983 resultados para drug carrier


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Polymers blends represent an important approach to obtain materials with modulated properties to reach different and desired properties in designing drug delivery systems in order to fulfill therapeutic needs. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of drug loading and polymer ratio on the physicochemical properties of microparticles of cross-linked high amylose starch-pectin blends loaded with diclofenac for further application in controlled drug delivery systems. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffractograms evidenced the occurrence of drug-polymer interactions and the former pointed also to an increase in thermal stability due to drug loading. The rheological properties demonstrated that drug loading resulted in formation of weaker gels while the increase of pectin ratio contributes to origin stronger structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Matrizes poliméricas como os hidrogéis são sistemas de liberação controlada que estão sendo largamente utilizados na indústria farmacêutica. Neste trabalho os hidrogéis de PAAm-co-MC foram obtidos e caracterizados afim de carrear o propranolol, fármaco anti-hipertensivo. Os hidrogéis compostos pelos monômeros AAm e MC foram sintetizados por polimerização via radical livre, sendo investigada quatro concentrações de AAm (3,6%; 7,2%; 14,7% e 21,7% m/v). A caracterização dos hidrogéis foi realizada com os estudos de grau de intumescimento, potencial zeta, IR-FT, MEV e análises térmicas (TG, DTA, DTG e DSC). O hidrogel 3,6% apresentou maior grau de intumescimento em todos os meios de análise. O potencial zeta revelou que todos os hidrogéis permanecem próximo do ponto isoelétrico. O espectro de absorção do infravermelho permitiu identificar bandas características, tanto do hidrogel como do propranolol. As curvas de TG dos hidrogéis evidenciaram a degradação dos mesmos em dois estágios, sendo observado na curva DTG a maior perda de massa em torno de 400ºC e as curvas DTA e DSC confirmaram os três eventos endotérmicos. Já o propranolol apresentou um único estágio de degradação e seu pico de fusão foi em 163,4ºC. As microfotografias relevaram a disposição da rede tridimensional dos hidrogéis. A relação da adsorção propranolol/hidrogel foi de 573 mg/g, seguindo o modelo da isoterma de Langmuir. No estudo da cinética de liberação in vitro a liberação do propranolol a partir da matriz do hidrogel foi de aproximadamente 80% do fármaco em 424 horas, apresentando um modelo bimodal. A realização deste trabalho demonstrou que o hidrogel de PAAm-co-MC é um grande promissor para aplicação em sistemas carreadores de fármacos.


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A Indústria Farmacêutica utiliza polímeros em forma de nanopartículas em formulações de liberação controlada e vetorizada por possuírem baixo custo em relação a demais métodos de preparações de formas farmacêuticas, aparentemente não serem reconhecidos pelo sistema de defesa do organismo, proporcionar melhora da eficácia, diminuição da toxicidade e da dose de fármaco administrado. O sulfato de condroitina-co-Nisopropilacrilamida (SCM + NIPAAm) é um copolímero proposto para este fim, a partir da reação de um polímero sintético, o poli N-isopropilacrilamida (PNIPAAm), com características termossensíveis, com um natural, o Sulfato de Condroitina (SC), com características bioadesivas. Assim, a copolimerização pode ser capaz de somar estas propriedades e aperfeiçoar o seu uso como um veículo para liberação controlada. Este trabalho objetivou, portanto, realizar a caracterização fisico-quimica das partículas de sulfato de condroitina e Nisopropilacrilamida e do copolímero SCM+NIPAAm (2,5 % e 5%) e do SCM+PNIPAAm 2,5% e uma avaliação toxicológica parcial de um destes copolímeros que apresentar as melhores propriedades de um eficiente carreador de fármacos, selecionado a partir dos ensaios de caracterização físico-química. Para determinar a estrutura química dos sistemas particulados e analisar os seus componentes químicos, foi realizada a Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) e Espectroscopia do Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourrier (FTIR); Para analisar a morfologia das partículas, foi usado a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV); A Termogravimetria/ Termogravimetria Derivada e Análise Térmica Diferencial (TG/DTG) foi usada para avaliar o comportamento térmico dos sistemas particulados, bem como auxiliar na análise de Cinética de Degradação (CD, método de Flynn-Wall-Ozawa); Foi ainda realizado a técnica de degradação in vitro e a determinação carga superficial e tamanho de partículas (análise do Potencial Zeta, PZ). Para avaliar a toxicidade, foi realizado o bioensaio em microcrustáceo Artemia salina (24 e 48 h), viabilidade celular (citotoxicidade) em células PC-12 (método do MTT) e também a toxicidade aguda oral em camundongos. As análises de RMN, FTIR e MEV demonstraram semelhança quanto ao aspecto estrutural e morfológico entre os copolímeros estudados. As análises de TG demonstraram que o SCM+NIPAAm 5% apresentou maior estabilidade térmica em relação aos demais copolímeros avaliados, uma vez que sua decomposição polimérica ocorre em temperaturas superiores, em torno de 233ºC. O DTA demonstrou valores de temperaturas concordantes com os eventos térmicos de decomposição apresentados pelas curvas das análises TG. Sua estabilidade foi confirmada através da CD e estudo de degradação in vitro, apresentando, respectivamente, Ea > 100 kJ mol-1 e perda de 48% da sua massa inicial após três meses. Além disso, SCM+NIPAAm 5% apresentou diâmetro de partícula inferior a 200 nm e índice de polidispersão de 0,35, além do PZ > -30mV, caracteristicas de um promissor candidato a carreador de fármacos. Em relação às avaliações toxicológicas, o SCM+NIPAAm 5% não apresentou toxicidade no bioensaio de A. salina (CL50 > 1000) e no modelo celular avaliado, dentro das concentrações e circunstâncias de exposição estudadas. O SCM+NIPAAm 5%, na dose oral de 2000 mg/kg, não apresentou nenhum sinal evidente de toxicidade em camundongos, o que foi corroborado pela ausência de alterações anatomo-histopatológicas. A copolimerização do Sulfato de Condroitina e N-isopropilacrilamida na concentração estudada, dada suas características físico-químicas e toxicológicas preliminares, apresenta propriedades que contribuem para a proposta de um sistema que constitui uma nova forma de liberação controlada, especialmente de fármacos.


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The anticancer drug paclitaxel was encapsulated into a bio-nanocomposite formed by magnetic nanoparticles, chitosan and apatite. The aim of this drug carrier is to provide a new perspective against breast cancer. The dynamics of the pure and encapsulated drug were investigated in order to verify possible molecular changes caused by the encapsulation, as well as to follow which interactions may occur between paclitaxel and the composite. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering experiments were performed. These very preliminary results suggest the successful encapsulation of the drug.


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Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors are overexpressed in most neoplastic cell lines and provide a mechanism for the internalization and concentration of drug-laden nanoemulsions that bind to these receptors. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the administration of standard chemotherapeutic schemes can alter the expression of LDL and LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) receptors in breast carcinoma. Fragments of tumoral and normal breast tissue from 16 consecutive volunteer women with breast cancer in stage II or III were obtained from biopsies before the beginning of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after chemotherapy, from fragments excised during mastectomy. Tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for both receptors. Because complete response to treatment was achieved in 4 patients, only the tumors from 12 were analyzed. Before chemotherapy, there was overexpression of LDL receptor in the tumoral tissue compared to normal breast tissue in 8 of these patients. LRP-1 receptor overexpression was observed in tumors of 4 patients. After chemotherapy, expression of both receptors decreased in the tumors of 6 patients, increased in 4 and was unchanged in 2. Nonetheless, even when chemotherapy reduced receptors expression, the expression was still above normal. The fact that chemotherapy does not impair LDL receptors expression supports the use of drug carrier systems that target neoplastic cells by the LDL receptor endocytic pathway in patients on conventional chemotherapy.


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Für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung bösartiger Tumore ist eine frühzeitige Diagnose, aber auch eine effektive und effiziente Therapie essentiell. In diesem Zusammenhang sind Nanomaterialien in den Fokus der Arzneimittelentwicklung gerückt, welche für Diagnostik und Therapie genutzt werden könnten.rnSystematische Studien zur Radiometallmarkierung von Nanopartikeln und deren Stabilität in vitro im Zusammenhang mit der Struktur des Linkers und dem Anteil an Chelator wurden anhand verschiedener HPMA-DOTA-Konjugate durchgeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Linkerstruktur und der Belegungsgrad sowohl die Markierung als auch die in vitro -Stabilität von radiometallmarkierten HPMA-rnDOTA-Konjugaten beeinflussen.rnFür die Markierung selbst stehen mehrere Generator-produzierte metallische Positronenemitter zur Verfügung. Infolge der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen muss das Eluat der Generatoren bestimmte Spezifikationen (Elutionsausbeute, Durchbruch des Mutternuklids, Gehalt an Fremdionen, pH-Wert etc.) erfüllen, um für die Darstellung von Radiopharmaka verwendet werden zu können.rnFür das bereits etablierte PET-Nuklid 68Ga konnte eine Ethanol-basierte Aufreinigung entwickelt werden, welche hohe Elutions- und Markierungsausbeuten sowie Radionuklidreinheit garantiert und damit einen wichtigen Schritt für die Entwicklung von Kit-Formulierungen repräsentiert. Ausserdem konnten zwei Methoden zur Qualitätskontrolle entwickelt werden, welche es ermöglichen die Radionuklidreinheit des initialen 68Ga-Eluats, aber auch des finalen 68Ga-Radiopharmakons innerhalb einer Stunde ohne γ–Spektroskopie zu bestimmen.rnWährend mit 68Ga die Pharmakokinetik markierter Derivate für einen Zeitraum von bis 3 Stunden zugänglich ist, deckt das Generator-produzierte 44Sc eine Periode von bis zu einem Tag ab. Damit lässt sich die Pharmakokinetik markierter polymerer Drug Carrier-Systeme – von der frühen Ausscheidungsphase bis hin zu organspezifischen Akkumulationen durch passives und aktives Targeting – gut beschreiben.rnFür 44Sc konnte anhand der Modellverbindung DOTATOC gezeigt werden, dass das aufgereinigte Generatoreluat für die Markierung mit hohen radiochemischen Ausbeuten geeignet ist und etablierte Markierungsmethoden übertragbar sind. In weiterführenden Studien zur molekularen Bildgebung könnte das Potential dieses PET-Nuklids für die Langzeitbildgebung gezeigt werden.


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Nanodimensionale Wirkstoff-Trägersysteme sind in der Lage, sowohl die Bioverfügbarkeit als auch das pharmakokinetische Profil von Wirkstoffen drastisch zu verbessern. Hauptgründe dafür sind eine erhöhte Plasma-Halbwertszeit durch die größenbedingte verminderte renale Ausscheidung und eine gesteigerte Anreicherung im Tumorgewebe durch den EPR-Effekt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Synthese und Entwicklung neuer kolloidaler Wirkstoff-Trägersysteme, welche biokompatibel, teilweise bioabbaubar und funktionalisierbar sind. Ein Fluoreszenzfarbstoff wurde als hydrophobes Wirkstoffmodell eingekapselt. Wohldefinierte, eng verteilte und funktionalisierbare HPMA-basierte Block- und statistische Copolymere unterschiedlicher Molekulargewichte (10-25 kDa) und hydrophiler/hydrophober Zusammensetzung (10-50 mol%) wurden mittels RAFT- Polymerisation in Kombination mit dem Reaktivesteransatz hergestellt und in Miniemulsionsprozesse eingesetzt, um ihre Stabilisierungseffizienz zu untersuchen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die kleineren Copolymere (10 kDa) mit einem Einbau von 10 mol% LMA, sowohl im Modellsystem Polystyrol, als auch im bioabbaubaren PDLLA-System, besonders geeignet sind und ergaben monodisperse Kolloide im Größenbereich von 100 bis 300 nm. Die kolloidalen Systeme zeigten keine Wirkung auf die Zellviabilität. In Folge dessen wurde das Aggregationsverhalten in humanem Blutserum mittels DLS untersucht, wobei keine Interaktion mit Blutbestandteilen festgestellt werden konnte. Zellaufnahmestudien wurden an HeLa-Zellen durchgeführt, um das Schicksal der Kolloide in vitro zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden Kernmaterial, Hülle und das hydrophobe Wirkstoffmodell durch unterschiedliche Fluoreszenzmarkierung getrennt betrachtet. Das hydrophobe Wirkstoffmodell wurde allein durch Interaktion der Kolloide mit den Zellen übertragen, was für eine diffusionsbedingte, initiale, aber unspezifische Freisetzung spricht. Eine solche Freisetzungskinetik kann durch Verwendung von Nitroglycerin, als vasodilatierender Wirkstoff mit geringer unspezifischer Wirkung, ausgenutzt werden, um den EPR-Effekt zu unterstützen. Die Aufnahme des Partikels hingegen geschieht zeitverzögert. Das Schicksal der Kolloide (sowohl des Kern- und desrnHüllmaterials) wurde durch doppelte Fluoreszenzmarkierung untersucht. Dabei kam es zu einer intrazellulären Ablösung der stabilisierenden Block-Copolymere zwischen 8 und 24 h. Nach Aufklärung der Aufnahme- und Freisetzungskinetiken wurde nun die Körperverteilung der PS- und PDLLA-Kolloide nach 18F-Markierung mittels PET und ex vivo-Biodistributiosstudien untersucht. Dabei hatte das Kernmaterial einen Einfluss auf die Körperverteilung. PET-Studien in Mäusen zeigten, dass die stabilisierenden Block-Copolymere beider Kolloide ein starkes Signal in der Niere geben, wobei das der PS-Kolloide weiter ausgeprägt war. Darüber hinaus war eine Anreicherung dieser in Lunge, Leber und Milz festzustellen. Die Verdrängung der stabilisierenden Polymere durch die Interaktion mit Blutbestandteilen erklärt dabei das erhöhte Nieren- und Blasensignal der PS- Kolloide. Das Anreicherungsmuster der PDLLA-Kolloide hingegen zeigte neben der Nierenakkumulation eine erhöhte Blutaktivität und somit die gewünschten langzirkulierenden Eigenschaften. Diese Ergebnisse konnten auch mittels ex vivo- Biodistributionsstudien bestätigt werden. Um die Tumoranreicherung weiter zu verbessern wurde die Verwendung von Folat als Erkennungsstruktur am einfachen HPMA-Polymer untersucht. Die Konjugate zeigten eine erhöhte Anreicherung im Vergleich zu den Polymeren ohne Erkennungsstrukturen. Blockadestudien bestätigten die Selektivität der Anreicherung. Diese Daten zeigen das Potential der Folat-Erkennungsstruktur in vivo innerhalb kurzer Zeitfenster, welche nun auf kolloidale Systeme übertragen werden kann.


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Human serum albumin (HSA) derivatized with cis-aconitic anhydride was covalently coupled to liposomes with a size of approximately 100 nm [polyaconitylated HSA (Aco-HSA) liposomes]. Within 30 min after injection into a rat, Aco-HSA liposomes were completely cleared from the blood and almost exclusively taken up by the liver, whereas in control liposomes 80% was still present in the blood at that time. Endothelial cells were shown to account for almost two-thirds of the hepatic uptake of the Aco-HSA liposomes, the remainder being recovered mainly in the liver macrophages (Kupffer cells). With fluorescently labeled liposomes it was shown that the Aco-HSA liposomes target a vast majority (>85%) of the cells in the endothelial cell population. Control liposomes were not taken up to a significant extent by the endothelial cells. Uptake of Aco-HSA liposomes by both endothelial and Kupffer cells was inhibited by preinjection with polyinosinic acid, indicating the involvement of scavenger receptors in the uptake process. The uptake of Aco-HSA liposomes by liver endothelial cells was dependent on liposome size; with increasing liposome diameter endothelial cell uptake decreased in favor of Kupffer cell uptake. We have demonstrated that massive in vivo targeting of liposomes to a defined cell population other than macrophages is possible. Aco-HSA liposomes thus may represent an attractive drug carrier system for treatment of various liver or liver endothelium-associated disorders.


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Targeting of drugs and therapies locally to the esophagus is an important objective in the development of new and more effective dosage forms. Therapies that are retained within the oral cavity for both local and systemic action have been utilized for many years, although delivery to the esophagus has been far less reported. Esophageal disease states, including infections, motility disorders, gastric reflux, and cancers, would all benefit from localized drug delivery. Therefore, research in this area provides significant opportunities. The key limitation to effective drug delivery within the esophagus is sufficient retention at this site coupled with activity profiles to correspond with these retention times; therefore, a suitable formulation needs to provide the drug in a ready-to-work form at the site of action during the rapid transit through this organ. A successfully designed esophageal-targeted system can overcome these obstacles. This review presents a range of dosage form approaches for targeting the esophagus, including bioadhesive liquids and orally retained lozenges, chewing gums, gels, and films, as well as endoscopically delivered therapeutics. The techniques used to measure efficacy both in vitro and in vivo are also discussed. Drug delivery is a growing driver within the pharmaceutical industry and offers benefits both in terms of clinical efficacy, as well as in market positioning, as a means of extending a drug's exclusivity and profitability. Emerging systems that can be used to target the esophagus are reported within this review, as well as the potential of alternative formulations that offer benefits in this exciting area.


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This review focuses on the use of particulate delivery systems for the purposes of immunization. This includes poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), ISCOMs, liposomes, niosomes, virosomes, chitosan, and other biodegradable polymers. These systems are evaluated in terms of their use as carriers for protein subunit and DNA vaccines. There is an extensive focus on recent literature, the understanding of biological interactions, and relation of this to our present understanding of immunological mechanisms of action. In addition, there is consideration of formulation techniques including emulsification, solvent diffusion, DNA complexation, and entrapment. The diversity of formulation strategies presented is a testament to the exponential growth and interest in the area of vaccine delivery systems. A case study for the application of particulate vaccine carriers is assessed in terms of vaccine development and recent insights into the possible design and application of vaccines against two of the most important pathogens that threaten mankind and for which there is a significant need: Mycobacterium tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus. This review addresses the rationale for the use of particulate delivery systems in vaccine design in the context of the diversity of carriers for DNA- and protein-based vaccines and their potential for application in terms of the critical need for effective vaccines. © 2005 by Begell House, Inc.


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Biodegradable microspheres used as controlled release systems are important in pharmaceutics. Chitosan biopolymer represents an attractive biomaterial alternative because of its physicochemical and biological characteristics. Chitosan microspheres are expected to become promising carrier systems for drug and vaccine delivery, especially for non-invasive ways oral, mucosal and transdermal routes. Controlling the swelling rate and swelling capacity of the hydrogel and improving the fragile nature of microspheres under acidic conditions are the key challenges that need to be overcomed in order to enable the exploration of the full pharmaceutical potential use of these microparticles. Many studies have focused on the modification of chitosan microsphere structures with cross-linkers, various polymers blends and new organic-inorganic hybrid systems in order to obtain improved properties. In this work, microspheres made of chitosan and nanosized hydrophobic silica (Aerosil R972) were produced by a method consisting of two steps. First, a preparation of a macroscopically homogeneous chitosan-hydrophobic silica dispersion was prepared followed by spray drying. FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the microspheres. Also, the were conducted acid stability, moisture sorption capacity, release properties and biological assays. The chitosan-hydrophobic silica composite microspheres showed improved thermal degradation, lower water affinity, better acid stability and ability to retard rifampicin and propranolol hydrochloride (drug models) release under simulated physiological conditions. In vitro biocompatibility studies indicated low cytotoxicity and low capacity to activate cell production of the pro-inflammatory mediator nitric oxide. The results show here encourage further studies on the use of the new chitosan-hydrophobic silica composite microspheres as drug carrier systems via oral or nasal routes.


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This paper describes the preparation of poly(DL-lactide-co-glicolide) (PLGA) nanocapsules as a drug carrier system for the local anesthetic bupivacaine. The system was characterized and its stability investigated. The results showed a size distribution with a polydispersity index of 0.12, an average diameter of 148 nm, a zeta potential of -43.5 mV and an entrapment efficiency of 75.8%. The physicochemical properties of polymeric nanocapsule suspensions (average diameter, polydispersity, zeta potential and drug association efficiency) were evaluated as a function of time to determine the formulation stability. The formulation did not display major changes in these properties over the time, and it was considered stable up to 120 days of storage at room temperature. The results reported here which refer to the initial characterization of these new formulations for the local anesthetic bupivacaine show a promising potential for future in vivo studies.


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BACKGROUND and PURPOSEThe PPAR-gamma agonist 15d-PGJ(2) is a potent anti-inflammatory agent but only at high doses. To improve the efficiency of 15d-PGJ(2), we used poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanocapsules to encapsulate it, and function as a drug carrier system. The effects of these loaded nanocapsules (15d-PGJ(2)-NC) on inflammation induced by different stimuli were compared with those of free 15d-PGJ(2).EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHMice were pretreated (s.c.) with either 15d-PGJ(2)-NC or unloaded 15d-PGJ(2) (3, 10 or 30 mu g center dot kg-1), before induction of an inflammatory response by i.p. injection of either endotoxin (LPS), carrageenan (Cg) or mBSA (immune response).KEY RESULTSThe 15d-PGJ(2)-NC complex did not display changes in physico-chemical parameters or drug association efficiency over time, and was stable for up to 60 days of storage. Neutrophil migration induced by i.p. administration of LPS, Cg or mBSA was inhibited by 15d-PGJ(2)-NC, but not by unloaded 15d-PGJ(2). In the Cg model, 15d-PGJ(2)-NC markedly inhibited serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-12p70. Importantly, 15d-PGJ(2)-NC released high amounts of 15d-PGJ(2), reaching a peak between 2 and 8 h after administration. 15d-PGJ(2) was detected in mouse serum after 24 h, indicating sustained release from the carrier. When the same concentration of unloaded 15d-PGJ(2) was administered, only small amounts of 15d-PGJ(2) were found in the serum after a few hours.CONCLUSIONS and IMPLICATIONSThe present findings clearly indicate the potential of the novel anti-inflammatory 15d-PGJ(2) carrier formulation, administered systemically. The formulation enables the use of a much smaller drug dose, and is significantly more effective compared with unloaded 15d-PGJ(2).


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Background: The size of the carrier influences drug aerosolization from a dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulation. Lactose particles with irregular shape and rough surface in a variety of sizes are additionally used as carriers; however, contradictory reports exist regarding the effect of carrier size on the dispersion of drug. We examined the influence of the spherical particle size of the biodegradable polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) carrier on the aerosolization of a model drug, salbutamol sulphate (SS). Methods: Four different sizes (20-150 µm) of polymer carriers were fabricated using solvent evaporation technique and the dispersion of SS from these carriers was measured by a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI). The size and morphological properties of polymer carriers were determined by laser diffraction and SEM, respectively. Results: The FPF was found to increase from 5.6% to 21.3% with increasing carrier sizeup to150 µm. Conclusions: The aerosolization of drug increased linearly with the size of polymer carriers. For a fixed mass of drug particles in a formulation, the mass of drug particles per unit area of carriers is higher in formulations containing the larger carriers, which leads to an increase in the dispersion of drug due to the increased mechanical forces occurred between the carriers and the device walls.