991 resultados para constituent ordering


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We report inelastic light scattering studies on Ca(Fe0.97Co0.03)(2)As-2 in a wide spectral range of 120-5200 cm(-1) from 5 to 300 K, covering the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition as well as magnetic transition at T-sm similar to 160 K. The mode frequencies of two first-order Raman modes B-1g and E-g, both involving the displacement of Fe atoms, show a sharp increase below T-sm. Concomitantly, the linewidths of all the first-order Raman modes show anomalous broadening below T-sm, attributed to strong spin-phonon coupling. The high frequency modes observed between 400 and 1200 cm(-1) are attributed to electronic Raman scattering involving the crystal field levels of d-orbitals of Fe2+. The splitting between xz and yz d-orbital levels is shown to be similar to 25 meV, which increases as temperature decreases below T-sm. A broad Raman band observed at similar to 3200 cm(-1) is assigned to two-magnon excitation of the itinerant Fe 3d antiferromagnet.


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We report structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of the perovskite compound Pr1-xYxMnO3 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4) studied using dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, neutron powder diffraction, and dielectric techniques. These compounds crystallize in orthorhombic space group (Pnma) in the temperature range 5-300 K. The Mn-O-Mn bond angle decreases with the Y substitution along with an increase in the Jahn-Teller distortion. The Jahn-Teller distortion for Pr0.9Y0.1MnO3 shows an anomalous change near 50 K, below which it falls sharply. Neutron powder diffraction patterns of all reported compositions at low temperature constitute additional magnetic Bragg peaks that suggest magnetic ordering. Magnetic reflections were indexed in the nuclear lattice with the propagation vector k = (0, 0, 0). Rietveld refinement of powder patterns conform to A type antiferromagnetic ordering where moments are aligned ferromagnetically in a-c plane and coupled nearly antiferromagnetically along b-axis resulting in a net ferromagnetic component along the b-direction. The antiferromagnetic transition temperature was deduced from dc magnetization and ac susceptibility data. The transition temperature decreases by nearly 22 K (from 81 K to 59 K) as yttrium content (x) increases from 0.1 to 0.4. Measurements reveal strong frequency dispersion in dielectric constant and dielectric loss. Activation energy and relaxation time are estimated from the Arrhenius plot. It is further shown that relaxation behaviour is altered with yttrium doping concentration. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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To explore the effect of size reduction to nanoscale on the hole doped Sm0.65Ca0.35MnO3 compound, dc magnetic measurements and electron magnetic resonance (EMR) were done on bulk and nanoparticle samples in the temperature range 10 <= T <= 300 K. Magnetization measurement showed that the bulk sample undergoes a charge ordering transition at 240K and shows a mixed magnetic phase at low temperature. However, the nanosample underwent a ferromagnetic transition at 75 K, and the charge ordered state was destabilized on size reduction down to nanoscale. The low-temperature ferromagnetic component is found to be enhanced in nanoparticles as compared to their bulk counterpart. Interestingly around room temperature, bulk particles show higher magnetization where as at low temperature nanoparticles show higher magnetization. Ferromagnetism in the bulk is due to super exchange where as ferromagnetism in nanoparticles is due to uncompensated spins of the surface layer. Temperature variation of EMR parameters correlates well with the results of magnetic measurements. The magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticles is understood in terms of the core shell scenario. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We studied the effect of Fe doping on structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of hexagonal ErMnO3 system. For 50% doping of Fe on Mn site in ErMnO3 modulated its crystallographic structure from hexagonal to orthorhombic phase. Accompanied with the structural phase transition in ErMnO3, the magnetic properties are effectively modified. The Fe doped samples exhibit enhancement in antiferromagnetic ordering Neel temperature (T-N) from 77K (ErMnO3) to 280K (ErFe0.5Mn0.5O3). The anomalies observed in the dielectric constant around T-N in doped ErMnO3 samples indicate the coupling between electric and magnetic order parameters. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Eu+3 was incorporated into the lattice of a lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) as per the nominal formula Na0.5Bi0.5-xEuxTiO3. This system was investigated with regard to the Eu+3 photoluminescence (PL) and structural behaviour as a function of composition and electric field. Electric field was found to irreversibly change the features in the PL spectra and also in the x-ray diffraction patterns below the critical composition x = 0.025. Detailed analysis revealed that below the critical composition, electric field irreversibly suppresses the structural heterogeneity inherent of the host matrix NBT and brings about a long range ferroelectric state with rhombohedral (R3c) distortion. It is shown that the structural disorder on the nano-scale opens a new channel for radiative transition which manifests as a new emission line branching off from the main D-5(0)-> F-7(0) line along with a concomitant change in the relative intensity of the other crystal field induced Stark lines with different J values. The study suggests that Eu+3 luminescence can be used to probe the relative degree of field induced structural ordering in relaxor ferroelectrics and also in high performance piezoelectric alloys where electric field couples very strongly with the lattice and structural degrees of freedom. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We have employed the highly sensitive electron magnetic resonance technique complimented by magnetization measurements to study the impact of size reduction on the magnetic ordering in nanosized Sm1-x Ca (x) MnO3 (x = 0.35, 0.65 and 0.92). In the bulk form, x = 0.35 sample shows a charge ordering transition at 235 K followed by a mixed magnetic phase, the sample with x = 0.65 exhibits charge order below 275 K and shows an antiferromagnetic insulator phase below 135 K while that with x = 0.92 has a ferromagnetic-cluster glass ground state. Thus, a comparative study of magnetic ground states of bulk and nanoparticles (diameter similar to 25 nm) enables us to investigate size-induced effects on different types of magnetic ordering. It is seen that in the bulk samples the temperature dependences of the EPR parameters are quite different from each other. This difference diminishes for the nanosamples where all the three samples show qualitatively similar behavior. The magnetization measurements corroborate this conclusion.


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Adsorption of a molecule or group with an atom which is less electronegative than oxygen (0) and directly interacting with the surface is very relevant to development of PtM (M = 3d-transition metal) catalysts with high activity. Here, we present theoretical analysis of the adsorption of NH3 molecule (N being less electronegative than 0) on (111) surfaces of PtM (Fe, Co, Ni) alloys using the first principles density functional approach. We find that, while NH3-Pt interaction is stronger than that of NH3 with the elemental M-surfaces, it is weaker than the strength of interaction of NH3 with M-site on the surface of PtM alloy. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Achieving control on the formation of different organization states of magnetic nanoparticles is crucial to harness their organization dependent physical properties in desired ways. In this study, three organization states of iron oxide nanoparticles (gamma-Fe2O3), defining as (i) assembly (ii) network aggregate and (iii) cluster, have been developed by simply changing the solvent evaporation conditions. All three systems have retained the same phase and polydispersity of primary particles. Magnetic measurements show that the partial alignment of the easy axes of the particles in the network system due to the stacking aggregation morphology can result in significant enhancement of the coercivity and remanence values, while the opposite is obtained for the cluster system due to the random orientation of easy axes. Partial alignment in the aggregate system also results in noticeable non -monotonic field dependence of ZFC peak temperature (TpeaB). The lowest value of the blocking temperature (TB) for the cluster system is related to the lowering of the effective anisotropy due to the strongest demagnetizing effect. FC (Field cooled) memory effect was observed to be decreasing with the increasing strength of dipolar interaction of organization states. Therefore, the stacking aggregation and the cluster formation are two interesting ways of magnetic nanoparticles organization for modulating collective magnetic properties significantly, which can have renewed application potentials from recording devices to biomedicine. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have fabricated using high-resolution electron beam lithography circular magnetic particles (nanomagnets) of diameter 60 nm and thickness 7 nm out of the common magnetic alloy supermalloy. The nanomagnets were arranged on rectangular lattices of different periods. A high-sensitivity magneto-optical method was used to measure the magnetic properties of each lattice. We show experimentally how the magnetic properties of a lattice of nanomagnets can be profoundly changed by the magnetostatic interactions between nanomagnets within the lattice. We find that simply reducing the lattice spacing in one direction from 180 nm down to 80 nm (leaving a gap of only 20 nm between edges) causes the lattice to change from a magnetically disordered state to an ordered state. The change in state is accompanied by a peak in the magnetic susceptibility. We show that this is analogous to the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition which occurs in conventional magnetic materials, although low-dimensionality and kinetic effects must also be considered.


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The Linear Ordering Problem is a popular combinatorial optimisation problem which has been extensively addressed in the literature. However, in spite of its popularity, little is known about the characteristics of this problem. This paper studies a procedure to extract static information from an instance of the problem, and proposes a method to incorporate the obtained knowledge in order to improve the performance of local search-based algorithms. The procedure introduced identifies the positions where the indexes cannot generate local optima for the insert neighbourhood, and thus global optima solutions. This information is then used to propose a restricted insert neighbourhood that discards the insert operations which move indexes to positions where optimal solutions are not generated. In order to measure the efficiency of the proposed restricted insert neighbourhood system, two state-of-the-art algorithms for the LOP that include local search procedures have been modified. Conducted experiments confirm that the restricted versions of the algorithms outperform the classical designs systematically. The statistical test included in the experimentation reports significant differences in all the cases, which validates the efficiency of our proposal.


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Papaseit et al. (Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 8364, 2000) showed the decisive role of gravity in the formation of patterns by assemblies of microtubules in vitro. By virtue of a functional scaling, the free energy for MT systems in a gravitational field was constructed. The influence of the gravitational field on MT's self-organization process, that can lead to the isotropic to nematic phase transition, is the focus of this paper. A coupling of a concentration gradient with orientational order characteristic of nernatic ordering pattern formation is the new feature emerging in the presence of gravity. The concentration range corresponding to a phase coexistence region increases with increasing g or NIT concentration. Gravity facilitates the isotropic to nernatic phase transition leading to a significantly broader transition region. The phase transition represents the interplay between the growth in the isotropic phase and the precipitation into the nematic phase. We also present and discuss the numerical results obtained for local NIT concentration change with the height of the vessel, order parameter and phase transition properties.


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A new 2-D quality-guided phase-unwrapping algorithm, based on the placement of the branch cuts, is presented. Its framework consists of branch cut placing guided by an original quality map and reliability ordering performed on a final quality map. To improve the noise immunity of the new algorithm, a new quality map, which is used as the original quality map to guide the placement of the branch cuts, is proposed. After a complete description of the algorithm and the quality map, several wrapped images are used to examine the effectiveness of the algorithm. Computer simulation and experimental results make it clear that the proposed algorithm works effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise, and undersampling. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A new 2-D quality-guided phase-unwrapping algorithm, based on the placement of the branch cuts, is presented. Its framework consists of branch cut placing guided by an original quality map and reliability ordering performed on a final quality map. To improve the noise immunity of the new algorithm, a new quality map, which is used as the original quality map to guide the placement of the branch cuts, is proposed. After a complete description of the algorithm and the quality map, several wrapped images are used to examine the effectiveness of the algorithm. Computer simulation and experimental results make it clear that the proposed algorithm works effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise, and undersampling. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.