995 resultados para di(2-etyyliheksyyli)fosforihappo
This paper reports the use of Raman and infrared techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of plasticizers in polyvinylchloride (PVC) commercial films. FT-Raman marker bands were indentified for di-2-ethyl-hexyl adipate (DEHA) and di-2-ethyl-hexyl phthalate (DEHP), allowing for the rapid identification of these species in the commercial film. Quantitative analysis by FT-IR resulted in plasticizers concentrations ranging from 11 to 27% (w/w). Considering the little sample preparation and the low cost of the techniques, FT-IR and FT-Raman are viable techniques for a first assessment of plasticizers in commercial samples.
OBJETIVO: Para evaluar la infección y obtener el estado adulto del cestodos, se buscó reproducir la equinococosis en perros a partir de quiste hidatídico de origen porcino. MÉTODOS: Se formaron 2 grupos, uno de 5 y otro de 3 perros, a cada animal del grupo experimental se le dió 2 g de membrana germinativa de quíste hidatídico fértil por vía oral, el segundo grupo fue testigo. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados clínica, serológica y parasitológicamente, en el grupo experimental se sacrificó un animal el día 35 de la infección y los siguientes cada 5 dias hasta el 55, en el segundo grupo todos se sacrificaron el día 55. Se observaron huevos del cestodos en heces a partir del dia 51 postinfección. La evaluación morfológica se realizó mediante observación microscópica del raspado de mucosa intestinal. RESULTADOS: De 50 cestodos analizados, 10 de cada uno de los perros infectados, 49 (98%) presentaron 3 proglótidos y 1 (2%) tenía 4; 18 (36%) de los cestodos presentaban un proglótido grávido. La longitud de los estróbilos varió de 1,6 a 2,6 mm. El número promedio de los ganchos largos y cortos fue de 31 y 34 respectivamente. La longitud de los ganchos largos varió entre 0,081 y 0,09 mm, los ganchos cortos fluctuaron entre 0,034 y 0,041 mm. En los perros evaluados clínicamente, el número de leucocitos y la cantidad de proteínas plasmáticas fue significativamente mayor en el grupo testigo (P < 0,05); la cantidad de alfa globulinas fue mayor en el grupo infectado (P < 0,05). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permiten confirmar el ciclo perro-cerdo y una infección subclínica en los huéspedes definitivos, lo que dificulta su diagnóstico y control en una especie intimamente relacionada con el hombre.
AIMS: As growing concerns exist regarding phthalate exposure, which could be teratogenic, carcinogenic or induce reproductive toxicity, we aimed to review the evidence of the risks due to the use of medical devices containing di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in hospitalized neonates. METHODS: We reviewed the literature, searching through medical literature databases (Pubmed, MEDLINE, EBM reviews, Cochrane database, Embase and Google Scholar) using the following keywords: phthalate, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, newborn and neonate. RESULTS: We identified several associations with short and long term health dangers, mainly subfertility, broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, necrotising enterocolitis, parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis and neuro-developmental disorders. These data are based mainly on animal or observational human studies. CONCLUSION: Clinicians must be aware of the potential risks due to phthalate exposure in the NICU. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate containing materials should be identified and alternative devices should be considered. There is a need to improve knowledge in this area.
Erosão em sulcos e entressulcos em razão do formato de parcela em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo arênico
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de parcelas de erosão com seções transversais da superfície do solo retangular (STR) e triangular (STT) na perda de solo e água e na erodibilidade, em sulcos e entressulcos. O experimento foi conduzido em 1998, em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico arênico, preparado convencionalmente. As dimensões das parcelas de entressulcos foram de 0,50 m por 0,75 m; nos sulcos com STR, as dimensões foram de 0,20 m por 5,90 m, e nos de STT, de 0,50 m por 5,90 m. Utilizou-se chuva simulada constante de 65 mm h-1 nos entressulcos, durante 90 minutos. Nos sulcos, após pré-umedecimento do solo, foram aplicadas cinco vazões extras crescentes de 0,0002 m³ s-1 até 0,0010 m³ s-1. A desagregação nos entressulcos Di (2,09.10-4 kg m-2 s-1 nas STR e 3,35.10-4 kg m-2 s-1 nas STT), a erodibilidade nos entressulcos Ki (1,77.10(6) kg s m-4 nas STR e 2,00.10(6) kg s m-4 nas STT), a erodibilidade em sulcos Kr (0,0110 kg N-1 s-1 nas STR e 0,0074 kg N-1 s-1 na STT) e a tensão crítica de cisalhamento tauc (2,61 N m-2 na STR e 2,00 N m-2 na STT) não foram estatisticamente diferentes nos dois formatos de seção transversal, e podem ser determinados usando-se qualquer um dos formatos de parcelas em solos de textura superficial arenosa.
There are growing concerns on long-term health consequences, notably on fertility rates, of plasticizers such as phthalates. While di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is currently used in several medical devices, newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit are both more exposed and more vulnerable to DEHP. The objectives of this study were to identify, count, and describe possible sources of DEHP in a neonatal care unit. Our method consisted in the listing and the inspection of the information on packaging, complemented by contact with manufacturers when necessary. According to the results, 6% of all products and 10% of plastic products contained some DEHP; 71% of these involved respiratory support devices. A vast majority of the items showed no information on the content of DEHP. Further research is needed, particularly to determine the effects of such an early exposure and to study and develop safer alternatives.
Työssä mitattiin työilman TBEP- ja TEHP-pitoisuuksia siivousalalla (3 kohdetta) ja muovituoteteollisuudessa (2 kohdetta). Pitoisuutta ilmassa verrattiin työntekijöidenbiomonitorointinäytteistä analysoitujen 2-butoksietikkahapon (2-BAA) ja 2-etyyliheksaanihapon (2-EHA) pitoisuuteen. Tavoitteena oli biomonitoroin-timenetelmän soveltuvuuden selvittäminen altistumisen arvioinnissa sekä tarvittavien lisäsuojaus- ja torjunta-tarpeiden selvittäminen. Biomonitorointia sekoittavien tekijöiden (2-butoksietanoli ja 2-etyyli-1-heksanoli) pitoisuus mitattiin työntekijöidenhengitysilmasta kerätystä VOC-näytteestä. OVS-keräimiin kerätyt TBEP- ja TEHP-näytteet uutettiin ultraäänellä sopivalla liuottimella ja analysoitiin kaasukromatografisesti (GC). VOC-näytteet kerättiin Tenax GR ¿adsorbenttiin, irrotettiin keräimestä termodesorptiolla ja analysoitiin GC:lla. Biomonitorointinäytteiden (virtsa) 2-BAA- ja 2-EHA -pitoisuus analysoitiin myös GC:lla. Lattianvahauksen aikana siivoojien hengitysilmasta mitatuissa TBEP-näytteissä pitoisuudet vaihtelivat välillä 70 - 860 ng/m3 sekä VOC-näytteistä 88 %:sta löytyi2-butoksietanolia, jonka pitoisuus vaihteli välillä 3 - 1800 µg/m3. Virtsan 2-BAA:n pitoisuudet vaihtelivat välillä <0,3 - 26 mmol/mol kreatiniinia ollen korkeimmillaan 43 % toimenpiderajasta. Raskaana olevien toimenpideraja ylitettiin 30 % näytteistä. Muovituotetehtaissa TEHP-pitoisuus työntekijöiden hengitysilmassa oli alle määritysrajan (eli < 1 - < 3 ng/m3). Muovituotetehtaissa kerätyistä VOC-näytteistä 16 %:sta löydettiin 2-etyyli-1-heksanolia, jonka pitoisuus vaihteli välillä 90 - 100 µg/m3. Virtsan 2-EHA-pitoisuudet olivat välillä <0,1 - 0,2 mmol/mol kreatiniinia. Tulosten perusteella siivoojat altistuvat TBEP:lle ja 2-butoksietanolille lattianvahauksen yhteydessä, muttaaltistuminen ei ilman pitoisuuksien ja biomonitoroinnin tulosten mukaan aiheutaterveyshaittaa ainakaan yhden mahdollisen metaboliitin 2-BAA:n kautta. Pois lukien raskaana olevat työntekijät, joille 2-butoksietanolia sisältävän vahanpoistotuotteen käsitteleminen aiheuttaa mahdollista terveyshaittaa. Käytetyillä biomonitorointimenetelmillä ei voitu osoittaa altistumista tapahtuneen mitatuilla TBEP:n ja TEHP:n pitoi-suustasoilla. Metaboliareittien varmistamisen jälkeen on mahdollista tutkia toimivampaa menetelmää altistumisen arviointiin biomonitoroinnin avulla. Työntekijöiden suojautuminen niin muovituotetehtaissa kuin siivoustyössäkin mitattujen yhdisteiden osalta oli pääosin riittävää. Ainoastaan raskaana olevien työntekijöiden, jotka siivoustyössään altistuvat 2-butoksietanolille, suojaukseen tulisi kiinnittää huomiota.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää e-hankinnan (sähköisen hankinnan) perusteet ja e-hankinnoissa kohdattavia esteitä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli myös selkeyttää kuvaa sähköisestä liiketoiminnasta ja julkisistae-hankinnoista yleensä. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli valtion yhteishankintayksikkö Hansel Oy:n hankintakanava Merkaattori ja sen epäonnistumisen syiden tutkiminen.Tutkimuksen teoriaosa perustui aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, artikkeleihin ja kirjallisuuteen. Tulokseksi saatiin kokonaisvaltainen kuva niin sähköisestä liiketoiminnasta kuin e-hankinnoistakin. Teoriaan pohjautuvan kyselytutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Hansel Oy:n hankintakanava Merkaattorin epäonnistumiseen johtaneita tekijöitä. Kysely lähetettiin Hanseliin sähköpostiviestinä ja se sisälsi13 aiheeseen liittyvää kysymystä. Kyselyn tuloksena voitiin päätellä, että Merkaattori kaatui aivan tavallisiin e-hankinnan esteisiin, esim. asiakkaiden tarpeita ei täytetty riittävästi. Jos nämä tutkimuksessa ilmenneet esteet olisi poistettu, Merkaattori olisi ollut menestys. Kaiken kaikkiaan tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta e-hankintojen saavan nopeasti jalansijaa liike-elämässä. Turhien epäonnistumisten välttämiseksi on tärkeätä tietää e-hankintoihin liittyvistä haasteista ja esteistä.
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate (DEHP) is a plasticizer with endocrine disrupting properties found ubiquitously in the environment and altering reproduction in rodents. Here we investigated the impact of prenatal exposure to DEHP on spermatogenesis and DNA sperm methylation in two distinct, selected, and sequenced mice strains. FVB/N and C57BL/6J mice were orally exposed to 300 mg/kg/day of DEHP from gestation day 9 to 19. Prenatal DEHP exposure significantly decreased spermatogenesis in C57BL/6J (fold-change = 0.6, p-value = 8.7*10-4), but not in FVB/N (fold-change = 1, p-value = 0.9). The number of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) by DEHP-exposure across the entire genome showed increased hyper- and decreased hypo-methylation in C57BL/6J compared to FVB/N. At the promoter level, three important subsets of genes were massively affected. Promoters of vomeronasal and olfactory receptors coding genes globally followed the same trend, more pronounced in the C57BL/6J strain, of being hyper-methylated in DEHP related conditions. In contrast, a large set of micro-RNAs were hypo-methylated, with a trend more pronounced in the FVB/N strain. We additionally analyze both the presence of functional genetic variations within genes that were associated with the detected DMRs and that could be involved in spermatogenesis, and DMRs related with the DEHP exposure that affected both strains in an opposite manner. The major finding in this study indicates that prenatal exposure to DEHP can decrease spermatogenesis in a strain-dependent manner and affects sperm DNA methylation in promoters of large sets of genes putatively involved in both sperm chemotaxis and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms.
This work describes the liquid-liquid extraction of uranium after digestion of colofanite (a fluoroapatite) from Itataia with sulfuric acid. The experiments were run at room temperature in one stage. Among the solutions tested the highest distribution coefficient (D > 60) was found for 40%vol. DEHPA (di(2-ethyl-hexyl)phosphoric acid) + 20% vol. TOPO (trioctylphosphine oxide) in kerosene. Thorium in the raffinate was quantitatively extracted by TOPO (0.1% vol.) in cyclohexane. Uranium stripping and separation from iron was possible using 1.5 mol L-1 ammonium or sodium carbonate (room temperature, one stage). However, pH control is essential for a good separation.
This paper reports the use of Raman and infrared techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of plasticizers in polyvinylchloride (PVC) commercial films. FT-Raman marker bands were indentified for di-2-ethyl-hexyl adipate (DEHA) and di-2-ethyl-hexyl phthalate (DEHP), allowing for the rapid identification of these species in the commercial film. Quantitative analysis by FT-IR resulted in plasticizers concentrations ranging from 11 to 27% (w/w). Considering the little sample preparation and the low cost of the techniques, FT-IR and FT-Raman are viable techniques for a first assessment of plasticizers in commercial samples.
A influência de parâmetros operacionais como a agitação da solução durante irradiação solar e a vazão de alimentação de um fotorreator com irradiação artificial foi avaliada na fotodegradação de 2-clorofenol (2CF) e 2,4-diclorofenol (DCF) por processo foto-Fenton mediado por ferrioxalato. Após avaliação destes parâmetros, os sistemas foram aplicados na fotodegradação de fenol e de mono, (2-clorofenol e 4-clorofenol), di (2,4-diclorofenol) e tri (2,4,6-triclorofenol) clorofenóis a fim de avaliar a eficiência de fotodegradação destes compostos sob irradiação solar e artificial. Foi observada pequena diferença nas porcentagens de remoção de carbono orgânico total (COT) e de geração de íons cloreto nos experimentos de fotodegradação de 2CF sem agitação e com agitação sob irradiação solar. Sob irradiação artificial, um aumento da vazão de alimentação do sistema resultou em menor porcentagem de remoção de COT, ao passo que uma maior velocidade de remoção foi obtida devido a um menor tempo de irradiação. Foi então utilizada uma vazão intermediária de 33,4 mL min-1. Sob irradiação solar, foram necessários 15 minutos de irradiação para a completa remoção de todos os clorofenóis, entretanto para fenol, a completa remoção foi atingida em 20 minutos. Sob irradiação artificial, os clorofenóis foram removidos entre 4,5 e 6,5 minutos de irradiação. A velocidade de degradação aumenta ligeiramente com o aumento do número de cloros ligados ao anel aromático tanto sob irradiação artificial como solar.
There are small amounts of valuable metals, such as indium, gallium and germanium, in zinc process solutions. Their solvent extraction was studied in this work in sulphate solutions containing zinc and other metals present in industrial solutions. It was discovered, that a commercial bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (D2EHPA) extractant can be used to extract indium and gallium. Indium was extracted separately at a higher acid concentration than gallium. Zinc was co-extracted faster than gallium and almost as much as gallium at the same pH. However, the scrubbing of zinc was possible using a dilute sulphuric acid and a short contact time while gallium losses were small. Both indium and gallium were stripped with sulphuric acid. Germanium was extracted with 5,8-diethyl-7-hydroxydodecane-6-oxime with the commercial name of LIX 63. Unlike other metals in the solution the extraction of germanium increased with different extractants as the acidity increased. Germanium extraction isotherm was measured for a 125 g/L sulfuric acid solution. The loaded organic phase was washed with pure water. It removed the co-extracted acid and part of the germanium and extracted impurities such as iron and copper. Germanium was stripped using a NaOH solution. A process model utilizing own experimentally determined extraction, scrubbing and stripping isotherms was made with HSC Sim software developed by Outotec Oyj. The model based on McCabe–Thiele diagrams was used in sizing the necessary amount of stages and phase ratios in a recovery process. It was concluded, that indium, gallium and germanium can be recovered in the process from a feed where their concentrations are low (<300 ppm). In an example case the feed contained also more than 20 g/L zinc and 2–8 g/L iron, aluminium and copper. The recoveries of indium, gallium and germanium were more than 90 % when 1–3 stages were used in each extraction, scrubbing and stripping section. Since the number of stages is small mixer-settlers would be well suited for this purpose.
Poly-(vinyl chloride) (PVC) requires the addition of plasticizers - additives that give flexibility and malleability for its processing into flexible film. The most used ones are: di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Toxic effects of DEHP have been observed by several authors. Phthalates are being replaced by alternative substances in PVC flexible products, because of their possible toxicological effects. DEHA is a substitute for phthalates widely used as a plasticizer in PVC materials for involving food. Some authors have shown that the exposure to DEHA also induces toxicity. A cross-sectional study was performed to identify which fatty foods carry the possibility of contamination by DEHP and DEHA. Eighteen different foods with at least 3% (m/m) fat and the possibility of being wrapped in plastic film were determined. This study suggested that all foods were subject to contamination by DEHP and DEHA in those conditions - in decreasing consumption order of 96 to 22% in the convenience sample. New guidelines on the limits of DEHA and DEHP established by the Brazilian legislation, as additives in PVC film for packaging fatty food, are still relevant to ensure human health.
The antioxidant activities of ethanolic crude extract (LPCE) and its four different solvent sub-fractions (namely, diethyl ether fraction (LPDF), ethyl acetate fraction (LPEF), n-butyl alcohol fraction (LPBF) and residue fraction (LPR)) from longan pericarps were investigated employing various systems including 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)/ 2,2'-amino-di(2-ethyl-benzothiazoline sulphonic acid-6)ammonium salt (ABTS)/hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, total phenolic content and reducing power. Each extract showed concentration-dependent antioxidant activity. LPEF showed the highest scavenging activity against DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radicals with EC50 values of 0.506, 0.228 and 4.489 mg/mL, respectively. LPEF showed the highest reducing power with EC50 values of 0.253 mg/mL. The next was LPDF with EC50 values of 0.260 mg/mL. LPEF possessed the highest total phenolic content (230.816 mg/g, expressed as gallic acid equivalents), followed by LPDF, LPBF, LPCE and LPR. The results suggested that longan pericarp fractions possessed significant antioxidant activities and could be a promising source of natural antioxidant.
Contient : 1 Lettre, en latin, avec traduction française, de « WILHELMUS, utriusque Bavariae dux », et « LUDOVICUS, utriusque Bavariae dux... domino Anne a Momorancii,... decima die mai, anno M.D.XXXXII » ; 2 Lettre, en italien, de « FRANCESCO [MARIA SFORZA], duca de Milano... al illustrissimo... monsignore de Momoransi,... Cremonae, XIII novembris M.D.XXVI » ; 3 Lettre, en italien, de FRANÇOIS SFORCE, « dux Mediolani... Alberto Maravilliae,... Da Bologna, alli XVII di decembre M.D.XXXII » ; 4 « Articles sur le faict de la paix, baillez par monseigneur d'Arras à monseigneur le cardinal d'Imole, en janvier 1554 ». En italien. Copie ; 5 Articles, en italien, d'un traité passé entre François, duc de Milan, et les huit cantons de la ligue grise. Copie ; 6 Lettre, en italien, de FREDERIC II, marquis de Mantoue. « In Mantua, alli XX de marzo M.D.XXIX » ; 7 Lettre, en italien, de FREDERIC II, marquis de Mantoue, à François Ier. « In Mantua, alli XIX de marzo M.D.XXIX » ; 8 Lettre, en italien, du duc de Ferrare, ALPHONSE Ier, à Anne de Montmorency. « Ferrara, XII de settembre 1530 » ; 9 Lettre, en espagnol, du « condestable de Castylla... al yllustre señor mayordomo... del señor rey... De Fuente Rabia, a dos de abril » ; 10 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... al re... De Genova, allo ultimo di febraro M.D.XXVIII » ; 11 Lettre, en italien, de « JOAN BAPTISTA DI MEDIZI,... a monsignore lo gran metro... In Poenzi, a di II zenaro 1527 » ; 12 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... al re... De Lyone, alli XV genaro M.D.XXVI » ; 13 Lettre, en italien, de « PETRO FREGOSO,... a monsignor el gran maestro de Franza... Da Nove, alli V di decembre M.D.XXVII » ; 14 Lettre, en latin, avec une traduction française, de « WOLFGANGUS, comes palatinus Rheni, dux Bavariae... domino Hannae, duci Momorantiae,... Neoburgi ad Danubium, IIIIa januarii... M.D.LXI » ; 15 Lettre, en italien, de « ALFONSO DA ESTE,... alla serma regina de Franza... De Ferrara, a di XXI di maggio 1530 » ; 16 Lettre, en italien, de « MARAVELIA,... all' illustrissimo... monsignore el gran maiestro... In campo a Pioltelo, a di 8 novembre 1526 » ; 17 Réponse, en italien, d'«ANGELO PISANO » au roi François Ier. « Venetiis, XVII martii M.D.XXX » ; 18 Lettre, en italien, de « J. FREGOSO,... à monseigneur le grant maistre de France... In Saona, il decimo d'ottobre M.D.XXVI » ; 19 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... a monsignor el gran maestro de Franza... De Genova, alli XXVII di genaro M.D.XXVIII » ; 20 Lettre, en italien, de « LUIS DE GONZAGA,... a... monsignor gran maestro di Franza... Da Castel Giffredo, alli XXVI di ottobre M.D.XXVII » ; 21 Lettre, en italien, de « CAMILLO URSINO,... a... monsignore de Momoranzi, gran mastro de Francia... In Monopoli, a di 6 de magio 1529 » ; 22 Lettre, en italien, de « UGO DI PEPOLI,... a Madama... Di Parma, al ultimo de ottobre M.D.XXVI » ; 23 Lettre, en italien, de « GOTTIFREDO CARAZOLO,... a... monsignor de Memoransi, gran maestro de Frantia... In Roma, a di 2 de augto 1530 » ; 24 Lettre, en italien, de « GREGORIO CASALI,... a... monsignor lo gran mastro di Francia... In Roma, alli V di maggio M.D.XXXI » ; 25 Lettre, en italien, de « GUIDO RANGONE,... a... monsignor de Memoransi,... Di Modena, a li IX di zenaro 1525 » ; 26 Lettre, en italien, « de THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... a monsignor il gran maestro de Francia... Da Alexandria, alli XI de marcio » ; 27 Lettre, en italien, de « GREGORIO CASALI,... a... monsignore lo gran mastro di Francia... In Roma, a li XXVIII di giugno M.D.XXIX » ; 28 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... à monseigneur le grant maestre » ; 29 Lettre, en italien, de « GREGORIO CASALI,... a... monsignor il sigr cardinale di Gramonte... Da Roma, alli VII di marzo 1531 » ; 30 Lettre, en italien, de « JOVANNE CLEMENTE STANGHA,... a... monseigneur de Memoransi,... A Cremona, a di 23 aprile 1522 » ; 31 Lettre, en italien, de « FRANCESCO [MARIA] SFORZA,... allo... signore... de Momoransi, gran maiestro de Franza... Cremae, die X augusti M.D.XXVI » ; 32 Lettre de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... à monseigneur le grant maistre... De Lyon, ce XXIe jour d'aoust » ; 33 Lettre, en italien, de « THEODORO TRIVULTIO,... al re... De Lyone, a li XX settembre M.D.XXVI » ; 34 « Double de lettres du sieur RENZO DE CERE, escriptes à monseigneur de Vely, conseiller du roy... De Barlette en la Pouille, ce dernier jour de fevrier » ; 35 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... al... re... A Milano, XXVIIII marzo » ; 36 Lettre, en latin, de l'évêque et des consuls de Sion «... domino magno magistro Franciae... Seduni, prima novembris, anno M.V.C.XXX » ; 37 Lettre, en italien, de « GALEATIO VESCONTE,... al signore gran maestro... In Olevano, a lo primo de magio » ; 38 Lettre, en italien, de « FEDERICO CARAFA,... a... monsignore de Memoransi,... In Barletta, a di XVI de settembre 1528 » ; 39 Lettre, en espagnol, de « la contese DE VALES,... crestianisimo... rey de Fransa... De Burjes, a XXV de enaro, año de mil y quinientos XXVIII » ; 40 Lettre, en italien, de « AMBROSIO,... a... monsignore il cardinal Triultii, legato de latere... XII di septembre 1536 » ; 41 Lettre, en italien, de « FRANCESCO VIMERCATO,... a... monsignore il contestabile... Da Nove, a XXII di marzo 1550 » ; 42 Lettre, en italien, de « BAPTISTA DI MEDIZI,... a... monsignore gran metro... In Castel de Musto, a di primo febraro 1527 » ; 43 « Double de lettres », en italien, « adressées à troys cardinaulx » ; 44 « Copie », en italien, « d'une lettre ou article d'icelle du gouverneur de la cité de Mursie... envoyée au reverendissime cardinal de Perouse, chamberlain de nostre sainct pere... Mursie, le second jour de mars » ; 45 Copie, en italien, d'une lettre adressée au roi François Ier par la sublime Porte. «... Alli anni del propheta 954, in la nostra sedia d'Andrinopoli »