908 resultados para fecal incontinence
Sexuality after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex issue that is influenced by a number of social, psychological and physiological factors, one of which is urinary incontinence (UI). Using a phenomenological approach, seven mixed methods interviews combining both the interview guide and standardized open-ended approaches were conducted to examine the experience of sexuality for women who are concerned about UI following SCI. Sexual function was one of the top priorities for the women after SCI, and UI was one of the main concerns the women had regarding sexuality. The findings of this study demonstrate that various dimensions of intimacy and the sexual experience as a whole were affected by UI, and the women discussed both physical and psychological concerns. The main issues regarding sexuality included concerns related to relationships, frustrations with limited sexual activities and the difficulty of being sexually satisfied, the number of unanswered questions and concerns, and a fear of being hurt or injured while participating in sexual activities. The main concerns regarding UI were embarrassment, the work and inconvenience involved with the clean-up of UI, bladder infections, the lack of accessible washrooms, and the negative effects of UI medications. When examining sexuality and UI together, the major issues were the constant comparison to the way things were before SCI, as well as the new concerns that the women did not have to worry about previously, worrying about how their partner would react if UI were to occur during sexual activity, and the impact of their own feelings toward UI on sexuality, a connection between pleasurable sexual sensations and UI as well as difficulty differentiating between the sensation of UI with the sensation of UI, dealing with infected urine during sexual activity, having to discuss UI with a new potential sexual partner, and a fear of rejection. Other identified issues included those related to body image, a lack of resources, Doctors who were inadequately educated regarding SCI, and issues related to both having and raising children. There is a significant shortage of information available for women with SCI to use as a resource regarding sexual function in general, and sexual function as it relates to UI. It is necessary that future work focus on creating resources to assist in this area, and that the dissemination of those resources becomes both appropriate and effective. Addressing sexual function and UI which are among the top concerns for this population has the opportunity to greatly improve quality of life (QOL) for these individuals.
[Tesis] ( Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental ) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2013.
L’incontinence urinaire d’effort (IUE) est une condition fréquente en période postnatale pouvant affecter jusqu’à 77% des femmes. Neuf femmes sur dix souffrant d’IUE trois mois après l’accouchement, vont présenter une IUE cinq ans plus tard. Le traitement en physiothérapie de l’IUE par le biais d’un programme d’exercices de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien est reconnu comme étant un traitement de première ligne efficace. Les études ont prouvé l’efficacité de cette approche sur l’IUE persistante à court terme, mais les résultats de deux ECR à long terme n’ont pas démontré un maintien de l’effet de traitement. L’effet d’un programme en physiothérapie de renforcement du plancher pelvien intensif et étroitement supervisé sur l’IUE postnatale persistante avait été évalué lors d’un essai clinique randomisé il y a sept ans. Le but principal de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’effet de ce programme sept ans après la fin des interventions de l’ECR initial. Un objectif secondaire était de comparer l’effet de traitement à long terme entre un groupe ayant fait seulement des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien et un groupe ayant fait des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien et des abdominaux profonds. Un troisième objectif était d’explorer l’influence de quatre facteurs de risques sur les symptômes d’IUE et la qualité de vie à long terme. Les cinquante-sept femmes ayant complétées l’ECR initial ont été invitées à participer à l’évaluation du suivi sept ans. Vingt et une femmes ont participé à l’évaluation clinique et ont répondu à quatre questionnaires, tandis que dix femmes ont répondu aux questionnaires seulement. L’évaluation clinique incluait un pad test et la dynamométrie du plancher pelvien. La mesure d’effet primaire était un pad test modifié de 20 minutes. Les mesures d’effets secondaires étaient la dynamométrie du plancher pelvien, les symptômes d’IUE mesuré par le questionnaire Urogenital Distress Inventory, la qualité de vie mesurée par le questionnaire Incontinence Impact Questionnaire et la perception de la sévérité de l’IUE mesuré par l’Échelle Visuelle Analogue. De plus, un questionnaire portant sur quatre facteurs de risques soit, la présence de grossesses subséquentes, la v présence de constipation chronique, l’indice de masse corporel et la fréquence des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien de l’IUE, venait compléter l’évaluation. Quarante-huit pour-cent (10/21) des participantes étaient continentes selon de pad test. La moyenne d’amélioration entre le résultat pré-traitement et le suivi sept ans était de 26,9 g. (écart-type = 68,0 g.). Il n’y avait pas de différence significative des paramètres musculaires du plancher pelvien entre le pré-traitement, le post-traitement et le suivi sept ans. Les scores du IIQ et du VAS étaient significativement plus bas à sept ans qu’en prétraitement (IIQ : 23,4 vs 15,6, p = 0,007) et (VAS : 6,7 vs 5,1, p = 0,001). Les scores du UDI étaient plus élevés au suivi sept ans (15,6) qu’en pré-traitement (11,3, p = 0,041) et en post-traitement (5,7, p = 0,00). La poursuite des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien à domicile était associée à une diminution de 5,7 g. (p = 0,051) des fuites d’urine observées au pad test selon une analyse de régression linéaire. Les limites de cette étude sont ; la taille réduite de l’échantillon et un biais relié au désir de traitement pour les femmes toujours incontinentes. Cependant, les résultats semblent démontrer que l’effet du traitement à long terme d’un programme de renforcement des muscles du plancher pelvien qui est intensif et étroitement supervisé, est maintenu chez environ une femme sur deux. Bien que les symptômes d’IUE tel que mesuré par les pad test et le questionnaire UDI, semblent réapparaître avec le temps, la qualité de vie, telle que mesurée par des questionnaires, est toujours meilleure après sept qu’à l’évaluation initiale. Puisque la poursuite des exercices de renforcement du plancher pelvien est associée à une diminution de la quantité de fuite d’urine au pad test, les participantes devraient être encouragées à poursuivre leurs exercices après la fin d’un programme supervisé. Pour des raisons de logistique la collecte de donnée de ce projet de recherche s’est continuée après la rédaction de ce mémoire. Les résultats finaux sont disponibles auprès de Chantale Dumoulin pht, PhD., professeure agrée à l’Université de Montréal.
But: Cette étude a pour but de comparer : a)la morphologie du plancher pelvien (PP), du col vésical et du sphincter urogénital strié (SUS) par IRM et b) la fonction du PP par palpation digitale (PERFECT scheme) chez les femmes âgées continentes ou avec incontinence urinaire à l’effort (IUE) et mixte (IUM). Méthode: Les femmes ont appris à contracter correctement leur PP et la fonction de leur PP a été évaluée. Une séance d’IRM dynamique 3T a suivi. Résultats: 66 femmes ont participé à l’étude. Les groupes étaient similaires en âge, IMC, nombre d’accouchements vaginaux et d’hystérectomie. La validité et la fidélité des différentes mesures anatomiques utilisées ont été confirmées au début de cette étude. Afin de contrôler l’effet potentiel de la taille du bassin sur les autres paramètres, les femmes ont été appariées par la longueur de leur inlet pelvien. Les femmes avec IUM ont un PP plus bas et un support des organes pelviens plus faible, selon leurs ligne M, angle LPC/Ligne H et hauteur de la jonction urétro-vésicale (UV). Les femmes avec IUE ont un PP similaire à celui des continentes, mais présentent plus d’ouverture du col vésical et un angle UV postérieur plus large au repos que les autres groupes. Il n’y a aucune différence de morphologie du SUS entre les groupes. De plus, selon les résultats du PERFECT scheme, les femmes avec IU ont une force du PP plus faible que les continentes. Les femmes avec IUM montrent aussi une faible élévation des muscles du PP à la contraction. Les femmes avec IUE ont, quant à elle, un problème de coordination à la toux. Conclusion: Les déficits causant l’IUE et l’IUM sont différents, mais supportent tous le rationnel des exercices du PP pour le traitement de l’IUE et l’IUM. Ces résultats supportent le besoin de traitements de rééducation spécifiques aux déficits de chacun des types d’IU.
The phenolic compositions of fecal water samples from ten free-living human subjects without marked dietary restrictions were monitored before and after intake of raspberry puree (200 g/day, 4 days) using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. No single phenolic component was increased in all subjects after intake, but a majority of subjects had significant elevations in phenylacetic acid (7/10), 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (6/10), 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (5/10), 3-phenylpropionic acid and 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid. The levels of 3,4-dihydroxbenzoic acid were elevated in 8/10 subjects, significantly for 6 subjects (p < 0.05), and not significantly reduced in the other 2 subjects. In addition, unlike most other fecal metabolites, the increase was always >2-fold. This metabolite may be representative of the increased colonic dose of cyanidin anthocyanins. The colonic microbiota varied greatly between individuals, and supplementation with raspberries did not produce any statistically significant alterations in the profile of colonic bacteria, nor was a common pattern revealed to account for the interindividual variations observed in the fecal water phenolic profiles.
Background: The pathogenesis of diarrhea in patients receiving enteral feeding includes colonic water secretion, antibiotic prescription, and enteropathogenic colonization, each of which involves an interaction with the gastrointestinal microbiota. Objective: The objective was to investigate temporal changes in the concentrations of fecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in patients starting 14-d of enteral feeding and to compare these changes between patients who do and do not develop diarrhea. Design: Twenty patients starting exclusive nasogastric enteral feeding were monitored for 14 d. Fecal samples were collected at the start, middle, and end of this period and were analyzed for major bacterial groups by using culture independent fluorescence in situ hybridization and for SCFAs by using gas-liquid chromatography. Results: Although no significant changes in fecal microbiota or SCFAs were observed during enteral feeding, stark alterations occurred within individual patients. Ten patients (50%) developed diarrhea, and these patients had significantly higher concentrations of clostridia (P = 0.026) and lower concentrations (P = 0.069) and proportions (P = 0.029) of bifidobacteria. Patients with and without diarrhea had differences in the proportion of bifidobacteria (median: 0.4% and 3.7%; interquartile range: 0.8 compared with 4.3; P = 0.035) and clostridia (median: 10.4% and 3.7%; interquartile range: 14.7 compared with 7.0; P = 0.063), respectively, even at the start of enteral feeding. Patients who developed diarrhea had higher concentrations of total fecal SCFAs (P = 0.044), acetate (P = 0.029), and butyrate (P = 0.055). Conclusion: Intestinal dysbiosis occurs in patients who develop diarrhea during enteral feeding and may be involved in its pathogenesis. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89: 240-7.
1,2-sn-Diacylglycerols (DAGs) are activators of protein kinase C (PKQ, which is involved in the regulation of colonic mucosal proliferation. Extracellular DAG has been shown to stimulate the growth of cancer cell lines in vitro and may therefore play an important role in tumor promotion. DAG has been detected in human fecal extracts and is thought to be of microbial origin. Hitherto, no attempts have been made to identify the predominant fecal bacterial species involved in its production. We therefore used anaerobic batch culture systems to determine whether fecal bacteria could utilize phosphatidylcholine (0.5% [wt/vol]) to produce DAG. Production was found to be dependent upon the presence of the substrate and was enhanced in the presence of high concentrations of deoxycholate (5 and 10 mM) in the growth medium. Moreover, its production increased with the pH, and large inter- and intraindividual variations were observed between cultures seeded with inocula from different individuals. Clostridia and Escherichia coli multiplied in the fermentation systems, indicating their involvement in phosphatidylcholine metabolism. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease in the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. Pure-culture experiments showed that 10 of the 12 strains yielding the highest DAG levels (>50 nmol/ml) were isolated from batch culture enrichments run at pH 8.5. We found that the strains capable of producing large amounts of DAG were predominantly Clostridium bifermentans (8 of 12), followed by Escherichia coli (2 of 12). Interestingly, one DAG-producing strain was Bifidobacterium infantis, which is often considered a beneficial gut microorganism. Our results have provided further evidence that fecal bacteria can produce DAG and that specific bacterial groups are involved in this process. Future strategies to reduce DAG formation in the gut should target these species.
Background: Aging is associated with reduced numbers of beneficial colonic bifidobacteria and impaired immunity. Galactooligosaccharides (GOSs) stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in younger adults, but little is known about their effects in the elderly and their immunomodulatory capacity. Objective: We assessed the effect of a prebiotic GOS mixture (B-GOS) on immune function and fecal microflora composition in healthy elderly subjects. Design: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, 44 elderly subjects were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or the B-GOS treatment (5.5 g/d). Subjects consumed the treatments for 10 wk, and then went through a 4-wk washout period, before switching to the other treatment for the final 10 wk. Blood and fecal samples were collected at the beginning, middle (5 wk), and end of the test period. Predominant bacterial groups were quantified, and phagocytosis, natural killer (NK) cell activity, cytokine production, plasma cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol were measured. Results: B-GOS significantly increased the numbers of beneficial bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, at the expense of less beneficial groups compared with the baseline and placebo. Significant increases in phagocytosis, NK cell activity, and the production of antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) and significant reduction in the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1 beta , and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) were also observed. B-GOS exerted no effects on total cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol production, however. Conclusions: B-GOS administration to healthy elderly persons resulted in positive effects on both the microflora composition and the immune response. Therefore, B-GOS may be a useful dietary candidate for the enhancement of gastrointestinal health and immune function in elderly persons. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88: 1438-46.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer incidence worldwide. Lifestyle factors, especially dietary intake, affect the risk of CRC development. Suitable risk biomarkers are required in order to assess the effect that specific dietary components have on CRC risk. The relationship between dietary intake and indicators of fecal water activity has been assessed using cell and animal models as well as human studies. This review summarizes the literature on fecal water and dietary components with a view to establishing further the potential role of fecal water as a source of CRC risk biomarkers. The literature indicates that fecal water activity markers are affected by specific dietary components linked with CRC risk: red meat, saturated fats, bile acids, and fatty acids are associated with an increase in fecal water toxicity, while the converse appears to be true for calcium, probiotics, and prebiotics. However, it must be acknowledged that the study of fecal water is still in its infancy and a number of issues need to be addressed before its usefulness can be truly gauged.
The assessment of cellular effects by the aqueous phase of human feces (fecal water, FW) is a useful biomarker approach to study cancer risks and protective activities of food. In order to refine and develop the biomarker, different protocols of preparing FW were compared. Fecal waters were prepared by 3 methods: (A) direct centrifugation; (B) extraction of feces in PBS before centrifugation; and (C) centrifugation of lyophilized and reconstituted feces. Genotoxicity was determined in colon cells using the Comet assay. Selected samples were investigated for additional parameters related to carcinogenesis. Two of 7 FWs obtained by methods A and B were similarly genotoxic. Method B, however, yielded higher volumes of FW, allowing sterile filtration for long-term culture experiments. Four of 7 samples were non-genotoxic when prepared according to all 3 methods. FW from lyophilized feces and from fresh samples were equally genotoxic. FWs modulated cytotoxicity, paracellular permeability, and invasion, independent of their genotoxicity. All 3 methods of FW preparation can be used to assess genotoxicity. The higher volumes of FWobtained by preparation method B greatly enhance the perspectives of measuring different types of biological parameters and using these to disclose activities related to cancer development.
The prebiotic potential of oat samples was investigated by in vitro shaker-flask anaerobic fermentations with human fecal cultures. The oat bran fraction was obtained by debranning and was compared with other carbon sources such as whole oat flour, glucose, and fructo-oligosaccharide. The oat bran fraction showed a decrease in culturable anaerobes and clostridia and an increase in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli populations. A similar pattern was observed in fructo-oligosaccharide. Butyrate production was higher in oat bran compared to glucose and similar to that in fructo-oligosaccharide. Production of propionate was higher in the two oat media than in fructo-oligosaccharide and glucose, which can be used as energy source by the liver. This study suggests that the oat bran fraction obtained by debranning is digested by the gut ecosystem and increases the population of beneficial bacteria in the indigenous gut microbiota. This medium also provides an energy source preferred by colonocytes when it is metabolized by the gut flora.