943 resultados para differences of opinion


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The mature market, defined as age 55 and up and consisting of approximately 64 million Americans, is expected to increase. Studies show that this group travels more frequently, travels greater distances, and stays longer. The authors seek to determine if underlying dimensions exist for the mature individual with regard to the selection criteria for lodging when traveling for pleasure, and to determine if differences exist between various demographic subsegments of this market with regard to these underlying dimensions.


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This article reports on a study done among hospitality management students who participated in study abroad programs between January 2001 and May 2003. The participants in the study were both incoming students to the US and outgoing students from the US. The study investigates, among other things, why they had decided to study abroad, why they had selected a particular institution, how their home institution compared to the partner institution abroad, and what they perceived to be the benefits and relevance of their international experiences. It was found that respondents were generally very positive about the study abroad experience. Some interesting differences of opinion were found when the perceptions of the incoming students were compared to those of the outgoing students. The results of this study may be of particular interest to hospitality management administrators and faculty who create and administer international exchange programs.


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In a microscopic setting, humans behave in rich and unexpected ways. In a macroscopic setting, however, distinctive patterns of group behavior emerge, leading statistical physicists to search for an underlying mechanism. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the macroscopic patterns of competing ideas in order to discern the mechanics of how group opinions form at the microscopic level. First, we explore the competition of answers in online Q&A (question and answer) boards. We find that a simple individual-level model can capture important features of user behavior, especially as the number of answers to a question grows. Our model further suggests that the wisdom of crowds may be constrained by information overload, in which users are unable to thoroughly evaluate each answer and therefore tend to use heuristics to pick what they believe is the best answer. Next, we explore models of opinion spread among voters to explain observed universal statistical patterns such as rescaled vote distributions and logarithmic vote correlations. We introduce a simple model that can explain both properties, as well as why it takes so long for large groups to reach consensus. An important feature of the model that facilitates agreement with data is that individuals become more stubborn (unwilling to change their opinion) over time. Finally, we explore potential underlying mechanisms for opinion formation in juries, by comparing data to various types of models. We find that different null hypotheses in which jurors do not interact when reaching a decision are in strong disagreement with data compared to a simple interaction model. These findings provide conceptual and mechanistic support for previous work that has found mutual influence can play a large role in group decisions. In addition, by matching our models to data, we are able to infer the time scales over which individuals change their opinions for different jury contexts. We find that these values increase as a function of the trial time, suggesting that jurors and judicial panels exhibit a kind of stubbornness similar to what we include in our model of voting behavior.


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BACKGROUND: Regional differences in physician supply can be found in many health care systems, regardless of their organizational and financial structure. A theoretical model is developed for the physicians' decision on office allocation, covering demand-side factors and a consumption time function. METHODS: To test the propositions following the theoretical model, generalized linear models were estimated to explain differences in 412 German districts. Various factors found in the literature were included to control for physicians' regional preferences. RESULTS: Evidence in favor of the first three propositions of the theoretical model could be found. Specialists show a stronger association to higher populated districts than GPs. Although indicators for regional preferences are significantly correlated with physician density, their coefficients are not as high as population density. CONCLUSIONS: If regional disparities should be addressed by political actions, the focus should be to counteract those parameters representing physicians' preferences in over- and undersupplied regions.


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Trabajo redactado en inglés sobre la última sentencia 2/13, del Tribunal de Justicia de Europa sobre la adhesión de la Unión Europea al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos fundamentales. Análisis de la opinión 2/13 y sus objeciones.


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Type 1 diabetes affects over 108,000 children, and this number is steadily increasing. Current insulin therapies help manage the disease but are not a cure. Over a child’s lifetime they can develop kidney disease, blindness, cardiovascular disease and many other issues due to the complications of type 1 diabetes. This autoimmune disease destroys beta cells located in the pancreas, which are used to regulate glucose levels in the body. Because there is no cure and many children are affected by the disease there is a need for alternative therapeutic options that can lead to a cure. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are an important cell source for stem cell therapeutics due to their differentiation capacity, self-renewal, and trophic activity. hMSCs are readily available in the bone marrow, and act as an internal repair system within the body, and they have been shown to differentiate into insulin producing cells. However, after isolation hMSCs are a heterogeneous cell population, which requires secondary processing. To resolve the heterogeneity issue hMSCs are separated using fluorescent- and magnetic-activate cell sorting with antigen labeling. These techniques are efficient but reduce cell viability after separation due to the cell labeling. Therefore, to make hMSCs more readily available for type 1 diabetes therapeutics, they should be separated without diminishing there functional capabilities. Dielectrophoresis is an alternative separation technique that has the capability to separated hMSCs. This dissertation uses dielectrophoresis to characterize the dielectric properties of hMSCs. The goal is to use hMSCs dielectric signature as a separation criteria rather than the antigen labeling implemented with FACS and MACS. DEP has been used to characterize other cell systems, and is a viable separation technique for hMSCs.


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This thesis explored how differences of opinion, associated with student's perspectives about earthquakes; impacts, influenced the level of geographical thinking displayed during group conversation. The findings formulated a Model for Geographical Reasoning which could be used by teachers to support their translation of the concepts and skills outlined in the Australian Curriculum for Geography into their pedagogical decisions.


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A sample of 815 adults drawn from the general American population provided their perception of the appropriateness of 12 questionable consumer actions in the marketplace. The scenarios investigated ranged from illegal actions such as inflating one’s losses when filing an insurance claim to actions that while not illegal, may raise questions of ethics. The 12 scenarios exhibited a wide range of mean responses on the six-point scale thereby supporting an often stated premise that consumer ethics is situational in nature. An array of commonly employed demographic questions was also included on the Internet-based survey, and differences of opinion were documented across the various demographic segments.


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The major etiologies of chronic cough are generally accepted to consist of upper airway cough syndrome (formerly postnasal drip syndrome), eosinophilic airway inflammation (asthma, nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, only a small percentage of patients with these very common conditions suffers from chronic cough. Furthermore, acute cough due to viral upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is almost always a transient, self-limited condition, yet in a small subgroup of patients, URI heralds the onset of chronic, refractory cough. The cough hypersensitivity syndrome has been proposed to explain the occurrence of chronic cough in a subgroup of patients exposed to the same putative triggers as the vast majority of the population in whom chronic cough does not result. Although conceptually the cough hypersensitivity syndrome may be intellectually satisfying, differences of opinion remain as to whether this newly recognized entity is of clinical significance, i.e., useful for the treatment of patients suffering from chronic cough. The Third American Cough Conference, held in New York in June 2011, provided an ideal forum for the debate of this issue between two internationally recognized authorities in the field of cough.


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Information technology (IT) project implementation is still a grey area. There are differences of opinion among educators and practitioners on strategic emphasis and implementation methods. Implementation of IT projects, especially large IT projects, is synonymous to management of changes in an organisation, be it for altering the work culture or gaining competitive advantages. When formulating effective change management strategies to support the introduction of IT, it may be useful to integrate and use concepts and practices drawn from disciplines such as traditional project management, organisational/product innovation, and change management theory and practices. This paper examines project management and product innovation literature to identify change management concepts and practices.


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Disagreement between economists is a well know fact. However, it took a long time for this concept to be incorporated in economic models. In this survey, we review the consequences and insights provided by recent models. Since disagreement between market agents can be generated through different hypotheses, the main differences between them are highlighted. Finally, this work concludes with a short review of nowcasting using google trends, emphasizing advances connecting both literatures.


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Embora o escopo deste trabalho seja de origem teórica, relata um estudo exploratório que busca situar a base de conceituação em Educação Especial para alunos Dotados e Talentosos, no Brasil, captando as definições compreendidas por profissionais da educação pela sondagem de sua opinião sobre que termos e expressões são usados, com que significados e em que situações. Os sujeitos incluíam 80 educadores interessados ou envolvidos na área (Grupo A) e 107 professores da rede pública no interior de São Paulo (Grupo B). Há poucas diferenças de opinião entre os sujeitos, nos dois grupos, com algumas exceções, principalente em questões relacionadas a nível de conhecimento e familiaridade com referencial teórico. Ambos os grupos indicam conceituação confusa, notadamente para os termos oficiais, superdotação e altas-habilidades; a maior carga de rejeição e exploração na mídia é alocada a superdotação. Os conceitos alta capacidade, alto desempenho e dotação são definidos em consonância com o referencial básico, que diferencia capacidade natural de capacidade adquirida; Talento reflete a ambiguidade encontrada na área, referindo-se, ao mesmo tempo, a capacidade natural e capacidade adquirida.


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Esta investigação teve por objetivo investigar as possibilidades de criação de um modelo de ebook interativo, com o título “A Lagoa de Óbidos”, no formato EPUB3, e a compreensão das vantagens e desvantagens da sua utilização sustentada num painel com 21 participantes. O formato EPUB (electronic publication) define um conjunto de características específicas para a criação e a distribuição de publicações digitais. Estas especificações têm sido desenvolvidas e implementadas pelo International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) que, em 2011, aprovou a versão 3, designada como EPUB3. A inclusão de novas tecnologias - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript - numa publicação digital deu origem a esta investigação, um estudo de caso que pretendia conhecer as potencialidades dessa integração em ebooks interativos e a sua possível utilização em diferentes áreas do saber. O trabalho da recolha de textos e a sua análise permitiram a criação de um protótipo de ebook interativo, cujo objetivo era a estruturação das especificações que compõem a versão EPUB3. As opiniões sobre as possibilidades que este modelo apresenta, ao nível da usabilidade e dos recursos utilizados, foram colhidas através de um “Questionário de Opinião”, onde participaram 21 voluntários. O tema escolhido para o ebook foi “A Lagoa de Óbidos” por considerarmos um lugar de memória cultural, com características paisagísticas, históricas, sociais e ambientais reconhecidas e que lhe dão uma identidade própria merecedora de ser divulgada, através de textos, imagens, vídeos, animações e jogos. A análise dos resultados obtidos no “Questionário de Opinião”, leva-nos a concluir que a maioria da amostra sentiu que a leitura do ebook foi uma experiência variada, interessante e ativa. A totalidade achou que a interatividade trouxe benefícios à compreensão dos assuntos. Em síntese, a opinião dos sujeitos em relação ao ebook “A Lagoa de Óbidos foi considerada bastante positiva. No entanto, a opinião quase uniforme dificulta a análise da relação entre as variáveis do “Questionário de Opinião” levando à necessidade de aprofundar este estudo.


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Dealing with the ever-growing information overload in the Internet, Recommender Systems are widely used online to suggest potential customers item they may like or find useful. Collaborative Filtering is the most popular techniques for Recommender Systems which collects opinions from customers in the form of ratings on items, services or service providers. In addition to the customer rating about a service provider, there is also a good number of online customer feedback information available over the Internet as customer reviews, comments, newsgroups post, discussion forums or blogs which is collectively called user generated contents. This information can be used to generate the public reputation of the service providers’. To do this, data mining techniques, specially recently emerged opinion mining could be a useful tool. In this paper we present a state of the art review of Opinion Mining from online customer feedback. We critically evaluate the existing work and expose cutting edge area of interest in opinion mining. We also classify the approaches taken by different researchers into several categories and sub-categories. Each of those steps is analyzed with their strength and limitations in this paper.


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After the recent prolonged drought conditions in many parts of Australia it is increasingly recognised that many groundwater systems are under stress. Although this is obvious for systems that are utilised for intensive irrigation many other groundwater systems are also impacted.Management strategies are highly variable to non-existent. Policy and regulation are also often inadequate, and are reactive or politically driven. In addition, there is a wide range of opinion by water users and other stakeholders as to what is “reasonable”management practice. These differences are often related to the “value”that is put on the groundwater resource. Opinions vary from “our right to free water”to an awareness that without effective management the resource will be degraded. There is also often misunderstanding of surface water-groundwater linkages, recharge processes, and baseflow to drainage systems.