981 resultados para classical over barrier model(COBM)


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We investigate the sensitivity of the heavy ion mode of the LHC to Higgs boson and Radion production via photon-photon fusion through the analysis of the processes gammagamma --> gammagamma, gammagamma --> b (b) over bar, and gammagamma --> gg in peripheral heavy ion collisions. We suggest cuts to improve the Higgs and Radion signal over standard model background ratio and determine the capability of LHC to detect these particles production. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We investigate the sensitivity of the heavy ion mode of the LHC to Higgs boson and Radion production via photon-photon fusion through the analysis of the processes gg -> gg, gg ->, and gg ® ggin peripheral heavy ion collisions. We suggest cuts to improve the Higgs and Radion signal over standard model background ratio and determine the capability of LHC to detect these particles production.


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Understanding the microscopic origin of the dielectric properties of disordered materials has been a challenge for many years, especially in the case of samples with more than one phase. For polar dielectrics, for instance, the Lepienski approach has indicated that the random free energy barrier model of Dyre must be extended. Here we analyse the dielectric properties of a polymer blend made up with the semiconducting poly(o-methoxyaniline) and poly( vinylidene fluoride-trifluorethylene) POMA/P(VDF-TrFE), and of a hybrid composite of POMA/P(VDF-TrFE)/Zn2SiO4:Mn. For the blend, the Lepienski model, which takes into account the rotation or stretching of electric dipoles, provided excellent fitting to the ac impedance data. Because two phases had to be assumed for the hybrid composite, we had to extend the Lepienski model to fit the data, by incorporating a second transport mechanism. The two mechanisms were associated with the electronic transport in the polymeric matrix and with transport at the interfaces between Zn2SiO4: Mn microparticles and the polymeric matrix, with the relative importance of the interfacial component increasing with the percentage of Zn2SiO4: Mn in the composite. The analysis of impedance data at various temperatures led to a prediction of the theoretical model of a change in morphology at 190 +/- 40 K, and this was confirmed experimentally with a differential scanning calorimetry experiment.


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The alternating conductivity, sigma*(f) = sigma'(f) + i sigma ''(f), of in situ polymerized polyaniline thin films doped with hydrochloric acid, deposited on top of an interdigitated gold line array previously deposited on glass substrates, were measured in the frequency (f) range between 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz and in the temperature range from 100 to 430 K. The results for sigma'(f) are typical of a disordered solid material: for frequencies lower than a certain hopping frequency gamma(hop), log[sigma'(f)] is frequency-independent rising almost linearly for in logf > gamma(hop). A master curve was thus obtained by plotting the real component of the conductivity using normalized scales sigma'(f)/sigma(dc) and f/gamma(hop) which is indicative of a single process operating in the whole frequency range. An expression encompassing the conduction through a disordered structure taken from previous random free energy barrier model for hopping carriers, as well a dielectric function to represent the capacitive behavior of the PAni was employed to fit the experimental results. The dielectric constant and activation energy for hopping carriers were obtained as function of the polymer doping level. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ta2O5 doped SnO2 varistor systems containing 0.5 mol% ZnO and 0.5 mol% Coo were prepared by mixed oxide method. Considering that ZnO and Coo oxides are densification additives only the SnO(2)center dot ZnO center dot CoO ceramics cannot exhibit electrical nonlinearity. A small amount of Ta2O5 improves the nonlinear properties of the samples greatly. The height and width of the defect barriers were calculated. It was found that samples doped with 0.05 mol% Ta2O5 exhibit the highest density (98.5%), the lowest electric breakdown field (E-b = 1100 V/cm) and the highest coefficient of nonlinearity (alpha = 11.5). The effect of Ta2O5 dopant could be explained by the substitution of Ta5+ by Sn4+. A grain-boundary defect barrier model for the SnO(2)center dot ZnO center dot CoO center dot Ta2O5 varistor system was also introduced. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The effect of seed addition on the microstructure and non-ohmic properties of the SnO2 + 1%CoO + 0.05%Nb2O5 ceramic-based system was analyzed. Two classes of seeds were prepared: 99% SnO2 + 1%CuO and 99% SnO2 + 1%CoO (mol%); both classes were added to the ceramic-based system in the amount of 1%, 5%, and 10%. The two systems containing 1% of seeds resulted in a larger grain size and a lower breakdown voltage. The addition of 1% copper seeds produces a breakdown voltage (V b) of ∼ 37 V and a leakage current (fic) of 29 μA. On the other hand, the addition of 1% cobalt seeds produced a breakdown voltage of 57 V and a leakage current of 70 μA. Both systems are of great technological interest for low voltage varistor applications, by means of appropriate strategies to reduce the leakage current. Using larger amounts of seeds was not effective since the values of breakdown voltage in both cases are close to a system without seeds. To our knowledge, there are no reports in the literature regarding the use of seeds in the SnO2 system for low voltage applications. A potential barrier model which illustrates the formation of oxygen species (O′2(ads), O′ads, and O″ads) at the expense of clusters near the interface between grains is proposed. © 2012 The American Ceramic Society.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nas últimas décadas, a prospecção por métodos eletromagnéticos vem-se constituindo numa técnica eficiente para prospecção mineral. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um equipamento para prospecção eletromagnética quantitativa de corpos condutores, através do método dipolo-dipolo, podendo ainda ser usado em modelos reduzidos. Eletricamente, o sistema mede grandezas relacionadas ao acoplamento indutivo entre duas bobinas: transmissora e receptora. Elas são dispostas na superfície da terra, afastadas entre si, e a terra, desse modo, constitui o núcleo acoplador. Quando existem corpos condutores nas proximidades, estes são denunciados por alterações no comportamento do sinal induzido na bobina receptora. O equipamento compreende dois conjuntos: o transmissor e o receptor, além de acessórios. O transmissor gera um campo eletromagnético nas freqüências de 520 e 3.090 Hz, e um sinal de referência para o receptor, o qual é enviado através de um cabo. O receptor, inicialmente, separa o sinal induzido pelos campos secundários gerados por condutores, do campo normalmente recebido, quando a condutividade da subsuperfície é relativamente uniforme (campo primário). Em seguida, decompõe esse sinal em duas componentes ortogonais, uma em fase, e outra em quadratura com o campo primário. Através de duas escalas de precisão, as amplitudes dessas componentes são mostradas como percentagens do campo primário, com precisão de 1%. A sensibilidade do receptor é de 0,5 μV. O circuito eletrônico foi rigorosamente testado com preciso instrumental de laboratório. Em seguida, testou-se sua aplicação no Laboratório de Modelo Reduzido Eletromagnético do NCGG, refazendo-se experiências clássicas, encontradas na literatura especializada. No campo, foi experimentado próximo da cidade de Araci no Estado da Bahia, em áreas prospectadas pela "Rio Doce Geologia e Mineração S/A-DOCEGEO". Em ambos os casos, verificaram-se bons resultados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The friction phenomena is present in mechanical systems with two surfaces that are in contact, which can cause serious damage to structures. Your understanding in many dynamic problems became the target of research due to its nonlinear behavior. It is necessary to know and thoroughly study each existing friction model found in the literature and nonlinear methods to define what will be the most appropriate to the problem in question. One of the most famous friction model is the Coulomb Friction, which is considered in the studied problems in the French research center Laboratoire de Mécanique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés (LMSSC), where this search began. Regarding the resolution methods, the Harmonic Balance Method is generally used. To expand the knowledge about the friction models and the nonlinear methods, a study was carried out to identify and study potential methodologies that can be applied in the existing research lines in LMSSC and then obtain better final results. The identified friction models are divided into static and dynamic. Static models can be Classical Models, Karnopp Model and Armstrong Model. The dynamic models are Dahl Model, Bliman and Sorine Model and LuGre Model. Concerning about nonlinear methods, we study the Temporal Methods and Approximate Methods. The friction models analyzed with the help of Matlab software are verified from studies in the literature demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed programming


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ZusammenfassungDie Resonanzionisationsmassenspektrometrie (RIMS) verbindet hohe Elementselektivität mit guter Nachweiseffizienz. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaften ist die Methode für Ultraspurenanalyse und Untersuchungen an seltenen oder schwer handhabbaren Elementen gut geeignet. Für RIMS werden neutrale Atome mit monochromatischem Laserlicht ein- oder mehrfach resonant auf energetisch hoch liegende Niveaus angeregt und anschließend durch einen weiteren Laserstrahl oder durch ein elektrisches Feld ionisiert. Die Photoionen werden in einem Massenspektrometer massenselektiv registriert.Ein Beispiel für die Anwendung von RIMS ist die präzise Bestimmung der Ionisationsenergie als fundamentale physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaft eines bestimmten Elements; insbesondere bei den Actinoiden ist die Kenntnis der Ionisationsenergie von Interesse, da es dort bis zur Anwendung der laser-massenspektroskopischer Methode nur wenige experimentelle Daten gab. Die Bestimmung der Ionisationsenergie erfolgt durch die Methode der Photoionisation im elektrischen Feld gemäß dem klassischen Sattelpunktsmodell. Im Experiment werden neutrale Atome in einem Atomstrahl mittels Laserlicht zunächst resonant angeregt. Die angeregten Atome befinden sich in einem äußeren, statischen elektrischen Feld und werden durch einen weiteren Laserstrahl, dessen Wellenlänge durchgestimmt wird, ionisiert. Das Überschreiten der Laserschwelle macht sich durch einen starken Anstieg im Ionensignal bemerkbar. Man führt diese Messung bei verschiedenen elektrischen Feldstärken durch und erhält bei Auftragen der Ionisationsschwellen gegen die Wurzel der elektrischen Feldstärke durch Extrapolation auf die Feldstärke Null die Ionisationsenergie.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Ionisationsenergie von Actinium erstmalig zu 43398(3) cm-1 º 5,3807(4) eV experimentell bestimmt. Dazu wurden Actiniumatome zunächst einstufig resonant mit einem Laser mit einer Wellenlänge von 388,67 nm auf einen Zustand bei 25729,03 cm-1 angeregt und anschließend mit Laserlicht mit einer Wellenlänge von ca. 568 nm ionisiert. Damit sind die Ionisationsenergien aller Actinoiden bis einschließlich Einsteinium mit Ausnahme von Protactinium bekannt. Als Atomstrahlquelle wird ein spezielles 'Sandwichfilament' benutzt, bei dem das Actinoid als Hydroxid auf eine Tantalfolie aufgebracht und mit einer reduzierenden Deckschicht überzogen wird. Das Actinoid dampft bei Heizen dieser Anordnung atomar ab. Bei den schwereren Actinoiden wurde Titan als Deckschicht verwendet. Um einen Actiniumatomstrahl zu erzeugen, wurde aufgrund der hohen Abdampftemperaturen statt Titan erstmals Zirkonium eingesetzt. Bei Protactinium wurde Thorium, welches noch stärkere Reduktionseigenschaften aufweist, als Deckmaterial eingesetzt. Trotzdem gelang es mit der 'Sandwichtechnik' nicht, einen Protactiniumatomstrahl zu erzeugen. In der Flugzeitapparatur wurde lediglich ein Protactinium-monoxidionensignal detektiert. Um ein erst seit kurzem verfügbares Fest-körperlasersystem zu explorieren, wurden zusätzlich noch die bekannten Ionisations-ener-gien von Gadolinium und Plutonium erneut bestimmt. Die gemessenen Werte stimmen mit Literaturdaten gut überein.Ferner wurde noch ein bestehender Trennungsgang für Plutonium aus Umweltproben auf die Matrices Meerwasser und Hausstaub angepasst und für die Bestimmung von Plutonium und dessen Isotopenzusammensetzung in verschiedenen Probenreihen mittels RIMS eingesetzt. Der modifizierte Trennungsgang ermöglicht das schnelle Aufarbeiten von großen Probenmengen für Reihenuntersuchungen von Plutoniumkontaminationen. Die ermittelten Gehalten an 239Pu lagen zwischen 8,2*107 Atome pro 10 l Meerwasserprobe und 1,7*109Atome pro Gramm Staubprobe.