centres are producing Class A Biosolids. These are Ringsend, Killamey, Carlow, Navan and Osberstown. Ringsend is the only Hub Centre that is fully operational, treating sludge from surrounding regions by Thermal Drying. Killamey is producing Class A Biosolids using Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) but is not, as yet, treating imported sludge. The remaining three plants are producing Class A Biosolids using Alkaline Stabilisation. Anaerobic Digestion with post pasteurisation is the most common form of sludge treatment, with 11 Hub Centres proposing to use it. One plant is using ATAD, two intend to use Alkaline Stabilisation, seven have selected Thermal Drying and three have selected Composting. While the remaining plants have not decided which sludge treatment to select, this is because of incomplete Sludge Management Plans and on DBO contracts. Analysis of sludges from the Hub Centres showed that all Irish sewage sludge is safe for agricultural reuse as defined by the Waste Management Regulations {Use of Sewage Sludge in Agriculture) (S.I. 267/2001), providing that a nutrient management plan is taken into consideration and that the soil limits of the 1998 (S.I. 148/1998) Waste Management Regulations are not exceeded.
This paper characterizes the equilibria in airline networks and their welfare implications in an unregulated environment. Competing airlines may adopt either fully-connected (FC) or hub-and-spoke (HS) network structures; and passengers exhibiting low brand loyalty to their preferred carrier choose an outside option to travel so that markets are partially served by airlines. In this context, carriers adopt hubbing strategies when costs are sufficiently low, and asymmetric equilibria where one carrier chooses a FC strategy and the other chooses a HS strategy may arise. Quite interestingly, flight frequency can become excessive under HS network configurations.
Hub congestion is a major problem and a relevant policy issue because it causes delays and many organizational problems at airports that end up implying unpleasant consequences both for air travelers and airlines. In a competitive framework in which carriers choose aircraft size, this paper suggests that airlines schedule too many flights using overly small aircraft, which constitutes a major contributor to congestion. Two- part congestion tolls, accounting for the congestion imposed on other carriers and the congestion imposed on all passengers, are needed to recover e¢ ciency. Finally, we analyze the validity of the results by studying the effects of network size, airport capacity, competition in layover time, and the formation of airline alliances. Keywords: congestion; hub-and-spoke networks; overprovision of frequency; con- gestion internalization; congestion tolls JEL Classiffication Numbers: L13; L2; L93
We set up a trade model where three countries compete for an exogenous number of firms. Our innovation lies in the geography of the model. Of the three countries, one is the hub through which all trade takes place. First, we establish the natural geography of the region, which is given by the equilibrium distribution of industrial activity in the absence of taxes or subsidies. We then examine the implications for corporate taxes when the countries compete with each other to attract firms. We find that, even when all countries are the same size, the centrality of the hub gives it an advantage in tax setting, such that its equilibrium tax can be larger than that of the spokes and yet it still attracts a disproportionate share of industry. Thus geographic advantage in tax competition has a second dimension, centrality in addition to size.
Network airlines have been increasingly focusing their operations on hub airports through the exploitation of connecting traffic, allowing them to take advantage of economies of traffic density, which are unequivocal in the airline industry. Less attention has been devoted to airlines? decisions on point-to-point thin routes, which could be served using different aircraft technologies and different business models. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the impact on airlines ?networks of the two major innovations in the airline industry in the last two decades: the regional jet technology and the low-cost business model. We show that, under certain circumstances, direct services on point-to-point thin routes can be viable and thus airlines may be interested in deviating passengers out of the hub.