239 resultados para guilty verdict


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[Conclusion] We have explored two dimensions of the Australian OHS statutes which enable statutory OHS duties to reach more than one employer or self-employed person within a corporate group or network. First, most of the OHS statutes contain provisions extending the reach of employer’s duty beyond the employer’s employees. One legislative technique is to deem contractors and their employees to be employees of the principal contractor. Another imposes duties on employers and self-employed persons to persons who are not employees, so that employers and self-employed persons can be responsible for the OHS of firms, and those they engage, lower in the contractual chain. These duties are non-delegable, meaning that the principal contractor cannot seek to delegate OHS duties to firms lower in the contractual chain. Second, new Victorian ‘shadow officer’ provisions can be applied to remove difficulties and doubt as to the liability of partners in a partnership, officers of unincorporated associations, joint venturers, and holding and subsidiary companies within corporate groups. While the provisions can be argued simply to confirm that a partner who fails to take reasonable care in relation to OHS will be guilty of an offence, we demonstrate that there are very real benefits to having ‘shadow officer’ provisions which remove uncertainties about the liability of unincorporated associations, joint ventures and corporate groups. Perhaps most significantly, the Victorian corporate officer provisions have the potential to extend liability to individuals and other entities within organisational structures, where those individuals and entities make or participate in making decisions that affect the whole or a substantial part of the organisation’s business, and are responsible for an OHS offence having been committed, due to their failure to take reasonable care. We suggest that similar provisions should be included in all OHS statutes, to overcome at least some of the barriers limiting group responsibility for OHS statutory duties.


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In 2009 a couple in Cairns were charged, and later found not guilty, of illegally obtaining a medical abortion through the use of medication imported from overseas. The court case reignited the discussions surrounding the illegality and social acceptance of abortion in Queensland, Australia. Based on a discourse analysis of 150 online news media articles covering the Cairns trial, this article critically examines the language and key words relied upon by media when covering the Cairns trial. It argues that, despite popular support for the decriminalisation of abortion, emotive language that aligns with a pro-life ideology is still being employed which has the power to shape perceptions of deviance and stigma surrounding abortion. This is useful to demonstrate how media discourse surrounding abortion needs to further align with a pro-choice ideology for women to be empowered for their choices.


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In the case of Mattel Inc v Walking Mountain Productions, the toy doll manufacturer Mattel sought to prohibit a Utah photographer called Thomas Forsythe from producing and selling a series of 78 photographs entitled "Food Chain Barbie". The work had strong social and political overtones. The artist said that he chose to parody Barbie in his photographs because he wanted to challenge the beauty myth and the objectification of women. He observed: "Barbie is the most enduring of those products that feed on the insecurities of our beauty and perfection-obsessed consumer culture." The company Mattel argued that the photographs infringed its copyrights, trade marks, and trade dress. It was concerned that the artistic works would erode the brand of Barbie by wrongfully sexualising its blonde paragon of womanhood. However, Lew J of the Central District Court of California granted summary judgment for the photographer. The Court of Appeals upheld this verdict. Pregerson J held that the use of the manufacturer's copyrighted doll in parodic photographs constituted a fair use of copyright works. His Honour held that the use of manufacturer's "Barbie" mark and trade dress did not amount to trade mark infringement or dilution. This article provides a case commentary upon the Court of Appeals decision in Mattel Inc v Walking Mountain Productions, and its wider ramifications for the treatment of artistic parody under copyright law and trade mark law. It contends that the decision highlights the need for reform in Australian jurisprudence and legislation in respect of artistic parody.


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This operetta /morality play is set in a court room in the town of Puddle on the Piddle. The court is presided over by Judge Jan whose main role is to "adjudicate" between the prisoners (Homo economicus) and the victims, the wild life of Australia. After evidence has been presented the audience acts as Jury and votes guilty or not guilty by secret ballot. The Puddle Police play an important role in accompanying the prisoners into court.


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The conventional wisdom is that offenders have very high discount rates not only with respect to income and fines but also with respect to time incarcerated. These rates are difficult to measure objectively and the usual approach is to ask subjects hypothetical questions and infer time preference from their answers. In this article, we propose estimating rates at which offenders discount time incarcerated by specifying their equilibrium plea, defined as the discount rate, which equates the time and expected time spent in jail following a guilty plea and a trial. Offenders are assumed to exhibit positive time preference and discount time spent in jail at a constant rate. Our choice of sample is interesting because the offenders are not on bail, punishment is not delayed and the offences are planned therefore conforming to Becker’s model of the decision to commit a crime. Contrary to the discussion in the literature, we do not find evidence of consistently high time discount rates, and therefore cannot unequivocally infer that the prison experience always results in low levels of specific deterrence.


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The goals of this study were to analyze the forms of emotional tendencies that are likely to motivate moral behaviors, and to find correlates for these tendencies. In study 1, students narratives of their own guilt or shame experiences were analyzed. The results showed that pure shame was more likely to motivate avoidance than reparation, whereas guilt and combination of guilt and shame were likely to motivate reparation. However, all types of emotion could lead to chronic rumination if the person was not clearly responsible for the situation. In study 2, the relations of empathy with two measures of guilt were examined in a sample of 13- to 16-year-olds (N=113). Empathy was measured using Davis s IRI and guilt by Tangney s TOSCA and Hoffman s semi-projective story completion method that includes two different scenarios, guilt over cheating and guilt over inaction. Empathy correlated more strongly with both measures of guilt than the two measures correlated with each other. Hoffman s guilt over inaction was more strongly associated with empathy measures in girls than in boys, whereas for guilt over cheating the pattern was the opposite. Girls and boys who describe themselves as empathetic may emphasize different aspect of morality and feel guilty in different contexts. In study 3, cultural and gender differences in guilt and shame (TOSCA) and value priorities (the Schwartz Value Survey) were studied in samples of Finnish (N=156) and Peruvian (N=159) adolescents. Gender differences were found to be larger and more stereotypical among the Finns than among the Peruvians. Finnish girls were more prone to guilt and shame than boys were, whereas among the Peruvians there was no gender difference in guilt, and boys were more shame-prone than girls. The results support the view that psychological gender differences are largest individualistic societies. In study 4, the relations of value priorities to guilt, shame and empathy were examined in two samples, one of 15 19-year-old high school students (N = 207), and the other of military conscripts (N = 503). Guilt was, in both samples, positively related to valuing universalism, benevolence, tradition, and conformity, and negatively related to valuing power, hedonism, stimulation, and self-direction. The results for empathy were similar, but the relation to the openness conservation value dimension was weaker. Shame and personal distress were weakly related to values. In sum, shame without guilt and the TOSCA shame scale are tendencies that are unlikely to motivate moral behavior in Finnish cultural context. Guilt is likely to be connected to positive social behaviors, but excessive guilt can cause psychological problems. Moral emotional tendencies are related to culture, cultural conceptions of gender and to individual value priorities.


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This doctoral thesis explores the development of drug markets and drug related crime in Finland since the mid 1990s, as well as public control measures aimed at solving problems related to drug crime. The research further examines the criminal career of persons having committed drug crime, as well as their socio-economic background. The period since the mid 1990s is, on the one hand, characterized by increasing use of drugs and increasingly severe drug problems. On the other hand, this period is also characterized by intensified drug control. Also criminality associated with drugs has increased and become more severe. During this period the prevention of drug problems became a focal issue for authorities, and resources were increased for activities geared towards fighting drugs. Along with this development, Finnish drug policy has been balancing between therapeutic activities and control. A focal point in this thesis is the question how society addresses drug problems, as well as how this differs from efforts to solve other problems. Why are criminal means so readily used when dealing with drug problems; why have the police received an extended mandate to use coercive force; and why has the field for imposing administrative sanctions been extended? How has the extension of drug control affected general thinking in criminal policy? The subject matter in this thesis is approached in a criminological and criminal policy perspective. The thesis is made up of four research articles and a Summary Article. In the Summary Article the studies were placed into the Finnish research context of drug criminality and drug control as well as criminal policy. Furthermore, the author has assessed his own research location as a drug control researcher. Applying the notion of risk, an analysis was made of threats posed by drugs to society. Theoretical perspectives were also brought to the fore on how society may regulate drug problems and threats associated with them. Based on research literature and administrative documents, an analysis was made of the relation between drug related social and health policy and criminal justice control. An account was also made of the development of drug control in Finland since the mid 1990s. There has been a strong increase in control by the criminal justice system since the mid 1990s. Penalties have been made more stringent, more efficient means have been developed to trace the financial gain from the offence, opportunities for money laundering have been prevented and the police has obtained ample new powers of inquiry. New administrative measures have been directed towards drug users, such as introducing drug tests in working life, checking the applicants criminal record for certain jobs, as well as the threat of losing one s driving licence in cases where a physician has established drug addiction. In the 1990s the prevention of drug crimes and their disclosure were made part of the police s control activities nationwide. This could clearly be seen in increased criminal statistics. There are humiliating elements associated with the police s drug control that should be eliminated for the benefit of everybody. Furthermore, the criminal control is directed towards persons in a weak socio-economic position. A drug verdict may set off a marginalization process that may be very difficult to halt. Drug control is selective and generates repressive practises. The special status accorded drug problems is also revealed in the way in which the treatment of drug addicts has developed.


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In my job I see many students who have not learned to write a technical paper. When they do competent work, I want them to be able to write passable reports. This article is for them. There are well established principles for citing the relevant work of others; for not copying things without giving credit; for not stealing. If a reader feels you have copied anything, a figure, even a phrase, from elsewhere without citing its source, then you are guilty of plagiarism in the eyes of that reader. Committing plagiarism is so bad that I cannot do justice to it here. So I merely say: never do it. On, then, to writing your own honest and original material. Art requires talent. In contrast, through discipline and persistence alone, you can learn how to differentiate functions and ride bicycles. Similarly, you can write a passable technical paper. You just have to realize that your job does not end with research. Writing a passable paper involves extra work.


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El asesinato de Rosana Galliano fue uno de los casos policiales más resonantes de los últimos años en Argentina. Su cobertura en el diario Clarín es una muestra de que en la posmodernidad se desdibujan los límites entre “prensa seria” y prensa sensacionalista. La invasión de la vida privada de la víctima introduce los códigos de la novela sentimental y conduce a una lógica en la que cualquier acusación es publicada: todos hablan de la única que ya no puede hablar. Así, la cobertura oscila entre culpabilizar a la víctima y condenar sin juicio previo al sospechoso: el periodismo se vuelve fiscal y juez.


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The paper discusses the status of the Tiga Reservoir Fishery pre-and Clupeid transplantation. This was achieved by examining the species diversity, abundance and distribution with mitigating factors. It concludes with a verdict on the achievement of the transplantation exercise


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[ES]Con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías, se han facilitado las relaciones, acortado el tiempo de espera y agilizado los trámites con la Administración Pública. Estos adelantos, sin embargo, han propiciado que sea necesario proporcionar información de carácter personal de los ciudadanos, que en la mayoría de los casos es sensible. Es por esto que en los últimos años se han ido modificando e introduciendo nuevas leyes que permiten proteger estos datos de carácter personal. Cuando un contribuyente realiza sus obligaciones tributarias suministra datos de carácter personal a Hacienda, datos que están protegidos por la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos. El Sistema Tributario deber ser eficaz y transparente. Sin embargo, cabe preguntarse dónde se sitúa el límite a esa transparencia. Con el fin de que la transparencia sea máxima y de que la ciudadanía se conciencie de la importancia de cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias el legislador se ha planteado la posibilidad de publicar una lista de deudores y las sentencias firmes condenatorias de grandes defraudadores. Esta publicación de las listas aparentemente vulneraría los derechos de los ciudadanos en lo referente a la protección de datos con opiniones encontradas. Tras informes de diferentes organismos se ha llegado al Proyecto de Ley de Modificación parcial de la Ley 58/2003, General Tributaria (Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales del 30 de abril de 2015), que permitiría publicar las listas con ciertos límites: publicación únicamente del nombre de la persona física o jurídica y DNI o NIF. Además, para permitir la publicación de las sentencias firmes de los defraudadores, recientemente se ha aprobado el Proyecto de reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial.


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O modo como a violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes é tratada na contemporaneidade, principalmente pelo Sistema de Garantia de Direitos (SGD), revela uma atuação repressiva e punitiva inerente ao direito penal brasileiro. Esse viés com ênfase na punição produz certo saber sobre o tema, desenhando um modus operandi similar dentro de cada ente do SGD que atua em 3 eixos: promoção, defesa e controle. A partir dessa lógica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de mestrado junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender, por meio de análise documental de 3 processos concluídos de crianças que supostamente sofreram violência sexual, como foi a atuação do SGD desde a denúncia do caso até a sentença proferida pelo juiz. O foco principal foi a compreensão dos atores sobre seu papel nesses casos de violência sexual contra crianças; suas decisões e os conceitos utilizados nos autos, e, por fim, que argumentos propiciaram a decisão e a sentença. Percorrendo a legislação específica para a Infância e Juventude pode-se compreender como as questões dos direitos foram sendo incorporados às questões da infância, sobretudo nos últimos vinte anos. Na realidade, a pesquisa revela que a ênfase nos princípios do direito penal toma a cena em sentido contrário dos cuidados necessários no atendimento a um sujeito em desenvolvimento e de sua família, colocando repetidamente a mãe no lugar de negligente. E o abuso, considerado no início dos processos como procedente, acaba desaparecendo no final.


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O trabalho expõe a consolidação do direito à verdade pelo Direito Internacional e a complementaridade entre as comissões da verdade e os tribunais, mecanismos de justiça de transição, como a combinação que melhor lhe confere aplicabilidade. Primeiramente, a tese reivindica que a transição e a consolidação democrática devem se dar por meio da prestação de contas com o passado, o que se torna possível na medida em que se promoveram a partir da 2a Guerra Mundial significativas alterações no Direito Internacional, que se afasta do paradigma vesfaliano de soberania. Aborda-se assim o excepcional desenvolvimento do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos, do Direito Internacional Humanitário e do Direito Penal Internacional, centralizados na ideia de responsabilidade. A tese também abrange o desenvolvimento do direito à verdade no seio da Organização das Nações Unidas e dos sistemas regionais de proteção de direitos humanos, tendo alcançado o status de norma imperativa ou peremptória, sendo explorados os obstáculos ao seu exercício como no caso de anistias e outras medidas similiares como a prescrição, a justiça militar e a coisa julgada. Enfrentam-se, ainda, as potencialidades e limites da verdade que resulta de comissões da verdade e dos tribunais, concebida esta como conhecimento sobre os fatos e o reconhecimento da responsabilidade pelo ocorrido. O trabalho aborda temas como a independência e imparcialidade das comissões de verdade, seus poderes e o alcance de suas conclusões e recomendações. Por sua vez, com vistas a identificar as verdades a serem alcançadas pelos tribunais, privilegia-se o processo criminal, por se entender que a sentença penal pressupõe o exercício mais completo do devido processo. A imperatividade do direito à verdade é também demonstrada pela defesa da participação da vítima no processo criminal e da admissão de culpa por parte do acusado -- ambos consagrados pelo Tratado de Roma. Por fim, a tese analisa alguns cenários para a complementaridade entre estes dois mecanismos de justiça de transição, fazendo o estudo dos casos do Chile, Peru, Serra Leoa e Quênia, casos estes permeados pelo Direito Internacional, seja pela influência da jurisdição universal ou pelo impacto da jurisdição internacional. O caso brasileiro, por certo, não se ajusta a nenhum destes cenários. Sua caracterização como um diálogo em aberto, para efeitos deste trabalho, pressupõe que o Brasil encontra-se em um importante momento de decisão sobre a complementaridade entre comissões da verdade e tribunais - a recente aprovação da Comissão Nacional da Verdade deve conviver com o aparente conflito entre a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que afirmou a constitucionalidade da Lei de Anistia de 1979, e a decisão da Corte Interamericana no caso Araguaia, que entende nulos os dispositivos da lei que obstaculizam o processamento dos responsáveis, ambas no ano de 2010 - com a oportunidade de demonstrar que a passagem do tempo não arrefece as obrigações a que se comprometeu no cenário internacional.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivos identificar as representações sociais do cuidado em saúde à pessoa que vive com HIV/aids para enfermeiros e médicos, descrevendo-as através das abordagens estrutural e processual; comparar as representações de enfermeiros e médicos; e analisar o cuidado em saúde à pessoa que vive com HIV/aids a partir das representações construídas por esses profissionais. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, orientado pela Teoria das Representações Sociais. Os participantes do estudo foram, numa primeira etapa, 81 profissionais, sendo 54 médicos e 27 enfermeiros que trabalham em instituições públicas com atuação voltada à testagem e ao atendimento à pessoa que vive com HIV/aids, onde responderam ao questionário sócio-profissional e de evocações livres. Na segunda etapa, conforme conveniência, participaram da entrevista semi-estruturada, 20 enfermeiros e 18 médicos. Para a análise dos dados utilizamos a técnica do quadro de quatro casas com a utilização do software EVOC 2005 e a análise lexical pelo software Alceste 4.0. Quanto à estrutura representacional geral, destaca-se no Núcleo Central os termos acolhimento, adesão-tratamento, futuro e informação, que refletem a estruturação do processo assistencial da prática do cuidado no seio do programa. Na zona de contraste foram identificados atenção, cuidado e educação-saúde, que reforçam o Núcleo Central. Destaca-se, ainda, o léxico cuidado trazendo a dimensão imagética da representação. Na análise realizada pelo Alceste foram definidas cinco classes: estrutura e dinâmica de atendimento às pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids; o processo de transmissão e de prevenção do HIV/aids: entre vítimas, culpados e profissionais; memórias e história da epidemia de HIV/aids contada por profissionais; o cuidado no contexto da equipe multidisciplinar: composição, desafios e conceitos; o programa nacional DST/Aids e sua implementação nas unidades de saúde: avaliação, memória e capacitação. Realizamos ainda, a análise cruzada dos termos cuidado de enfermagem e cuidado médico. Ao final do estudo, consideramos que a representação do cuidado em saúde para este grupo de profissionais mostrou-se positiva apesar das dificuldades encontradas em seu cotidiano laboral. A representação do cuidado em saúde à pessoa vivendo com HIV/aids para médicos e enfermeiros apoia-se no programa DST/Aids e no conhecimento científico que embasa cada profissão. Os profissionais valorizam o trabalho multidisciplinar e procuram tratar o cliente de forma respeitosa, incentivando a adesão ao tratamento através de informação e do apoio psicológico.


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