67 resultados para aroA
Five candidate promoters were examined to determine their utility in directing immunogenic levels of expression of the C fragment from tetanus toxin in attenuated S. enterica used as an oral vaccine in mice. Promoters derived from the genes encoding the stringent starvation protein (sspA) from E. coli and S. enterica, but not ansB derived promoters, expressed immunogenic levels of C fragment from multi-copy plasmids in attenuated S. enterica in vivo and, following oral immunization, induced high titre specific anti-tetanus toxoid serum antibodies. We also demonstrate that not only the choice of promoter, replicon and growth conditions but also how expression constructs are assembled in the chosen plasmid is critical for the successful development of plasmid-based antigen delivery systems using attenuated S. enterica. In addition, the S. enterica sspA promoter is able to elicit anti-tetanus toxoid antibodies in mice when the psspA-tetC expression cassette is integrated in single copy on the S. enterica chromosome.
Recent technological advances have resulted in the production of safe subunit and synthetic small peptide vaccines. Unfortunately, these vaccines are weakly or non-immunogenic in the absence of an immunological adjuvant (agents that can induce strong immunity to antigens). In addition, in order to prevent and/or control infection at the mucosal surface, stimulation of the mucosal immune system is essential. This may be achieved via the common mucosal immune system by exposure to antigen at a mucosal surface remote from the area of infection. Initial studies investigated the potential of multiple emulsions in effecting oral absorption and the subsequent immune responses to a lipopolysaccharide vaccine (LPS) after immunisation. Nasal delivery of LPS was carried out in parallel work using either aqueous solution or gel formulations. Tetanus toxoid vaccine in simple solution was delivered to guinea pigs as free antigen or entrapped in DSPC liposomes. In addition, adsorbed tetanus toxoid vaccine was delivered nasally free or in an aerosil gel formulation. This work was extended to investigate guinea pigs immunised by various mucosal routes with a herpes simplex virus subunit vaccine prepared from virus infected cells and delivered in gels, multiple emulsions and liposomes. Comparable serum antibody responses resulted but failed to produce enhanced protection against vaginal challenge when compared to subcutaneous immunisation with alhydrogel adjuvanted vaccine. Thus, immunisation of the mucosal surface by these methods may have been inadequate. These studies were extended in an attempt to protect against HSV genital challenge by construction of an attenuated Salmonella typhimurium HWSH aroA mutant expressing a cloned glycoprotein D-l gene fused to the Es-cherichia coli lac z promoter. Preliminary work on the colonisation of guinea pigs with S. typhimurium HWSH aroA mutants were carried out, with the aim of using the guinea pig HSV vaginal model to investigate protection.
Programa de doctorado: Oceanografía. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura.
Póster presentado en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Materiales (CNMAT) en Gijón (España), del 8 al 10 de Junio de 2016
Póster presentado en: 21st World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016. Zaragoza, Spain. 13-16th June, 2016
Póster presentado en: 12th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM 2016. 5–8 July 2016, KKL Lucerne/Switzerland
OBJETIVOS: 3.1. Analizar los aspectos legales del fisioterapeuta de empresa en España.- 3.2. Analizar la figura del fisioterapeuta de empresa en España, Europa, y en otros países.- 3.3. Establecer las funciones del fisioterapeuta de empresa en el ámbito de la prevención de riesgos laborales.- 3.4. Analizar los posibles beneficios socio-económicos que conlleva la implementación de la fisioterapia de empresa.- 3.5. Estudiar el ámbito laboral actual y el futuro del fisioterapeuta de empresa.-- HELBURUAK: 3.1. Espainian enpresa-fisioterapeutaren aspektu legalak aztertzea.- 3.2. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren irudia aztertzea Espainia, Europa eta beste herrialde batzuetan.- 3.3. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren funtzioak ezartzea lan arriskuen prebentzio eremuan.- 3.4. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren inplementazioak ekar ditzaken onura sozio-ekonomiko posibleak aztertzea.- 3.5. Gaur egungo lan eremua eta enpresa-fisioterapeutaren etorkizuna aztertzea.