The interplay of metal-atom ordering, Fermi leveltuning and thermoelectric properties in cobalt shandites Co3M2S2 (M = Sn, In)

Autoria(s): Corps, Jack; Vaqueiro, Paz; Aziz, Alex; Grau-Crespo, Ricardo; Kockelmann, Winfried; Jumas, Jean-Claude; Powell, Anthony V.



A combination of structural, physical and computational techniques including powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, electrical and thermal transport measurements, DFT calculations and 119Sn Mössbauer and X-ray photoelec-tron spectroscopies has been applied to Co3Sn2-xInxS2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) in an effort to understand the relationship between metal-atom ordering and physical properties as the Fermi level is systematically varied. Whilst solid solution behavior is found throughout the composition region, powder neutron diffraction reveals that indium preferentially occupies an inter-layer site over an alternative kagome-like intra-layer site. DFT calculations indicate that this ordering, which leads to a lowering of energy, is related to the dif-fering bonding properties of tin and indium. Spectroscopic data suggest that throughout the composition range 0 ≤ x ≤ 2, all ele-ments adopt oxidation states that are significantly reduced from expectations based on formal charges. Chemical substitution ena-bles the electrical transport properties to be controlled through tuning of the Fermi level within a region of the density of states, which comprises narrow bands of predominantly Co d-character. This leads to a compositionally-induced double metal-to-semiconductor-to-metal transition. The marked increase in the Seebeck coefficient as the semiconducting region is approached leads to a substantial improvement in the thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT, which exhibits a maximum of ZT = 0.32 at 673 K. At 425 K, the figure of merit for phases in the region 0.8 ≤ x ≤ 0.85 is amongst the highest reported for sulphide phases, suggesting these materials may have applications in low-grade waste heat recovery.




Corps, J., Vaqueiro, P. <>, Aziz, A., Grau-Crespo, R. <>, Kockelmann, W., Jumas, J.-C. and Powell, A. V. <> (2015) The interplay of metal-atom ordering, Fermi leveltuning and thermoelectric properties in cobalt shandites Co3M2S2 (M = Sn, In). Chemistry of Materials, 27 (11). pp. 3946-3956. ISSN 1520-5002 doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00801 <>




American Chemical Society


creatorInternal Vaqueiro, Paz

creatorInternal Grau-Crespo, Ricardo

creatorInternal Powell, Anthony V.



