957 resultados para duration of experience
P>Aim: To determine the effects of imperfect adherence (i.e. occasionally missing prescribed doses), and the influence of rate of loss of antihypertensive effect during treatment interruption, on the predicted clinical effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs in reducing mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.Method:The effects of imperfect adherence to antihypertensive treatment regimens were estimated using published patterns of missed doses, and taking into account the rate of loss of antihypertensive effect when doses are missed (loss of BP reduction in mmHg/day; the off-rate), which varies between drugs. Outcome measures were the predicted mean SBP reduction and CVD risk, determined from the Framingham Risk Equation for CVD.Results:In patients taking 75% of prescribed doses (typical of clinical practice), only long-acting drugs with an off-rate of similar to 1 mmHg/day were predicted to maintain almost the full mean SBP-lowering effect throughout the modelled period. In such patients, using shorter-acting drugs (e.g. an off-rate of similar to 5-6 mmHg/day) was predicted to lead to a clinically relevant loss of mean SBP reduction of > 2 mmHg. This change also influenced the predicted CVD risk reduction; in patients with a baseline 10-year CVD risk of 27.0% and who were taking 75% of prescribed doses, a difference in off-rate from 1 to 5 mmHg/day led to a predicted 0.5% absolute increase in 10-year CVD risk.Conclusions:In patients who occasionally miss doses of antihypertensives, modest differences in the rate of loss of antihypertensive effect following treatment interruption may have a clinically relevant impact on SBP reduction and CVD risk. While clinicians must make every effort to counsel and encourage each of their patients to adhere to their prescribed medication, it may also be prudent to prescribe drugs with a low off-rate to mitigate the potential consequences of missing doses.
Infektiivinen endokardiitti yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla Tausta: Infektiivinen endokardiitti on edelleen vakava sairaus. Huolimatta siitä, että taudin diagnostiikka ja hoito ovat kehittyneet, siihen liittyy edelleen merkittävää sairastuvuutta ja kuolleisuutta. Endokardiitin taudinkuvassa on viime vuosina tapahtunut muutoksia monissa maissa. Tavoitteet: Tutkia endokardiitin kliinista kuvaa ja ennustetta suomalaisessa yliopistosairaalassa vuosina 1980-2004 endokardiitin vuoksi hoidetuilla aikuispotilailla. Aineisto: Osatyössä I endokardiitin todennäköisyyttä analysoitiin 222:lla vuosina 1980-1995 endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi hoidetulla potilaalla käyttäen apuna sekä Duken että von Reyn diagnostisia kriteereitä. Osatyössä II tutkittiin endokardiittiin liittyviä neurologisia komplikaatioita 218 varmassa tai mahdollisessa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä III tutkittiin seerumin C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) käyttökelpoisuutta hoitovasteen arvioinnissa 134:ssä varmaksi luokitellussa endokardiittiepisodissa. Osatyössä IV tutkittiin yleisbakteeri-PCRmenetelmän käyttökelpoisuutta etiologisessa diagnostiikassa 56:lla endokardiittiepäilyn vuoksi leikatulla potilaalla. Osatöissä V ja VI analysoitiin kaikki vuosina 1980-2004 hoidetut 303 endokardiittipotilasta lyhytaikais- ja 1-vuotisennusteen suhteen sekä tutkittiin endokardiitin taudinkuvassa tapahtuneita muutoksia sairaalassamme. Tulokset: Duken kriteerit osoittautuivat von Reyn kriteereitä herkemmiksi endokardiitin diagnostiikassa: 243 tutkitusta episodista 114 luokiteltiin varmoiksi endokardiiteiksi Duken kriteereillä, kun vastaavasti ainoastaan 64 luoteltiin varmoiksi von Reyn kriteereillä (p<0.001). Lisäksi peräti 115 episodissa endokardiitin diagnoosi hylättiin von Reyn kriteereillä, kun diagnoosi hylättiin Duken kriteereillä ainoastaan 37 episodissa (p<0.001). Neurologinen komplikaatio ilmeni ennen mikrobilääkehoidon aloittamista 76 %:ssa episodeja ollen ensimmäinen oire 47 %:ssa. Kuolema oli merkitsevästi yhteydessä neurologisiin komplikaatioihin. Hoitovastetta seurattaessa seerumin CRP:n lasku oli merkitsevästi nopeampaa komplikaatioitta toipuvilla potilailla kuin niillä, joille kehittyi komplikaatioita tai jotka menehtyivät tautiinsa. PCR-tutkimus poistetusta läpästä antoi ainoana menetelmänä etiologisen diagnoosin neljässä tapauksessa (2 stafylokokkilajia, 1 Streptococcus bovis,1 Bartonella quintana), joissa kaikissa mikrobilääkehoito oli ollut käytössä ennen näytteiden ottamista. Koko aineistossa kahden läpän infektio tai neurologisten komplikaatioiden, perifeeristen embolioiden tai sydämen vajaatoiminnan kehittyminen ennustivat sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta, kun taas ≥65 vuoden ikä ja sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettu vegetaatio tai Duken luokittelun mukainen pääkriteeri ennustivat kuolemaa vuoden sisällä. Korkea CRP-taso sairaalaan tullessa ennusti sekä sairaalakuolleisuutta että 1-vuotiskuolleisuutta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiitit lisääntyivät tutkimusaikana merkitsevästi (p<0.001). Päätelmät: Tässä työssä vahvistetaan Duken kriteerien käyttökelpoisuus endokardiitin diagnostiikassa. Lisäksi vahvistui käsitys, että nopea diagnoosi ja mikrobilääkehoidon aloittaminen ovat parhaat keinot ehkäistä neurologisia komplikaatioita ja parantaa endokardiittipotilaiden ennustetta. CRP:n normalisoituminen on endokardiittipotilailla hyvän ennusteen merkki. Suoraan läppäkudoksesta tehty PCR-tutkimus on hyödyllinen, kun taudin aiheuttaja on kasvuominaisuuksiltaan vaativa tai potilas on saanut mikrobilääkehoitoa ennen viljelynäytteiden ottamista. Muutamat aiemmissa tutkimuksissa todetut huonon ennusteen merkit ennustavat huonoa ennustetta myös tämän tutkimuksen potilailla. Uutena löydöksenä ilmeni, että korkea CRP-arvo sairaalaan tullessa merkitsee sekä huonoa lyhyt- että pitkäaikaisennustetta. Huumeiden käyttäjien endokardiittien ilmaantuminen on tärkein epidemiologinen muutos 25 vuoden tutkimusaikana.
The major problems associated with the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of ocular diseases are their poor intraocular penetration to the posterior segment when administered locally and their secondary side effects when given systemically. To circumvent these problems more efficient methods and techniques of local delivery are being developed. The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the pharmacokinetics of intraocular penetration of hemisuccinate methyl prednisolone (HMP) after its delivery using the transscleral Coulomb controlled iontophoresis (CCI) system applied to the eye or after intravenous (i.v.) injection in the rabbit, (2) to test the safety of the CCI system for the treated eyes and (3) to compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of HMP intraocular distribution after CCI delivery to i.v. injection. For each parameter evaluated, six rabbit eyes were used. For the CCI system, two concentrations of HMP (62.5 and 150mg ml(-1)), various intensities of current and duration of treatment were analyzed. In rabbits serving as controls the HMP was infused in the CCI device but without applied electric current. For the i.v. delivery, HMP at 10mg kg(-1)as a 62.5mg ml(-1)solution was used. The rabbits were observed clinically for evidence of ocular toxicity. At various time points after the administration of drug, rabbits were killed and intraocular fluids and tissues were sampled for methylprednisolone (MP) concentrations by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Histology examinations were performed on six eyes of each group. Among groups that received CCI, the concentrations of MP increased in all ocular tissues and fluids in relation to the intensities of current used (0.4, 1.0 and 2.0mA/0.5cm(2)) and its duration (4 and 10min). Sustained and highest levels of MP were achieved in the choroid and the retina of rabbit eyes treated with the highest current and 10min duration of CCI. No clinical toxicity or histological lesions were observed following CCI. Negligible amounts of MP were found in ocular tissues in the CCI control group without application of current. Compared to i.v. administration, CCI achieved higher and more sustained tissue concentrations with negligible systemic absorption. These data demonstrate that high levels of MP can be safely achieved in intraocular tissues and fluids of the rabbit eye, using CCI. With this system, intraocular tissues levels of MP are higher than those achieved after i.v. injection. Furthermore, if needed, the drug levels achieved with CCI can be modulated as a function of current intensity and duration of treatment. CCI could therefore be used as an alternative method for the delivery of high levels of MP to the intraocular tissues of both the anterior and posterior segments.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association of changes on nailfold capillaroscopy with clinical findings and genotype in children with juvenile dermatomyositis (DM), in order to identify potential differences in disease course over 36 months. METHODS: At diagnosis of juvenile DM in 61 children prior to the initiation of treatment, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) -308 allele and DQA1*0501 status was determined, juvenile DM Disease Activity Scores (DAS) were obtained, and nailfold capillaroscopy was performed. The disease course was monitored for 36 months. Variations within and between patients were assessed by regression analysis. RESULTS: At diagnosis, shorter duration of untreated disease (P = 0.05) and a lower juvenile DM skin DAS (P = 0.035) were associated with a unicyclic disease course. Over 36 months, end-row loop (ERL) regeneration was associated with lower skin DAS (P < 0.001) but not muscle DAS (P = 0.98); ERL regeneration and decreased bushy loops were associated with a shorter duration of untreated disease (P = 0.04 for both). At 36 months, increased ERL regeneration (P = 0.007) and improvement of skin DAS (P < 0.001) and muscle DAS (P = 0.025) were associated with a unicyclic disease course. CONCLUSION: Early treatment of juvenile DM may lead to a unicyclic disease course. The non-unicyclic disease course usually involves continuing skin manifestations with persistent nailfold capillaroscopy changes. The correlation of nailfold capillaroscopy results with cutaneous but not with musculoskeletal signs of juvenile DM over a 36-month period suggests that the cutaneous and muscle vasculopathies have different pathophysiologic mechanisms. These findings indicate that efforts to identify the optimal treatment of cutaneous features in juvenile DM require greater attention.
Directors: Jordi Delclós Clanchet, Mònica Ubalde López, Eva Calvo Bonacho
Using a panel data for non-OECD countries covering the period 1970-2012, this chapter analyzes the impact of the duration of primary education on school enrollment, drop-out and completion rates. The empirical results show that for children in elementary school one ad- ditional grade of primary education have a negative impact on the enrollment rate, while the e ect on drop-outs is positive. Analogously, it is obtained that an additional grade in primary education reduces the enrollment rate in secondary education. These results are in line with the fertility model approach, that is, in developing and underdeveloped countries parents do not have incentive to send children to school given the high perceived economic value of children.
This trial was aimed to explore the efficacy of pegfilgrastim to accelerate neutrophil engraftment after stem cell autotransplant. Twenty patients with multiple myeloma and 20 with lymphoma received pegfilgrastim 6 mg on day +1. Forty cases treated with daily filgrastim starting at median day +7 (5-7), matched by age, sex, diagnosis, high-dose chemotherapy schedule, CD34 + cell-dose, and prior therapy lines, were used for comparison. Median time to neutrophil engraftment was 9.5 vs. 11 days for pegfilgrastim and filgrastim, respectively (p < 0.0001). Likewise, duration of neutropenia, intravenous antibiotic use, and hospitalization favored pegfilgrastim, while platelet engraftment, transfusion requirement, and fever duration were equivalent in both groups. No grade ≥ 3 toxicities were observed. Patients with lymphoma performed similarly to the entire cohort, while patients with myeloma showed faster neutrophil engraftment and shorter neutropenia but not shorter hospitalization and antibiotic use. The possibility of different outcomes for lymphoma and myeloma suggests that stratification by diagnosis may be useful in future phase III studies.
Résumé de l'étude. L'application d'une pression positive (PEEP) pendant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale peut prévenir la formation d'atélectasies pulmonaires. Ceci pourrait permettre d'accroître la durée d'apnée non hypoxique par l'augmentation de la capacité pulmonaire résiduelle fonctionnelle (CRF). Nous avons étudié le bénéfice de l'application d'une PEEP durant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale sur la durée d'apnée avant que la saturation périphérique en oxygène atteigne 90%. Quarante patients ASA I-II ont été randomisés en deux groupes distincts. - Dans le groupe PEEP (n=20), les patients ont été pré-oxygénés durant 5 minutes avec une Fi02 à l00% par l'intermédiaire d'un appareil de CPAP (6cmH2O). Après induction de l'anesthésie, les patients furent ventilés mécaniquement (PEEP 6cmH2O) durant 5 minutes supplémentaires. - Dans le groupe ZEEP (n=20), aucune pression positive (ni CPAP, ni PEEP) ne fut utilisée. La durée d'apnée pour atteindre une saturation périphérique de 90% fut mesurée. La durée d'apnée non hypoxique était plus longue dans le groupe PEEP par rapport au groupe ZEEP (599 +/- 135 s vs 470 +/- 150 s, p= 0,007). Nous concluons que l'application d'une pression positive durant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale chez l'adulte prolonge la durée d'apnée non hypoxique de plus de 2 minutes.
Objectives To review the epidemiology of native septic arthritis to establish local guidelines for empirical antibiotic therapy as part of an antibiotic stewardship programme. Methods We conducted a 10 year retrospective study based on positive synovial fluid cultures and discharge diagnosis of septic arthritis in adult patients. Microbiology results and medical records were reviewed. Results Between 1999 and 2008, we identified 233 episodes of septic arthritis. The predominant causative pathogens were methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and streptococci (respectively, 44.6% and 14.2% of cases). Only 11 cases (4.7%) of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) arthritis were diagnosed, among which 5 (45.5%) occurred in known carriers. For large-joint infections, amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would have been appropriate in 84.5% of cases. MRSA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis would have been the most frequent pathogens that would not have been covered. In contrast, amoxicillin/clavulanate would have been appropriate for only 75.3% of small-joint infections (82.6% if diabetics are excluded). MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa would have been the main pathogens not covered. Piperacillin/tazobactam would have been appropriate in 93.8% of cases (P < 0.01 versus amoxicillin/clavulanate). This statistically significant advantage is lost after exclusion of diabetics (P = 0.19). Conclusions Amoxicillin/clavulanate or cefuroxime would be adequate for empirical coverage of large-joint septic arthritis in our area. A broad-spectrum antibiotic would be significantly superior for small-joint infections in diabetics. Systematic coverage of MRSA is not justified, but should be considered for known carriers. These recommendations are applicable to our local setting. They might also apply to hospitals sharing the same epidemiology.
INTRODUCTION: To assess the impact of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on baseline and 18-month follow-up characteristics controlling for relevant confounders in an epidemiological first-episode psychosis (FEP) cohort. METHOD: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) in Australia admitted 786 FEP patients from January 1998 to December 2000. Data were collected from medical files using a standardized questionnaire. Data from 636 patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Median DUP was 8.7 weeks. Longer DUP was associated with worse premorbid functioning (p<0.001), higher rate of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (p<0.001), and younger age at onset of psychosis (p=0.004). Longer DUP was not associated with baseline variables but with a lower rate of remission of positive symptoms (p<0.001) and employment/occupation (p<0.001), a higher rate of persistent substance use (p=0.015), worse illness severity (p<0.001) and global functioning (p<0.001) at follow-up after controlling for relevant confounders, explaining approximately 5% of variance of remission of positive symptoms (p<0.001) in the total sample and 3% in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders excluding bipolar I disorder (p=0.002). Outcome was significantly worse when DUP exceeded 1-3 months. CONCLUSION: Avoiding pitfalls of non-epidemiological studies, DUP appears to be a modest independent predictor of prognosis in the medium-term. Results support the need for assertive early detection strategies.
RESUME Les follicules des vibrisses des rongeurs sont représentés sous la forme d'une carte topographique dans le cortex à tonneaux. Lorsque un groupe de vibrisses est coupé pendant plusieurs jours chez un rongeur adulte, en laissant les autres vibrisses intactes, le champ réceptif des neurones du cortex à tonneaux est modifié, ce qui démontre que les cartes corticales sont plastiques. Dans notre étude, une expérience sensorielle a été induite chez une souris adulte se comportant librement en stimulant chroniquement une de ses vibrisses pendant 24h. Par une analyse des potentiels de champ locaux, nous démontrons que les caractéristiques spatiotemporelles du flux d'excitation évoqué par la vibrisse principale (VP) dans la colonne corticale correspondante à la vibrisse stimulée n'est pas altéré. Par contre, l'enregistrement des potentiels d'actions d'un total de 1041 neurones à travers le cortex à tonneaux révèlent plusieurs modifications de l'activité neuronale. L'activité spontanée ainsi que la réponse évoquée par la VP sont déprimées dans la colonne corticale stimulée (nombre moyen de potentiels d'action évoqués par la VP diminue de 25 % et 36% dans la couche IV et les couches II&III). La réponse des neurones à la vibrisse stimulée diminue également dans les colonnes corticales adjacentes, «non-stimulées». La dépression de l'activité spontanée et de la réponse à la VP est localisée à la colonne corticale stimulée. Dans le tonneau stimulé, la première partie de la réponse à la VP n'est pas affaiblie, démontrant que la dépression de la réponse n'est pas due à un phénomène de plasticité sous-corticale ou thalamocorticale. La stimulation chronique d'une vibrisse entraîne une augmentation du nombre de synapses GABAergiques dans la couche IV du tonneau correspondant (Knott et al, 2002). Dès lors, nos résultats suggèrent qu'une augmentation de l'inhibition dans le tonneau stimulé serait à l'origine de la diminution des potentiels d'action évoqués par la vibrisse stimulée et en conséquence de l'amplitude du flux d'excitation vers les couches II&III puis vers les colonnes corticales adjacentes. Toutes les réponses des neurones du tonneau stimulé ne sont pas déprimées. Les réponses des neurones à la vibrisse voisine caudale à VP diminuent dans la couche IV (42%) et dans les couches II&III (52%) mais pas les réponses aux 7 autres vibrisses voisines. Les entrées synaptiques en provenance de la vibrisse caudale pourraient avoir été spécifiquement déprimées en raison d'une décorrélation prolongée entre l'activité évoquée dans les chemins sensoriels relatifs à la vibrisse stimulée et à la vibrisse caudale, spécificité qui découlerait du fait que, parmi les vibrisses voisines à la VP, la vibrisse caudale génère les réponses les plus fortes dans la colonne corticale. Quatre jours après l'arrêt de la stimulation, l'activité neuronale n'est plus déprimée; au contraire, nous observons une potentiation des réponses à la VP dans la couche IV de la colonne corticale stimulée. De plus, nous montrons que l'expression des protéines GLT-1 et GLAST, deux transporteurs astrocytaires du glutamate, est augmentée de ~2.5 fois dans la colonne corticale stimulée, indiquant l'existence d'une «plasticité gliale» et suggérant que les cellules gliales participent activement à l'adaptation du cerveau à l'expérience. ABSTRACT In the barrel cortex, mystacial whisker follicles are represented in the form of a topographie map. The selective removal of a set of whiskers while sparing others for several days in an adult rodent alters receptive field of barrel cortex neurons, demonstrating experience-dependent plasticity of cortical maps. Here sensory experience was altered by chronic stimulation of a whisker for a 24h period in a freely behaving adult mouse. By means of an evoked local field potential analysis, we show that chronic stimulation does not alter the flow of excitation evoked by the principal whisker (PW) in the stimulated barrel column. However, the recording of neuronal firing from a total of 1041 single units throughout the barrel cortex reveals several changes in neuronal activity. Immediately after chronic stimulation, spontaneous activity as well as PW-responses are depressed in the stimulated barrel column (mean number of spikes per PW-deflection decreases by 25% and 36% in layer IV and layers II&III, respectively). Neuronal responses towards the chronically stimulated whisker are also significantly depressed in layers II&III of the adjacent "non-stimulated" barrel' columns. The depression of both spontaneous activity and PW-responses are restricted to the stimulated ban-el column. The earliest time epoch of the PW-response in the stimulated barrel is not depressed, demonstrating that the decrease of cortical responses is not due to subcortical or thalamocortical plasticity. The depression of PW-response in the stimulated barrel correlates with an increase in the number of GABAergic synapses in layer IV (Knott et al., 2002). Therefore, our results suggest that an increase in inhibition within the stimulated barrel may reduce its excitatory output and accordingly the flow of excitation towards layers and the subsequent horizontal spread into adjacent barrel columns. Not all responses of neurons in the stimulated barrel are depressed. Neuronal responses towards the caudal in-row whisker decrease by 42% in layer IV and 52% in layers MM but responses to the other 7 immediate surround whiskers (SWs) are not affected. The synaptic inputs from the SW that elicit the strongest responses in the stimulated barrel may have been specifically depressed following a prolonged period of diminished coherence between neuronal activity evoked in the pathways from the chronically stimulated whisker and from its surrounding in-row whisker. Four days after the cessation of the stimulation, depression of neuronal activity is no longer present; on the contrary, we observe a small but significant potentiation of PW-responses in layer IV of the stimulated barrel column. Moreover we show that the expression of astrocytic glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST proteins were both upregulated by ~2.5 fold in the stimulated barrel column, which indicates that glial cells exhibit experience-dependent functional changes and could actively take part in the adaptation of the cerebral cortex to experience.
BACKGROUND: Visceral obesity (VO) increases technical difficulty in laparoscopic surgery. The body mass index (BMI) does not always correlate to intra-abdominal fat distribution. Our hypothesis was that simple anthropometric measures that reflect VO, could predict technical difficulty in laparoscopic colorectal surgery, as reflected by the operative time, more accurately than the BMI. METHODS: Charts of all consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic left colon resection in our institution between 2007 and 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. On a preoperative CT scan, anthropometric measures were taken on an axial plane at the L4-L5 level. Demographic, operative and anthropometric CT measures were correlated with the operative time. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the value of anthropometric CT measures or BMI to predict the duration of the colectomy. RESULTS: 121 patients with elective left colon resection for benign (56%) or malignant disease (44%) were included. There were 74 sigmoid resections (61%), 21 left hemicolectomies (17%) and 26 low anterior resections (22%). A longer sagittal abdominal diameter (≥24.8 cm) was significantly associated with longer corrected operative time (248 vs. 228 min, p = 0.043). In multivariate analysis, greater sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter were significantly associated with longer operative time. No significant association was found for the BMI neither in univariate nor in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that simple linear measures taken on a CT scan, such as sagittal abdominal diameter, sagittal internal diameter and abdominal perimeter, may predict longer operative time in laparoscopic left colonic resections more accurately than BMI.