664 resultados para epigenetic
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Imunologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology, Cell Biology
Le centromère est le site chromosomal où le kinetochore se forme, afin d’assurer une ségrégation fidèles des chromosomes et ainsi maintenir la ploïdie appropriée lors de la mitose. L’identité du centromere est héritée par un mécanisme épigénétique impliquant une variante de l’histone H3 nommée centromere protein-A (CENP-A), qui remplace l’histone H3 au niveau de la chromatine du centromère. Des erreurs de propagation de la chromatine du centromère peuvent mener à des problèmes de ségrégation des chromosomes, pouvant entraîner l’aneuploïdie, un phénomène fréquemment observé dans le cancer. De plus, une expression non-régulée de CENP-A a aussi été rapportée dans différentes tumeurs humaines. Ainsi, plusieurs études ont cherchées à élucider la structure et le rôle de la chromatine contenant CENP-A dans des cellules en prolifération. Toutefois, la nature moléculaire de CENP-A en tant que marqueur épigénétique ainsi que ces dynamiques à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire demeurent des sujets débat. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle méthode de comptage de molécules uniques à l'aide de la microscopie à réflexion totale interne de la fluorescence (TIRF) sera décrite, puis exploitée afin d'élucider la composition moléculaire des nucléosomes contenant CENP-A, extraits de cellules en prolifération. Nous démontrons que les nucléosomes contenant CENP-A marquent les centromères humains de façon épigénétique à travers le cycle cellulaire. De plus, nos données démontrent que la forme prénucléosomale de CENP-A, en association avec la protéine chaperon HJURP existe sous forme de monomère et de dimère, ce qui reflète une étape intermédiaire de l'assemblage de nucléosomes contenant CENP-A. Ensuite, des analyses quantitatives de centromères lors de différenciation myogénique, et dans différents tissus adultes révèlent des changements globaux qui maintiennent la marque épigénétique dans une forme inactive suite à la différentiation terminale. Ces changements incluent une réduction du nombre de points focaux de CENP-A, un réarrangement des points dans le noyau, ainsi qu'une réduction importante de la quantité de CENP-A. De plus, nous démontrons que lorsqu'une dédifférenciation cellulaire est induite puis le cycle cellulaire ré-entamé, le phénotype "différencié" décrit ci-haut est récupéré, et les centromères reprennent leur phénotype "prolifératif". En somme, cet oeuvre décrit la composition structurale sous-jacente à l'identité épigénétique des centromères de cellules humaines lors du cycle cellulaire, et met en lumière le rôle de CENP-A à l'extérieur du cycle cellulaire.
Le centromère est la région chromosomique où le kinétochore s'assemble en mitose. Contrairement à certaines caractéristiques géniques, la séquence centromérique n'est ni conservée entre les espèces ni suffisante à la fonction centromérique. Il est donc bien accepté dans la littérature que le centromère est régulé épigénétiquement par une variante de l'histone H3, CENP-A. KNL-2, aussi connu sous le nom de M18BP1, ainsi que ces partenaires Mis18α et Mis18β sont des protéines essentielles pour l'incorporation de CENP-A nouvellement synthétisé aux centromères. Des évidences expérimentales démontrent que KNL-2, ayant un domaine de liaison à l'ADN nommé Myb, est la protéine la plus en amont pour l'incorporation de CENP-A aux centromères en phase G1. Par contre, sa fonction dans le processus d'incorporation de CENP-A aux centromères n'est pas bien comprise et ces partenaires de liaison ne sont pas tous connus. De nouveaux partenaires de liaison de KNL-2 ont été identifiés par des expériences d'immunoprécipitation suivies d'une analyse en spectrométrie de masse. Un rôle dans l'incorporation de CENP-A nouvellement synthétisé aux centromères a été attribué à MgcRacGAP, une des 60 protéines identifiées par l'essai. MgcRacGAP ainsi que les protéines ECT-2 (GEF) et la petite GTPase Cdc42 ont été démontrées comme étant requises pour la stabilité de CENP-A incorporé aux centromères. Ces différentes observations ont mené à l'identification d'une troisième étape au niveau moléculaire pour l'incorporation de CENP-A nouvellement synthétisé en phase G1, celle de la stabilité de CENP-A nouvellement incorporé aux centromères. Cette étape est importante pour le maintien de l'identité centromérique à chaque division cellulaire. Pour caractériser la fonction de KNL-2 lors de l'incorporation de CENP-A nouvellement synthétisé aux centromères, une technique de microscopie à haute résolution couplée à une quantification d'image a été utilisée. Les résultats générés démontrent que le recrutement de KNL-2 au centromère est rapide, environ 5 minutes après la sortie de la mitose. De plus, la structure du domaine Myb de KNL-2 provenant du nématode C. elegans a été résolue par RMN et celle-ci démontre un motif hélice-tour-hélice, une structure connue pour les domaines de liaison à l'ADN de la famille Myb. De plus, les domaines humain (HsMyb) et C. elegans (CeMyb) Myb lient l'ADN in vitro, mais aucune séquence n'est reconnue spécifiquement par ces domaines. Cependant, il a été possible de démontrer que ces deux domaines lient préférentiellement la chromatine CENP-A-YFP comparativement à la chromatine H2B-GFP par un essai modifié de SIMPull sous le microscope TIRF. Donc, le domaine Myb de KNL-2 est suffisant pour reconnaître de façon spécifique la chromatine centromérique. Finalement, l'élément reconnu par les domaines Myb in vitro a potentiellement été identifié. En effet, il a été démontré que les domaines HsMyb et CeMyb lient l'ADN simple brin in vitro. De plus, les domaines HsMyb et CeMyb ne colocalisent pas avec CENP-A lorsqu'exprimés dans les cellules HeLa, mais plutôt avec les corps nucléaires PML, des structures nucléaires composées d'ARN. Donc, en liant potentiellement les transcrits centromériques, les domaines Myb de KNL-2 pourraient spécifier l'incorporation de CENP-A nouvellement synthétisé uniquement aux régions centromériques.
La méthylation de l'ADN est une marque épigénétique importante chez les mammifères. Malgré le fait que la méthylation de la cytosine en 5' (5mC) soit reconnue comme une modification épigénétique stable, il devient de plus en plus reconnu qu'elle soit un processus plus dynamique impliquant des voies de méthylation et de déméthylation actives. La dynamique de la méthylation de l'ADN est désormais bien caractérisée dans le développement et dans le fonctionnement cellulaire des mammifères. Très peu est cependant connu concernant les implications régulatrices dans les réponses immunitaires. Pour se faire, nous avons effectué des analyses du niveau de transcription des gènes ainsi que du profilage épigénétique de cellules dendritiques (DCs) humaines. Ceux-ci ont été faits avant et après infection par le pathogène Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Nos résultats fournissent le premier portrait génomique du remodelage épigénétique survenant dans les DCs en réponse à une infection bactérienne. Nous avons constaté que les changements dans la méthylation de l'ADN sont omniprésents, identifiant 3,926 régions différentiellement méthylées lors des infections par MTB (MTB-RDMs). Les MTB-RDMs montrent un chevauchement frappant avec les régions génomiques marquées par les histones associées avec des régions amplificatrices. De plus, nos analyses ont révélées que les MTB-RDMs sont activement liées par des facteurs de transcription associés à l'immunité avant même d'être infecté par MTB, suggérant ces domaines comme étant des éléments d'activation dans un état de dormance. Nos données suggèrent que les changements actifs dans la méthylation jouent un rôle essentiel pour contrôler la réponse cellulaire des DCs à l'infection bactérienne.
With molecular biology methods and bioinformatics, the Argonaute proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum were characterized, and the function of the AgnA protein in RNAi and DNA methylation was investigated, as well as cellular features. Also interaction partners of the PAZ-Piwi domain of AgnA (PAZ-PiwiAgnA) were discovered. The Dictyostelium genome encodes five Argonaute proteins, termed AgnA/B/C/D/E. The expression level of Argonaute proteins was AgnB/D/E > AgnA > AgnC. All these proteins contain the characteristic conserved of PAZ and Piwi domains. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the overexpressed C-terminal GFP-fusion of PAZ-PiwiAgnA (PPWa-GFP) localized to the cytoplasm. Overexpression of PPWa-GFP leaded to an increased gene silencing efficiency mediated by RNAi but not by antisense RNA. This indicated that PAZ-PiwiAgnA is involved in the RNAi pathway, but not in the antisense pathway. An analysis of protein-protein interactions by a yeast-two-hybrid screen on a cDNA library from vegetatively grown Dictyostelium revealed that several proteins, such as EF2, EF1-I, IfdA, SahA, SamS, RANBP1, UAE1, CapA, and GpdA could interact with PAZ-PiwiAgnA. There was no interaction between PAZ-PiwiAgnA and HP1, HelF and DnmA detected by direct yeast-two-hybrid analysis. The fluorescence microscopy images showed that the overexpressed GFP-SahA or IfdA fusion proteins localized to both cytoplasm and nuclei, while the overexpressed GFP-SamS localized to the cytoplasm. The expression of SamS in AgnA knock down mutants was strongly down regulated on cDNA and mRNA level in, while the expression of SahA was only slightly down regulated. AgnA knock down mutants displayed defects in growth and phagocytosis, which suggested that AgnA affects also cell biological features. The inhibition of DNA methylation on DIRS-1 and Skipper retroelements, as well as the endogenous mvpB and telA gene, observed for the same strains, revealed that AgnA is involved in the DNA methylation pathway. Northern blot analysis showed that Skipper and DIRS-1 were rarely expressed in Ax2, but the expression of Skipper was upregulated in AgnA knock down mutants, while the expression of DIRS-1 was not changed. A knock out of the agnA gene failed even though the homologous recombination of the disruption construct occurred at the correct site, which indicated that there was a duplication of the agnA gene in the genome. The same phenomenon was also observed in ifdA knock out experiments.
A series of vectors for the over-expression of tagged proteins in Dictyostelium were designed, constructed and tested. These vectors allow the addition of an N- or C-terminal tag (GFP, RFP, 3xFLAG, 3xHA, 6xMYC and TAP) with an optimized polylinker sequence and no additional amino acid residues at the N or C terminus. Different selectable markers (Blasticidin and gentamicin) are available as well as an extra chromosomal version; these allow copy number and thus expression level to be controlled, as well as allowing for more options with regard to complementation, co- and super-transformation. Finally, the vectors share standardized cloning sites, allowing a gene of interest to be easily transfered between the different versions of the vectors as experimental requirements evolve. The organisation and dynamics of the Dictyostelium nucleus during the cell cycle was investigated. The centromeric histone H3 (CenH3) variant serves to target the kinetochore to the centromeres and thus ensures correct chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. A number of Dictyostelium histone H3-domain containing proteins as GFP-tagged fusions were expressed and it was found that one of them functions as CenH3 in this species. Like CenH3 from some other species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has an extended N-terminal domain with no similarity to any other known proteins. The targeting domain, comprising α-helix 2 and loop 1 of the histone fold is required for targeting CenH3 to centromeres. Compared to the targeting domain of other known and putative CenH3 species, Dictyostelium CenH3 has a shorter loop 1 region. The localisation of a variety of histone modifications and histone modifying enzymes was examined. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and CenH3 chromatin-immunoprecipitation (ChIP) it was shown that the six telocentric centromeres contain all of the DIRS-1 and most of the DDT-A and skipper transposons. During interphase the centromeres remain attached to the centrosome resulting in a single CenH3 cluster which also contains the putative histone H3K9 methyltransferase SuvA, H3K9me3 and HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1). Except for the centromere cluster and a number of small foci at the nuclear periphery opposite the centromeres, the rest of the nucleus is largely devoid of transposons and heterochromatin associated histone modifications. At least some of the small foci correspond to the distal telomeres, suggesting that the chromosomes are organised in a Rabl-like manner. It was found that in contrast to metazoans, loading of CenH3 onto Dictyostelium centromeres occurs in late G2 phase. Transformation of Dictyostelium with vectors carrying the G418 resistance cassette typically results in the vector integrating into the genome in one or a few tandem arrays of approximately a hundred copies. In contrast, plasmids containing a Blasticidin resistance cassette integrate as single or a few copies. The behaviour of transgenes in the nucleus was examined by FISH, and it was found that low copy transgenes show apparently random distribution within the nucleus, while transgenes with more than approximately 10 copies cluster at or immediately adjacent to the centromeres in interphase cells regardless of the actual integration site along the chromosome. During mitosis the transgenes show centromere-like behaviour, and ChIP experiments show that transgenes contain the heterochromatin marker H3K9me2 and the centromeric histone variant H3v1. This clustering, and centromere-like behaviour was not observed on extrachromosomal transgenes, nor on a line where the transgene had integrated into the extrachromosomal rDNA palindrome. This suggests that it is the repetitive nature of the transgenes that causes the centromere-like behaviour. A Dictyostelium homolog of DET1, a protein largely restricted to multicellular eukaryotes where it has a role in developmental regulation was identified. As in other species Dictyostelium DET1 is nuclear localised. In ChIP experiments DET1 was found to bind the promoters of a number of developmentally regulated loci. In contrast to other species where it is an essential protein, loss of DET1 is not lethal in Dictyostelium, although viability is greatly reduced. Loss of DET1 results in delayed and abnormal development with enlarged aggregation territories. Mutant slugs displayed apparent cell type patterning with a bias towards pre-stalk cell types.
Relatively little is known about the timing of genetic and epigenetic forms of somaclonal variation arising from callus growth. We surveyed for both types of change in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) plants regenerated from calli of various ages, and also between tissues from the source trees. For genetic change, we used 15 single sequence repeat (SSR) markers from four source trees and from 233 regenerated plants. For epigenetic change, we used 386 methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) markers on leaf and explant (staminode) DNA from two source trees and on leaf DNA from 114 regenerants. Genetic variation within source trees was limited to one slippage mutation in one leaf. Regenerants were far more variable, with 35% exhibiting at least one mutation. Genetic variation initially accumulated with culture age but subsequently declined. MSAP (epigenetic) profiles diverged between leaf and staminode samples from source trees. Multivariate analysis revealed that leaves from regenerants occupied intermediate eigenspace between leaves and staminodes of source plants but became progressively more similar to source tree leaves with culture age. Statistical analysis confirmed this rather counterintuitive finding that leaves of ‘late regenerants’ exhibited significantly less genetic and epigenetic divergence from source leaves than those exposed to short periods of callus growth.
A cardinal property of neural stem cells (NSCs) is their ability to adopt multiple fates upon differentiation. The epigenome is widely seen as a read-out of cellular potential and a manifestation of this can be seen in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), where promoters of many lineage-specific regulators are marked by a bivalent epigenetic signature comprising trimethylation of both lysine 4 and lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K4me3 and H3K27me3, respectively). Bivalency has subsequently emerged as a powerful epigenetic indicator of stem cell potential. Here, we have interrogated the epigenome during differentiation of ESC-derived NSCs to immature GABAergic interneurons. We show that developmental transitions are accompanied by loss of bivalency at many promoters in line with their increasing developmental restriction from pluripotent ESC through multipotent NSC to committed GABAergic interneuron. At the NSC stage, the promoters of genes encoding many transcriptional regulators required for differentiation of multiple neuronal subtypes and neural crest appear to be bivalent, consistent with the broad developmental potential of NSCs. Upon differentiation to GABAergic neurons, all non-GABAergic promoters resolve to H3K27me3 monovalency, whereas GABAergic promoters resolve to H3K4me3 monovalency or retain bivalency. Importantly, many of these epigenetic changes occur before any corresponding changes in gene expression. Intriguingly, another group of gene promoters gain bivalency as NSCs differentiate toward neurons, the majority of which are associated with functions connected with maturation and establishment and maintenance of connectivity. These data show that bivalency provides a dynamic epigenetic signature of developmental potential in both NSCs and in early neurons. Stem Cells 2013;31:1868-1880.
Acquisition and maintenance of cell fate and potential are dependent on the complex interplay of extracellular signaling, gene regulatory networks and epigenetic states. During embryonic development, embryonic stem cells become progressively more restricted along specific lineages, ultimately giving rise to the diversity of cell types in the adult mammalian organism. Recent years have seen major advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate the underlying transcriptional programmes during development. In particular, there has been a significant increase in our knowledge of how epigenetic marks on chromatin can regulate transcription by generating more or less permissive chromatin conformations. This article focuses on how a single transcription factor, repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor, can function as both a transcriptional and epigenetic regulator, controlling diverse aspects of development. We will discuss how the elucidation of repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor function in both normal and disease conditions has provided valuable insights into how the epigenome and transcriptional regulators might cooperatively orchestrate correct development.
Huntington's disease (HD) is a devastating disorder that affects approximately 1 in 10,000 people and is accompanied by neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration. HD manifests as a progressive chorea, a decline in mental abilities accompanied by behavioural, emotional and psychiatric problems followed by, dementia, and ultimately, death. The molecular pathology of HD is complex but includes widespread transcriptional dysregulation. Although many transcriptional regulatory molecules have been implicated in the pathogenesis of HD, a growing body of evidence points to the pivotal role of RE1 Silencing Transcription Factor (REST). In HD, REST, translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in neurons resulting in repression of key target genes such as BDNF. Since these original observations, several thousand direct target genes of REST have been identified, including numerous non-coding RNAs including both microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs, several of which are dysregulated in HD. More recently, evidence is emerging that hints at epigenetic abnormalities in HD brain. This in turn, promotes the notion that targeting the epigenetic machinery may be a useful strategy for treatment of some aspects of HD. REST also recruits a host of histone and chromatin modifying activities that can regulate the local epigenetic signature at REST target genes. Collectively, these observations present REST as a hub that coordinates transcriptional, posttranscriptional and epigenetic programmes, many of which are disrupted in HD. We identify several spokes emanating from this REST hub that may represent useful sites to redress REST dysfunction in HD.
Epigenetic modification of the genome via cytosine methylation is a dynamic process that responds to changes in the growing environment. This modification can also be heritable. The combination of both properties means that there is the potential for the life experiences of the parental generation to modify the methylation profiles of their offspring and so potentially to ‘pre-condition’ them to better accommodate abiotic conditions encountered by their parents. We recently identified high vapor pressure deficit (vpd)-induced DNA methylation at two gene loci in the stomatal development pathway and an associated reduction in leaf stomatal frequency.1 Here, we test whether this epigenetic modification pre-conditioned parents and their offspring to the more severe water stress of periodic drought. We found that three generations of high vpd-grown plants were better able to withstand periodic drought stress over two generations. This resistance was not directly associated with de novo methylation of the target stomata genes, but was associated with the cmt3 mutant’s inability to maintain asymmetric sequence context methylation. If our finding applies widely, it could have significant implications for evolutionary biology and breeding for stressful environments.
Endocrine therapies target the activation of the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) via distinct mechanisms, but it is not clear whether breast cancer cells can adapt to treatment using drug-specific mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that resistance emerges via drug-specific epigenetic reprogramming. Resistant cells display a spectrum of phenotypical changes with invasive phenotypes evolving in lines resistant to the aromatase inhibitor (AI). Orthogonal genomics analysis of reprogrammed regulatory regions identifies individual drug-induced epigenetic states involving large topologically associating domains (TADs) and the activation of super-enhancers. AI-resistant cells activate endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis (CB) through stable epigenetic activation in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, CB sparks the constitutive activation of oestrogen receptors alpha (ERα) in AI-resistant cells, partly via the biosynthesis of 27-hydroxycholesterol. By targeting CB using statins, ERα binding is reduced and cell invasion is prevented. Epigenomic-led stratification can predict resistance to AI in a subset of ERα-positive patients