941 resultados para formation process
This study defined the main adjuvant characteristics that may influence or help to understand drift formation process in the agricultural spraying. It was evaluated 33 aqueous solutions from combinations of various adjuvants and concentrations. Then, drifting was quantified by means of wind tunnel; and variables such as percentage of droplets smaller than 50 μm (V50), 100 μm (V100), diameter of mean volume (DMV), droplet diameter composing 10% of the sprayed volume (DV0.1), viscosity, density and surface tension. Assays were performed in triplicate, using Teejet XR8003 flat fan nozzles at 200 kPa (medium size droplets). Spray solutions were stained with Brilliant Blue Dye at 0.6% (m/ v). DMV, V100, viscosity cause most influence on drift hazardous. Adjuvant characteristics and respective methods of evaluation have applicability in drift risk by agricultural spray adjuvants.
The main goal of this study is to create a seamless chain of actions and more detailed structure to the front end of innovation to be able to increase the front end performance and finally to influence the renewal of companies. The main goal is achieved through by the new concept of an integrated model of early activities of FEI leading to a discovery of new elements of opportunities and the identification of new business and growth areas. The procedure offers one possible solution to a dynamic strategy formation process in innovation development cycle. In this study the front end of innovation is positioned between a strategy reviews and a concept creation with needed procedures, tools, and frameworks. The starting point of the study is that the origins of innovation are not well enough understood. The study focuses attention on the early activities of FEI. These first activities are conceptualized in order to find out successful innovation initiatives and strategic renewal agendas. A seamless chain of activities resulting in faster and more precise identification of opportunities and growth areas available on markets and inside companies is needed. Three case studies were conducted in order to study company views on available theory doctrine and to identify the first practical experiences and procedures in the beginning of the front end of innovation. Successful innovation requires focus on renewal in both internal and external directions and they should be carefully balanced for best results. Instead of inside-out mode of actions the studied companies have a strong outside-in thinking mode and they mainly co-develop their innovation initiatives in close proximity with customers i.e. successful companies are an integral part of customers business and success. Companies have tailor-made innovation processes combined their way of working linked to their business goals, and priorities of actual needs of transformation. The result of this study is a new modular FEI platform which can be configured by companies against their actual business needs and drivers. This platform includes new elements of FEI documenting an architecture presenting how the system components work together. The system is a conceptual approach from theories of emergent strategy formation, opportunity identification and creation, interpretation-analysis-experimentation triad and the present FEI theories. The platform includes new features compared to actual models of FEI. It allows managers to better understand the importance of FEI in the whole innovation development stage and FEI as a phase and procedure to discover and implement emergent strategy. An adaptable company rethinks and redirects strategy proactively from time to time. Different parts of the business model are changed to remove identified obstacles for growth and renewal which gives them avenues to find right reforms for renewal.
Although inflation target regime seeks to serve as a reference for the expectation formation process of the agents, its implementation does not necessarily imply the acquisition or the best result in terms of economic growth. The present article aims the development of a model that explains, by firms' investment decisions, the product path behavior, undertaking monetary authority may present distinct situations associated with the reputation-credibility-transparency trinomial. The article also detaches different kinds of reputation and its degrees.
Today’s international business in highly related to crossing national, cultural and linguistic borders making communication and linguistic skills a vital part of the trade. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of linguistic skills in trust creation in international business relationships. Subobjectives are to discuss the importance of linguistic skills in international business context, to evaluate the strategic value of trust in business relationships and to analyze the extent to which linguistic skills affect trust formation. The scope is restricted to business-to-business markets. The theoretical background consists of different theories and previous studies related to trust and linguistic skills. Based on the theory a new LTS-framework is created to demonstrate a process model of linguistic skills affecting trust creation in international B2B relationships. This study is qualitative using interviews as a data collection method. Altogether eleven interviews were conducted between October 2014 and February 2015. All of the interviewees worked for organizations operating in the field of international business in B2B markets, spoke multiple languages and had a lot of experience in sales and negotiations. This study confirms that linguistic skills are an important part of international business. In many organizations English is used as lingua franca. However, there are several benefits of speaking the mother tongue of the customer. It makes people feel more relaxed and it makes the relationship more intimate and allows to continue developing it at a more personal level. From the strategic point of view trust creates competitive advantage to a company adding strategic value to the business. The data also supported the view that linguistic skills definitely impact the trust formation process. Quickness and easiness could be stated as the main benefits. It was seen that trust forms faster because both parties understand each other better and they become more open about information sharing within a shorter period of time. These findings and the importance of linguistic skills in trust creation should be acknowledged by organizations, especially regarding the human resource management. Boundary spanners are in key positions so special attention should be put into hiring and educating employees which then take care of company’s relationships. Eventually, these benefits are economical and affect to the profitability of the organization
Despite China's rapid growth in inbound tourism, the nature of its Canadian tourist market has been insufficiently studied. In response to this need, the objectives of this study are to identify China's destination image in Canadian students' minds, their possible internal motivations for visiting China as well as examining demographic influences on people's destination image formation. The study reviews image formation process and travel motivation categorisation, discusses their relationship, and implements Baloglu and McCleary's (1999) perceptual and affective image formation model and "push and pull factors" theory as its framework. A self-administered survey was applied to 424 undergraduate students in a Canadian university in early 2004. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted to identify perceived images and travel motivation. Summated means were calculated to illustrate the affective attitudes. A series of f-test and ANOVA tests were employed to examine the influence of demographics. An open-ended question format was adopted to analyse other images, motivations and visitation barriers that students may have. Findings demonstrate that cultural and natural attractions are the predominant image which the Canadian students have of China'; some stereotypes and negative images still influence the students' perception; travel service quality is largely unknown; increasing knowledge and seeking excitement and fun are the significant motivators in the likelihood of the Canadian students choosing to visit China; and personal interests may be a factor that significantly influences an individual's destination image and travel motivation. Raising awareness and increasing familiarity through promotion are suggested as methods to create a positive destination image of China.
Les interneurones GABAergiques constituent une population mineure de cellules par rapport aux neurones glutamatergiques dans le néocortex. Cependant ils contrôlent fortement l'excitabilité neuronale, la dynamique des réseaux neuronaux et la plasticité synaptique. L'importance des circuits GABAergiques dans le processus fonctionnel et la plasticité des réseaux corticaux est soulignée par des résultats récents qui montrent que des modifications très précises et fiables des circuits GABAergiques sont associées à divers troubles du développement neurologique et à des défauts dans les fonctions cérébrales. De ce fait, la compréhension des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliquant le développement des circuits GABAergiques est la première étape vers une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont les anomalies de ces processus peuvent se produire. La molécule d’adhésion cellulaire neurale (NCAM) appartient à la super-famille des immunoglobulines de reconnaissance cellulaire et est impliquée dans des interactions homophiliques et hétérophiliques avec d’autres molécules. Même si plusieurs rôles de NCAM ont été démontrés dans la croissance neuronale, la fasciculation axonale, la formation et la maturation de synapses, de même que dans la plasticité cellulaire de plusieurs systèmes, le rôle de NCAM dans la formation des synapses GABAergiques reste inconnu. Ce projet visait donc à déterminer le rôle précis de NCAM dans le processus de maturation des synapses GABAergiques dans le néocortex, en modulant son expression à différentes étapes du développement. L’approche choisie a été de supprimer NCAM dans des cellules GABAergiques à paniers avant la maturation des synapses (EP12-18), pendant la maturation (EP16-24), ou durant le maintien de celles-ci (EP24-32). Les méthodes utilisées ont été le clonage moléculaire, l’imagerie confocale, la culture de coupes organotypiques et des techniques morphométriques de quantification de l’innervation GABAergique. Nos résultats montrent que l’inactivation de NCAM durant la phase de maturation des synapses périsomatiques (EP16-24) cause une réduction du nombre de synapses GABAergiques périsomatiques et du branchement de ces axones. En revanche, durant la phase de maintien (EP26-32), l’inactivation de NCAM n’a pas affecté ces paramètres des synapses GABAergiques. Or, il existe trois isoformes de NCAM (NCAM120, 140 et 180) qui pourraient jouer des rôles différents dans les divers types cellulaires ou à des stades développementaux différents. Nos données montrent que NCAM120 et 140 sont nécessaires à la maturation des synapses périsomatiques GABAergiques. Cependant, NCAM180, qui est l’isoforme la plus étudiée et caractérisée, ne semble pas être impliquée dans ce processus. De plus, l’inactivation de NCAM n’a pas affecté la densité des épines dendritiques ou leur longueur. Elle est donc spécifique aux synapses périsomatiques GABAeriques. Finalement, nos résultats suggèrent que le domaine conservé C-terminal KENESKA est essentiel à la maturation des synapses périsomatiques GABAergiques. Des expériences futures nous aiderons à mieux comprendre la mécanistique et les différentes voies de signalisation impliquées.
Cette thèse comporte trois essais sur les interactions sociales en sciences économiques. Ces essais s’intéressent à la fois au côté théeorique qu’empirique des interactions sociales. Le premier essai (chapitre 2) se concentre sur l’étude (théorique et empirique) de la formation de réseaux sociaux au sein de petites économies lorsque les individus ont des préférences homophilique et une contrainte de temps. Le deuxième essai (chapitre 3) se concentre sur l’étude (principalement empirique) de la formation de réseau sociaux au sein de larges économies où les comportement d’individus très distants sont aproximativement indépendants. Le dernier essai (chapitre 4) est une étude empirique des effets de pairs en éducation au sein des écoles secondaires du Québec. La méthode structurelle utilisée permet l’identification et l’estimation de l’effet de pairs endogène et des effets de pairs exogènes, tout en contrôlant pour la présence de chocs communs.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Biofilmbildung bei einem klinischen Isolat von Enterococcus faecalis untersucht. Der Prozess der Biofilmbildung ist in mehrere Abschnitte unterteilt und beinhaltet zu Beginn eine Anhaftung von Zellen an Oberflächen. Dieser adhäsive Schritt wird unter anderem durch Pili vermittelt. Pili bei Grampositiven Mikroorganismen sind kovalent mit der Zellwand verknüpfte Proteinstrukturen, die eine Anheftung an biotische und abiotische Oberflächen sowie den Zell-Zell-Kontakt vermitteln. Bei den Analysen dieser Doktorarbeit lag ein besonderes Interesse bei eben diesen Pili, die für Enterococcus faecalis die Namen Ebp (endocarditis and biofilm associated pili) und Bee (biofilm enhancer in enterococci) tragen. Codiert werden sie durch die entsprechenden ebp-/bee-Loci, deren Aufbau unter den Grampositiven Mikroorganismen hochkonserviert ist. Die Loci bestehen aus Pilusuntereinheiten-codierenden Genen und colokalisierten Pilus-spezifischen Sortase Genen. Während in der Regel drei verschiedene Pilusuntereinheiten vorliegen, kann die Anzahl der Sortasen zwischen einer und zwei variieren. Bei den Experimenten wurde neben einer Komplementationsstudie zu einer Bee-Pilus Defekt-Mutante (1.10.16) das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Analyse des zweiten Pilus (Ebp) gelegt, um die Pilisituation bei Isolat 1.10 im Detail darzustellen Zusätzlich sollten weitere Oberflächenassoziierte Proteinstrukturen bei Isolat 1.10 detektiert werden, die gegebenenfalls an der Biofilmbildung beteiligt sind. Weitere Versuche zur Charakterisierung des Bee-Pilus wurden im Laufe dieser Arbeit durchgeführt, blieben jedoch bisher erfolglos. Die Biofilm-/Pilus-Defekt-Mutante 1.10.16 zeigte aufgrund einer Punktmutation (Pm) in der Pilus-spezifischen Sortase 1 des bee-Locus eine geschwächte Fähigkeit zur Anheftung an abiotische Oberflächen, sowie das Fehlen der Bee2 Untereinheit im Pilus. Nach Komplementation der Mutante (1.10.16K) mit dem Wildtyp-srt1 Gen, wurde die starke Biofilmbildungsfähigkeit zurück erlangt. Die Experimente zeigten, dass der Pilus-Defekt auf die Pm im srt1 Gen zurückzuführen war und der Bee-Pilus in Stamm 1.10.16K wieder korrekt gebildet wurde. Zu sehen war dies in Rasterelektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und ebenfalls im massenspektrometrischen Nachweis aller 3 Pilusuntereinheiten im Bee-Pilus charakteristischen High-Molecular-Weight Komplex (~ 250 kDa). Durch Sequenzierungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwei Gene des ebp-Locus (ebpR und ebpC) bei Isolat 1.10 durch die Insertion von IS-Elementen IS1062 und IS6770 inaktiviert wurden. Der proteinbiochemische Nachweis über Pilusspezifische Antikörper gegen die Untereinheiten des Ebp-Pilus verlief negativ. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA der beiden inaktivierten Gene nicht gebildet wurde. Dies führte folglich zum vollständigen Verlust des Ebp-Pilus bei Isolat 1.10. Zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der Komplementation konnte somit der große Einfluss mindestens eines intakten Pilus auf die Biofilmbildung gezeigt werden. Sind beide Pili durch Insertionen bzw. Mutationen inaktiviert, kommt es zu einer deutlichen Abnahme der Biofilmbildungsstärke. Dass trotzdem noch ein Biofilm gebildet wurde, zeigt den multifaktoriellen Zusammenhang bzw. Einfluss im Biofilmbildungsprozess. Über das gezielte Markieren von Oberflächenproteinen intakter Zellen mittels der Oberflächenbiotinylierung, konnten in der SDS-PAGE Unterschiede im Bandenmuster im Vergleich zur unbehandelten Probe erkannt werden. Die massenspektrometrische Identifikation dieser Proteine erfolgte bisher nicht, jedoch sind diese vorläufigen Ergebnisse vielversprechender Natur für die Identifikation und Aufklärung der Oberflächenproteinsituation bei Isolat 1.10.
In this work investigation of the QDs formation and the fabrication of QD based semiconductor lasers for telecom applications are presented. InAs QDs grown on AlGaInAs lattice matched to InP substrates are used to fabricate lasers operating at 1.55 µm, which is the central wavelength for far distance data transmission. This wavelength is used due to its minimum attenuation in standard glass fibers. The incorporation of QDs in this material system is more complicated in comparison to InAs QDs in the GaAs system. Due to smaller lattice mismatch the formation of circular QDs, elongated QDs and quantum wires is possible. The influence of the different growth conditions, such as the growth temperature, beam equivalent pressure, amount of deposited material on the formation of the QDs is investigated. It was already demonstrated that the formation process of QDs can be changed by the arsenic species. The formation of more round shaped QDs was observed during the growth of QDs with As2, while for As4 dash-like QDs. In this work only As2 was used for the QD growth. Different growth parameters were investigated to optimize the optical properties, like photoluminescence linewidth, and to implement those QD ensembles into laser structures as active medium. By the implementation of those QDs into laser structures a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 30 meV was achieved. Another part of the research includes the investigation of the influence of the layer design of lasers on its lasing properties. QD lasers were demonstrated with a modal gain of more than 10 cm-1 per QD layer. Another achievement is the large signal modulation with a maximum data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The implementation of optimized QDs in the laser structure allows to increase the modal gain up to 12 cm-1 per QD layer. A reduction of the waveguide layer thickness leads to a shorter transport time of the carriers into the active region and as a result a data rate up to 22 Gbit/s was achieved, which is so far the highest digital modulation rate obtained with any 1.55 µm QD laser. The implementation of etch stop layers into the laser structure provide the possibility to fabricate feedback gratings with well defined geometries for the realization of DFB lasers. These DFB lasers were fabricated by using a combination of dry and wet etching. Single mode operation at 1.55 µm with a high side mode suppression ratio of 50 dB was achieved.
A partir del banco de imágenes originado con el material de los laboratorios de nuestras universidades, se ha desarrollado un sistema educativo que está disponible a través de Internet. Los modelos arquitectónicos básicos de los animales están representados de forma didáctica y simple lo que favorece un tipo de enseñanza en la que los estudiantes toman parte activa y responsable en su proceso de formación. La colaboración entre profesores de universidades de distintos países para la elaboración de un único servidor educativo es una de las grandes ventajas de esta experiencia innovadora. Además, en un futuro próximo, los materiales docentes se dispondrán en versión inglesa, lo que ampliará su difusión y utilización.
El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és determinar quin és l'efecte de la xarxa de relacions en la formació de la imatge turística induïda d'una destinació. A fi de poder assolir aquest objectiu es desenvolupa un model conceptual en el qual es detecten tres possibles gaps en la formació de la imatge turística induïda, i un total de set proposicions que expliquen les raons per les quals es produeixen aquestes disfuncions en la imatge turística induïda. El model conceptual desenvolupat es complementa amb un estudi comparatiu de dos casos d'estudi: Girona i Perpinyà. La metodologia emprada combina metodologies quantititives i qualitatives, les quals han permès analitzar la imatge turística d'ambdues destinacions, així com determinar la xarxa relacional de cadascun dels casos. Els resultats mostren que en ambdós casos es materialitzen els tres gaps detectats a partir del model conceptual proposat, tot i que amb diferències substancials.
The triggering of convective orographic rainbands by small-scale topographic features is investigated through observations of a banded precipitation event over the Oregon Coastal Range and simulations using a cloud-resolving numerical model. A quasi-idealized simulation of the observed event reproduces the bands in the radar observations, indicating the model’s ability to capture the physics of the band-formation process. Additional idealized simulations reinforce that the bands are triggered by lee waves past small-scale topographic obstacles just upstream of the nominal leading edge of the orographic cloud. Whether a topographic obstacle in this region is able to trigger a strong rainband depends on the phase of its lee wave at cloud entry. Convective growth only occurs downstream of obstacles that give rise to lee-wave-induced displacements that create positive vertical velocity anomalies w_c and nearly zero buoyancy anomalies b_c as air parcels undergo saturation. This relationship is quantified through a simple analytic condition involving w_c, b_c, and the static stability N_m^2 of the cloud mass. Once convection is triggered, horizontal buoyancy gradients in the cross-flow direction generate circulations that align the bands parallel to the flow direction.
In three experiments, the authors investigated the impression-formation process resulting from the perception of familiar or unfamiliar social category combinations. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to generate attributes associated with either a familiar or unfamiliar social category conjunction. Compared to familiar combinations, the authors found that when the conjunction was unfamiliar, participants formed their impression less from the individual constituent categories and relatively more from novel emergent attributes. In Experiment 2 the authors replicated this effect using alternative experimental materials. In Experiment 3, the effect generalized to additional (orthogonally combined) gender and occupation categories. The implications of these findings for understanding the processes involved in the conjunction of social categories, and the formation of new stereotypes, are discussed.
Selected water-soluble precursors, including sugars, free amino acids and nucleotides, were quantified in raw and cooked goat meat, as a part of a study which the main aim was to better understand the aroma formation in goat meat. When compared with the same precursors in beef, lamb and chicken, levels in goat meat were generally similar, except for fructose and glycine, which were present at higher concentrations in goat meat. Fructose, glucose, IMP, and cysteine suffered the greatest losses during the cooking process and seem to be most involved in aroma formation in goat meat. The effects of these precursor changes on the volatile compound composition and formation process of them on cooked goat meat are discussed.
Recent experiments have demonstrated that nanoparticles which sparsely distributed over a solid substrate can substantially change the flow conditions at the solid surface in the presence of slip. Inspired by these observations, the flow past tiny particles seeded on a solid substrate is investigated theoretically in the framework of an interface formation model. It has been shown, that even a single seeded nanoparticle can reduce significantly the measurable tangential component of hydrodynamic velocity at the substrate and affect the amount of the observed apparent slippage of the liquid. The effect from the particle manifests in a form of a long relaxation tail defined by the characteristic time of the interface formation process. A comparison with experiments has demonstrated a good agreement between theoretically predicted and experimentally observed values of the relaxation tail length scale.