982 resultados para critical intraband interaction


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The microwave response of the superconducting state in equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations was examined experimentally and analytically. Thin film superconductors were mostly studied in order to explore spatial effects. The response parameter measured was the surface impedance.

For small microwave intensity the surface impedance at 10 GHz was measured for a variety of samples (mostly Sn) over a wide range of sample thickness and temperature. A detailed analysis based on the BCS theory was developed for calculating the surface impedance for general thickness and other experimental parameters. Experiment and theory agreed with each other to within the experimental accuracy. Thus it was established that the samples, thin films as well as bulk, were well characterised at low microwave powers (near equilibrium).

Thin films were perturbed by a small dc supercurrent and the effect on the superconducting order parameter and the quasiparticle response determined by measuring changes in the surface resistance (still at low microwave intensity and independent of it) due to the induced current. The use of fully superconducting resonators enabled the measurement of very small changes in the surface resistance (< 10-9 Ω/sq.). These experiments yield information regarding the dynamics of the order parameter and quasiparticle systems. For all the films studied the results could be described at temperatures near Tc by the thermodynamic depression of the order parameter due to the static current leading to a quadratic increase of the surface resistance with current.

For the thinnest films the low temperature results were surprising in that the surface resistance decreased with increasing current. An explanation is proposed according to which this decrease occurs due to an additional high frequency quasiparticle current caused by the combined presence of both static and high frequency fields. For frequencies larger than the inverse of the quasiparticle relaxation time this additional current is out of phase (by π) with the microwave electric field and is observed as a decrease of surface resistance. Calculations agree quantitatively with experimental results. This is the first observation and explanation of this non-equilibrium quasiparticle effect.

For thicker films of Sn, the low temperature surface resistance was found to increase with applied static current. It is proposed that due to the spatial non-uniformity of the induced current distribution across the thicker films, the above purely temporal analysis of the local quasiparticle response needs to be generalised to include space and time non-equilibrium effects.

The nonlinear interaction of microwaves arid superconducting films was also examined in a third set of experiments. The surface impedance of thin films was measured as a function of the incident microwave magnetic field. The experiments exploit the ability to measure the absorbed microwave power and applied microwave magnetic field absolutely. It was found that the applied surface microwave field could not be raised above a certain threshold level at which the absorption increased abruptly. This critical field level represents a dynamic critical field and was found to be associated with the penetration of the app1ied field into the film at values well below the thermodynamic critical field for the configuration of a field applied to one side of the film. The penetration occurs despite the thermal stability of the film which was unequivocally demonstrated by experiment. A new mechanism for such penetration via the formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is proposed. The experimental results for the thinnest films agreed with the calculated values of this pair generation field. The observations of increased transmission at the critical field level and suppression of the process by a metallic ground plane further support the proposed model.


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DNS of turbulent hydrogen-air premixed flame is conducted for freely propagating and V-flames, using complex chemical kinetics. The results are analysed to study the influence of flame configuration on the turbulence-scalar interaction, which is critical for the scalar gradient generation process. The result suggests that this interaction process is not influenced by the flame configuration and the flame normal is found to predominantly align with the most extensive strain in the region of intense heat release.


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Turbulent combustion of stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture is simulated using direct numerical simulation methodology, employing complex chemical kinetics. Two flame configurations, freely propagating and V-flames stabilized behind a hot rod, are simulated. The results are analyzed to study the influence of flame configuration on the turbulence-scalar interaction, which is critical for the scalar gradient generation processes. The result suggests that this interaction process is not influenced by the flame configuration and the flame normal is found to align with the most extensive strain in the region of intense heat release. The combustion in the rod stabilized flame is found to be flamelet like in an average sense and the growth of flame-brush thickness with the downstream distance is represented well by Taylor theory of turbulent diffusion, when the flame-brushes are non-interacting. The thickness is observed to saturate when the flame-brushes interact, which is found to occur in the simulated rod stabilized flame with Taylor micro-scale Reynolds number of 97. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Fatigue stresses associated with extreme storms, vessel movements, and vortex-induced vibrations are critical to the performance of steel catenary risers. The critical location for fatigue damage often occurs within the touchdown zone, where cyclic interaction of the riser with the seabed occurs. Developing a model for seabed stiffness requires characterization of a number of complex nonlinear processes including trench formation, nonlinear soil stiffness, soil suction, and breakaway of the riser from the seafloor. The analytical framework utilized in this research considers the riser-seafloor interaction problem in terms of a pipe resting on a bed of springs, the stiffness characteristics of which are described by nonlinear load-deflection (P-y) curves. The P-y model allows for first penetration and uplift, as well as repenetration and small range motions within the bounding loop defined by extreme loading. The backbone curve is constructed from knowledge of the soil strength, the rate of strength increase with depth, trench width, and two additional parameters, while three parameters are necessary for the cyclic response. © ASCE 2009.


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The influence of the turbulence-chemistry interaction (TCI) for n-heptane sprays under diesel engine conditions has been investigated by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The conditional moment closure approach, which has been previously validated thoroughly for such flows, and the homogeneous reactor (i.e. no turbulent combustion model) approach have been compared, in view of the recent resurgence of the latter approaches for diesel engine CFD. Experimental data available from a constant-volume combustion chamber have been used for model validation purposes for a broad range of conditions including variations in ambient oxygen (8-21% by vol.), ambient temperature (900 and 1000 K) and ambient density (14.8 and 30 kg/m3). The results from both numerical approaches have been compared to the experimental values of ignition delay (ID), flame lift-off length (LOL), and soot volume fraction distributions. TCI was found to have a weak influence on ignition delay for the conditions simulated, attributed to the low values of the scalar dissipation relative to the critical value above which auto-ignition does not occur. In contrast, the flame LOL was considerably affected, in particular at low oxygen concentrations. Quasi-steady soot formation was similar; however, pronounced differences in soot oxidation behaviour are reported. The differences were further emphasised for a case with short injection duration: in such conditions, TCI was found to play a major role concerning the soot oxidation behaviour because of the importance of soot-oxidiser structure in mixture fraction space. Neglecting TCI leads to a strong over-estimation of soot oxidation after the end of injection. The results suggest that for some engines, and for some phenomena, the neglect of turbulent fluctuations may lead to predictions of acceptable engineering accuracy, but that a proper turbulent combustion model is needed for more reliable results. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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We propose a simple method to detect the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions in quantum wells (QWs) without relying on the directional-dependent physical quantities. This method utilizes the two different critical gate voltages that leading to the remarkable signals of SU(2) symmetry, which happens to reflect the intrinsic-structure-inversion asymmetry of the QW. We support our proposal by the numerical calculation of in-plane relaxation times based on the self-consistent eight-band Kane model. We find that the two different critical gate voltages leading to the maximum spin-relaxation times [one effect of the SU(2) symmetry] can simply determine the ratio of the coefficients of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms. Our proposal can also be generalized to extract the relative strengths of the spin-orbit interactions in quantum-wire and quantum-dot structures.


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Among the functional nucleic acids studied, adenine-rich nucleic acids have attracted attention due to their critical roles in many biological processes and self-assembly-based nanomaterials, especially deoxyribonucleic acids (abbreviated as poly(dA)). Therefore the ligands binding to poly(dA) might serve as potential therapeutic agents. Coralyne, a kind of planar alkaloid, has been firstly found that it could bind strongly to poly(dA). This work herein reports an approach for visual sensing of the coralyne-poly(dA) interaction. This method was based on the coralyne inducing poly(dA) into the homo-adenine DNA duplex and the difference in electrostatic affinity between single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA with gold nanoparticles (GNPs). Furthermore, we applied the recognition process of the interaction between coralyne and poly(dA) into specific coralyne detection with the assistance of certain software (such as Photoshop). A linear response from 0 to 728 nM was obtained for coralyne, and a detection limit of 91 nM was achieved.


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Conformational analysis of 2,2'-bithiophene (BT) under the influence of an electric field (EF) constructed by point charges has been performed by using semi-empirical Austin Model 1 (AM1) and Parametric model number 3 (PM3) calculations. When the EF perpendicular to the molecular conjugation chain is applied, both AM1 and PM3 calculations show an energy increase of the anti-conformation. AM1 predicts that the global minimum shifts to syn-conformation when the EF strength is larger than a critical value. and PM predicts that the local minimum in anti-conformation vanishes. This kind of EF effect has been ascribed to the EF and dipole moment interaction.


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It has been suggested that the less than optimal levels of students’ immersion language “persist in part because immersion teachers lack systematic approaches for integrating language into their content instruction” (Tedick, Christian and Fortune, 2011, p.7). I argue that our current lack of knowledge regarding what immersion teachers think, know and believe and what immersion teachers’ actual ‘lived’ experiences are in relation to form-focused instruction (FFI) prevents us from fully understanding the key issues at the core of experiential immersion pedagogy and form-focused integration. FFI refers to “any planned or incidental instructional activity that is intended to induce language learners to pay attention to linguistic form” (Ellis, 2001b, p.1). The central aim of this research study is to critically examine the perspectives and practices of Irish-medium immersion (IMI) teachers in relation to FFI. The study ‘taps’ into the lived experiences of three IMI teachers in three different IMI school contexts and explores FFI from a classroom-based, teacher-informed perspective. Philosophical underpinnings of the interpretive paradigm and critical hermeneutical principles inform and guide the study. A multi-case study approach was adopted and data was gathered through classroom observation, video-stimulated recall and semistructured interviews. Findings revealed that the journey of ‘becoming’ an IMI teacher is shaped by a vast array of intricate variables. IMI teacher identity, implicit theories, stated beliefs, educational biographies and experiences, IMI school cultures and contexts as well as teacher knowledge and competence impacted on IMI teachers’ FFI perspectives and practices. An IMI content teacher identity reflected the teachers’ priorities as shaped by pedagogical challenges and their educational backgrounds. While research participants had clearly defined instructional beliefs and goals, their roadmap of how to actually accomplish these goals was far from clear. IMI teachers described the multitude of choices and pedagogical dilemmas they faced in integrating FFI into experiential pedagogy. Significant gaps in IMI teachers’ declarative knowledge about and competence in the immersion language were also reported. This research study increases our understanding of the complexity of the processes underlying and shaping FFI pedagogy in IMI education. Innovative FFI opportunities for professional development across the continuum of teacher education are outlined, a comprehensive evaluation of IMI is called for and areas for further research are delineated.


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A multi-sensor satellite approach based on ocean colour, sunglint and Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery is used to study the impact of interacting internal tidal (IT) waves on near-surface chlorophyll-a distribution, in the central Bay of Biscay. Satellite imagery was initially used to characterize the internal solitary wave (ISW) field in the study area, where the “local generation mechanism” was found to be associated with two distinct regions of enhanced barotropic tidal forcing. IT beams formed at the French shelf-break, and generated from critical bathymetry in the vicinities of one of these regions, were found to be consistent with “locally generated” ISWs. Representative case studies illustrate the existence of two different axes of IT propagation originating from the French shelf-break, which intersect close to 46°N, − 7°E, where strong IT interaction has been previously identified. Evidence of constructive interference between large IT waves is then presented and shown to be consistent with enhanced levels of chlorophyll-a concentration detected by means of ocean colour satellite sensors. Finally, the results obtained from satellite climatological mean chlorophyll-a concentration from late summer (i.e. September, when ITs and ISWs can meet ideal propagation conditions) suggest that elevated IT activity plays a significant role in phytoplankton vertical distribution, and therefore influences the late summer ecology in the central Bay of Biscay.


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Transcription factor E1AF is widely known to play critical roles in tumor metastasis via directly binding to the promoters of genes involved in tumor migration and invasion. Here, we report for the first time E1AF as a novel binding partner for ubiquitously expressed Sp1 transcription factor. E1AF forms a complex with Sp1, contributes to Sp1 phosphorylation and transcriptional activity, and functions as a mediator between epidermal growth factor and Sp1 phosphorylation and activity. Sp1 functions as a carrier bringing E1AF to the promoter region, thus activating transcription of glioma-related gene for beta1,4-galactosyltransferase V (GalT V; EC Biologically, E1AF functions as a positive invasion regulator in glioma in cooperation with Sp1 partly via up-regulation of GalT V. This report describes a new mechanism of glioma invasion involving a cooperative effort between E1AF and Sp1 transcription factors.


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Abstract A classic physiologic response to hypoxia in humans is the up-regulation of the ERYTHROPOIETIN (EPO) gene, which is the central regulator of red blood cell mass. The EPO gene, in turn, is activated by hypoxia inducible factor (HIF). HIF is a transcription factor consisting of an alpha subunit (HIF-alpha) and a beta subunit (HIF-beta). Under normoxic conditions, prolyl hydroxylase domain protein (PHD, also known as HIF prolyl hydroxylase and egg laying-defective nine protein) site specifically hydroxylates HIF-alpha in a conserved LXXLAP motif (where underlining indicates the hydroxylacceptor proline). This provides a recognition motif for the von Hippel Lindau protein, a component of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that targets hydroxylated HIF-alpha for degradation. Under hypoxic conditions, this inherently oxygen-dependent modification is arrested, thereby stabilizing HIF-alpha and allowing it to activate the EPO gene. We previously identified and characterized an erythrocytosis-associated HIF2A mutation, G537W. More recently, we reported two additional erythrocytosis-associated HIF2A mutations, G537R and M535V. Here, we describe the functional characterization of these two mutants as well as a third novel erythrocytosis-associated mutation, P534L. These mutations affect residues C-terminal to the LXXLAP motif. We find that all result in impaired degradation and thus aberrant stabilization of HIF-2alpha. However, each exhibits a distinct profile with respect to their effects on PHD2 binding and von Hippel Lindau interaction. These findings reinforce the importance of HIF-2alpha in human EPO regulation, demonstrate heterogeneity of functional defects arising from these mutations, and point to a critical role for residues C-terminal to the LXXLAP motif in HIF-alpha.


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Phagocytosis is a key process of the immune system. The human pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae is a well known example of a pathogen highly resistant to phagocytosis. A wealth of evidence demonstrates that the capsule polysaccharide (CPS) plays a crucial role in resistance to phagocytosis. The amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum shares with mammalian macrophages the ability to phagocytose and kill bacteria. The fact that K. pneumoniae is ubiquitous in nature and, therefore, should avoid predation by amoebae, poses the question whether K. pneumoniae employs similar means to counteract amoebae and mammalian phagocytes. Here we developed an assay to evaluate K. pneumoniae-D. discoideum interaction. The richness of the growth medium affected the threshold at which the cps mutant was permissive for Dictyostelium and only at lower nutrient concentrations the cps mutant was susceptible to predation by amoebae. Given the critical role of bacterial surface elements on host-pathogen interactions, we explored the possible contribution of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and outer membrane proteins (OMPs) to combat phagoyctosis by D. discoideum. We uncover that, in addition to the CPS, the LPS O-polysaccharide and the first core sugar participate in Klebsiella resistance to predation by D. discoideum. K. pneumoniae LPS lipid A decorations are also necessary to avoid predation by amoebae although PagP-dependent palmitoylation plays a more important role than the lipid A modification with aminoarabinose. Mutants lacking OMPs OmpA or OmpK36 were also permissive for D. discoideium growth. Except the LPS O-polysaccharide mutants, all mutants were more susceptible to phagocytosis by mouse alveolar macrophages. Finally, we found a correlation between virulence, using the pneumonia mouse model, and resistance to phagocytosis. Altogether, this work reveals novel K. pneumoniae determinants involved in resistance to phagocytosis and supports the notion that Dictyostelium amoebae might be useful as host model to measure K. pneumoniae virulence and not only phagocytosis. © 2013 March et al.


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RC beams shear strengthened with externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) U strips or side strips usually fail owing to debonding of the bonded FRP shear reinforcement. Because such debonding usually occurs in a brittle manner at relatively small shear crack widths, some of the internal steel stirrups intersected by the critical shear crack may not have reached yielding at beam shear failure. Consequently, the yield stress of internal steel stirrups in such a strengthened RC beam cannot be fully utilized. This adverse shear interaction between the internal steel shear reinforcement and the external FRP shear reinforcement may significantly reduce the benefit of the shear strengthening FRP but has not been considered explicitly by any of the shear strength models in the existing design guidelines. This paper presents a new shear strength model considering this adverse shear interaction through the introduction of a shear interaction factor. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model, as well as three other shear strength models, is conducted using a large test database. It is shown that the proposed shear strength model performs the best among the models compared, and the performance of the other shear strength models can be significantly improved by including the proposed shear interaction factor. Finally, a design recommendation is presented.