78 resultados para ethanolamine


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The aim of this research is to obtain the absorption rate of CO2 into aqueous solution of N,N- di methyl ethanolamine and into aqueous solution of Triethylene diamine and to demonstrate the importance of absorption of CO2 in nowadays by discussing global warming and greenhouse effect. It is also discussed the current situation of China focusing in the latest steps this country has recently made. In the experimental part of this work, the two tertiary amine solutions will absorb CO2 in a Lewis type cell, measuring the pressure change during the reactions take place. The temperature will be between 35 degree and 70 degree Celsius. The results of both solutions, concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 mol per liter, are discussed and a single value of the rate constant is given for the first time along with some others parameters.


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Age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness for which no satisfactory treatments exist, leads to a gradual decrease in central high acuity vision. The accumulation of fluorescent materials, called lipofuscin, in retinal pigment epithelial cells of the aging retina is most pronounced in the macula. One of the fluorophores of retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin has been characterized as A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid, which is derived from two molecules of vitamin A aldehyde and one molecule of ethanolamine. An investigation aimed at optimizing the in vitro synthesis of A2E has resulted in the one-step biomimetic preparation of this pigment in 49% yield, readily producing more than 50 mg in one step. These results have allowed for the optimization of HPLC conditions so that nanogram quantities of A2E can be detected from extracts of tissue samples. By using 5% of the extract from individual aged human eyes, this protocol has led to the quantification of A2E and the characterization of iso-A2E, a new A2E double bond isomer; all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol also have been identified in these HPLC chromatograms. Exposure of either A2E or iso-A2E to light gives rise to 4:1 A2E:iso-A2E equilibrium mixtures, similar to the composition of these two pigments in eye extracts. A2E and iso-A2E may exhibit surfactant properties arising from their unique wedge-shaped structures.


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Phospholipid signaling mediated by lipid-derived second messengers or biologically active lipids is still new and is not well established in plants. We recently have found that lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE), a naturally occurring lipid, retards senescence of leaves, flowers, and postharvest fruits. Phospholipase D (PLD) has been suggested as a key enzyme in mediating the degradation of membrane phospholipids during the early stages of plant senescence. Here we report that LPE inhibited the activity of partially purified cabbage PLD in a cell-free system in a highly specific manner. Inhibition of PLD by LPE was dose-dependent and increased with the length and unsaturation of the LPE acyl chain whereas individual molecular components of LPE such as ethanolamine and free fatty acid had no effect on PLD activity. Enzyme-kinetic analysis suggested noncompetitive inhibition of PLD by LPE. In comparison, the related lysophospholipids such as lysophosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylglycerol, and lysophosphotidylserine had no significant effect on PLD activity whereas PLD was stimulated by lysophosphatidic acid and inhibited by lysophosphatidylinositol. Membrane-associated and soluble PLD, extracted from cabbage and castor bean leaf tissues, also was inhibited by LPE. Consistent with acyl-specific inhibition of PLD by LPE, senescence of cranberry fruits as measured by ethylene production was more effectively inhibited according to the increasing acyl chain length and unsaturation of LPE. There are no known specific inhibitors of PLD in plants and animals. We demonstrate specific inhibitory regulation of PLD by a lysophospholipid.


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Three different pathways lead to the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) in yeast, one of which is localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane. To study the contribution of each of these pathways, we constructed a series of deletion mutants in which different combinations of the pathways are blocked. Analysis of their growth phenotypes revealed that a minimal level of PtdEtn is essential for growth. On fermentable carbon sources such as glucose, endogenous ethanolaminephosphate provided by sphingolipid catabolism is sufficient to allow synthesis of the essential amount of PtdEtn through the cytidyldiphosphate (CDP)-ethanolamine pathway. On nonfermentable carbon sources, however, a higher level of PtdEtn is required for growth, and the amounts of PtdEtn produced through the CDP-ethanolamine pathway and by extramitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 are not sufficient to maintain growth unless the action of the former pathway is enhanced by supplementing the growth medium with ethanolamine. Thus, in the absence of such supplementation, production of PtdEtn by mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 becomes essential. In psd1Δ strains or cho1Δ strains (defective in phosphatidylserine synthesis), which contain decreased amounts of PtdEtn, the growth rate on nonfermentable carbon sources correlates with the content of PtdEtn in mitochondria, suggesting that import of PtdEtn into this organelle becomes growth limiting. Although morphological and biochemical analysis revealed no obvious defects of PtdEtn-depleted mitochondria, the mutants exhibited an enhanced formation of respiration-deficient cells. Synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins is also impaired in PtdEtn-depleted cells, as demonstrated by delayed maturation of Gas1p. Carboxypeptidase Y and invertase, on the other hand, were processed with wild-type kinetics. Thus, PtdEtn depletion does not affect protein secretion in general, suggesting that high levels of nonbilayer-forming lipids such as PtdEtn are not essential for membrane vesicle fusion processes in vivo.


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We recently presented clear evidence that the major low-phosphate-inducible phosphatase of the duckweed Spirodela oligorrhiza is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, and, to our knowledge, is the first described from higher plants (N. Morita, H. Nakazato, H. Okuyama, Y. Kim, G.A. Thompson, Jr. [1996] Biochim Biophys Acta 1290: 53–62). In this report the purified 57-kD phosphatase is shown to be a purple metalloenzyme containing Fe and Mn atoms and having an absorption maximum at 556 nm. The phosphatase activity was only slightly inhibited by tartrate, as expected for a purple acid phosphatase (PAP). Furthermore, the protein cross-reacted with an anti-Arabidopsis PAP antibody on immunoblots. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the phosphatase was very similar to those of Arabidopsis, red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and soybean (Glycine max) PAP. Extracts of S. oligorrhiza plants incubated with the GPI-specific precursor [3H]ethanolamine were treated with antibodies raised against the purified S. oligorrhiza phosphatase. Radioactivity from the resulting immunoprecipitates was specifically associated with a 57-kD band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. These results, together with previous findings, strongly indicate that the GPI-anchored phosphatase of S. oligorrhiza is a PAP.


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Eukaryotic elongation factor 1α (eEF-1A) is a multifunctional protein. There are three known posttranslational modifications of eEF-1A that could potentially affect its function. Except for phosphorylation, the other posttranslational modifications have not been demonstrated in plants. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and peptide mass mapping, we show that carrot (Daucus carota L.) eEF-1A contains a phosphoglycerylethanolamine (PGE) posttranslational modification. eEF-1A was the only protein labeled with [14C]ethanolamine in carrot cells and was the predominant ethanolamine-labeled protein in Arabidopsis seedlings and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cell cultures. In vivo-labeling studies using [3H]glycerol, [32P]Pi, [14C]myristic acid, and [14C]linoleic acid indicated that the entire phospholipid phosphatidylethanolamine is covalently attached to the protein. The PGE lipid modification did not affect the partitioning of eEF-1A in Triton X-114 or its actin-binding activity in in vitro assays. Our in vitro data indicate that this newly characterized posttranslational modification alone does not affect the function of eEF-1A. Therefore, the PGE lipid modification may work in combination with other posttranslational modifications to affect the distribution and the function of eEF-1A within the cell.


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Recently, the biosynthesis of an unusual membrane phospholipid, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE), was found to increase in elicitor-treated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells (K.D. Chapman, A. Conyers-Hackson, R.A. Moreau, S. Tripathy [1995] Physiol Plant 95: 120–126). Here we report that before induction of NAPE biosynthesis, N-acylethanolamine (NAE) is released from NAPE in cultured tobacco cells 10 min after treatment with the fungal elicitor xylanase. In radiolabeling experiments [14C]NAE (labeled on the ethanolamine carbons) increased approximately 6-fold in the culture medium, whereas [14C]NAPE associated with cells decreased approximately 5-fold. Two predominant NAE molecular species, N-lauroylethanolamine and N-myristoylethanolamine, were specifically identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in lipids extracted from culture medium, and both increased in concentration after elicitor treatment. NAEs were found to accumulate extracellularly only. A microsomal phospholipase D activity was discovered that formed NAE from NAPE; its activity in vitro was stimulated about 20-fold by mastoparan, suggesting that NAPE hydrolysis is highly regulated, perhaps by G-proteins. Furthermore, an NAE amidohydrolase activity that catalyzed the hydrolysis of NAE in vitro was detected in homogenates of tobacco cells. Collectively, these results characterize structurally a new class of plant lipids and identify the enzymatic machinery involved in its formation and inactivation in elicitor-treated tobacco cells. Recent evidence indicating a signaling role for NAPE metabolism in mammalian cells (H.H.O. Schmid, P.C. Schmid, V. Natarajan [1996] Chem Phys Lipids 80: 133–142) raises the possibility that a similar mechanism may operate in plant cells.


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Two cationic lipids, bis-guanidinium-spermidine-cholesterol (BGSC) and bis-guanidinium-trencholesterol (BGTC)-cholesterol derivatives bearing two guanidinium groups-have been synthesized and tested as artificial vectors for gene transfer. They combine the membrane compatible features of the cholesterol subunit and the favorable structural and high pKa features of the guanidinium functions for binding DNA via its phosphate groups. Reagent BGTC is very efficient for transfection into a variety of mammalian cell lines when used as a micellar solution. In addition, both BGTC and BGSC present also a high transfection activity when formulated as liposomes with the neutral phospholipid dioleoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine. These results reveal the usefulness of cholesterol derivatives bearing guanidinium groups for gene transfer.


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Proteins anchored to the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety are found in all eukaryotes. After NH2-terminal peptide cleavage of the nascent protein by the signal peptidase, a second COOH-terminal signal peptide is cleaved with the concomitant addition of the GPI unit. The proposed mechanism of the GPI transfer is a transamidation reaction that involves the formation of an activated carbonyl intermediate (enzyme-substrate complex) with the ethanolamine moiety of the preassembled GPI unit serving as a nucleophile. Other nucleophilic acceptors like hydrazine (HDZ) and hydroxylamine have been shown to be possible alternate substrates for GPI. Since GPI has yet to be purified, the use of readily available nucleophilic substitutes such as HDZ and hydroxylamine is a viable alternative to study COOH-terminal processing by the putative transamidase. As a first step in developing a soluble system to study this process, we have examined the amino acid requirements at the COOH terminus for the transamidation reaction using HDZ as the nucleophilic acceptor instead of GPI. The hydrazide-forming reaction shows identical amino acid requirement profiles to that of GPI anchor addition. Additionally, we have studied other parameters relating to the kinetics of the transamidation reaction in the context of rough microsomal membranes. The findings with HDZ provide further evidence for the transamidase nature of the enzyme and also provide a starting point for development of a soluble assay.


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A promising class of compounds for DNA transfection have been designed by conjugating various polyamines to bile-acid-based amphiphiles. Formulations containing these compounds were tested for their ability to facilitate the uptake of a beta-galactosidase reporter plasmid into COS-7 cells. Dioleoyl phosphatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE) formulations of some of the compounds were several times better than Lipofectin at promoting DNA uptake. The most active compounds contained the most hydrophilic bile acid components. The activity is clearly not related to affinity for DNA: the hydrophobic bile acid conjugates were found to form stable complexes with DNA at lower charge ratios than the hydrophilic conjugates. We suggest that the high activity of the best compounds is related to their facial amphiphilicity, which may confer an ability to destabilize membranes. The success of these unusual cationic transfection agents may inspire the design of even more effective gene delivery agents.


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Processos como a purificação do metano (CH4) e a produção de hidrogênio gasoso (H2) envolvem etapas de separação de CO2. Atualmente, etanolaminas como monoetanolamina (MEA), dietanolamina (DEA), metildietanolamina (MDEA) e trietanolamina (TEA) são as substâncias mais utilizadas no processo de separação/captura de CO2 em processos industriais. Entretanto, o uso destas substâncias apresenta alguns inconvenientes devido à alta volatilidade, dificuldade de se trabalhar com material líquido, também ao alto gasto energético envolvido das etapas de regeneração e à baixa estabilidade térmica e química. Com base nessa problemática, esse trabalho teve por objetivo a síntese de um tipo de sílica mesoporosa altamente ordenada (SBA-15) de modo a utilizá-la no processo de captura de CO2. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro etapas experimentais que envolveram a síntese da SBA-15, o estudo do comportamento térmico de algumas etanolaminas livres, síntese e caracterização de materiais adsorventes preparados a partir de incorporação de etanolaminas à SBA-15 e estudo da eficiência de captura de CO2 por esses materiais. Novas alternativas de síntese da SBA-15 foram estudadas neste trabalho, visando aperfeiçoar as propriedades texturais do material produzido. Tais alternativas são baseadas na remoção do surfatante, utilizado como molde na síntese da sílica mesoporosa, por meio da extração por Soxhlet, utilizando diferentes solventes. O processo contribuiu para melhorar as propriedades do material obtido, evitando o encolhimento da estrutura que pode ser ocasionado durante a etapa de calcinação. Por meio de técnicas como TG/DTG, DSC, FTIR e Análise Elementar de C, H e N foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e termoanalítica da MEA, DEA, MDEA e TEA, visando melhor conhecer as características destas substâncias. Estudos cinéticos baseados nos métodos termogravimétricos isotérmicos e não isotérmicos (Método de Ozawa) foram realizados, permitindo a determinação de parâmetros cinéticos envolvidos nas etapas de volatilização/decomposição térmica das etanolaminas. Além das técnicas acima mencionadas, MEV, MET, SAXS e Medidas de Adsorção de N2 foram utilizadas na caraterização da SBA-15 antes e após a incorporação das etanolaminas. Dentre as etanolaminas estudadas, a TEA apresentou maior estabilidade térmica, entretanto, devido ao seu maior impedimento estérico, é a etanolamina que apresenta menor afinidade com o CO2. Diferentemente das demais etanolaminas estudadas, a decomposição térmica da DEA envolve uma reação intramolecular, levando a formação de MEA e óxido de etileno. A incorporação destes materiais à SBA-15 aumentou a estabilidade térmica das etanolaminas, uma vez que parte do material permanece dentro dos poros da sílica. Os ensaios de adsorção de CO2 mostraram que a incorporação da MEA à SBA-15 catalisou o processo de decomposição térmica da mesma. A MDEA foi a etanolamina que apresentou maior poder de captura de CO2 e sua estabilidade térmica foi consideravelmente aumentada quando a mesma foi incorporada à SBA-15, aumentando também seu potencial de captura de CO2.


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We have developed a general method for the specific and reversible immobilization of proteins fused to the choline-binding module C-LytA on functionalized graphite electrodes. Graphite electrode surfaces were modified by diazonium chemistry to introduce carboxylic groups that were subsequently used to anchor mixed self-assembled monolayers consisting of N,N-diethylethylenediamine groups, acting as choline analogs, and ethanolamine groups as spacers. The ability of the prepared electrodes to specifically bind C-LytA-tagged recombinant proteins was tested with a C-LytA-β-galactosidase fusion protein. The binding, activity and stability of the immobilized protein was evaluated by electrochemically monitoring the formation of an electroactive product in the enzymatic hydrolysis of the synthetic substrate 4-aminophenyl β-D-galactopyranoside. The hybrid protein was immobilized in an specific and reversible way, while retaining the catalytic activity. Moreover, these functionalized electrodes were shown to be highly stable and reusable. The method developed here can be envisaged as a general, immobilization procedure on the protein biosensor field.


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Elemental composition, functional groups, and molecular mass distribution were determined in humic acids from the Western Pacific abyssal and coastal bottom sediments. Humic acid structure was studied by oxidative degradation with alkaline nitrobenzene and potassium permanganate, p-coumaric, guaiacilic, and syringilic structural units typical for lignin of terrestrial plants were identified in humic acids by chromatographic analysis of oxidation products. Polysubstituted and polycondensed aromatic systems with minor proportion of aliphatic structures were basic structural units of humic acids in abyssal sediments.


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Four corrosion inhibitors namely sodium nitrite, sodium monofluorophosphate, ethanolamine and an alkanolamine-based mixture were studied by immersing mild steel bars for 42 days in model electrolytes of varied pH and chloride concentration which were intended to simulate the pore solution phase present within carbonated and/or chloride-contaminated concrete. Site trials were carried out on sodium monofluorophosphate and the alkanolamine-based inhibitor to study their depth of penetration into concrete. The influence of various carbonating atmospheres on the pore solution chemistry and microstructure of hydrated cement paste was investigated. Physical realkalisation of carbonated cement paste and a calcium nitrite-based corrosion rehabilitation system for chloride-contaminated cement paste were investigated by monitoring ionic transport within the pore solution phase of laboratory specimens. The main findings were as follows: 1,Sodium nitrite, sodium monofluorophosphate, ethanolamine and the alkanolamine-based mixture all behaved as passivating anodic inhibitors of steel corrosion in air-saturated aqueous solutions of varied pH and chloride concentration. 2,Sodium monofluorophosphate failed to penetrate significantly into partially carbonated site concrete when applied as recommended by the supplier. Phosphate and fluoride penetrated 5mm into partially carbonated site concrete treated with sodium monofluorophosphate. 3,The ethanolamine component of the alkanolamine-based inhibitor was found to have penetrated significant depths into partially carbonated site concrete. 4,Carbonating hydrated cement paste over saturated solutions of sodium nitrite resulted in significant concentrations of nitrite in the pore solution of the carbonated paste. Saturated solutions of sodium chloride, ammonium nitrate, magnesium nitrate and sodium dichromate were investigated and identified as alternatives for controlling the relative humidity of the carbonating environment. 5,Hardened carbonated cement paste can by physically realkalised to a limited extent due to the diffusion of hydroxyl ions under saturated conditions. A substantial proportion of the hydroxyl ions that diffused into the carbonated cement paste however, became bound into the cement matrix. Hydroxyl ion concentrations remained below 5mmol/l within the pore solution of the realkalised cement paste. 6, Nitrite ions penetrated significant distances by diffusion within the pore solution of saturated uncarbonated hydrated cement paste.