963 resultados para between-domain distinguishing features


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The nonminimal coupling of a massive self-interacting scalar field with a gravitational field is studied. Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in the open universe even when the sign on the mass term is positive. In contrast to grand unified theories, symmetry breakdown is more important for the early universe and it is restored only in the limit of an infinite expansion. Symmetry breakdown is shown to occur in flat and closed universes when the mass term carries a wrong sign. The model has a naturally defined effective gravitational coupling coefficient which is rendered time-dependent due to the novel symmetry breakdown. It changes sign below a critical value of the cosmic scale factor indicating the onset of a repulsive field. The presence of the mass term severely alters the behaviour of ordinary matter and radiation in the early universe. The total energy density becomes negative in a certain domain. These features make possible a nonsingular cosm


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The characteristics of hot deformation of beta-quenched Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu in the temperature range 650-1050 degrees C and in the strain rate range 0.001-100 s(-1) have been studied using hot compression testing. For this study, the approach of processing maps has been adopted and their interpretation done using the Dynamic Materials Model. The efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)], where m is strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. The processing map for Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu within (alpha + beta) phase field showed a domain of dynamic recrystallization, occurring by shearing of alpha-platelets followed by spheroidization, with a peak efficiency of 48% at 750 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1). The stress-strain curves in this domain had features of continuous flow softening and all these are similar to that in Zr-2.5Nb alloy. In the beta-phase field, a second domain with a peak efficiency of 47% occurred at 1050 degrees C and 0.001 s(-1) and this domain is correlated with the superplasticity of beta-phase. The beta-deformation characteristics of this alloy are similar to that observed in pure beta-zirconium with large grain size. Analysis of flow instabilities using a continuum criterion revealed that the Zr-2.5Nb-0.5Cu exhibits flow localization at temperatures higher than 800 degrees C and strain rates higher than about 30 s(-1) and that the addition of copper to Zr-2.5Nb reduces its susceptibility to flow instability, particularly in the (alpha + beta) phase field.


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In continuation of our interest in pyrazole based multifunctional metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), we report herein the construction of a series of Co(II) MOFs using a bis-pyrazole ligand and various benzene polycarboxylic acids. Employment of different acids has resulted in different architectures ranging from a two-dimensional grid network, porous nanochannels with interesting double helical features such as supramolecular chicken wire, to three-dimensional diamondoid networks. One of the distinguishing features of the network is their larger dimensions which can be directly linked to a relatively larger size of the ligand molecule. Conformational flexibility of the ligand also plays a decisive role in determining both the dimensionality and topology of the final structure. Furthermore, chirality associated with helical networks and magnetic properties of two MOFs have also been investigated.


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Identification problems are common for many sharks due to a general lack of meristic characteristics that are typically useful for separating species. Other than number of vertebrae and number and shape of teeth, identifications are frequently based on external features that are often shared among species. Identification problems in the field are most prevalent when live specimens are captured and releasing them with a minimum of stress is a priority (e.g., shark tagging programs). Identifications must be accurate and conducted quickly but this can be challenging, especially if specimens are very active or too large to be landed without physical damage. This field guide was designed primarily for use during field studies and presents a simplified method for identifying the 21 species of western North Atlantic Ocean sharks belonging to the family Carcharhinidae (carcharhinids). To assist with identifications a dichotomous key to Carcharhinidae was developed, and for the more problematic Carcharhinus species (12 species), separation sheets based on important distinguishing features were constructed. Descriptive text and illustrations provided in the species accounts were developed from field observations, photographs, and published references. (PDF file contains 36 pages.)


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An assessment of three methods of fish capture, to establish the best fishing method which reflects the best range of sizes and species of fish in a given area. The methods used were trawl netting, electrofishing, and seine netting which were assessed on the Crossens drainage system near Southport. The report also includes a study of roach / bream hybrids that were found at the site, which focuses on their distinguishing features and compared with the features of roach and bream.


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We present a matching framework to find robust correspondences between image features by considering the spatial information between them. To achieve this, we define spatial constraints on the relative orientation and change in scale between pairs of features. A pairwise similarity score, which measures the similarity of features based on these spatial constraints, is considered. The pairwise similarity scores for all pairs of candidate correspondences are then accumulated in a 2-D similarity space. Robust correspondences can be found by searching for clusters in the similarity space, since actual correspondences are expected to form clusters that satisfy similar spatial constraints in this space. As it is difficult to achieve reliable and consistent estimates of scale and orientation, an additional contribution is that these parameters do not need to be determined at the interest point detection stage, which differs from conventional methods. Polar matching of dual-tree complex wavelet transform features is used, since it fits naturally into the framework with the defined spatial constraints. Our tests show that the proposed framework is capable of producing robust correspondences with higher correspondence ratios and reasonable computational efficiency, compared to other well-known algorithms. © 1992-2012 IEEE.


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Two deep-sea moorings were deployed respectively in the east area and the west area of Chinese Pioneer Area (CPA) in the tropic east Pacific to monitor the regional deep-sea dynamics below 600 meters above bottom (mab) from July 1997 to Oct. 1999. Results of statistics, spectral estimate and correlation analysis of the low-passed velocity data show that time scales of low-frequency components of the near-bottom currents are 25similar to120 days, in which 51-day period dominates the lower band of the frequency domain. Topographic features have obvious effect on low-frequency currents below 50 mab; modulations of the bottom-intensified sheared mean flow to the low-frequency currents are the dynamic mechanism of the frequency shift that occurs in both the east-area and the west-area.


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X. Wang, J. Yang, R. Jensen and X. Liu, 'Rough Set Feature Selection and Rule Induction for Prediction of Malignancy Degree in Brain Glioma,' Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 147-156, 2006.


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A novel approach for estimating articulated body posture and motion from monocular video sequences is proposed. Human pose is defined as the instantaneous two dimensional configuration (i.e., the projection onto the image plane) of a single articulated body in terms of the position of a predetermined set of joints. First, statistical segmentation of the human bodies from the background is performed and low-level visual features are found given the segmented body shape. The goal is to be able to map these, generally low level, visual features to body configurations. The system estimates different mappings, each one with a specific cluster in the visual feature space. Given a set of body motion sequences for training, unsupervised clustering is obtained via the Expectation Maximation algorithm. Then, for each of the clusters, a function is estimated to build the mapping between low-level features to 3D pose. Currently this mapping is modeled by a neural network. Given new visual features, a mapping from each cluster is performed to yield a set of possible poses. From this set, the system selects the most likely pose given the learned probability distribution and the visual feature similarity between hypothesis and input. Performance of the proposed approach is characterized using a new set of known body postures, showing promising results.


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Previous studies have revealed considerable interobserver and intraobserver variation in the histological classification of preinvasive cervical squamous lesions. The aim of the present study was to develop a decision support system (DSS) for the histological interpretation of these lesions. Knowledge and uncertainty were represented in the form of a Bayesian belief network that permitted the storage of diagnostic knowledge and, for a given case, the collection of evidence in a cumulative manner that provided a final probability for the possible diagnostic outcomes. The network comprised 8 diagnostic histological features (evidence nodes) that were each independently linked to the diagnosis (decision node) by a conditional probability matrix. Diagnostic outcomes comprised normal; koilocytosis; and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1, CIN II, and CIN M. For each evidence feature, a set of images was recorded that represented the full spectrum of change for that feature. The system was designed to be interactive in that the histopathologist was prompted to enter evidence into the network via a specifically designed graphical user interface (i-Path Diagnostics, Belfast, Northern Ireland). Membership functions were used to derive the relative likelihoods for the alternative feature outcomes, the likelihood vector was entered into the network, and the updated diagnostic belief was computed for the diagnostic outcomes and displayed. A cumulative probability graph was generated throughout the diagnostic process and presented on screen. The network was tested on 50 cervical colposcopic biopsy specimens, comprising 10 cases each of normal, koilocytosis, CIN 1, CIN H, and CIN III. These had been preselected by a consultant gynecological pathologist. Using conventional morphological assessment, the cases were classified on 2 separate occasions by 2 consultant and 2 junior pathologists. The cases were also then classified using the DSS on 2 occasions by the 4 pathologists and by 2 medical students with no experience in cervical histology. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement using morphology and using the DSS was calculated with K statistics. Intraobserver reproducibility using conventional unaided diagnosis was reasonably good (kappa range, 0.688 to 0.861), but interobserver agreement was poor (kappa range, 0.347 to 0.747). Using the DSS improved overall reproducibility between individuals. Using the DSS, however, did not enhance the diagnostic performance of junior pathologists when comparing their DSS-based diagnosis against an experienced consultant. However, the generation of a cumulative probability graph also allowed a comparison of individual performance, how individual features were assessed in the same case, and how this contributed to diagnostic disagreement between individuals. Diagnostic features such as nuclear pleomorphism were shown to be particularly problematic and poorly reproducible. DSSs such as this therefore not only have a role to play in enhancing decision making but also in the study of diagnostic protocol, education, self-assessment, and quality control. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Pregnancy is characterized by a state of heightened coagulation, which is exacerbated in pathological conditions such as pre-eclampsia (PET). PET is further associated with abnormal maternal inflammation and increased circulating microparticles (MP); however, a mechanistic link between these pathological features has never been established. It is proposed in this thesis that abnormal maternal inflammation is causally linked to pro-coagulant trophoblast MP shedding via a mechanism mediated by the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF), thereby contributing to maternal coagulopathies associated with PET. Using thromboelastography (TEG) and standard laboratory tests, haemostatic function was evaluated in PET and normotensive subjects at delivery and post-partum. Furthermore, the effects of the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive (OC) use on haemostatic function were assessed in non-pregnant subjects in order to understand their influence on post-partum haemostasis. Plasma TNF and pro-coagulant MP levels were evaluated in the pregnant subjects. Using chorionic villi explants from human term placentas, MPs were quantified after TNF administration. The pro-coagulant potential of placental MPs was evaluated by TEG by spiking whole-blood with medium containing MPs from chorionic villi. TEG identified increased whole-blood coagulability in PET subjects at delivery, demonstrating its increased sensitivity over standard laboratory tests at identifying haemostatic alterations associated with PET. Haemostatic alterations were normalized by six weeks post-partum. TEG also identified cyclic haemostatic variations associated with OC use. Chorionic villi treated with TNF (1 ng/ml) shed significantly more MPs than untreated placentas. MPs from chorionic villi increased the coagulability of whole-blood. Together, results provide evidence supporting the concept that abnormal maternal inflammation is causally linked to the development of maternal coagulopathies in pregnancy complications. Moreover, TEG may be superior to standard laboratory tests in evaluating haemostasis in pregnant and non-pregnant subjects.


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Desde su invención en los años cincuenta, la política cultural ha sido objeto de análisis y reflexión por parte de las ciencias sociales. No obstante, en España presenta una serie de características diferenciadoras frente a las democracias occidentales europeas como consecuencia del periodo franquista. Con la recuperación de la democracia España adquiere el paradigma dominante de una política cultural democrática basada en la libertad, el pluralismo y el derecho a la cultura. Sin embargo, tras décadas de gobiernos democráticos el diagnóstico de la política cultural en España presenta rasgos de crisis sistémica, además de los efectos de la crisis global financiera de inicios del siglo XXI. En este contexto, los autores diagnostican, aplicando la metodología Delphi y recurriendo a fuentes secundarias, un conjunto de discursos sociales y narrativas que parecen funcionar como recursos cognitivos solucionistas en la esfera artística y cultural y que no están exentos de contradicciones y aporías, fruto de su contraste empírico.


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Drawing on a model of spectator understanding of error in
performance in the literature, we document a qualitative
experiment that explores the relationships between domain
knowledge, mental models, intention and error recognition
by spectators of performances with electronic instruments.
Participants saw two performances with contrasting instruments,
with controls on their mental model and understanding
of intention. Based on data from a subsequent structured
interview, we identify themes in participants’ judgements
and understanding of performance and explanations
of their spectator experience. These reveal both elements
of similarity and difference between the two performances,
instruments and between domain knowledge groups. From
these, we suggest and discuss implications for the design of
novel performative interactions with technology


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Many of the physiological functions of von Willebrand Factor (VWF), including its binding interaction with blood platelets, are regulated by the magnitude of applied fluid/hydrodynamic stress. We applied two complementary strategies to study the effect of fluid forces on the solution structure of VWF. First, small-angle neutron scattering was used to measure protein conformation changes in response to laminar shear rates (G) up to 3000/s. Here, purified VWF was sheared in a quartz Couette cell and protein conformation was measured in real time over length scales from 2-140 nm. Second, changes in VWF structure up to 9600/s were quantified by measuring the binding of a fluorescent probe 1,1'-bis(anilino)-4-,4'-bis(naphtalene)-8,8'-disulfonate (bis-ANS) to hydrophobic pockets exposed in the sheared protein. Small angle neutron scattering studies, coupled with quantitative modeling, showed that VWF undergoes structural changes at G < 3000/s. These changes were most prominent at length scales <10 nm (scattering vector (q) range >0.6/nm). A mathematical model attributes these changes to the rearrangement of domain level features within the globular section of the protein. Studies with bis-ANS demonstrated marked increase in bis-ANS binding at G > 2300/s. Together, the data suggest that local rearrangements at the domain level may precede changes at larger-length scales that accompany exposure of protein hydrophobic pockets. Changes in VWF conformation reported here likely regulate protein function in response to fluid shear.


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This paper examines a place-making project in post-conflict Belfast, analyzing efforts to transform an area which has often been used as a byword for militant Irish nationalism and social deprivation into an inclusive, vibrant tourist destination and cultural hub themed around the Irish language (called the "Gaeltacht Quarter‟). The antagonistic and territorial assumptions about place that characterize divided cities now co-exist with global trends towards the commodification of difference as recreation or spectacle, and longstanding struggles over the representation of contested identities are intertwined with the struggle to compete for international tourism and investment. The proliferation of officially themed quarters in many cities across the world reflects the enthusiasm with which planning authorities have embraced the vision of difference as a benign resource for the creation of tourist revenue. Yet, analysis of „quartering‟ processes reveals that such commodification does not neutralise or evade the political potency of naming, representing and delimiting cultural difference. Indeed, this paper argues that such projects offer a valuable insight into the inseparable roles of physical and representational space as both loci and catalysts of contestation in urban conflicts. Bringing together a wide range of public and private interest groups, projects redefining parts of Belfast as distinctive quarters have been explicitly linked with efforts to deterritorialize the city. The creation of bounded, themed spaces as an attempt to leave behind the ethno-sectarian geographical segregation that parts of Belfast still experience has its particular ironies, but is in many ways typical of contemporary trends in urban planning. The Gaeltacht Quarter exemplifies both the importance and the challenge of representation within cities where culturally distinguishing features have acted as markers of violent division, and where negotiations about how to successfully encompass difference necessarily address multiple local and international audiences simultaneously.