982 resultados para applicability


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This paper evaluates a receptive and expressive vocabulary test, The Test of Word Knowledge, to determine its applicability to deaf students and to compare its results with other vocabulary tests.


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In this paper, a review is undertaken of the major models currently in use for describing water quality in freshwater river systems. The number of existing models is large because the various studies of water quality in rivers around the world have often resulted in the construction of new 'bespoke' models designed for the particular situation of that study. However, it is worth considering models that are already available, since an existing model, suitable for the purposes of the study, will save a great deal of work and may already have been established within regulatory and legal frameworks. The models chosen here are SIMCAT, TOMCAT, QUAL2E, QUASAR, MIKE-11 and ISIS, and the potential for each model is examined in relation to the issue of simulating dissolved oxygen (DO) in lowland rivers. These models have been developed for particular purposes and this review shows that no one model can provide all of the functionality required. Furthermore, all of the models contain assumptions and limitations that need to be understood if meaningful interpretations of the model simulations are to. be made. The work is concluded with the view that it is unfair to set one model against another in terms of broad applicability, but that a model of intermediate complexity, such as QUASAR, is generally well suited to simulate DO in river systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flow and turbulence above urban terrain is more complex than above rural terrain, due to the different momentum and heat transfer characteristics that are affected by the presence of buildings (e.g. pressure variations around buildings). The applicability of similarity theory (as developed over rural terrain) is tested using observations of flow from a sonic anemometer located at 190.3 m height in London, U.K. using about 6500 h of data. Turbulence statistics—dimensionless wind speed and temperature, standard deviations and correlation coefficients for momentum and heat transfer—were analysed in three ways. First, turbulence statistics were plotted as a function only of a local stability parameter z/Λ (where Λ is the local Obukhov length and z is the height above ground); the σ_i/u_* values (i = u, v, w) for neutral conditions are 2.3, 1.85 and 1.35 respectively, similar to canonical values. Second, analysis of urban mixed-layer formulations during daytime convective conditions over London was undertaken, showing that atmospheric turbulence at high altitude over large cities might not behave dissimilarly from that over rural terrain. Third, correlation coefficients for heat and momentum were analyzed with respect to local stability. The results give confidence in using the framework of local similarity for turbulence measured over London, and perhaps other cities. However, the following caveats for our data are worth noting: (i) the terrain is reasonably flat, (ii) building heights vary little over a large area, and (iii) the sensor height is above the mean roughness sublayer depth.


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The relationship between individual growth and acetylcholinesterase (AChE).activity was evaluated for Daphnia magna. Analysis on the influence of two different culture media on baseline AChE activity was performed with Daphnia similis. The results indicated an inverse relationship between D. magna body length and AChE activity. An increase in total protein, which was not proportional to an increase in the rate of the substrate hydrolysis (Delta absorbance/min), seems to be the reason for this inverse size versus AChE activity relationship. Therefore, toxicants such as phenobarbital, which affect protein and size but not AChE activity directly, have an overall affect on AChE activity. In contrast, the AChE inhibitor parathion altered AChE activity but not protein. Culture medium also had a significant affect on AChE activity in D. similis. Changes in total protein seem to be the main reason for the variations in baseline AChE activity in Daphnia observed in the different evaluations performed in this work. Therefore, AChE activity in Daphnia must be interpreted carefully, and variations related to changes in total protein must be taken into account when applying this enzyme as a biomarker in biological monitoring.


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In this paper we analyse applicability and robustness of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for eigenvalue problems. We restrict our consideration to real symmetric matrices. Almost Optimal Monte Carlo (MAO) algorithms for solving eigenvalue problems are formulated. Results for the structure of both - systematic and probability error are presented. It is shown that the values of both errors can be controlled independently by different algorithmic parameters. The results present how the systematic error depends on the matrix spectrum. The analysis of the probability error is presented. It shows that the close (in some sense) the matrix under consideration is to the stochastic matrix the smaller is this error. Sufficient conditions for constructing robust and interpolation Monte Carlo algorithms are obtained. For stochastic matrices an interpolation Monte Carlo algorithm is constructed. A number of numerical tests for large symmetric dense matrices are performed in order to study experimentally the dependence of the systematic error from the structure of matrix spectrum. We also study how the probability error depends on the balancing of the matrix. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Tetrafluoromethane, CF4, is powerful greenhouse gas, and the possibility of storing it in microporous carbon has been widely studied. In this paper we show, for the first time, that the results of molecular simulations can be very helpful in the study of CF4 adsorption. Moreover, experimental data fit to the results collected from simulations. We explain the meaning of the empirical parameters of the supercritical Dubinin–Astakhov model proposed by Ozawa and finally the meaning of the parameter k of the empirical relation proposed by Amankwah and Schwarz.


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The role and function of a given protein is dependent on its structure. In recent years, however, numerous studies have highlighted the importance of unstructured, or disordered regions in governing a protein’s function. Disordered proteins have been found to play important roles in pivotal cellular functions, such as DNA binding and signalling cascades. Studying proteins with extended disordered regions is often problematic as they can be challenging to express, purify and crystallise. This means that interpretable experimental data on protein disorder is hard to generate. As a result, predictive computational tools have been developed with the aim of predicting the level and location of disorder within a protein. Currently, over 60 prediction servers exist, utilizing different methods for classifying disorder and different training sets. Here we review several good performing, publicly available prediction methods, comparing their application and discussing how disorder prediction servers can be used to aid the experimental solution of protein structure. The use of disorder prediction methods allows us to adopt a more targeted approach to experimental studies by accurately identifying the boundaries of ordered protein domains so that they may be investigated separately, thereby increasing the likelihood of their successful experimental solution.


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GANE proposes that local glutamate-norepinephrine interactions enable “winner-take-more” effects in perception and memory under arousal. A diverse range of commentaries addressed both the nature of this ‘hotspot’ feedback mechanism and its implications in a variety of psychological domains, inspiring exciting avenues for future research.


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This work analyzes high-resolution precipitation data from satellite-derived rainfall estimates over South America, especially over the Amazon Basin. The goal is to examine whether satellite-derived precipitation estimates can be used in hydrology and in the management of larger watersheds of South America. High spatial-temporal resolution precipitation estimates obtained with the CMORPH method serve this purpose while providing an additional hydrometeorological perspective on the convective regime over South America and its predictability. CMORPH rainfall estimates at 8-km spatial resolution for 2003 and 2004 were compared with available rain gauge measurements at daily, monthly, and yearly accumulation time scales. The results show the correlation between satellite-derived and gauge-measured precipitation increases with accumulation period from daily to monthly, especially during the rainy season. Time-longitude diagrams of CMORPH hourly rainfall show the genesis, strength, longevity, and phase speed of convective systems. Hourly rainfall analyses indicate that convection over the Amazon region is often more organized than previously thought, thus inferring that basin scale predictions of rainfall for hydrological and water management purposes have the potential to become more skillful. Flow estimates based on CMORPH and the rain gauge network are compared to long-term observed average flow. The results suggest this satellite-based rainfall estimation technique has considerable utility. Other statistics for monthly accumulations also suggest CMORPH can be an important source of rainfall information at smaller spatial scales where in situ observations are lacking.


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This paper explores whether a leisure perspective explains volunteer  motivations as perceived by managers of one event-based nonprofit  organisation - Victoria’s Open Garden Scheme. The results identify that a leisure perspective does not explain all motivations, as some volunteers are socially motivated by a desire to give back to their community. Other  motivations are less positive and less voluntary than is expected of leisure and volunteering in a traditional context. Suggestions are made for further research and managerial implications in regards to managing volunteers.


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Cultural safety has been promoted by its New Zealand proponents as an effective process for managing cultural risk in health care and improving the cultural responsiveness of mainstream health services when delivering care to culturally diverse populations. Its effectiveness in this regard has not, however, been comprehensively investigated. A key purpose of this study was to explore and describe what is known and understood about the notion of cultural safety and its possible application to and in Australian health care domains. Findings from the study indicate that the notion of cultural safety is conceptually problematic, poorly understood, and underresearched and, unless substantially revised, cannot be meaningfully applied to the cultural context of Australia.


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Theoretical frameworks for the examination of negotiation generated by Western academics do not easily translate to Chinese society because of fundamental differences between Western and Chinese society. Attempts to study negotiation in Chinese society and to improve negotiation between Chinese and Western business people are themselves constrained by cross-cultural differences. Extended immersion of Western academics in Chinese settings and the involvement of cross-cultural specialists is required to advance understanding of cross-cultural negotiation. There is enormous potential for improved understanding of cross-cultural dynamics and development of innovative teaching methodologies if institutional and personal cooperation can be secured. Cross-cultural negotiation as a useful tool in socio-legal framework and/or higher education administration is important especially in the current environment for the Australian education export market.


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The steady increase of regulations and its acceleration due to the financial crisis heavily affect the management of regulatory compliance. Regulations, such as Basel III and Solvency II particularly impact data warehouses and lead to many organizational and technical changes. From an IS perspective modeling techniques for data warehouse requirement elicitation help to manage conceptual requirements. From a legal perspective attempts to visualize regulatory requirements – so called legal visualization approaches – have been developed. This paper investigates whether a conceptual modeling technique for regulatory-driven data warehouse requirements is applicable for representing data warehouse requirements in a legal environment. Applying the modeling technique H2 for Reporting in three extensive modeling projects provides three contributions. First, evidence for the applicability of a modeling technique for regulatory-driven data warehouse requirements is given. Second, lessons learned for further modeling projects are provided. Third, a discussion towards a combined perspective of information modeling and legal visualization is presented.