919 resultados para coated broke
The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy
The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy
High barrier materiaaleilla pyritään pidentämään pakattujen elintarvikkeiden hyllyikää. Barrierin tärkein tehtävä on elintarvikkeen suojaaminen hapelta ja kosteudelta. Alumiinin käyttöä barriermateriaalina pyritään vähentämään korvaamalla alumiini polymeereillä, jotka täyttävät elintarvikkeiden asettamat korkeat säilyvyysvaatimukset. Etyylivinyylialkoholin (EVOH) hapenläpäisevyys on kuivissa olosuhteissa alhaisin kaupallisista muovilaaduista. EVOH tarjoaa myös erinomaisen suojan muita kaasuja, rasvoja, hajuja ja aromeja vastaan ja sitä on helppo prosessoida. Polyamideilla on erinomainen kaasutiiveys sekä hyvä lujuus ja sitkeys. Eri muovilaatuja sekoittamalla voidaan vähentää hapenläpäisyä ja parantaa prosessointia. Polyolefiineja käytetään yleisesti päällystysmateriaaleina, koska ne suojaavat tuotetta erinomaisesti kosteudelta. Hapenläpäisyllä tarkoitetaan hapen kulkeutumista materiaalin läpi joko permeaation kautta tai reikien ja vuotojen läpi. Kaasun permeoitumiseen materiaalin läpi vaikuttavat materiaalin vapaa tilavuus, kiteisyysaste, orientaatio, substituointi, suhteellinen kosteus, lämpötila, barrierkerroksen paksuus, paine-ero ja permeoituvan molekyylin ominaisuudet. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoitiin ja vertailtiin kartonkipohjaisia mehutölkkejä, joissa käytettävät high barrier materiaalit olivat EVOH ja PA. Kartonkipohjaisia alumiinitölkkejä käytettiin referenssinä. Pakkausten hapenläpäisevyysmittauksissa saatiin samasta näytteestä toistettavia tuloksia, vaikka vuotomittauksissa saadut tulokset eivät olleet vertailukelpoisia hapenläpäisytulosten kanssa. Tölkkien valmistus vaikutti oleellisesti pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksiin. Hapenläpäisy vuotojen ja reikien läpi oli merkittävämpää kuin hapenläpäisy materiaalin läpi. Pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksia analysoitiin mittaamalla appelsiinimehun askorbiini-happopitoisuus. Askorbiinihapon hajoaminen mitattiin koetölkkeihin pakatusta appelsiinimehusta, ja lämpötilan, valon ja hapen vaikutusta askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen tutkittiin 12 viikon ajan. Lämpötilalla oli suurin vaikutus askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen huolimatta käytetystä pakkausmateriaalista.
Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää paperivioista aiheutuvien katkojen syyt paperikoneella ja pyrkiä löytämään ratkaisu ongelmiin erilaisia vianilmaisujärjestelmiä apuna käyttäen. Työssä analysoidaan laatuhylyn synty tuotantolinjan eri kohteissa. Lisäksi tilastoidaan häiriöseisokkisyyt ja sitä kautta pyritään painottamaan kunnossa-pidon tärkeyttä tuotantolinjan tehokkuudessa. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustutaan hyötysuhteen määritelmään ja käsitellään tuotantolinjan hyötysuhteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitetään päällystetyn hienopaperin tuoteanalyysin avulla ominaisuudet, joilla on vaikutusta ajettavuuteen ja katkoherkkyyteen on-line päällystävällä hienopaperikoneella. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitetään tuotantoaikaa vähentävien tekijöiden syyt ja mahdolli-set aiheuttajat erilaisten vikaprofiilien avulla. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoidaan myös tuotantolinjan hylyn syntyyn vaikuttavat tekijät ja pyritään minimoimaan hylyn määrä. Pohjapaperin täplät aiheuttivat reikäkatkoja ja hylyn syntymistä kalanterin aukaisujen takia. Reunaviat ja kireysheitot aiheuttivat myös runsaasti katkoja. Lukuisat häiriöseisokit aiheuttivat aikahävikkiä. Häiriöseisokkeja aiheuttivat viat mekaanisissa laitteissa, narujen vaihdot ja rullausruuhkat. Telasuojelun aiheuttamat kalanterin aukaisut olivat työn alussa suurin paperin hylkäyssyy. Telasuojelun optimoinnin ja pohjapaperin täplien määrän vähenemisen myötä telasuojeluaukaisut vähenivät. Lajinvaihdot ja katkot olivat suurimmat hylyn aiheuttajat työn loppuaikana.
Spherical carbon coated iron particles of nanometric diameter in the 5-10 nm range have been produced by arc discharge at near-atmospheric pressure conditions (using 5-8·10 4 Pa of He). The particles exhibit a crystalline dense iron core with an average diameter 7.4 ± 2.0 nm surrounded by a sealed carbon shell, shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area diffrac- tion (SAED), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (STEM-EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The SAED, EDX and EELS results indicate a lack of traces of core oxidized phases showing an efficient protection role of the carbon shell. The magnetic properties of the nanoparticles have been investigated in the 5-300 K temperature range using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The results reveal a superparamagnetic behaviour with an average monodomain diameter of 7.6 nm of the nanoparticles. The zero field cooled and field cooled (ZFC-FC)magnetization curves show a blocking temperature (TB)at room temperature very suitable for biomedical applications (drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging-MRI-, hyperthermia).
The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy
The influences of the spray-drying parameters and the type of nanoparticles (nanocapsules or nanospheres) on the characteristics of nanoparticle-coated diclofenac-loaded microparticles were investigated by using a factorial design 3². Gastrointestinal tolerance following oral administration in rats was evaluated. Formulations were selected considering the best yields, the best encapsulation efficiencies and the lowest water contents, presenting surfaces completely coated by nanostructures and a decrease in the surface areas in relation to the uncoated core. In vitro drug release demonstrated the influence of the nanoparticle-coating on the dissolution profiles of diclofenac. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles presented a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
A dissolution test for telithromycin tablets was validated and developed. In order to choose the most discriminatory one, the conditions to carry out are 900 mL of sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, paddles at 50 rpm stirring speed, time test set to 60 min and using USP apparatus 2 with paddles. The UV spectrophotometric method for determination of telithromycin released was developed and validated. The method presents linearity (r = 1) in the concentration range of 20-60 µg/mL. Precision and recoveries were good, 100.62 and 97.06%, respectively. The method was successfully used for the dissolution test of telithromycin tablets.
This work aimed the development and validation of a new dissolution test for ornidazole coated tablets. The dissolution conditions were determined after testing Sink conditions, dissolution medium, apparatus, stirring speed, 24 h stability and medium filtration influence. The best conditions were paddle at a stirring speed of 75 rpm and 900 mL of 0.1 M HCl. A new HPLC quantification method was developed and validated. The dissolution test and quantification method showed to be adequate for their purposes and could be applied for quality control of ornidazole coated tablets, since there is no official monograph.
A simple and fast approach for solid phase extraction is herein described, and used to determine trace amounts of Pb2+ and Cu2+ metal ions. The solid phase support is sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-coated γ-alumina modified with bis(2-hydroxy acetophenone)-1,6-hexanediimine (BHAH) ligand. The adsorbed ions were stripped from the solid phase by 6 mL of 4 M nitric acid as eluent. The eluting solution was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The sorption recovery of metal ions was investigated with regard to the effects of pH, amount of ligand, γ-alumina and surfactant and the amount and type of eluent. Complexation of BHAH with Pb2+ or Cu2+ ions was examined via spectrophotometry using the HypSpec program. The detection limit for Cu2+ was 7.9 µg L-1 with a relative standard deviation of 1.67%, while that for Pb2+ was 6.4 µg L-1 with a relative standard deviation of 1.64%. A preconcentration factor of 100 was achieved for these ions. The method was successfully applied to determine analyte concentrations in samples of liver, parsley, cabbage, and water.
Carbon monoxide was detected and determined by a piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor coated with nickel(II)-phthalocyanine 50 % (v/v) solution in glycerine. Studies on the effect of temperature, flow rate, and some possible interferents were carried out. Calibration curves, sensor stability (lifetime) and the precision of measurements were also verified. The resulting selectivity is probably due to the coordinative binding between the electronically unsatured metal complexes and the analyte. The analytical curve is linear in the concentration range 0.10 to 1.0 % (v/v).
The properties of the paper surface play a crucial role in ensuring suitable quality and runnability in various converting and finishing operations, such as printing. Plasma surface modification makes it possible to modify the surface chemistry of paper without altering the bulk material properties. This also makes it possible to investigate the role of the surface chemistry alone on printability without influencing the porous structure of the pigment-coated paper. Since the porous structure of a pigment coating controls both ink setting and optical properties, surface chemical changes created by a plasma modification have a potential to decouple these two effects and to permit a better optimization of them both. The aim of this work was to understand the effects of plasma surface modification on paper properties, and how it influences printability in the sheet-fed offset process. The objective was to broaden the fundamental understanding of the role of surface chemistry on offset printing. The effects of changing the hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity and the surface chemical composition by plasma activation and plasma coatings on the properties of coated paper and on ink-paper interactions as well as on sheet-fed offset print quality were investigated. In addition, the durability of the plasma surface modification was studied. Nowadays, a typical sheet-fed offset press also contains units for surface finishing, for example UVvarnishing. The role of the surface chemistry on the UV-varnish absorption into highly permeable and porous pigment-coated paper was also investigated. With plasma activation it was possible to increase the surface energy and hydrophilicity of paper. Both polar and dispersion interactions were found to increase, although the change was greater in the polar interactions due to induced oxygen molecular groups. The results indicated that plasma activation takes place particularly in high molecular weight components such as the dispersion chemicals used to stabilize the pigment and latex particles. Surface composition, such as pigment and binder type, was found to influence the response to the plasma activation. The general trend was that pilot-scale treatment modified the surface chemistry without altering the physical coating structure, whereas excessive laboratory-scale treatment increased the surface roughness and reduced the surface strength, which led to micro-picking in printing. It was shown that pilot-scale plasma activation in combination with appropriate ink oils makes it possible to adjust the ink-setting rate. The ink-setting rate decreased with linseed-oil-based inks, probably due to increased acid-base interactions between the polar groups in the oil and the plasma-treated paper surface. With mineral-oil-based inks, the ink setting accelerated due to plasma activation. Hydrophobic plasma coatings were able to reduce or even prevent the absorption of dampening water into pigmentcoated paper, even when the dampening water was applied under the influence of nip pressure. A uniform hydrophobic plasma coating with sufficient chemical affinity with ink gave an improved print quality in terms of higher print density and lower print mottle. It was also shown that a fluorocarbon plasma coating reduced the free wetting of the UV-varnish into the highly permeable and porous pigment coating. However, when the UV-varnish was applied under the influence of nip pressure, which leads to forced wetting, the role of the surface chemical composition seems to be much less. A decay in surface energy and wettability occurred during the first weeks of storage after plasma activation, after which it leveled off. However, the oxygen/carbon elemental ratio did not decrease as a function of time, indicating that ageing could be caused by a re-orientation of polar groups or by a contamination of the surface. The plasma coatings appeared to be more stable when the hydrophobicity was higher, probably due to fewer interactions with oxygen and water vapor in the air.
In many industrial applications, such as the printing and coatings industry, wetting of porous materials by liquids includes not only imbibition and permeation into the bulk but also surface spreading and evaporation. By understanding these phenomena, valuable information can be obtained for improved process control, runnability and printability, in which liquid penetration and subsequent drying play important quality and economic roles. Knowledge of the position of the wetting front and the distribution/degree of pore filling within the structure is crucial in describing the transport phenomena involved. Although exemplifying paper as a porous medium in this work, the generalisation to dynamic liquid transfer onto a surface, including permeation and imbibition into porous media, is of importance to many industrial and naturally occurring environmental processes. This thesis explains the phenomena in the field of heatset web offset printing but the content and the analyses are applicable in many other printing methods and also other technologies where water/moisture monitoring is crucial in order to have a stable process and achieve high quality end products. The use of near-infrared technology to study the water and moisture response of porous pigmented structures is presented. The use of sensitive surface chemical and structural analysis, as well as the internal structure investigation of a porous structure, to inspect liquid wetting and distribution, complements the information obtained by spectroscopic techniques. Strong emphasis has been put on the scale of measurement, to filter irrelevant information and to understand the relationship between interactions involved. The near-infrared spectroscopic technique, presented here, samples directly the changes in signal absorbance and its variation in the process at multiple locations in a print production line. The in-line non-contact measurements are facilitated by using several diffuse reflectance probes, giving the absolute water/moisture content from a defined position in the dynamic process in real-time. The nearinfrared measurement data illustrate the changes in moisture content as the paper is passing through the printing nips and dryer, respectively, and the analysis of the mechanisms involved highlight the roles of the contacting surfaces and the relative liquid carrier properties of both non-image and printed image areas. The thesis includes laboratory studies on wetting of porous media in the form of coated paper and compressed pigment tablets by mono-, dual-, and multi-component liquids, and paper water/moisture content analysis in both offline and online conditions, thus also enabling direct sampling of temporal water/moisture profiles from multiple locations. One main focus in this thesis was to establish a measurement system which is able to monitor rapid changes in moisture content of paper. The study suggests that near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can be used as a moisture sensitive system and to provide accurate online qualitative indicators, but, also, when accurately calibrated, can provide quantification of water/moisture levels, its distribution and dynamic liquid transfer. Due to the high sensitivity, samples can be measured with excellent reproducibility and good signal to noise ratio. Another focus of this thesis was on the evolution of the moisture content, i.e. changes in moisture content referred to (re)wetting, and liquid distribution during printing of coated paper. The study confirmed different wetting phases together with the factors affecting each phase both for a single droplet and a liquid film applied on a porous substrate. For a single droplet, initial capillary driven imbibition is followed by equilibrium pore filling and liquid retreat by evaporation. In the case of a liquid film applied on paper, the controlling factors defining the transportation were concluded to be the applied liquid volume in relation to surface roughness, capillarity and permeability of the coating giving the liquid uptake capacity. The printing trials confirmed moisture gradients in the printed sheet depending on process parameters such as speed, fountain solution dosage and drying conditions as well as the printed layout itself. Uneven moisture distribution in the printed sheet was identified to be one of the sources for waving appearance and the magnitude of waving was influenced by the drying conditions.