943 resultados para dark subsurface horizon


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark entre els mesos de Març a Juny del 2006. S’ha investigat l’efecte dels envasats amb atmosferes modificades (MAP), així com la marinació amb vi tint, sobre l’evolució de la contaminació bacteriològica de carns fosques, dures i seques (DFD). Les carns DFD es troben a les canals d’animals que, abans del sacrifici, han estat exposades a activitats musculars prolongades o estrès. Les carns DFD impliquen importants pèrdues econòmiques degut a la contaminació bacteriològica i als problemes tecnològics relacionats amb la alta capacitat de retenció d’aigua. A més a més, és crític per la indústria investigar la diversitat de la contaminació bacteriana, identificar les espècies bacterianes i controlar-les. Però és difícil degut a la inhabilitat per detectar algunes bactèries en medis coneguts, les interaccions entre elles, la complexitat dels tipus de contaminació com són aigua, terra, femtes i l’ambient. La Polymerasa chain reaction- Denaturating Electrophoresis Gel (PCR-DGEE ) pot sobrepassar aquests problemes reflectint la diversitat microbial i les espècies bacterianes. Els resultants han indicat que la varietat bacteriana de la carn incrementava amb els dies d’envasat independentment del mètode d’envasat, però decreixia significativament amb el tractament de marinació amb vi tint. La DGEE ha mostrat diferències en les espècies trobades, indicant canvis en la contaminació bacteriana i les seves característiques en la carn DFD sota els diferents tractaments. Tot i que la marinació és una bona alternativa i solució a la comercialització de carn DFD , estudis de seqüenciació són necessaris per identificar les diferents tipus de bactèries.


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Incorporating adaptive learning into macroeconomics requires assumptions about how agents incorporate their forecasts into their decision-making. We develop a theory of bounded rationality that we call finite-horizon learning. This approach generalizes the two existing benchmarks in the literature: Eulerequation learning, which assumes that consumption decisions are made to satisfy the one-step-ahead perceived Euler equation; and infinite-horizon learning, in which consumption today is determined optimally from an infinite-horizon optimization problem with given beliefs. In our approach, agents hold a finite forecasting/planning horizon. We find for the Ramsey model that the unique rational expectations equilibrium is E-stable at all horizons. However, transitional dynamics can differ significantly depending upon the horizon.


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This paper examines the impact of Knightian uncertainty upon optimal climate policy through the prism of a continuous-time real option modelling framework. We analytically determine optimal intertemporal climate policies under ambiguous assessments of climate damages. Additionally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the properties of the model. The results indicate that increasing Knightian uncertainty accelerates climate policy, i.e. policy makers become more reluctant to postpone the timing of climate policies into the future.


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Due to population aging, by 2030 Switzerland may face a demand of 24 million family practitioner visits, a growth of 13 percent from the 2005 level. This result is based on the assumption that the per capita demand for doctor visits remains what was observed in 2005 by age groups and sex. During the same period, the total number of practitioners may decrease by 14 percent whereas the female proportion of such practitioners may double. These changes may cause a 33 percent decrease in the supply of physician visits to reach only 14 millions. The comparison of the demand and supply of family doctor visits reveals that by 2030, 10 million visits may be unmet which represents 40 percent of the demand. On the supply side, a full scale implementation of task delegation may partially reduce that gap (minus 2 millions). On the demand side, improved health status may bring in a larger decrease in the needs for visits (minus 4 million).


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The objective of this paper is to re-examine the risk-and effort attitude in the context of strategic dynamic interactions stated as a discrete-time finite-horizon Nash game. The analysis is based on the assumption that players are endogenously risk-and effort-averse. Each player is characterized by distinct risk-and effort-aversion types that are unknown to his opponent. The goal of the game is the optimal risk-and effort-sharing between the players. It generally depends on the individual strategies adopted and, implicitly, on the the players' types or characteristics.


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Knowledge of the hormonal pathway controlling genotype-specific norms of reaction would shed light on the ecological factors to which each genotype is adapted. Environmentally mediated changes in the sign and magnitude of covariations between heritable melanin-based colouration and fitness components are frequent, revealing that extreme melanin-based phenotypes can display different physiological states depending on the environment. Yet, the hormonal mechanism underlying this phenomenon is poorly understood. One novel hypothesis proposes that these covariations stem from pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin system. Melanocortins are post-translationally modified bioactive peptides derived from the POMC prohormone that are involved in melanogenesis, anti-inflammation, energy homeostasis and stress responses. Thus, differential regulation of fitness components in relation to environmental factors by pale and dark melanic individuals may be due to colour-specific regulation of the POMC prohormone. Accordingly, we found that the degree of reddish melanic colouration was negatively correlated with blood circulating levels of the POMC prohormone in female tawny owls (Strix aluco) rearing a brood for which the size was experimentally reduced, but not when enlarged, and in females located in rich but not in poor territories. Our findings support the hypothesis that the widespread links between melanin-based colouration and fitness components may be mediated, at least in part, by the melanocortin system.


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Primary brain tumours are heterogeneous in histology, genetics, and outcome. Although WHO's classification of tumours of the CNS has greatly helped to standardise diagnostic criteria worldwide, it does not consider the substantial progress that has been made in the molecular classification of many brain tumours. Recent practice-changing clinical trials have defined a role for routine assessment of MGMT promoter methylation in glioblastomas in elderly people, and 1p and 19q codeletions in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumours. Moreover, large-scale molecular profiling approaches have identified new mutations in gliomas, affecting IDH1, IDH2, H3F3, ATRX, and CIC, which has allowed subclassification of gliomas into distinct molecular subgroups with characteristic features of age, localisation, and outcome. However, these molecular approaches cannot yet predict patients' benefit from therapeutic interventions. Similarly, transcriptome-based classification of medulloblastoma has delineated four variants that might now be candidate diseases in which to explore novel targeted agents.


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The persistence of the biocontrol agent Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 in the surface horizon of 12 large outdoor lysimeters planted with winter wheat, Phacelia tanacetifolia followed by spring wheat, or maize was monitored for 1 year. Soil was inoculated with a spontaneous rifampin-resistant mutant (CHA0-Rif) of CHA0, and the strain was studied by using colony counts, Kogure's direct viable counts, and total counts (immunofluorescence). The number of culturable cells of the inoculant decreased progressively from 8 to 2 log CFU/g of soil or lower. However, culturable cells of CHA0-Rif accounted for less than 1% of the total cells of the inoculant 8 months after release in autumn. Since viable but nonculturable cells represented less than a quarter of the latter, most cells of CHA0-Rif in soil were thus inactive-dormant or dead at that time. Nonculturable cells of the inoculant were predominant also in the surface horizon of the lysimeters inoculated in the spring, and a significant fraction of them were viable. Results suggest that the occurrence of nonculturable cells of CHA0-Rif was influenced by climatic factors (water availability and soil temperature) and the abundance of roots in soil. The fact that the inoculant persisted as mixed populations of cells of different physiological states, in which nonculturable cells were predominant, needs to be taken into account when assessing the autecology of wild-type or genetically modified pseudomonads released into the soil ecosystem.


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The series of Horizon Reports is the most tangible outcome of the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project, a qualitative research endeavour launched in 2002 which identifies and describes the emergingtechnologies with the greatest potential to have an impact on teaching, learning, research and creative expression in the global education field. This volume,the 2010 Horizon Report: Iberoamerican Edition, focuses on research in countries of the iberoamerican region (including the whole of Latin America, Spainand Portugal) and in the field of higher education. The 2010 Horizon Report: Iberoamerican Edition is the first to offer this regional contextualization and hasbeen produced by the NMC and the eLearn Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).