416 resultados para capsules
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients wearing complete dentures due to their limitations. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusal concept is used to achieve greater masticatory efficiency. However, a critical review of the literature reveals that there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support bilateral balanced occlusion as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the masticatory efficiency in complete dentures wearers with bilateral balanced occlusion and canine guidance. A double-blinded controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was composed by 24 edentulous patients who wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts during equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test performed by the colorimetric method with the beads, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine-containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient's ratings of their chewing function. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0.095) between the two occlusal concepts studied. The results suggest that bilateral balanced occlusion does not improve the masticatory efficiency in complete denture wearers.
Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da monensina sobre a produção e composição de leite, a contagem de células somáticas, a condição corporal e os parâmetros sangüíneos e reprodutivos de vacas da raça Holandesa de alta produção no início de lactação, foram utilizadas 44 vacas com produção diária de 33,44 ± 4,93 litros de leite, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos: um controle (C) e outro com cápsulas de liberação controlada de monensina com eficácia de 100 dias (300 mg/vaca/dia). A administração individual de monensina foi realizada 30 dias antes da data provável do parto. A monensina não alterou a produção, a composição do leite e a contagem de células somáticas do leite nem a condição corporal e a concentração de glicose e BHBA (beta-hidroxibutirato) no soro das vacas, no entanto, diminuiu a concentração de AGNE (ácidos graxos não-esterificados) no soro das vacas com 60 dias de lactação. O período de serviço e o número de serviços por concepção não diferiram entre os tratamentos, porém, a administração de monensina diminuiu o número de animais que apresentaram retenção de placenta e laminite. A administração de monensina para vacas Holandesas de alta produção no início de lactação não modifica a produção e a composição do leite, contudo, diminui a concentração de AGNE 60 dias após o parto e a incidência de laminite e retenção de placenta nas vacas no pós-parto.
A new species of thorny catfish (family Doradidae) is described as a member of genus Leptodoras Boulenger by having a modified oral hood and first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments. The new species is distinguished by three characteristics unique within Leptodoras: gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced) with simple walls (diverticula absent), and paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by triangular septum. The new species was discovered from material recently collected in the Tapajós basin at Serra do Cachimbo and in the headwaters of rio Xingu. The species description is supplemented by a detailed osteological description, discussion on its placement among congeners, and a re-evaluation of the diagnosis of Leptodoras and its relationships with sister taxon Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus. In addition, the distributions of several species of Leptodoras are expanded based on recent collecting efforts and identification of museum specimens not previously studied.
Objective: Our goal was to compare the in vivo biocompatibility of dental root surfaces submitted to four different treatments after tooth avulsion followed by implantation into rat subcutaneous tissue. Background Data: Dental root surface preparation prior to replanting teeth remains a challenge for endodontists. Root surface changes made by Nd:YAG irradiation could be an alternative preparation. Methods: Forty-eight freshly extracted human dental roots were randomly divided into four treatment groups prior to implantation into rat subcutaneous tissue: G1, dry root, left in the environment up to 3 h; G2, the same treatment as G1, followed by a soaking treatment in a 2.4% sodium fluoride solution (pH 5.5); G3, root soaked in physiologic saline after avulsion for 72 h; G4, the same treatment as G1, followed by Nd:YAG laser irradiation (2.0 W, 20 Hz, 100 mJ, and 124.34 J/cm(2)). The animals were sacrificed 1, 7, and 45 d later. Histological and scanning electron microscopy analyses were done. Results: All dental roots were involved and in intimate contact with connective tissue capsules of variable thicknesses. Differences were observed in the degree of inflammation and in connective tissue maturation. In G3 the inflammatory infiltrate was maintained for 45 d, whereas the Nd:YAG laser irradiation (G4) led to milder responses. The overall aspects of the root surfaces were similar, except by the irradiated roots, where fusion and resolidification of the root surface covering the dentinal tubules were observed. Conclusion: Nd:YAG laser irradiation improves the biocompatibility of dental root and thus could be an alternative treatment of dental root prior to replantation.
Recent studies on the ecology of marine larvae suggest that retention near coastal areas and self-recruitment are probably much more common than previously thought. In light of this, the advective potential of pelagic stages can be partially determined by the timing of propagule release. We sampled the upper-shore levels of a subtropical coastline in southeastern Brazil to examine the temporal patterns of propagule release for the common barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus and the periwinkle Nodilittorina lineolata. The release timing in both species was very consistent between sites a few kilometers apart. Barnacles released nauplii in a rhythmic pattern, mostly coinciding with neap tides, when the speed of tidal currents was lowest. There was no variation in propagule release in relation to diel or flood-ebb tidal cycles. Periwinkles released propagules in a very irregular pattern, which remarkably matched a time series of wave heights. Egg capsules were released during periods of rough seas, when onshore surface currents were expected to prevail. Eggs were released mostly during ebb tides, and there was no diel variation. Propagule release rhythms are usually viewed as a means to ensure fast offshore advection, thus avoiding presumed hazardous conditions for larvae. However, propagule release strategies in these upper-shore species would more likely contribute to the retention of offspring close to parental stocks.
Adults of Pseudopolydora rosebelae sp. nov. inhabit silty tubes on muddy bottoms in shallow water in southern Brazil, states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. They are rare and extremely delicate, attaining 20 mm long for 55 chaetigers. The worms are distinctive by their colourful yellow and black pigmentation on the anterior part of body and palps, prominent transverse hood on the dorsal anterior edge of chaetiger 3, and lack of coloured respiratory pigment in blood. Of 12 examined individuals, all were females. Oogenesis is intraovarian; oocytes develop from chaetigers 14-15 to chaetigers 24-36. Recently laid oocytes were about 150 mu m in diameter, with embryos and developing larvae found in capsules inside female tubes in March-June. Broods comprised up to 23 capsules with 400 propagules. Capsules were joined to each other in a string and each attached by a single thin stalk to the inner wall of the tube. Larvae hatched at the 4-chaetiger stage and fed on plankton. Pelagic larvae are unique among Pseudopolydora in having large ramified mid-dorsal melanophores from chaetiger 3 onwards. Competent larvae are able to settle and metamorphose at the 15-chaetiger stage, but can remain planktonic up to 18 chaetigers. They have one pair of unpigmented ocelli and three pairs of black eyes in the prostomium, unpaired ramified mid-dorsal melanophores on chaetiger 1 and on the pygidium, ramified lateral melanophores on chaetigers 5-10, prominent yellow chromatophores in the prostomium, peristomium, on dorsal and ventral sides of chaetigers and in the pygidium. Branchiae are present on chaetigers 7-10, and gastrotrochs are arranged on chaetigers 3, 5, 7 and 12. Provisional serrated bristles are present in all notopodia, and hooks are present in neuropodia from chaetiger 8 onwards. Two pairs of provisional protonephridia are present in chaetigers 1 and 2, and adult metanephridia are present from chaetiger 4.
As insects increase in radiotolerance as they develop and usually several developmental stages of the pest may be present in the fresh shipped commodity, it is important to know the radiation susceptibility of the stages of the target insect before the establishment of ionizing radiation quarantine treatments. This study was performed to determine the radiotolerance of eggs of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), to gamma radiation. This species is considered as one of the most serious worldwide pests for temperate fruits, especially peaches. Eggs (12 h old) were exposed to 0 (control), 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 Gy of gamma radiation. Surviving larvae were allowed to feed on an artificial diet. Three days after irradiation, it was verified that larvae`s cephalic capsules were significantly affected by gamma radiation, and the estimated mean LD(90) and LD(99) were 66.3 Gy and 125.8 Gy, respectively. Oriental fruit moth eggs revealed to be quite radiosensitive and very low doses as 50 Gy were sufficient to disrupt G. molesta embryogenesis. At 25 Gy, only male adults originated from the surviving larvae and, after mating with untreated fertile females, shown to be sterile. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Linepithema humile Mayr is an ant species originally native to South America that has been spread accidently throughout the globe through international trade. It is a serious urban and crop pest. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the larvae of this species apart from a brief description based on a few specimens. The present investigation is aimed at describing every immature stage of L. humile. Three larval instars were determined through the frequency distribution of the maximum width of head capsules from a sample of 525 larvae. The morphological descriptions were based on 150 eggs, 70 larvae, and 90 pupae examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Some morphological characteristics reported to be typical of Linepithema Mayr larvae were confirmed - dolichoderoid body shape, presence of dorsal protuberance, sparse simple body hairs, presence of nine pairs of spiracles and dolichoderoid mandibles. We concluded that an earlier published description was based on queen larvae, and that the protuberance is only present in worker larvae. The information provided in this study may aid ant systematics and phylogenetics, as well provide a better understanding of the biology of this species.
ARTIOLI, G. G., B. GUALANO, A. SMITH, J. STOUT, and A. H. LANCHA, JR. Role of beta-Alanine Supplementation on Muscle Carnosine and Exercise Performance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 1162-1173, 2010. In this narrative review, we present and discuss the current knowledge available on carnosine and beta-alanine metabolism as well as the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on exercise performance. Intramuscular acidosis has been attributed to be one of the main causes of fatigue during intense exercise. Carnosine has been shown to play a significant role in muscle pH regulation. Carnosine is synthesized in skeletal muscle from the amino acids L-histidine and beta-alanine. The rate-limiting factor of carnosine synthesis is beta-alanine availability. Supplementation with beta-alanine has been shown to increase muscle carnosine content and therefore total muscle buffer capacity, with the potential to elicit improvements in physical performance during high-intensity exercise. Studies on beta-alanine supplementation and exercise performance have demonstrated improvements in performance during multiple bouts of high-intensity exercise and in single bouts of exercise lasting more than 60 s. Similarly, beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to delay the onset of neuromuscular fatigue. Although beta-alanine does not improve maximal strength or (V) over dotO(2max), some aspects of endurance performance, such as anaerobic threshold and time to exhaustion, can be enhanced. Symptoms of paresthesia may be observed if a single dose higher than 800 mg is ingested. The symptoms, however, are transient and related to the increase in plasma concentration. They can be prevented by using controlled release capsules and smaller dosing strategies. No important side effect was related to the use of this amino acid so far. In conclusion, beta-alanine supplementation seems to be a safe nutritional strategy capable of improving high-intensity anaerobic performance.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate: (1) whether lipopolysaccharide LPS-incluced hypothermic responses may be altered during two estrous cycle phases, proestrus and diestrus, and after ovariectomy, followed by hormonal supplementation and (2) whether nitric oxide (NO) plays a role on LPS-induced hypothermia responses in female mice. Experiments were performed on adult female wild-type (WT) C57BL and inducible NO synthase knockout (KO) mice weighing 18 to 30 g. Endotoxemia was induced by intraperitoneal LIPS administration from Escherichia coli at a nonlethal dose of 10 mg/kg, and body temperature was measured by biotelemetry. Hormonal replacement was performed in ovariectomized mice through 17 beta-estradiol Silastic capsules (100 mu g) and s.c. injection of progesterone (0.5 mg per animal). We observed that during the diestrus phase, mice presented more intensive hypothermia than during proestrus phase, and hormonal supplementation with 17 beta-estradiol and progesterone attenuated hypothermia in ovariectomized mice. During diestrus and ovariectomy, KO mice had higher hypothermic response when compared with the WT group. During proestrus, the lack of statistical difference between KO and WT mice could be consequent of lower ovarian hormones plasma levels. After hormonal replacement, hypothermia was reverted in KO groups probably because of higher ovarian hormonal levels. In summary, the results demonstrated that NO release by inducible NO synthase has an important thermoregulatory role in LPS-incluced hypothermia in female mice. Besides, this involvement is directly dependent on the presence of ovarian hormones and their respective levels.
Introduction: Although the combination of statins with n-3 fatty acids seems to be beneficial under the lipid profile aspect, there is little information about the interaction of these two compounds on oxidative stress. Objective: Evaluate the interaction between statins and n-3 fatty acids on oxidative stress in women, using a 2(2) factorial design. Methods: Forty-three women participated in this crossover design. They were separated into two groups in which 20 were under statin treatment for more than 6 months, and 23 were normolipidemic. Within each group, half of the patients received capsules containing 2.4 g/day of a mixture of EPA and DHA for 6 weeks, while the other half received a mixture of soya and corn oil. After a period of 90 days of washout, the groups were switched, and received the supplementation for 6 weeks more. Results: Statins reduced serum LDL and increased SOD expression. n-3 fatty acids increased the plasma malondialdehyde and SOD activity but reduced catalase expression (p < 0.05). The interaction involving statins and n-3 fatty acids was nearly significant to the serum triacylglycerol reduction (p = 0.054). Conclusion: Combining statins and n-3 fatty acids is an excellent strategy to reduce plasma cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentration in women. However, n-3 fatty acids increased the oxidative stress and the pleiotropic effect of statins seemed to be not enough to counterbalance this result. Our data also suggested that the mechanism by which n-3 fatty acids interfere in oxidative stress can be associated with antioxidant enzymes expression and activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to investigate how beaker size, basket assembly, use of disk, and immersion medium impact the disintegration time of dietary supplements. The disintegration times were determined for five tablet and two capsule products. A two-station disintegration tester was used with Apparatus A or Apparatus B as described in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters, < 701 > and < 2040 >. Two beakers complying with the harmonized specifications were used, one with a volume of 1,000 mL and one with a 1,500-mL volume. The disintegration data were analyzed using ANOVA for the following factors: beaker size, equipment (App A and B) and condition (with/without disk). Two tablet products were not sensitive to any changes in the test conditions or equipment configurations. One product was only partially sensitive to the test conditions. The other products showed impact on the disintegration time for all test conditions. The results revealed that these tablet products might pass or fail current USP disintegration requirements depending on the equipment configuration. Similar results were obtained for the two investigated capsule formulations. One product might fail current USP disintegration requirements if the large beaker was used, but might pass the disintegration requirements when the small beaker was used. Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose capsules were mostly influenced if sodium instead of a potassium buffer was used as the immersion medium. The results demonstrate that the current harmonized ICH specifications for the disintegration test are insufficient to make the disintegration test into reliable test for dietary supplements.
The objective of this study was to investigate the ergogenic effects of caffeine on motor performance of judo female athletes. Thirteen female athletes (17.6 +/- 1.6 years, 58.3 +/- 11.4 kg, 162 +/- 4.1 cm, 22.5 +/- 4 kg/m(2)), registered in the State Federation of Judo for at least two years, participated in this study. The motor performance was assessed using the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), from which was considered the number of throws in each block, the total number of throws, recovery and final heart rate (HR) and final score in SJFT. The subjects were tested in two different conditions, after ingestion of gelatin capsules of caffeine (6 mg.kg(-1)) or placebo (dextrose) 60 minutes before testing in a randomized double-blind, crossover study. The number of throws in each block did not differs between the caffeine (CAF) and placebo (PL) conditions (Block A: 4.53 +/- 0.51 CAF and 4.46 +/- 0.51 PL; Block B: 8.3 +/- 0.63 CAF and 8.23 +/- 0.72 PL; Block C: 7.23 +/- 0.59 CAF and 7.46 +/- 0.77 PL), as well as the total number of throws (20.07 +/- 1.18 CAF and 20.15 +/- 1.67 PL), HR (Final: 190.3 +/- 9.63 bpm CAF and 190.69 +/- 9.19 bpm PL; Recovery 162.07 +/- 13.78 bpm CAF and 164.3 +/- 9.64 bpm PL) and final score in SJFT (17.59 +/- 1.4 CAF and 17.75 +/- 1.98 PL). Ingestion of caffeine did not improve performance during high intensity and short duration exercise in judo fighters
Background: Zidovudine is a thymidine nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with activity against HIV type 1. Some (similar to 8) generic formulations of zidovudine are available in Brazil; however, based on a literature search, information concerning their bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties in the Brazilian population has not been reported. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of 2 capsule formulations of zidovudine 100 mg in healthy Brazilian volunteers. Methods: This open-label, randomized, 2-way crossover study utilized a 1-week washout period between doses. Blood samples were collected for 8 hours after a single dose of zidovudine 100-mg test (Zidovudina, Fundaqdo para o Remedio Popular, Sao Paulo, Brazil) or reference formulation (Retrovir (R), GlaxoSmithKline, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Plasma zidovudine concentrations were determined using a validated high-performance liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detection at 265 nm. C-max, T-max, AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), t(1/2), and the elimination constant (k(e)) were determined using noncompartmental analysis. The formulations were considered bioequivalent if the 90% CIS for C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) fell within the interval of 80 % to 125 %, the regulatory definition set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Results: Twenty-four healthy volunteers (12 males, 12 females; mean age, 27 years; weight, 60 kg; height, 167 cm) were enrolled and completed the study. The 90% CIs of the treatment ratios for the logarithmic-transformed values of C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) were 80.0% to 113.6%, 93.9% to 109.7%, and 93.6% to 110.1 %, respectively. The values for the test and reference formulations were within the FDA bioequivalence definition intervals of 80% to 125%. Conclusions: In this small study in healthy subjects, no statistically significant differences in C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-)infinity were found between the test and reference formulations of zidovudine 100-mg capsules. The 90% CIs for the mean ratio values for the test and reference formulations of AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), and C-max indicated that the reported data were entirely within the bioequivalence acceptance range proposed by the FDA of 80% to 125% (using log-transformed data).