75 resultados para centrifuge
We report here our efforts to measure the crawling force generated by cells undergoing amoeboid locomotion. In a centrifuge microscope, acceleration was increased until amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum were “stalled” or no longer able to “climb up.” The “apparent weight” of the amoebae at stalling rpm in myosin mutants depended on the presence of myosin II (but not myosins IA and IB) and paralleled the cortical strength of the cells. Surprisingly, however, the cell stalled not only in low-density media as expected but also in media with densities greater than the cell density where the buoyant force should push the amoeba upward. We find that the leading pseudopod is bent under centrifugal force in all stalled amoebae, suggesting that this pseudopod is very dense indeed. This finding also suggests that directional cell locomotion against resistive forces requires a turgid forward-pointing pseudopod, most likely sustained by cortical actomyosin II.
Apesar de ser considerado um combustível sustentável, o etanol, produzido a partir da cana de açúcar, deixa um passivo de grandes proporções durante seu processo produtivo, a vinhaça, que vem sendo depositada nas próprias lavouras de cana de açúcar. É gerada na proporção de 12 litros para cada litro de etanol produzido em média, sendo rica em diversos nutrientes, os quais podem ser aproveitados para diversos fins como, por exemplo, meio de cultivo para microalgas. A presente pesquisa avaliou em uma primeira etapa a clarificação da vinhaça por um processo de coagulação com auxílio de um polímero catiônico, seguida de uma etapa de microfiltração tangencial em filtro de fibras ocas, o que permitiu uma redução superior a 77% para a cor aparente, de 99% para a turbidez e de 20% para a DQO, facilitando a utilização deste efluente para o cultivo de microalgas. Numa segunda etapa, foi avaliado o cultivo da microalga Chlorella vulgaris, em escala de bancada e operação em batelada, em meio preparado a partir da diluição da vinhaça em água de poço profundo, obtendo um aumento na biomassa produzida, determinado em termos de clorofila-a, em concentrações de vinhaça inferiores a 7,5% utilizando inóculo da ordem de 106 indivíduos. Tais dados permitiram a realização de ensaios de cultivo em escala contínua, com fotobiorreatores em escala piloto, gerando assim a biomassa utilizada nas próximas fases do estudo, que avaliaram a separação da biomassa gerada pelo processo de flotação por ar dissolvido. Os ensaios inicialmente realizados em escala de bancada e operados em batelada permitiram identificar as condições ótimas de operação, as quais foram então avaliadas em um flotador operando em fluxo contínuo. Tal flotador permitiu a obtenção de um lodo com teor de sólidos superior a 2%, o qual foi submetido à um processo final de desaguamento por centrifugação. Os ensaios de desaguamento, permitiram verificar que a utilização do mesmo polímero utilizado na etapa de clarificação permite a obtenção de um lodo mais estável, quando comparado com a não utilização de produto químico, na dosagem de polímero catiônico de 6 g.kg-1. A conclusão deste trabalho permitiu verificar a possibilidade de utilização da vinhaça como meio de cultivo de microalgas, reduzindo assim um dos impactos causados pela produção de etanol. Além disso foi possível verificar o potencial da FAD, para o espessamento de biomassa produzido em fotobiorreatores.
We have developed sampling methods and an analytical system to determine the concentration of dissolved organic C (DOC) in marine pore waters. Our analytical approach is a modification of recently developed high-temperature, Pt-catalyzed oxidation methods; it uses Chromatographic trapping of the DOC-derived CO2 followed by reduction to CH4 and flame ionization detection. Sampling experiments with nearshore sediments indicate that pore-water separation by whole-core squeezing causes artificially elevated DOC concentrations, while pore-water recovery by sectioning and centrifugation does not appear to introduce DOC artifacts. Results from a set of northwestern Atlantic continental slope cores suggest that net DOC production accounts for >50% of the organic C that is recycled at the sediment-water interface.
The moisture content of the coarse coking coal product from the centrifuges of preparation plants was investigated to evaluate the contribution of three types of water: that held internally in pores, that in fillets at points of contacts between the particles, and the moisture covering the surface. A standardised laboratory centrifuge test was used to measure the total non-centrifugable moisture (NCM) content and also the quantity held in internal pores, called NCMi. The fillet moisture NCMf was estimated by means of a formulation which relies on experimentally measured holdup volumes, supplemented by a physical model. The surface moisture NCMs could then be derived by difference. The NCMf, which depends on the body force, the particle size and the surface tension and contact angle of the liquid, ranges from effectively zero for large particles to 10% for fines. The surface moisture NCMs is of the order of 0.5% for high rank coals and increases to 4.5% for lower rank coals. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The focus of this research was defined by a poorly characterised filtration train employed to clarify culture broth containing monoclonal antibodies secreted by GS-NSO cells: the filtration train blinded unpredictably and the ability of the positively charged filters to adsorb DNA from process material was unknown. To direct the development of an assay to quantify the ability of depth filters to adsorb DNA, the molecular weight of DNA from a large-scale, fed-batch, mammalian cell culture vessel was evaluated as process material passed through the initial stages of the purification scheme. High molecular weight DNA was substantially cleared from the broth after passage through a disc stack centrifuge and the remaining low molecular weight DNA was largely unaffected by passage through a series of depth filters and a sterilising grade membrane. Removal of high molecular weight DNA was shown to be coupled with clarification of the process stream. The DNA from cell culture supernatant showed a pattern of internucleosomal cleavage of chromatin when fractionated by electrophoresis but the presence of both necrotic and apoptotic cells throughout the fermentation meant that the origin of the fragmented DNA could not be unequivocally determined. An intercalating fluorochrome, PicoGreen, was elected for development of a suitable DNA assay because of its ability to respond to low molecular weight DNA. It was assessed for its ability to determine the concentration of DNA in clarified mammalian cell culture broths containing pertinent monoclonal antibodies. Fluorescent signal suppression was ameliorated by sample dilution or by performing the assay above the pI of secreted IgG. The source of fluorescence in clarified culture broth was validated by incubation with RNase A and DNase I. At least 89.0 % of fluorescence was attributable to nucleic acid and pre-digestion with RNase A was shown to be a requirement for successful quantification of DNA in such samples. Application of the fluorescence based assay resulted in characterisation of the physical parameters governing adsorption of DNA by various positively charged depth filters and membranes in test solutions and the DNA adsorption profile of the manufacturing scale filtration train. Buffers that reduced or neutralised the depth filter or membrane charge, and those that impeded hydrophobic interactions were shown to affect their operational capacity, demonstrating that DNA was adsorbed by a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Production-scale centrifugation of harvest broth containing therapeutic protein resulted in the reduction of total DNA in the process stream from 79.8 μg m1-1 to 9.3 μg m1-1 whereas the concentration of DNA in the supernatant of pre-and post-filtration samples had only marginally reduced DNA content: from 6.3 to 6.0 μg m1-1 respectively. Hence the filtration train was shown to ineffective in DNA removal. Historically, blinding of the depth filters had been unpredictable with data such as numbers of viable cells, non-viable cells, product titre, or process shape (batch, fed-batch, or draw and fill) failing to inform on the durability of depth filters in the harvest step. To investigate this, key fouling contaminants were identified by challenging depth filters with the same mass of one of the following: viable healthy cells, cells that had died by the process of apoptosis, and cells that had died through the process of necrosis. The pressure increase across a Cuno Zeta Plus 10SP depth filter was 2.8 and 16.5 times more sensitive to debris from apoptotic and necrotic cells respectively, when compared to viable cells. The condition of DNA released into the culture broth was assessed. Necrotic cells released predominantly high molecular weight DNA in contrast to apoptotic cells which released chiefly low molecular weight DNA. The blinding of the filters was found to be largely unaffected by variations in the particle size distribution of material in, and viscosity of, solutions with which they were challenged. The exceptional response of the depth filters to necrotic cells may suggest the cause of previously noted unpredictable filter blinding whereby a number of necrotic cells have a more significant impact on the life of a depth filter than a similar number of viable or apoptotic cells. In a final set of experiments the pressure drop caused by non-viable necrotic culture broths which had been treated with DNase I or benzonase was found to be smaller when compared to untreated broths: the abilities of the enzyme treated cultures to foul the depth filter were reduced by 70.4% and 75.4% respectively indicating the importance of DNA in the blinding of the depth filter studied.
Two key issues defined the focus of this research in manufacturing plasmid DNA for use In human gene therapy. First, the processing of E.coli bacterial cells to effect the separation of therapeutic plasmid DNA from cellular debris and adventitious material. Second, the affinity purification of the plasmid DNA in a Simple one-stage process. The need arises when considering the concerns that have been recently voiced by the FDA concerning the scalability and reproducibility of the current manufacturing processes in meeting the quality criteria of purity, potency, efficacy, and safety for a recombinant drug substance for use in humans. To develop a preliminary purification procedure, an EFD cross-flow micro-filtration module was assessed for its ability to effect the 20-fold concentration, 6-time diafiltration, and final clarification of the plasmid DNA from the subsequent cell lysate that is derived from a 1 liter E.coli bacterial cell culture. Historically, the employment of cross-flow filtration modules within procedures for harvesting cells from bacterial cultures have failed to reach the required standards dictated by existing continuous centrifuge technologies, frequently resulting in the rapid blinding of the membrane with bacterial cells that substantially reduces the permeate flux. By challenging the EFD module, containing six helical wound tubular membranes promoting centrifugal instabilities known as Dean vortices, with distilled water between the Dean number's of 187Dn and 818Dn,and the transmembrane pressures (TMP) of 0 to 5 psi. The data demonstrated that the fluid dynamics significantly influenced the permeation rate, displaying a maximum at 227Dn (312 Imh) and minimum at 818Dn (130 Imh) for a transmembrane pressure of 1 psi. Numerical studies indicated that the initial increase and subsequent decrease resulted from a competition between the centrifugal and viscous forces that create the Dean vortices. At Dean numbers between 187Dn and 227Dn , the forces combine constructively to increase the apparent strength and influence of the Dean vortices. However, as the Dean number in increases above 227 On the centrifugal force dominates the viscous forces, compressing the Dean vortices into the membrane walls and reducing their influence on the radial transmembrane pressure i.e. the permeate flux reduced. When investigating the action of the Dean vortices in controlling tile fouling rate of E.coli bacterial cells, it was demonstrated that the optimum cross-flow rate at which to effect the concentration of a bacterial cell culture was 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, processing in excess of 400 Imh for 20 minutes (i.e., concentrating a 1L culture to 50 ml in 10 minutes at an average of 450 Imh). The data demonstrated that there was a conflict between the Dean number at which the shear rate could control the cell fouling, and the Dean number at which tile optimum flux enhancement was found. Hence, the internal geometry of the EFD module was shown to sub-optimal for this application. At 579Dn and 3 psi TMP, the 6-fold diafiltration was shown to occupy 3.6 minutes of process time, processing at an average flux of 400 Imh. Again, at 579Dn and 3 psi TMP the clarification of the plasmid from tile resulting freeze-thaw cell lysate was achieved at 120 Iml1, passing 83% (2,5 mg) of the plasmid DNA (6,3 ng μ-1 10.8 mg of genomic DNA (∼23,00 Obp, 36 ng μ-1 ), and 7.2 mg of cellular proteins (5-100 kDa, 21.4 ngμ-1 ) into the post-EFD process stream. Hence the EFD module was shown to be effective, achieving the desired objectives in approximately 25 minutes. On the basis of its ability to intercalate into low molecular weight dsDNA present in dilute cell lysates, and be electrophoresed through agarose, the fluorophore PicoGreen was selected for the development of a suitable dsDNA assay. It was assesseel for its accuracy, and reliability, In determining the concentration and identity of DNA present in samples that were eleclrophoresed through agarose gels. The signal emitted by intercalated PicoGreen was shown to be constant and linear, and that the mobility of the PicaGreen-DNA complex was not affected by the intercalation. Concerning the secondary purification procedure, various anion-exchange membranes were assessed for their ability to capture plasmid DNA from the post-EFD process stream. For a commercially available Sartorius Sartobind Q15 membrane, the reduction in the equilibriumbinding capacity for ctDNA in buffer of increasing ionic demonstrated that DNA was being.adsorbed by electrostatic interactions only. However, the problems associated with fluid distribution across the membrane demonstrated that the membrane housing was the predominant cause of the .erratic breakthrough curves. Consequently, this would need to be rectified before such a membrane could be integrated into the current system, or indeed be scaled beyond laboratory scale. However, when challenged with the process material, the data showed that considerable quantities of protein (1150 μg) were adsorbed preferentially to the plasmid DNA (44 μg). This was also shown for derived Pall Gelman UltraBind US450 membranes that had been functionalised by varying molecular weight poly-L~lysine and polyethyleneimine ligands. Hence the anion-exchange membranes were shown to be ineffective in capturing plasmid DNA from the process stream. Finally, work was performed to integrate a sequence-specific DNA·binding protein into a single-stage DNA chromatography, isolating plasmid DNA from E.coli cells whilst minimising the contamination from genomic DNA and cellular protein. Preliminary work demonstrated that the fusion protein was capable of isolating pUC19 DNA into which the recognition sequence for the fusion-protein had been inserted (pTS DNA) when in the presence of the conditioned process material. Althougth the pTS recognition sequence differs from native pUC19 sequences by only 2 bp, the fusion protein was shown to act as a highly selective affinity ligand for pTS DNA alone. Subsequently, the scale of the process was scaled 25-fold and positioned directly following the EFD system. In conclusion, the integration of the EFD micro-filtration system and zinc-finger affinity purification technique resulted in the capture of approximately 1 mg of plasmid DNA was purified from 1L of E.coli culture in a simple two stage process, resulting in the complete removal of genomic DNA and 96.7% of cellular protein in less than 1 hour of process time.
The aims of this work have been to identify an enzymatic reaction system suitable to investigate and develop the high-speed centrifuge as a novel reaction system for performing such reactions. The production of galacto-oligosaccharides by the trans-galactosyl activity of the enzyme β-galactosidase on lactose monohydrate was identified as a model enzymatic system to elucidate the principles of this type of process. Galacto-oligosaccharides have attracted considerable commercial interest as food additives which have been shown to be beneficial to the health of the human gastrointestinal tract. The development of a single unit operation capable of controlling the biosynthesis of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst simultaneously separating the enzyme from the reaction products would reduce downstream processing costs. This thesis shows for the first time that by using a combination of (a) immobilised or insolubilised β-galactosidase , (b) a rate-zonal centrifugation technique, and (c) various applied centrifugal fields, that a high-speed centrifuge could be used to control the formation of galacto-oligosaccharides whilst removing the enzyme from the reaction products. By layering a suspension of insolubilised β-galactosidase on top of a lactose monohydrate density gradient and centrifuging, the applied centrifugal fields generated produced sedimentation of the enzyme particles through the substrate. The higher sedimentation rate of the enzyme compared to those of the reaction products allowed for separation to take place. Complete sedimentation, or pelleting of the enzyme permits the possible recovery and re-use. Insolubilisation of the enzyme allowed it to be sedimented through the substrate gradient using much lower applied centrifugal fields than that required to sediment free soluble enzyme and this allowed for less expensive centrifugation equipment to be used. Using free soluble and insolubilised β-galactosidase stirred-batch reactions were performed to investigate the kinetics of lactose monohydrate hydrolysis and galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Based on these results a preliminary mathematical model based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics was produced. It was found that the enzyme insolubilisation process using a chemical cross-linking agent did not affect the process of galacto-oligosaccharide formation. Centrifugation experiments were performed and it was found that by varying the applied centrifugal fields that the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides could be controlled. The higher the applied centrifugal fields the lower the yield of galacto-oligosaccharides. By increasing the applied centrifugal fields the 'contact time' between the sedimenting enzyme and the substrate was reduced, which produced lower yields. A novel technique involving pulsing the insolubilised enzyme through the substrate gradient was developed and this was found to produce higher yields of galacto-oligosaccharide compared to using a single enzyme loading equivalent to the total combined activity of the pulses. Comparison of the galacto-oligosaccharide yields between stirred-batch and centrifugation reactions showed that the applied centrifugal fields did not adversely affect the transgalactosyl activity of the insolubilised enzyme.
Submarine slope stability has become an important concern and a subject of research with increasing demand for offshore developments and technological advancement for harsh and challenging environments. The consequences of submarine slope failure adjacent to oil and gas facilities would have a large financial, safety and regulatory impact. This current research work investigates potential failure of submarine gassy slopes triggered by tidal variations. Due to tidal variations, failure of an unsaturated slope may occur under specific combinations of increasing degree of saturation and soil permeability, and decreasing tidal period. Novel physical model tests in a geotechnical centrifuge were undertaken to examine submarine slope failure mechanisms containing gassy sediments. The model preparation techniques, measurement systems and results are presented. The response observed in the model test is discussed and further developments proposed. The buried PPT’s response of the submarine slope are comparable in terms of attenuation and phase lag with Nagaswaran (1983) and with field measurements of Atigh and Byrne (2004) in terms of phase lag.
En la actualidad casi la totalidad de los reactores nucleares necesitan, como combustible, uranio con una concentración de U"235 mayores a las naturales. En un marco de autoabastecimiento se impone la necesidad de dominar la tecnología necesaria para enriquecer uranio, siendo las centrifugas el método usado industrialmente hoy en día. Esta tecnología, por cuestiones de proliferación, es considerada sensitiva y en consecuencia la información sobre la misma se encuentra fuertemente limitada. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo simplificado para diseñar y evaluar conceptualmente diseños mecánicos de rotores, proponiendo como figura de merito el trabajo separativo para centrifugas de gas. Con el mismo se pudo, evaluando distintos materiales para el rotor, encontrar radios y alturas óptimos para la capacidad separativa por unidad de masa para cada uno de ellos. Se evaluaron los parámetros que definen la recirculación interna del flujo dentro del rotor y los parámetros de diseño mecánico. Al comparar los resultados con los disponibles en bibliografía se vio que presentan buena concordancia mecánica.
En la actualidad casi la totalidad de los reactores nucleares necesitan, como combustible, uranio con una concentración de U"235 mayores a las naturales. En un marco de autoabastecimiento se impone la necesidad de dominar la tecnología necesaria para enriquecer uranio, siendo las centrifugas el método usado industrialmente hoy en día. Esta tecnología, por cuestiones de proliferación, es considerada sensitiva y en consecuencia la información sobre la misma se encuentra fuertemente limitada. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo simplificado para diseñar y evaluar conceptualmente diseños mecánicos de rotores, proponiendo como figura de merito el trabajo separativo para centrifugas de gas. Con el mismo se pudo, evaluando distintos materiales para el rotor, encontrar radios y alturas óptimos para la capacidad separativa por unidad de masa para cada uno de ellos. Se evaluaron los parámetros que definen la recirculación interna del flujo dentro del rotor y los parámetros de diseño mecánico. Al comparar los resultados con los disponibles en bibliografía se vio que presentan buena concordancia mecánica.
Design of geotechnical systems is often challenging as it requires the understanding of complex soil behaviour and its influence on field-scale performance of geo-structures. To advance the scientific knowledge and the technological development in geotechnical engineering, a Scottish academic community, named Scottish Universities Geotechnics Network (SUGN), was established in 2001, composing of eight higher education institutions. The network gathers geotechnics researchers, including experimentalists as well as centrifuge, constitutive, and numerical modellers, to generate multiple synergies for building larger collaboration and wider research dissemination in and beyond Scotland. The paper will highlight the research excellence and leading work undertaken in SUGN emphasising some of the contribution to the geotechnical research community and some of the significant research outcomes.
Colloque tenu en Sorbonne les 17-19 janvier 2008
Louis-André Dorion, dans un article publié en 2006 « Platon, Proclus et l’autarcie du monde », affirme que le concept d’autarcie dérivée de Proclus est un non-sens. Nous montrerons dans cet article que, loin d’être aporétique, le concept d’autarcie dérivée est tout à fait cohérent avec le système philosophique de Proclus. Pour défendre notre thèse, nous nous intéresserons spécifiquement à l’autarcie de l’âme, à travers le phénomène d’illumination suivant le processus de purification de l’âme séparable chez Proclus, rendant compte du caractère autoconstitutif de l’âme. Ainsi, nous comprendrons en quoi l’ontologie proclusienne permet de saisir les hypostases (Un, intellect et âme), non pas dans un rapport de causalité unilatérale hiérarchique, mais plutôt selon une dialectique de procession centrifuge et de conversion centripète. Finalement, il nous sera possible d’exposer que l’idée de dérivation ne contredit pas l’essence de l’autarcie, mais en est plutôt sa propre condition de possibilité.
Louis-André Dorion, dans un article publié en 2006 « Platon, Proclus et l’autarcie du monde », affirme que le concept d’autarcie dérivée de Proclus est un non-sens. Nous montrerons dans cet article que, loin d’être aporétique, le concept d’autarcie dérivée est tout à fait cohérent avec le système philosophique de Proclus. Pour défendre notre thèse, nous nous intéresserons spécifiquement à l’autarcie de l’âme, à travers le phénomène d’illumination suivant le processus de purification de l’âme séparable chez Proclus, rendant compte du caractère autoconstitutif de l’âme. Ainsi, nous comprendrons en quoi l’ontologie proclusienne permet de saisir les hypostases (Un, intellect et âme), non pas dans un rapport de causalité unilatérale hiérarchique, mais plutôt selon une dialectique de procession centrifuge et de conversion centripète. Finalement, il nous sera possible d’exposer que l’idée de dérivation ne contredit pas l’essence de l’autarcie, mais en est plutôt sa propre condition de possibilité.
In this doctoral dissertation, a comprehensive methodological approach for the assessment of river embankments safety conditions, based on the integrated use of laboratory testing, physical modelling and finite element (FE) numerical simulations, is proposed, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the effect of time-dependent hydraulic boundary conditions on the hydro-mechanical response of river embankments. The case study and materials selected for the present research project are representative for the riverbank systems of Alpine and Apennine tributaries of the main river Po (Northern Italy), which have recently experienced various sudden overall collapses. The outcomes of a centrifuge test carried out under the enhanced gravity field of 50-g, on a riverbank model, made of a compacted silty sand mixture, overlying a homogeneous clayey silt foundation layer and subjected to a simulated flood event, have been considered for the definition of a robust and realistic experimental benchmark. In order to reproduce the observed experimental behaviour, a first set of numerical simulations has been carried out by assuming, for both the embankments and the foundation unit, rigid soil porous media, under partially saturated conditions. Mechanical and hydraulic soil properties adopted in the numerical analyses have been carefully estimated based on standard saturated triaxial, oedometer and constant head permeability tests. Afterwards, advanced suction-controlled laboratory tests, have been carried out to investigate the effect of suction and confining stresses on the shear strength and compressibility characteristics of the filling material and a second set of numerical simulations has been run, taking into account the soil parameters updated based on the most recent tests. The final aim of the study is the quantitative estimation of the predictive capabilities of the calibrated numerical tools, by systematically comparing the results of the FE simulations to the experimental benchmark.