996 resultados para gema apical


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Descrevemos um caso típico de síndrome do balonamento apical em uma paciente octogenária com alteração eletrocardiográfica, de contratilidade do ventrículo esquerdo, e que apresentou recuperação da função ventricular. A paciente é portadora de rinite alérgica e fez uso excessivo de descongestionante nasal horas antes do episódio da dor.


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FUNDAMENTO: A estimulação apical crônica do ventrículo direito pode ocasionar dessincronia ventricular e, secundariamente, alterações neuro-humorais e aumento da morbimortalidade cardíaca. OBJETIVO: Pesquisar dessincronia ventricular e seus efeitos sobre os níveis de BNP em pacientes com marca-passo estimulados cronicamente no ápice do ventrículo direito (VD). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 85 pacientes com marca-passo uni ou bicameral, em classe funcional I e II da NYHA e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) > 35%. A avaliação de dessincronia foi realizada utilizando-se várias técnicas ecocardiográficas, incluindo o Tissue Synchronization Imaging (TSI), com análise dos 12 segmentos. O BNP foi dosado junto com o ecocardiograma, porém com o examinador cego. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e seis mulheres e 39 homens, com idade de 58 ± 12 anos, chagásicos (56%) e hipertensos controlados (62%), foram incluídos. A fração de ejeção do VE foi 52 ± 8% e a duração média do QRS de 139 ms (120-180 ms). O BNP mostrou-se alterado em 36,5% da amostra (ponto de corte de 60 pg/ml). Na análise multivariada de regressão linear, o BNP correlacionou-se com a idade (p = 0,024), FEVE (p < 0,0001) e tempo pré-ejetivo do VE (p = 0,009), que é índice de dessincronia intraventricular. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com estimulação cardíaca convencional, estáveis clinicamente, a dessincronia intraventricular foi um preditor independente do aumento dos níveis de BNP, após ajuste pela idade e FEVE.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2010


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The effect of carotenoid pigments on the egg yolk color was studied in this paper. Three types of maize of known genetical constitution were used: Cateto, with deep orange endosperm; Armour, with yellow-orange endosperm and Cristal, with white endosperm. The carotenoid pigments of the two colored maizes were analysed: the total and both the active parts in relation to vitamin A and the zeaxanthin part showed to be practically double in the deep orange corn. The color of the yolk was orange when the ration had the deep orange corn and yellow in the case of the yellow-orange corn. The increase in shade was proportional to the amount of pigment present in the grains. If green feeds is added to the ration with white corn, the yolk becomes yellow or orange, depending on the amount of green given to the chickens. The practical importance of controlling the color of the yolk was emphasized.


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The effect of different feeds in comparison with that of maize grains on the egg yolk color was observed. It was found that deep orange and yellow orange maize give satisfactory coloration to the yolk, respectively orange and yellow. The most intense color was observed when green feed was used in combination with deep orange maize. Green feeds as chicory, alfafa, cabbage, welsh onion and banana leaves and alfafa or chicory meal proved to be good in giving orange color to the yolk. Yellow yolk was obtained when Guinea grass or carica fruit were used in the ration. Carrot and beet without leaves did not give satisfactory color to the egg yolk. The observations with other feeds are being continued.


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This paper deals with experiments on the yolk color of chicken eggs. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: a) no differences were observed when different breeds (S. C. W. Leghorn and Rhode Island Red) were fed whith the same ration: yellow corn grains or green feed. b) 30% of yellow corn grain (orange or yellow) in the ration are sufficient to give satisfactory color to the yolk eggs.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em 1981-82, para determinar se o P32 absorvido pelas raizes do tolete se transloca para a gema germinante. Foram utilizados toletes de uma gema + 10 -Kuijper, do cv. CB41-76.Os toletes foram postos a germinar em câmara úmida e dispostos em blocos casualizados com 4repartições, para raizes de 7, 14 e 21dias de idade, as quais absorveram NaH2P(32)04 a 10-4M, durante 24horas, após o que foram processados para as determinações das respectivas radioatividades, por meio de um contador Geiger-Muller. As contagens de radioatividade mostraram que o P32 translocou-se para a gema germinante e que a quantidade do P32 translocado aumentou com a idade das raizes.


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Columnar cell apical membranes (CCAM) in series with goblet cell apical membranes (GCAM) form an electroosmotic barrier separating the midgut lumen from epithelial cell cytoplasm. A unique K+ ATPase in GCAM generates three gradients across this barrier. A greater than 180 mV electrical gradient (lumen positive) drives amino acid uptake through voltage-dependent K+ symports. A greater than 1000-fold [H+] gradient (lumen alkaline) and a greater than 10-fold [K+] gradient (lumen concentrated) are adaptations to the high tannin and high K+ content, respectively, in dietary plant material. Agents which act on the apical membrane and disrupt the PD, H+, or K+ gradients are potential insecticides. Insect sensory epithelia and mammalian stria vascularis maintain similar PD and K+ gradients but would not be exposed to ingested anti-apical membrane insecticides. Following the demonstration by Sacchi et al. that Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin (Bt) induces specifically a K+ conductance increase in CCAM vesicles, we find that the K+ channel blocking agent, Ba2+, completely reverses Bt inhibition of the K+-carried short circuit current in the isolated midgut of Manduca sexta. Progress in characterizing the apical membrane includes finding that fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine binds specifically to certain GCAM polypeptides and that CCAM vesicles can be mass produced by Ca2+ or Mg2+ precipitation from Manduca sexta midgut.


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Shigella flexneri, by invading intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and inducing inflammatory responses of the colonic mucosa, causes bacillary dysentery. Although M cells overlying Peyer's patches are commonly considered the primary site of entry of S. flexneri, indirect evidence suggests that bacteria can also use IECs as a portal of entry to the lamina propria. Passive delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA), the major immunoglobulin secreted at mucosal surfaces, has been shown to protect rabbits from experimental shigellosis, but no information exists as to its molecular role in maintaining luminal epithelial integrity. We have established that the interaction of virulent S. flexneri with the apical pole of a model intestinal epithelium consisting of polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers resulted in the progressive disruption of the tight junction network and actin depolymerization, eventually resulting in cell death. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific agglutinating SIgAC5 monoclonal antibody (MAb), but not monomeric IgAC5 or IgGC20 MAbs of the same specificity, achieved protective functions through combined mechanisms, including limitation of the interaction between S. flexneri and epithelial cells, maintenance of the tight junction seal, preservation of the cell morphology, reduction of NF-κB nuclear translocation, and inhibition of proinflammatory mediator secretion. Our results add to the understanding of the function of SIgA-mediated immune exclusion by identifying a mode of action whereby the formation of immune complexes translates into maintenance of the integrity of epithelial cells lining the mucosa. This novel mechanism of protection mediated by SIgA is important to extend the arsenal of effective strategies to fight against S. flexneri mucosal invasion.


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Adherens junctions (AJs) and cell polarity complexes are key players in the establishment and maintenance of apical-basal cell polarity. Loss of AJs or basolateral polarity components promotes tumor formation and metastasis. Recent studies in vertebrate models show that loss of AJs or loss of the basolateral component Scribble (Scrib) cause deregulation of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway and hyperactivation of its downstream effectors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). However, whether AJs and Scrib act through the same or independent mechanisms to regulate Hippo pathway activity is not known. Here, we dissect how disruption of AJs or loss of basolateral components affect the activity of the Drosophila YAP homolog Yorkie (Yki) during imaginal disc development. Surprisingly, disruption of AJs and loss of basolateral proteins produced very different effects on Yki activity. Yki activity was cell-autonomously decreased but non-cell-autonomously elevated in tissues where the AJ components E-cadherin (E-cad) or α-catenin (α-cat) were knocked down. In contrast, scrib knockdown caused a predominantly cell-autonomous activation of Yki. Moreover, disruption of AJs or basolateral proteins had different effects on cell polarity and tissue size. Simultaneous knockdown of α-cat and scrib induced both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous Yki activity. In mammalian cells, knockdown of E-cad or α-cat caused nuclear accumulation and activation of YAP without overt effects on Scrib localization and vice versa. Therefore, our results indicate the existence of multiple, genetically separable inputs from AJs and cell polarity complexes into Yki/YAP regulation.


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The trans-apical aortic valve implantation (TA-AVI) is an established technique for high-risk patients requiring aortic valve replacement. Traditionally, preoperative (computed tomography (CT) scan, coronary angiogram) and intra-operative imaging (fluoroscopy) for stent-valve positioning and implantation require contrast medium injections. To preserve the renal function in elderly patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency, a fully echo-guided trans-catheter valve implantation seems to be a reasonable alternative. We report the first successful TA-AVI procedure performed solely under trans-oesophageal echocardiogram control, in the absence of contrast medium injections.