850 resultados para commercial of television
Although 3DTV has led the evolution of television market, its delivery by broadcast networks is still small. Now, 3DTV transmis-sions are usually done by combining both views into one common frame (side by side) to be able to use standard HDTV transmission equipment. Today, orthogonal subsampling is mostly used, but other alternatives will appear soon. Here, different subsampling schemes for both progressive and interlaced 3DTV are considered. For each possible scheme, its pre-served frequency content is analyzed and a simple interpolation filter is designed. The analysis is carried out for progressive and interlaced video and the designed filters are applied on different sequences, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the different options
The goal of my study is to investigate the relationship between selected deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ and the involvement/detachment dichotomy in a sample of television news interviews. I focus on the use of personal pronouns in political discourse. Drawing upon Caffi’s (2007) classification of mitigating devices into bushes, hedges and shields, I focus on deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’: I examine the way a selection of ‘I’-related deictic shields is employed in a collection of news interviews broadcast during the electoral campaign prior to the UK 2015 General Election. My purpose is to uncover the frequencies of each of the linguistic items selected and the pragmatic functions of those linguistic items in the involvement/detachment dichotomy. The research is structured as follows. Chapter 1 provides an account of previous studies on the three main areas of research: speech event analysis, institutional interaction and the news interview, and the UK 2015 General Election television programmes. Chapter 2 is centred on the involvement/detachment dichotomy: I provide an overview of nonlinguistic and linguistic features of involvement and detachment at all levels of sentence structure. Chapter 3 contains a detailed account of the data collection and data analysis process. Chapter 4 provides an accurate description of results in three steps: quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and discussion of the pragmatic functions of the selected linguistic features of involvement and detachment. Chapter 5 includes a brief summary of the investigation, reviews the main findings, and indicates limitations of the study and possible inputs for further research. The results of the analysis confirm that, while some of the linguistic items examined point toward involvement, others have a detaching effect. I therefore conclude that deictic shields on the pronoun ‘I’ permit the realisation of the involvement/detachment dichotomy in the speech genre of the news interview.
"Some implications of exploratory study III - Television ... for other marketing information for consumers programs": 2 leaves inserted.
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine the extent of clustering of smoking, high levels of television watching, overweight, and high blood pressure among adolescents and whether this clustering varies by socioeconomic position and Cognitive function. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional analysis of 3613 (1742 females) participants of an Australian birth cohort who were examined at age 14. Results: Three hundred fifty-three (9.8%) of the participants had co-occurrence of three or four risk factors. Risk factors clustered in these adolescents with a greater number of participants than would be predicted by assumptions of independence having no risk factors and three or four risk factors. The extent of clustering tended to be greater in those from lower-income families and among those with lower cognitive function. The age-adjusted ratio of observed to expected cooccurrence of three or four risk factors was 2.70 (95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.80-4.06) among those from low-income families and 1.70 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.16) among those from more affluent families. The ratio among those with low Raven's scores (nonverbal reasoning) was 2.36 (95% Cl, 1.69-3.30) and among those with higher scores was 1.51 (95% Cl, 1.19-1.92); similar results for the WRAT 3 score (reading ability) were 2.69 (95% Cl, 1.85-3.94) and 1.68 (95% Cl, 1.34-2.11). Clustering did not differ by sex. Conclusion: Among adolescents, coronary heart disease risk factors cluster, and there is some evidence that this clustering is greater among those from families with low income and those who have lower cognitive function.
A programação é a alma da emissora, ela dá identidade ao canal e é o verdadeiro produto da TV. A grade de programação faz parte de uma estratégia que busca atrair o máximo de audiência possível e, principalmente, mantê-la fiel. Na década de 1970, a TV Globo alcançou o primeiro lugar de audiência com um modelo de grade que, em linhas gerais, permanece até hoje, como por exemplo, o sanduíche novela-telejornal-novela. Mas como era programação televisiva antes da Globo? Quais os gêneros de programas mais comuns? O era exibido no horário nobre? Como era a programação da então líder TV Tupi? Da glamurosa TV Excelsior? Da TV Record de Paulo Machado de Carvalho? E da pequena TV Paulista que funcionava num apartamento? Nas duas primeiras décadas da TV brasileira é que surgiram as pesquisas de audiência, o videoteipe, as transmissões via satélite e o início da formação das redes. Como algumas dessas tecnologias influenciaram a programação? Por meio de uma metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa, baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica, observação de dados e em entrevistas com profissionais do setor, esta pesquisa de caráter exploratório se baseia em dois eixos estruturais: 1) Rever os principais critérios de classificação de gêneros televisivos e, com esta classificação, fazer a segunda parte do estudo: 2) Analisar as características de programação das quatro emissoras comerciais de maior audiência da TV aberta paulista, nas décadas de 1950 e 1960.
Natural History filmmaking has a long history but the generic boundaries between it and environmental and conservation filmmaking are blurred. Nature, environment and animal imagery has been a mainstay of television, campaigning organisations and conservation bodies from Greenpeace to the Sierra Club, with vibrant images being used effectively on posters, leaflets and postcards, and in coffee table books, media releases, short films and viral emails to educate and inform the general public. However, critics suggest that wildlife film and photography frequently convey a false image of the state of the world’s flora and fauna. The environmental educator David Orr once remarked that all education is environmental education, and it is possible to see all image-based communication in the same way. The Media, Animal Conservation and Environmental Education has contributions from filmmakers, photographers, researchers and academics from across the globe. It explores the various ways in which film, television and video are, and can be, used by conservationists and educators to encourage both a greater awareness of environmental and conservation issues, and practical action designed to help endangered species. This book is based on a special issue of the journal Environmental Education Research.
This article argues for acknowledging and exploring actors’ processes in critical considerations of television drama. Theatre studies boasts a tradition of research privileging the actor, including a century’s worth of actor-training manuals, academic works observing rehearsals and performances and actor accounts. However, such considerations within television studies are relatively nascent. Drawing upon continuing drama as a fertile case study for investigating the specificities of television acting, the article concludes that the only way to understand television acting is through the analysis of insights from actors themselves, in combination with the well-established practices of analysing the textual end products of television acting.
CLIL instruction has been reported to be beneficial for foreign language vocabulary learning since CLIL students show higher vocabulary profiles than students of their same age in traditional EFL contexts. However, to our knowledge, the receptive vocabulary knowledge of CLIL and non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary education has not been examined yet. Hence, this study aims at comparing the receptive vocabulary size 79 CLIL primary learners with the receptive vocabulary knowledge of 331 non-CLIL learners at the end of primary and secondary school. Sex-based differences were also analysed. The 2k Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) was used for the purposes of the study. Results revealed that learners’ receptive vocabulary sizes lie within the most frequent 1000 words, non-CLIL secondary school students throw better results than primary students but the differences between the secondary group and the CLIL group are not statistically significant. As for sex-based differences, we found no significant differences among the groups. These findings led us to believe that the CLIL approach offers a benefit for vocabulary acquisition since CLIL learners have been exposed to the foreign language for a shorter period of time and the results are quite similar to their non-CLIL secondary school partners.
The premiere of Season Two of Twin Peaks garnered some of the highest ratings of the series, with celebrated filmmaker and co-creator David Lynch stepping back into the director’s chair. Yet, within this episode many traditional television conventions are flouted, and in response the following week the ratings dropped dramatically. From its slow-paced opening scenes in which an old man admonishes the wounded, bleeding protagonist to drink his warm milk before it gets cold, followed by a vision of a giant speaking in riddles, this episode not only tested its audience’s patience but also seemed to set out to deliberately confuse them. In this essay I will explore how this episode is an example of auteur television, an episode in which the director expresses a consistency of style and theme that is similar to their other work, as well as examine how Lynch’s approach to televisual aesthetics has influenced the way that contemporary film directors have crossed over into the television medium. However, when taking into account the differences in the two media of film and television notions of authorship, with regards to the position of the director, become complicated, especially when considering contemporary television and the rise of the showrunner as key creative force. Even when looking back at Lynch’s contribution to Twin Peaks it becomes clear that the series was deeply collaborative, with Lynch absent during parts of the filming. Yet, when examining the extensive material that has been written about Twin Peaks there is still a continuing tendency to place Lynch as the sole author. The placement of Lynch as author can be argued in relation to the episodes he directed (as will be explored below in relation to the first episode of Season Two), but cannot be attributed to him alone when considering the series as a whole. Finally, I will discuss how the figure of the television auteur has become a central element of television reception rather than production, an integral part of a viewer’s search for narrative meaning in a medium where complexity and mystery are now expected and enjoyed. Just as fans scrambled to uncover the many secrets and mysteries of Twin Peaks by looking to Lynch’s other works for answers, a similar process is experienced by fans of television shows existing today.
Objective: To describe the use of nutrition and health claims in products directed at children via television in Spain and to analyse their nutrient profile. Methods: A cross-sectional study of television food advertisements over 7 days in five Spanish television channels popular among children. The products were classified as core, non-core or miscellaneous, and as either healthy or less healthy, according to the United Kingdom Nutrient Profile Model. We registered all claims contained on the product (packaging and labelling) and its advertisement. We calculated the frequency distributions of health and nutrition claims. Results: During the 420 hours of broadcasting, 169 food products were identified, 28.5% in the dairy group and 60.9% in the non-core category. A total of 53.3% of products contained nutrition claims and 26.6% contained health claims; 62.2% of the products with claims were less healthy. Low-fat dairy products were the food category containing the highest percentage of health and nutrition claims. Conclusion: Over half of all food products marketed to children via television in Spain made some type of nutrition or health claim. Most of these products were less healthy, which could mislead Spanish consumers.
A publicidade dirigida a menores integra-se nas temáticas alargadas do incitamento ao consumo excessivo e ao sobre-endividamento dos consumidores, e da responsabilidade social e jurídica dos meios de comunicação social enquanto titulares dos suportes publicitários. A investigação que sustenta o presente artigo parte da consideração das crianças e jovens como influenciadores e influenciados pela comunicação comercial, e da observação das consequências da publicidade e dos efeitos do consumo excessivo nos menores, famílias e sociedade. Sustentamos, no plano dos limites à liberdade de programação dos serviços de programas televisivos, o reforço da proteção dos públicos vulneráveis, por via da restrição da publicidade infantojuvenil nas diferentes formas de comunicação comercial audiovisual.
Vivemos uma era em que os distintos pontos geográficos do globo se tornaram mais próximos em virtude do estreitamento proporcionado pelo profundo avanço tecnológico dos meios de transporte, mas também pela evolução vertiginosa das novas tecnologias de comunicação que têm permitido fazer com que eventos ocorridos numa determinada região do planeta sejam vistos num outro ponto geográfico, com diferença de apenas algumas horas ou mesmo em tempo real. Graças a esse avanço tecnológico e ao consequente desenvolvimento do processo comercial de transmissão e receção de sinal de televisão por satélite e/ou por cabo, a par do veloz fluxo de informação, são também disponibilizados aos recetores conteúdos de entretenimento que refletem práticas culturais com características marcadamente identitárias, de outras sociedades. Considerando que determinadas condicionantes históricas e económicas do mundo não possibilitam um fluxo bidirecional dos referidos produtos televisivos e o facto de as empresas prestadoras destes serviços se dedicarem exclusivamente à venda de produtos, cujos conteúdos retratam práticas culturais de determinados países (em melhores condições de desenvolvimento económico e tecnológico) existe a possibilidade de se estar diante de um processo de difusão cultural e de aculturação de que são alvo os cidadãos dos países recetores dos referidos conteúdos. Este trabalho pretende efetuar uma análise do impacto das telenovelas brasileiras no comportamento dos luandenses, baseando-se numa pesquisa desenvolvida nos sete municípios da Província de Luanda. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam a presença de componentes culturais brasileiras em práticas sociais dos luandenses há várias gerações e mostram o papel transformador que as telenovelas brasileiras continuam a desempenhar nesta sociedade. A ausência nos canais de televisão locais de mensagens e imagens das representações endógenas favorece a apropriação de práticas culturais exógenas emitidas pelas produções brasileiras e a sua ressignificação no quotidiano local.
La psicología y la publicidad son dos disciplinas que desde hace algunos años se han venido complementando, la publicidad es la disciplina que se ha visto beneficiada con esta alianza, ya que el principal aporte que le hace la psicología a la publicidad es poder determinar aquellos factores o estrategias que generan en el consumidor; atención, asociación entre marca y producto, para luego almacenarse en la memoria y así generar una posible conducta de compra en el individuo. Los medios de comunicación cumplen un papel muy importante, ya que son los instrumentos utilizados para la transmisión de la información publicitaria, dependiendo del medio utilizado ya sea prensa, televisión o radio, las estrategias implementadas para dar a conocer la información deben ir dirigidas al campo perceptivo, que se utiliza para recibir la información y lograr una adecuada asociación y posterior almacenamiento en la memoria. La publicidad y el mercadeo hacen uso de una prueba de evaluación; top of mind, que muestra la jerarquía de recuerdo en la memoria de los individuos ante la mención de una categoría de servicio de un producto.
Nowadays in Brazil, some social organizations, governments and mass media are discussing the need to establish an oversight committee to guarantee the quality of television programmes, as well as the need to set a system to determine what kind of pro, gram is appropriate for every television time slot. Across Brazil, a representative body of children and young people have come to the conclusion that the right to receive quality television programmes is not enough. The children of the new generations think they have the right to access new technologies and the production of their own messages, in accordance with their own creativity, interests and lifestyle projects within society.
Objective: To measure the prevalence of obesity in Australian adults and to examine the associations of obesity with socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. Design: AusDiab, a cross-sectional study conducted between May 1999 and December 2000, involved participants from 42 randomly selected districts throughout Australia. Participants: Of 20 347 eligible people aged greater than or equal to 25 years who completed a household interview, 11247 attended the physical examination at local survey sites (response rate, 55%). Main outcome measures: Overweight and obesity defined by body mass index (BMI; kg/m(2)) and waist circumference (cm); sociodemographic factors (including smoking, physical activity and television viewing time). Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI greater than or equal to 25.0 kg/m(2); waist circumference greater than or equal to 80.0 cm [women] or greater than or equal to 94.0 cm [men]) in both sexes was almost 60%, defined by either BMI or waist circumference. The prevalence of obesity was 2.5 times higher than in 1980. Using waist circumference, the prevalence of obesity was higher in women than men (34.1% v 26.8%; P < 0.01). Lower educational status, higher television viewing time and lower physical activity time were each strongly associated with obesity, with television viewing time showing a stronger relationship than physical activity time. Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Strong positive associations between obesity and each of television viewing time and lower physical activity time confirm the influence of sedentary lifestyles on obesity, and underline the potential benefits of reducing sedentary behaviour, as well as increasing physical activity, to curb the obesity epidemic.