973 resultados para base-age invariant dynamic equation


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The study objective was to examine differentials in time trends and predictors of deaths assigned to symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions in comparison with other ill-defined conditions (ill-defined cardiovascular diseases, cancer and injury) in a population-based cohort study. Of 1,606 baseline participants aged 60 years and over, 524 died during 9-year follow-up and were included in this study. Deaths coded to "symptoms" declined by 77% in the period from 1997-1999 to 2003-2005. Deaths coded to other ill-defined conditions remained unchanged. The calendar period 2003-2005 (RR = 0.25; 95%CI: 0.09-0.70) and in-hospital deaths (RR = 0.16; 95%CI: 0.08-0.34) were independently associated with "symptoms", but not with other ill-defined conditions. Baseline socio-demographic characteristics and chronic diseases were not predictors of these outcomes. International and national agencies have focused on the reduction of deaths assigned to "symptoms" to improve the registration of vital statistics, while other ill-defined conditions have received little attention. Our data provide evidence supporting the need to redress this situation.


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Objetivou-se verificar a prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida pela população urbana de quatro localidades do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e estudar as causas atribuídas e variáveis sócio-demográficas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional com dados referentes à população com 12 anos ou mais residente nas quatro localidades, em 2001 e 2002. Participaram 5.250 sujeitos selecionados por amostragem probabilística, estratificada e selecionada por conglomerados, em dois estágios. A análise dos dados foi exploratória, incluindo análise bivariada e regressão logística múltipla. A prevalência de deficiência auditiva foi 5,21%, mais acentuada nas faixas etárias acima de 59 anos (18,7%), que referiram doenças nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista (8,4%), com transtorno mental comum (8,85%) e que fizeram uso de medicamentos nos últimos 3 dias (8,45%). O estudo dos fatores que se associam à deficiência auditiva direcionam intervenções de saúde para que atendam as reais necessidades da população, principalmente na atenção primária. Há necessidade de mais estudos populacionais com enfoque na audição, visto que esta é uma área escassa de publicações no Brasil.


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a prevalência da não realização do exame clínico das mamas e da mamografia segundo variáveis sócio-econômicas, demográficas e de comportamentos relacionados à saúde, em mulheres com 40 anos ou mais, residentes na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo foi do tipo transversal, de base populacional em uma amostra de 290 mulheres. Os fatores associados à não realização da mamografia, encontrados na análise multivariada, foram: ter 70 anos ou mais, ser de raça/cor negra e pertencer ao segmento de menor renda familiar per capita; e para a não realização do exame clínico das mamas foram: não ter companheiro e pertencer ao segmento de menor renda familiar per capita. O SUS foi responsável pela realização de 28,8% das mamografias e 38,2% dos exames clínicos das mamas. Verificou-se que a não realização dos exames preventivos para o câncer de mama está associada à existência de desigualdade racial e social, apontando para a necessidade de implementação de estratégias para a ampliação da cobertura das práticas preventivas para o câncer de mama, especialmente para os segmentos sociais mais vulneráveis.


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The heartwood of candeia tree is a source of essential oil rich in alpha-bisabolol, a substance widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Bearing in mind the economic importance of alpha-bisabolol, this work aimed to evaluate the influence of tree age on the yield and content of alpha-bisabolol present in essential oil from candeia, considering two distinct reliefs and three diameter classes, in Aiuruoca region, south Minas Gerais state. The two distinct reliefs correspond respectively to one section of the stand growing at 1,000m of altitude (Area 1) and another section growing at 1,100m of altitude (Area 2). In each section, 15 trees were felled from among 3 different diameter classes. Discs were removed from the base of each tree to estimate their age by doing growth ring count. Soil samples were taken and Subjected to physical and chemical analysis. The logs were reduced into chips and random samples were taken for distillation to extract essential oil. The method used was steam distillation at a pressure of 2 kgf/cm(2)/2.5 h. The chemical analysis was performed in a gas chromatograph (GC) based on the alpha-bisabolol standard reference. The yield of essential oil from trees in Area I was higher than that from trees in Area 2, with the same pattern of influence for older trees. In Area 2, the alpha-bisabolol content was higher in younger trees. No differences were found between the relevant parameters in relation to diameter classes.


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The aggregation of interacting Brownian particles in sheared concentrated suspensions is an important issue in colloid and soft matter science per se. Also, it serves as a model to understand biochemical reactions occurring in vivo where both crowding and shear play an important role. We present an effective medium approach within the Smoluchowski equation with shear which allows one to calculate the encounter kinetics through a potential barrier under shear at arbitrary colloid concentrations. Experiments on a model colloidal system in simple shear flow support the validity of the model in the concentration range considered. By generalizing Kramers' rate theory to the presence of shear and collective hydrodynamics, our model explains the significant increase in the shear-induced reaction-limited aggregation kinetics upon increasing the colloid concentration.


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The dynamic polarizability and optical absorption spectrum of liquid water in the 6-15 eV energy range are investigated by a sequential molecular dynamics (MD)/quantum mechanical approach. The MD simulations are based on a polarizable model for liquid water. Calculation of electronic properties relies on time-dependent density functional and equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theories. Results for the dynamic polarizability, Cauchy moments, S(-2), S(-4), S(-6), and dielectric properties of liquid water are reported. The theoretical predictions for the optical absorption spectrum of liquid water are in good agreement with experimental information.


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Base-level maps (or ""isobase maps"", as originally defined by Filosofov, 1960), express a relationship between valley order and topography. The base-level map can be seen as a ""simplified"" version of the original topographic surface, from which the ""noise"" of the low-order stream erosion was removed. This method is able to identify areas with possible tectonic influence even within lithologically uniform domains. Base-level maps have been recently applied in semi-detail scale (e.g., 1:50 000 or larger) morphotectonic analysis. In this paper, we present an evaluation of the method's applicability in regional-scale analysis (e.g., 1:250 000 or smaller). A test area was selected in northern Brazil, at the lower course of the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers. The drainage network extracted from SRTM30_PLUS DEMs with spatial resolution of approximately 900 m was visually compared with available topographic maps and considered to be compatible with a 1:1,000 000 scale. Regarding the interpretation of regional-scale morphostructures, the map constructed with 2nd and 3rd-order valleys was considered to present the best results. Some of the interpreted base-level anomalies correspond to important shear zones and geological contacts present in the 1:5 000 000 Geological Map of South America. Others have no correspondence with mapped Precambrian structures and are considered to represent younger, probably neotectonic, features. A strong E-W orientation of the base-level lines over the inflexion of the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers, suggest a major drainage capture. A N-S topographic swath profile over the Tocantins and Araguaia rivers reveals a topographic pattern which, allied with seismic data showing a roughly N-S direction of extension in the area, lead us to interpret this lineament as an E-W, southward-dipping normal fault. There is also a good visual correspondence between the base-level lineaments and geophysical anomalies. A NW-SE lineament in the southeast of the study area partially corresponds to the northern border of the Mosquito lava field, of Jurassic age, and a NW-SE lineament traced in the northeastern sector of the study area can be interpreted as the Picos-Santa Ines lineament, identifiable in geophysical maps but with little expression in hypsometric or topographic maps.


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Twenty-two (14)C datings were performed at the central sector of the Parana coast to define Holocene regressive barrier evolution. The barrier Pleistocene substratum was ascribed an age between 40400 and 30000 yr BP, but it can also represent the penultimate sea level highstand during marine isotope stage 5e. The Holocene barrier samples provided ages between 8542-8279 and 2987-2751 cal yr BP, and showed at least six age inversions that were related to age differences between in situ or low-distance transported shells or trunk fragments, and high-distance transported vegetal debris, wood fragments and organic matter samples. The regressive Holocene barrier age was 4402-4135 cal yr BP near the base, and 2987-2751 cal yr BP near the top. Most of the vegetal remains were transported by ebb tidal currents from the estuaries to the inner shelf below wave base level during the mid-Holocene highstand; they were transported onshore by storm waves and littoral currents during the sea level lowering after the sea level maximum, and were deposited mainly as middle shoreface swaley cross-stratification facies. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The ability to transfer weight from one lower limb to the other is essential for the execution of daily life activities and little is known about how weight transfer during unconstrained natural standing is affected by age. This study examined the weight transfer ability of elderly individuals during unconstrained standing (for 30 mill) in comparison to young adults. The subjects (19 healthy elderly adults, range 65-80 years, and 19 healthy young adults, range 18-30 years) stood with each foot on a separate force plate and were allowed to change their posture freely at any time. The limits of stability and base of support width during standing, measures of mobility (using the timed up and go and the preferred walking speed tests), and fear of falling were also measured. In comparison to the young adults, during unconstrained standing the elderly adults produced four times fewer weight transfers of large amplitude (greater than,half of their body weight). The limits of stability and base of support width were significantly smaller for the elderly adults but there were no significant differences in the measures of mobility and in the fear of falling score compared to young adults. The observed significant age-related decrease in the use of weight transfer during unconstrained standing, despite any difference in the measured mobility of the subjects, suggests that this task reveals unnoticed and subtle differences in postural control, which may help to better understand age related impairments in balance that the elderly population experiences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study is to apply robust inverse dynamics control for a six-degree-of-freedom flight simulator motion system. From an implementation viewpoint, simplification of the inverse dynamics control law is introduced by assuming control law matrices as constants. The robust control strategy is applied in the outer loop of the inverse dynamic control to counteract the effects of imperfect compensation due this simplification. The control strategy is designed using the Lyapunov stability theory. Forward and inverse kinematics and a full dynamic model of a six-degree-of-freedom motion base driven by electromechanical actuators are briefly presented. A describing function, acceleration step response and some maneuvers computed from the washout filter were used to evaluate the performance of the controllers.


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The present analysis takes into account the acceleration term in the differential equation of motion to obtain exact dynamic solutions concerning the groundwater flow towards a well in a confined aquifer. The results show that the error contained in the traditional quasi-static solution is very small in typical situations.


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It is well known that structures subjected to dynamic loads do not follow the usual similarity laws when the material is strain rate sensitive. As a consequence, it is not possible to use a scaled model to predict the prototype behaviour. In the present study, this problem is overcome by changing the impact velocity so that the model behaves exactly as the prototype. This exact solution is generated thanks to the use of an exponential constitutive law to infer the dynamic flow stress. Furthermore, it is shown that the adopted procedure does not rely on any previous knowledge of the structure response. Three analytical models are used to analyze the performance of the technique. It is shown that perfect similarity is achieved, regardless of the magnitude of the scaling factor. For the class of material used, the solution outlined has long been sought, inasmuch as it allows perfect similarity for strain rate sensitive structures subject to impact loads. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-angle grain boundary migration is predicted during geometric dynamic recrystallization (GDRX) by two types of mathematical models. Both models consider the driving pressure due to curvature and a sinusoidal driving pressure owing to subgrain walls connected to the grain boundary. One model is based on the finite difference solution of a kinetic equation, and the other, on a numerical technique in which the boundary is subdivided into linear segments. The models show that an initially flat boundary becomes serrated, with the peak and valley migrating into both adjacent grains, as observed during GDRX. When the sinusoidal driving pressure amplitude is smaller than 2 pi, the boundary stops migrating, reaching an equilibrium shape. Otherwise, when the amplitude is larger than 2 pi, equilibrium is never reached and the boundary migrates indefinitely, which would cause the protrusions of two serrated parallel boundaries to impinge on each other, creating smaller equiaxed grains.


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The minimal irreducible representations of U-q[gl(m|n)], i.e. those irreducible representations that are also irreducible under U-q[osp(m|n)] are investigated and shown to be affinizable to give irreducible representations of the twisted quantum affine superalgebra U-q[gl(m|n)((2))]. The U-q[osp(m|n)] invariant R-matrices corresponding to the tensor product of any two minimal representations are constructed, thus extending our twisted tensor product graph method to the supersymmetric case. These give new solutions to the spectral-dependent graded Yang-Baxter equation arising from U-q[gl(m|n)((2))], which exhibit novel features not previously seen in the untwisted or non-super cases.


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Small mesothermal vein quam-gold-base-metal sulfide deposits from which some 20 t of Au-Ag bullion have been extracted, are the most common gold deposits in the Georgetown region of north Queensland-several hundred were mined or prospected between 1870 and 1950. These deposits are mostly hosted by Proterozoic granitic and metamorphic rocks and are similar to the much larger Charters Towers deposits such as Day Dawn and Brilliant, and in some respects to the Motherlode deposits of California. The largest deposit in the region-Kidston (> 138 t of Au and Ag since 1985)- is substantially different. It is hosted by sheeted quartz veins and cavities in brecciated Silurian granite and Proterozoic metamorphics above nested high-level Carboniferous intrusives associated with a nearby cauldron subsidence structure. This paper provides new information (K-Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic ages, preliminary oxygen isotope and fluid-inclusion data) from some of the mesothermal deposits and compares it with the Kidston deposit. All six dated mesothermal deposits have Siluro-Devonian (about 425 to 400 Ma) ages. All nine of such deposits analysed have delta(18)O quartz values in the range 8.4 to 15.7 parts per thousand, Fluid-inclusion data indicate homogenisation temperatures in the range 230-350 degrees C. This information, and a re-interpretation of the spatial relationships of the deposits with various elements of the updated regional geology, is used to develop a preliminary metallogenic model of the mesothermal Etheridge Goldfield. The model indicates how the majority of deposits may have formed from hydrothermal systems initiated during the emplacement of granitic batholiths that were possibly, but not clearly, associated with Early Palaeozoic subduction, and that these fluid systems were dominated by substantially modified meteoric and/or magmatic fluids. The large Kidston deposit and a few small relatives are of Carboniferous age and formed more directly from magmatic systems much closer to the surface.