968 resultados para design-build,
El software se ha convertido en el eje central del mundo actual, una compleja creación humana que influye en la vida, negocios y comunicación de todas las personas pertenecientes a la Sociedad de la Información. El rápido crecimiento experimentado en el ámbito del desarrollo software ha permitido la creación de avanzadas estructuras tecnológicas, denominadas “Sistemas Intensivos Software”, capaces de comunicarse con otros sistemas, dispositivos, sensores y personas. A lo largo de los próximos años los sistemas se enfrentarán a una mayor complejidad, surgida de la necesidad de operar en entornos de grandes dimensiones y de comportamientos no deterministas. Los métodos y herramientas actuales no son lo suficientemente potentes para diseñar, construir,implementar y mantener sistemas intensivos software con estas características, y detener la construcción de sistemas intensivos software o construir sistemas poco flexibles o fiables no es una alternativa real. En el desarrollo de “Sistemas Intensivos Software” pueden llegar a intervenir distintas entidades o compañías software que suelen estar en ubicaciones geográficas distintas y constituidas por grandes equipos de desarrollo, multidisciplinares e incluso multilingües. Debido a la criticidad del resultado de las actividades realizadas de forma independiente en el sistema resultante, éstas se han de controlar y monitorizar para asegurar la correcta integración de todos los elementos del sistema completo. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta software para dar soporte a la gestión y monitorización de la construcción e integración de sistemas intensivos software, siendo extensible también a proyectos de otra índole. La herramienta resultante se denomina Positioning System, una aplicación web del tipo SPA (Single Page Application) creada con tecnología de última generación como el framework JavaScript AngularJS y tecnología de back-end como SlimPHP. Positioning System provee la funcionalidad necesaria para la creación de proyectos, familias y subfamilias de productos que constituyen los productos software de los proyectos creados, así como la gestión de socios comerciales y gestión de contactos de dichos proyectos. Todas estas funcionalidades son fácilmente monitorizadas y controladas por gráficos estadísticos generados para cada proyecto. ABSTRACT Software has become the backbone of today’s world, a complex human creation that has an important impact in the life, business and communication of all people involved with the Information Society. The quick growth that software development has undergone for last years has enabled the creation of advanced technological structures called “Software Intensive Systems”. They are able to communicate with other systems, devices, sensors and people. Next years, systems will face more complexity. It arises from the need of operating systems of large dimensions with non-deterministic behaviors. Current methods and tools are not powerful enough to design, build, implement and maintain software intensive systems; however stopping the development or developing unreliable and non-flexible systems is not a real alternative. Software Intensive Systems” development may involve different entities or software companies which may be in different geographical locations and may be constituted by large, multidisciplinary and even multilingual development teams. Due to the criticality of the result of each conducted activity, independently in the resulting system, these activities must be controlled and monitored to ensure the proper integration of all the elements within the complete system. The goal of this project is the creation of a software tool to support the management and monitoring of the construction and integration of software intensive systems, being possible to be extended to other kind of projects. The resultant tool is called Positioning System, a web application that follows the SPA (Single Page Application) style. It was created with the latest technologies, such as, the AngularJS framework and SlimPHP. The Positioning System provides the necessary features for the creation of projects, families and subfamilies of products that constitute the software products of the created projects, as well as the management of business partners and contacts of these projects. All these features are easily monitored and controlled by statistical graphs generated for each project.
La colonia experimental de Schorlemerallee y las villas Am Rupenhorn son dos proyectos concluidos en 1930 por los hermanos Wassili y Hans Luckhardt con Alfons Anker en Berlín. Ambos proyectos forman parte del mismo proceso, que comienza en la Colonia -una exploración sobre el lenguaje moderno en una serie de fases sucesivas- y culmina con las Villas. Éstas últimas, realizadas inmediatamente después de la Colonia, son la síntesis de esa experiencia, aunque finalmente acabaron trascendiéndola, ya que se convirtieron en un modelo sobre la casa en la naturaleza, sobre la idea de la villa clásica y sobre los nuevos modos de habitar, alcanzando con el tiempo la condición de canon moderno. A pesar de ello, no es esta condición lo más importante. Lo singular en este caso, es el propio proceso de proyecto –Colonia versus Villas- un verdadero experimento en su concepción, método y resultados, a través del cual sus autores investigan nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a nuevas formas de habitar y desarrollan un nuevo lenguaje, cuyo resultado son unos prototipos tecnológicos, con los que pretenden, como diría Mies van der Rohe: “Me he esforzado por construir una arquitectura para una sociedad tecnológica. He intentado que todo resultara razonable y claro.....para que cualquiera pueda hacer arquitectura.” El momento y lugar no pueden ser más propicios: Berlín entre 1924 y 1930, en el mismo origen del Movimiento Moderno. El experimento se plantea con auténtico rigor científico. Los arquitectos diseñan, construyen y financian su proyecto, controlando todas sus variables. Especialmente, por lo insólito, es el control de la variable económica. Porque este factor, la economía, es para ellos una clave fundamental del proceso. Se trataba de demostrar que la Nueva Arquitectura (o Neues Bauen, como les gustaba denominarla) era capaz de construir mejor y más rápido la vivienda para una nueva sociedad. La revolución y la vanguardia van de la mano: son el Zeitgeist o espíritu de la época, un contexto que es parte sustancial del proceso, y como lo calificarían los Smithson, un contexto heroico. El concepto se centra en la tríada Bauhaus: diseño + tecnología x economía. En cuanto al método, se fijan una serie de parámetros –las variables del experimento- que se agrupan en tres categorías distintas: topología, tipología y tecnología. La combinación de las variables de cada categoría dará lugar a un sistema con unas características determinadas: una definición del espacio, una forma, un lenguaje y una tecnología, características que permiten establecer las reglas para su desarrollo. Los sistemas resultantes son tres, denominados según su doble condición tipológica/ tecnológica: 1. Sistema de muro de carga: Viviendas adosadas en zig-zag o Mauerwerksbauten. 2. Sistema de esqueleto de acero: Viviendas aisladas o Stahlskelettbauten 3. Sistema de hormigón armado: Viviendas en hilera recta o Betonbauten Las villas Am Rupenhorn se plantean a continuación como verificación de este proceso: la síntesis de las categorías desarrolladas en la Colonia. Pero llegan en un momento de gracia, justo cuando los Luckhardt y Anker se encuentran profundamente implicados en el proceso de desarrollo de un nuevo lenguaje y con la reciente experiencia de la Colonia, que ha sido un éxito en casi todos los aspectos posibles. “En 1930, están en la cumbre”, como diría su mejor crítico y antiguo colaborador: Achim Wendschuh. En las Villas, los arquitectos integran su lenguaje, ya plenamente moderno, con sus experiencias previas: las que los relacionan con su reciente expresionismo (que se podría calificar como Kunstwollen) y con la tradición clásica de la cultura arquitectónica alemana: el sentido del material que deben a Semper y la sensibilidad hacia el paisaje, que toman de Schinkel. El extraordinario interés de las Villas se debe a factores como el tratamiento de la relación dual, poco habitual en la arquitectura moderna, la síntesis de lenguajes y las circunstancias de su momento histórico, factores que las han convertido en una propuesta única e irrepetible de una de las vías experimentales más interesantes y desconocidas de la Modernidad. ABSTRACT The experimental Housing Estate of Schorlemerallee and the Am Rupenhorn Villas are two projects completed by the brothers Wassili and Hans Luckhardt with Alfons Anker in Berlin in 1930. Both projects are part of the same process, starting with the Housing Estate --an exploration of the modern language in a series of phases- which culminates with the Villas project. The Villas Am Ruperhorn, designed immediately after the Housing development, are the synthesis and crowning point of this experience, even finally over passing it, since they have become a model of the house in nature, related with both the ideal of the classical villa and the new ways of life, reaching the condition of a modern canon. However, this is not its most important issue. The most remarkable condition is the project process itself -Housing versus Villas- a true experiment in concept, method and results, in which the authors research new technologies for new ways of living, developing an innovative language, with results in new prototypes, in the way Mies van der Rohe was looking for: “I have tried to make an architecture for a technological society. I have wanted to keep everything reasonable and clear… to have an architecture that anybody can do." The time and place could not be more favourable: Berlin from 1924 to 1930, in the very origin of Modern Movement. The experiment takes place with genuine scientific accuracy. Architects design, build and finance their own project, controlling all variables. Especially, and quite unusual, the control of the economic variable. Precisely the economic factor is for them a fundamental key to the process. It was shown to prove that the new architecture (or Neues Bauen, as they liked to call it) was able to build not only faster, better and more efficient dwellings for a new society, but also at lower cost. Revolution and Avant-garde use to move forward together, because they share the Zeitgeist --or time's spirit--, a context which is a substantial part of the process, and as the Alison & Peter Smithsons would describe, an heroic context. The concept focuses on the Bauhaus triad: Design + Technology x Economy. For the method, a number of variables are fixed --the experimental parameters-- that are later grouped into three distinct categories: Topology, Typology and Technology. The combination of these variables within each category gives way to several systems, with specific characteristics: a definition of space, a form, a language and a technology, thus allowing to establish the rules for its development: The resulting systems are three, called by double typological / technological issue: 1. Terraced Housing in zig-zag or Mauerwerksbauten (bearing wall system) 2. Detached Housing or Stahlskelettbauten (steel skeleton system) 3. Terraced Housing in one row or Betonbauten (reinforced concrete system) The Am Rupenhorn Villas are planned as the check of this process: the synthesis of the categories developed all through the Housing Estate research. The Am Ruperhorn project is developed in a crucial moment, just as the Luckhardts and Anker are deeply involved in the definition process of a new language after the recent experience of Schorlemerallee, which has been a success in almost all possible aspects. "In 1930, they are on the top” has said his best critic and long-time collaborator, Achim Wendschuh. In the Villas, the authors make up their fully modern language with their own background, related with their recent Expressionist trend (Kunstwollen) and with the classical tradition of the German architectural culture: the notion of material related with Semper and the sensible approach to the landscape, linked with Schinkel. Its extraordinary interest lay on diverse factors, such as dual relationships, unusual in modern architecture, synthesis of languages and circumstances of their historical moment, all factors that have become a unique and unrepeatable proposal in one of the most extraordinary experimental ways of Modernity.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Korea has increasingly adopted design-build for public construction projects in the last few years. There is a much greater awareness of the need to change a system based on ‘Value for Money’ which is high on the government's agenda. A whole life performance bid evaluation model is proposed to aid decision makers in the selection of a design-builder. This is based on the integration of a framework using an analytic hierarchy process as the bid awarding system is being changed from one based on lowest price, to one based on best value over the life-cycle. Key criteria like whole life cost, service life planning and design quality are important through the key stages of evaluation process. The model uses a systematic and holistic approach which enables a public sector to make better decisions in design-builder selection, which will deliver whole life benefits, based on long term cost-effectiveness and whole life.
La Formule SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) est une compétition étudiante consistant en la conception et la fabrication d’une voiture de course monoplace. De nombreux événements sont organisés à chaque année au cours desquels plusieurs universités rivalisent entre elles lors d’épreuves dynamiques et statiques. Celles-ci comprennent l’évaluation de la conception, l’évaluation des coûts de fabrication, l’accélération de la voiture, etc. Avec plus de 500 universités participantes et des événements annuels sur tous les continents, il s’agit de la plus importante compétition d’ingénierie étudiante au monde. L’équipe ULaval Racing a participé pendant plus de 20 ans aux compétitions annuelles réservées aux voitures à combustion. Afin de s’adapter à l’électrification des transports et aux nouvelles compétitions destinées aux voitures électriques, l’équipe a conçu et fabriqué une chaîne de traction électrique haute performance destinée à leur voiture 2015. L’approche traditionnelle employée pour concevoir une motorisation électrique consiste à imposer les performances désirées. Ces critères comprennent l’inclinaison maximale que la voiture doit pouvoir gravir, l’autonomie désirée ainsi qu’un profil de vitesse en fonction du temps, ou tout simplement un cycle routier. Cette approche n’est malheureusement pas appropriée pour la conception d’une traction électrique pour une voiture de type Formule SAE. Ce véhicule n’étant pas destiné à la conduite urbaine ou à la conduite sur autoroute, les cycles routiers existants ne sont pas représentatifs des conditions d’opération du bolide à concevoir. Ainsi, la réalisation de ce projet a nécessité l’identification du cycle d’opération routier sur lequel le véhicule doit opérer. Il sert de point de départ à la conception de la chaîne de traction composée des moteurs, de la batterie ainsi que des onduleurs de tension. L’utilisation d’une méthode de dimensionnement du système basée sur un algorithme d’optimisation génétique, suivie d’une optimisation locale couplée à une analyse par éléments-finis a permis l’obtention d’une solution optimale pour les circuits de type Formule SAE. La chaîne de traction conçue a été fabriquée et intégrée dans un prototype de voiture de l’équipe ULaval Racing lors de la saison 2015 afin de participer à diverses compétitions de voitures électriques.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.
The South Carolina Department of Transportation routinely retains Professional Consulting Engineering firms to provide engineering design and related professional services for the preparation of construction plans or design-build Request for Proposal bid packages for a wide variety of Federal-aid Highway Program roadway and bridge construction projects throughout South Carolina.The purpose of this project is to examine the current process of determining a "Fair and Reasonable" fixed fee for professional service contracts and to evaluate possible alternative methods including practices in other states that may improve the process, particularly in light of the considerable variation in audited overhead rates among consulting firms. In reviewing such alternative methods particular attention will be given to evaluating the potential impact of the method as an incentive to consulting firms to effectively manage their overhead costs.
Value Management (VM) has been proven to provide a structured framework, together with other supporting tools and techniques, that facilitate effective decision-making in many types of projects, thus achieving ‘best value’ for clients. One of the major success factors of VM in achieving better project objectives for clients is through the provision of beneficial input by multi-disciplinary team members being involved in critical decision-making discussions during the early stage of construction projects. This paper describes a doctoral research proposal based on the application of VM in design and build construction projects, especially focusing on the design stage. The research aims to study the effects of implementing VM in design and build construction projects, in particular how well the methodology addresses issues related to cost overruns resulting from poor coordination and overlooking of critical constructability issues amongst team members in construction projects in Malaysia. It is proposed that through contractors’ early involvement during the design stage, combined with the use of the VM methodology, particularly as a decision-making tool, better optimization of construction cost can be achieved, thus promoting more efficient and effective constructability. The main methods used in this research involve a thorough literature study, semi-structured interviews, and a survey of major stakeholders, a detailed case study and a VM workshop and focus group discussions involving construction professionals in order to explore and possibly develop a framework and a specific methodology for the facilitating successful application of VM within design and build construction projects.
Many firms develop successful businesses around competencies and over time these competencies can become core rigidities and barriers to new ways of working. This paper investigates how firms respond to a design innovation program apply design methodologies to their business. Early findings from a study of companies engaged in a design innovation program indicate that applying design principles to multiple aspects of their business provides a new strategic focus, tools for a better understanding of their business and the marketplace, new economic activity, awareness of the need for an innovative culture and strategic renewal.
There is an evident need to develop the strategic capabilities of companies from within, to ensure competitive competence in a time where strategy is a necessity. This paper is based on the first 4 months of a longitudinal embedded case study of a family-owned Australian small to medium enterprise, in their journey towards design integration. The first author was embedded as a ‘Design Innovation Catalyst’ to collaborate on overcoming early barriers of strategic development, using design led innovation. Action research methodology, semi-structured interviews with seven out of eight employees and a reflective journal revealed the absence of a shared vision, conflicting drivers and a focus on operational efficiency rather than strategy. Through the Catalyst’s facilitation, a company vision, general awareness, practice and knowledge in strategic development have emerged as the first steps to generating strategic design competence within the firm.
One of the foremost design considerations in microelectronics miniaturization is the use of embedded passives which provide practical solution. In a typical circuit, over 80 percent of the electronic components are passives such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors that could take up to almost 50 percent of the entire printed circuit board area. By integrating passive components within the substrate instead of being on the surface, embedded passives reduce the system real estate, eliminate the need for discrete and assembly, enhance electrical performance and reliability, and potentially reduce the overall cost. Moreover, it is lead free. Even with these advantages, embedded passive technology is at a relatively immature stage and more characterization and optimization are needed for practical applications leading to its commercialization.This paper presents an entire process from design and fabrication to electrical characterization and reliability test of embedded passives on multilayered microvia organic substrate. Two test vehicles focusing on resistors and capacitors have been designed and fabricated. Embedded capacitors in this study are made with polymer/ceramic nanocomposite (BaTiO3) material to take advantage of low processing temperature of polymers and relatively high dielectric constant of ceramics and the values of these capacitors range from 50 pF to 1.5 nF with capacitance per area of approximately 1.5 nF/cm(2). Limited high frequency measurement of these capacitors was performed. Furthermore, reliability assessments of thermal shock and temperature humidity tests based on JEDEC standards were carried out. Resistors used in this work have been of three types: 1) carbon ink based polymer thick film (PTF), 2) resistor foils with known sheet resistivities which are laminated to printed wiring board (PWB) during a sequential build-up (SBU) process and 3) thin-film resistor plating by electroless method. Realization of embedded resistors on conventional board-level high-loss epoxy (similar to 0.015 at 1 GHz) and proposed low-loss BCB dielectric (similar to 0.0008 at > 40 GHz) has been explored in this study. Ni-P and Ni-W-P alloys were plated using conventional electroless plating, and NiCr and NiCrAlSi foils were used for the foil transfer process. For the first time, Benzocyclobutene (BCB) has been proposed as a board level dielectric for advanced System-on-Package (SOP) module primarily due to its attractive low-loss (for RF application) and thin film (for high density wiring) properties.Although embedded passives are more reliable by eliminating solder joint interconnects, they also introduce other concerns such as cracks, delamination and component instability. More layers may be needed to accommodate the embedded passives, and various materials within the substrate may cause significant thermo -mechanical stress due to coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch. In this work, numerical models of embedded capacitors have been developed to qualitatively examine the effects of process conditions and electrical performance due to thermo-mechanical deformations.Also, a prototype working product with the board level design including features of embedded resistors and capacitors are underway. Preliminary results of these are presented.
This lecture covers the use of Agile design tools: Storyboards and Scenarios, used in conjunction with Personas. These are also used in participatory design.
This paper summarises an initial report carried out by the Housing Business Research Group, of the University of Reading into Design and Build procurement and a number of research projects undertaken by the national federation of Housing Associations (NFHA), into their members' development programmes. The paper collates existing statistics from these sources and examines the way in which Design and Build procurement can be adapted for the provision of social housing. The paper comments on these changes and questions how risk averting the adopted strategies are in relation to long term housing business management issues arising from the quality of the product produced by the new system.
Little research has been conducted on how students work when they are required to plan, build and evaluate artefacts in technology rich learning environments such as those supported by tools including flow charts, Labview programming and Lego construction. In this study, activity theory was used as an analytic tool to examine the social construction of meaning. There was a focus on the effect of teachers’ goals and the rules they enacted upon student use of the flow chart planning tool, and the tools of the programming language Labview and Lego construction. It was found that the articulation of a teacher’s goals via rules and divisions of labour helped to form distinct communities of learning and influenced the development of different problem solving strategies. The use of the planning tool flow charting was associated with continuity of approach, integration of problem solutions including appreciation of the nexus between construction and programming, and greater educational transformation. Students who flow charted defined problems in a more holistic way and demonstrated more methodical, insightful and integrated approaches to their use of tools. The findings have implications for teaching in design dominated learning environments.
3D Virtual Environments (VE) are real; they exist as digital worlds with the advantage of having none of the constraints of the real world. As such they are the perfect training ground for design students who can create, build and experiment with design solutions without the constraint of real world projects. This paper reports on an educational setting used to explore a model for using VE such as Second Life (SL) developed by Linden Labs in California, as a collaborative environment for design education. A postgraduate landscape architecture learning environment within a collaborative design unit was developed to integrate this model where the primary focus was the application of three-dimensional tools within design, not as a presentation tool, but rather as a design tool. The focus of the unit and its aims and objectives will be outlined before describing the use of SL in the unit. Attention is focused on the collaboration and learning experience before discussing the outcomes, student feedback, future projects using this model and potential for further research. The outcome of this study aims to contribute to current research on teaching and learning design in interactive VE’s. We present a case study of our first application of this model.