155 resultados para anthocyanin


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拟南芥ast (anthocyanin spotted testa) 突变体是由碳离子束诱导产生的与花青苷生物合成有关的突变体,受单隐性核基因控制。由于花青苷的异常积累,突变体未成熟种子的种皮呈现紫红色的斑点;野生型植株幼嫩的种皮没有花青苷的异常积累,呈淡绿色。初步作图分析表明,AST基因定位于拟南芥第I号染色体上,并且位于SSLP分子标记nga280和CAPS分子标记PAB5之间。 AST基因与SSLP分子标记nga280紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.2cM;与CAPS分子标记PAB5相距较远,遗传距离为21.1cM。 采用DDRT-PCR的策略,分析野生型与突变型植株未成熟角果中基因表达的差异。通过调整DDRT-PCR中总RNA、锚定引物、随机引物、cDNA和dNTP等关键试剂的用量,优化了适用于银染检测的DDRT-PCR方法。PCR扩增产物经6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直电泳分离后,银染能检测到多而清晰的条带。泳道中的条带数最少为40个,最多达80个,平均为60个,条带大小分布在100bp-900bp范围,银染的灵敏度为5pg/mm2。此方法操作简便快速,灵敏度高,重复性好。采用这个改良的的方法,分析了拟南芥野生型和ast突变型植株未成熟角果中16,000个cDNA扩增产物条带,从中筛选出28个差异条带。二次PCR扩增后,进一步筛选出10个差异表达的cDNA条带,其中6个是野生型特异表达的,4个是突变型特异表达的。对这10个差异片段进行测序。BLASTN分析表明,这10个差异表达的cDNA片段与数据库中花青苷生物合成途径中的结构基因和调节基因序列没有同源性,表明用DDRT-PCR的方法克隆特定的AST基因有一定的局限性。 利用图位克隆(map-based cloning)的策略,对拟南芥AST 基因进行克隆。根据拟南芥数据库中的SNPs (simple nucleotide polymophisms) 序列和插入/缺失多态性(insertion/deletion polymorphisms)序列,设计了一系列分子标记。利用这些分子标记,对600个F2代有突变表型的植株进行重组子筛选,完成了对拟南芥AST基因的精细作图,成功地将AST 基因定位到BAC克隆T13M11上。初步确定该BAC克隆中的基因T13M11.8 可能是AST基因。该基因的DNA序列长1432bp,含有6个外显子和5个内含子,编码的蛋白与花青苷生物合成途径中的二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶有较高的同源性。功能互补实验正在进行当中。


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用生物和非生物因子来进行采后病害的防治,是一个非常有效的方法。诱导抗性作为控制果蔬采后病害的生物技术,已成为该领域的一个研究热点。然而诱导抗性的机制非常复杂,涉及到寄主、病原菌、激发子之间的相互作用关系。本研究主要利用酵母拮抗菌Pichia membranefaciens和SA处理果实,观察其抗性诱导表达和对采后青霉病菌(Penicillium expansum)的抑制作用,并从蛋白质组学水平上对诱导抗性的机理进行了分析。研究结果表明: 1、酵母拮抗菌P. membranefaciens (5 × 107 cells·ml-1)和SA(0.5 mM)处理采后甜樱桃果实,能够明显地降低病害的发病率和病斑直径。酵母菌和SA处理影响到了果实抗氧化酶的活性,同时还改变了POD同工酶谱和甜樱桃果实的总蛋白含量,并诱导了新的蛋白质条带产生。用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜技术观察发现,在in vitro条件下P. membranefaciens能够紧密地结合与病原菌的菌丝,而在in vivo条件下这种结合较为松散。 2、借鉴其它模式植物的方法,我们建立了一整套适用于多汁类植物材料的蛋白质组学研究方法。对于芒果,桃,甜樱桃、苹果以及冬枣等果实,都取得了重复性非常好的2-D图谱。我们应用该技术进一步研究了P. membranefaciens (1 × 108 cells·ml-1)以及SA (0.5 mM)处理对桃果实蛋白质组的诱导影响。结果显示,两种激发子处理都能够诱导桃果实产生抗性,从而减轻青霉病引起的腐烂。在诱导处理1 d以后,酵母拮抗菌和SA分别诱导22和16个蛋白的差异表达。质谱鉴定的蛋白属于6大类:代谢,防御反应,转录,能量途径以及细胞结构。有6个蛋白受到两种激发子的共同调控。其中,4种蛋白(包括glutathione peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase precursor, catalase和methionine sulfoxide reductase) 属于抗氧化蛋白,涉及到活性氧代谢。另2个蛋白(Major allergen Pru av 1和peroxidase)是病程相关蛋白,直接参与植物的防御反应。同时一些磷酸化酶和转录因子也受到两种激发子的调节从而参与果实的抗病反应。酶学测定和Northern杂交的结果表明,拮抗菌与SA处理均能影响过氧化氢酶活性及其基因的表达。 3、采前用较高浓度SA (2 mM) 短时间(10s)处理不同成熟期的甜樱桃果实,能够明显降低果实青霉病的病斑直径,并能减轻较低成熟度果实的发病率。在没有接菌的情况下,SA诱导了33个差异表达的蛋白,其中用质谱鉴定出了26个。而在接种病原菌的情况下,SA诱导了19个差异表达的蛋白,并鉴定出了其中的12个。这些蛋白分别涉及到代谢、防御反应、转录、能量途径、信号转导等过程。在没有接种病原菌的情况下,SA处理诱导了Putative DnaJ heat shock protein, PR1-like protein, Peroxidase, Major allergen Pru av 1 (Pru a 1)和Catalase等与抗病有关的蛋白。而在接种病原菌的情况下,诱导了PR1-like protein, Peroxidase和Catalase蛋白的差异表达。通过酶活性测定以及对细胞学定位的研究,我们发现在没有接种病原菌的情况下,POD的活性受到SA的诱导。但是在接种病原菌以后,诱导效果不明显。


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观赏向日葵作为一种新型花卉,具有巨大的市场开发潜力。而花色作为向日葵的重要观赏性状之一,对其的研究却比较少。本文从向日葵花色多样性、花色遗传规律、花色与虫媒传粉的关系及其对向日葵花色遗传的影响做了分析和讨论,利用英国皇家园艺学会比色卡和分光色差仪对向日葵的花色做了归类总结,并且利用高效液相色谱法对向日葵的花青苷成分做了分析研究。 本研究结果表明,彩色向日葵色系可以分为两大类,即黄色系和红色系,其中红色系向日葵的花色变异较小;而黄色系向日葵的花色变异较大,可以再细分为橙黄色和柠檬黄色两个亚类。利用高效液相色谱法测定了39份向日葵舌状花瓣中的花青苷大概有9种(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I),这9种花青苷并不是在所有39份样品中都出现,且红色系向日葵中花青苷的种类较多。花青苷G在红色系和黄色系向日葵中均被检出。对红色向日葵花瓣的花青苷提取液进行多级质谱分析发现,花青苷元类型主要是矢车菊苷元,其糖苷类型主要是和葡萄糖、鼠李糖和/或阿拉伯糖结合;而在纯黄色的向日葵中通过多级质谱分析未检测到这些花青苷,说明矢车菊类花青苷是红色向日葵舌状花红色形成的化学基础。


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本文以9 个芍药野生种(15 份种质)、104 个品种及2 个牡丹芍药组间杂种的花瓣为材料,利用液质联用技术鉴定了花瓣中的色素成分并探讨了芍药花色形成的化学机制和化学分类法。 结果表明,芍药花中主要含有5 种花青素,即芍药花素-3,5-二葡糖苷( peonidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Pn3G5G ); 矢车菊素-3 , 5- 二葡糖苷( cyanidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Cy3G5G ); 天竺葵素-3 , 5- 二葡糖苷( pelargonidin-3,5-di-O-glucoside , Pg3G5G ); 芍药花素-3- 葡糖苷(peonidin-3-O-glucoside,Pn3G)和矢车菊素-3-葡糖苷(cyanidin-3-O-glucoside,Cy3G)。此外,3 种微量的花青素首次在芍药中发现:它们分别为芍药花素-3-葡萄糖-5-阿拉伯糖苷(peonidin-3-O-glucoside-5-O-arabinoside,Pn3G5Ara)、矢车菊素-3- 葡萄糖-5- 半乳糖苷( cyanidin-3-O-glucoside-5-O-galactoside ,Cy3G5Gal)和天竺葵素-3-葡萄糖-5-半乳糖苷(pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside-5-Ogalactoside,Pg3G5Gal)。特征花青素Cy3G5Gal 和Pg3G5Gal 仅在新疆芍药(Paeonia anomala L.)及其亚种川赤芍(P. anomala subsp. veitchii(Lynch) D. Y.Hong & K. Y. Pan)中被检测出来,表明它们属于同一个种。Pn3G5Ara 仅存在于欧洲的野生芍药花瓣中,表明中国野生芍药和欧洲芍药的花青素代谢途径不同。 芍药花瓣中主要含有11 种花黄素,均为黄酮醇类物质。包括栎精-3,7 二葡糖苷( quercetin-3,7-di-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-3 , 7 二葡糖苷(kaempferol-3,7-di-O-glucoside)、异鼠李素-3,7 二葡糖苷(isorhamnetin-3,7-di-Oglucoside)、栎精-3-O-(6”-没食子酰基)-葡糖苷 [quercetin-3-O-(6”-O-galloyl)-glucoside] 、栎精-3- 葡糖苷( quercetin-3-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-7- 葡糖苷( kaempferol-7-O-glucoside )、山奈酚-3-O- ( 6”- 没食子酰基) - 葡糖苷[kaempferol-3-O-(6”-O-galloyl)-glucoside]、异鼠李素-3-O-(6”-没食子酰基)-葡糖苷 [isorhamnetin-3-O- ( 6”-O-galloyl ) -glucoside] 、山奈酚-3- 葡糖苷(kaempferol-3-O-glucoside)、异鼠李素-3-葡糖苷(isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside)和山奈酚-丙二酰葡糖苷(kaempferol-malonyl-glucoside)。此外,查耳酮在黄色的栽培品种‘黄金轮’和牡丹芍药组间杂交种‘伊藤杂种’中首次被检测到。其化学结构为查耳酮-2’-葡糖苷(chalcononaringenin 2’-O-glucoside),它是花瓣表现出黄色的主要色素,它与黄色牡丹野生种‘滇牡丹’(P. delavayi Franchet)花瓣中主要黄色色素成分一致。 通过对所有芍药野生种和栽培品种的色素分析,研究发现花青素是芍药花瓣中主要的色素,其中Pn3G5G 是花瓣中含量最高的花青素苷,其次为Cy3G5G。3G 型糖苷仅在少数品种中检测出来。此外,黄酮醇是芍药花瓣中重要的辅助色素。山奈酚苷是花瓣中含量最高的黄酮醇类,其次是栎精。 多元线性回归分析的结果表明,芍药花色的形成主要与花瓣中Pn3G5G、Cy3G5G 和Pg3G5G 的含量及总花青素量(TA)有关。根据8 种花青素结构与花色组成,将国内的野生种和大部分品种进行了化学分类:所有样本聚成3 大类,聚类后的树状图与其花色、花色素组成数据相一致,直观反映了野生种和栽培品种花色形成的化学背景和表型相似性程度。 芍药成色机理和化学分类的初步研究,对芍药新花色育种具有重要意义:芍药鲜红色花的育种中,育种亲本应具有高的Cy3G 含量、低的辅助色素效应指数。选育深紫色花或紫黑色花的品种,亲本应具有高的Pn3G5G 含量和低的Pg3G5G 含量。


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Plant cell cultures have been suggested as a feasible technology for the production of a myriad of plant-derived metabolites. However, commercial application of plant cell culture has met limited success with only a handful of metabolites produced at the pilot- and commercial-scales. To improve the production of secondary metabolites in plant cell cultures, efforts have been devoted predominantly to the optimization of biosynthetic pathways by both process and genetic engineering approaches. Given that secondary metabolism includes-the synthesis. metabolism and catabolism of endogenous compounds by the specialized proteins, this review intends to draw attention to the manipulation and optimization of post-biosynthetic events that follow the formation of core metabolite structures in biosynthetic pathways. These post-biosynthetic events-the chemical and enzymatic modifications, transport, storage/secretion and catabolism/degradation have been largely unexplored in the past. Potential areas are identified where further research is needed to answer fundamental questions that have implications for advanced bioprocess design. Anthocyanin production by plant cell cultures is used as a case study for this discussion, as it presents a good example of compounds for which there are extensive research publications but still no commercial bioprocess. It is perceived that research on post-biosynthetic processes may lead to future opportunities for significant advances in commercial plant cell cultures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Berries are a good source of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, micronutrients, and fiber. In epidemiological and clinical studies, these constituents have been associated with improved cardiovascular risk profiles. Human intervention studies using chokeberries, cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries (either fresh, or as juice, or freeze-dried), or purified anthocyanin extracts have demonstrated significant improvements in LDL oxidation, lipid peroxidation, total plasma antioxidant capacity, dyslipidemia, and glucose metabolism. Benefits were seen in healthy subjects and in those with existing metabolic risk factors. Underlying mechanisms for these beneficial effects are believed to include upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, decreased activities of carbohydrate digestive enzymes, decreased oxidative stress, and inhibition of inflammatory gene expression and foam cell formation. Though limited, these data support the recommendation of berries as an essential fruit group in a heart-healthy diet.


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Galactosemia is an inherited metabolic disease in which galactose is not properly metabolised. There are various theories to explain the molecular pathology, and recent experimental evidence strongly suggests that oxidative stress plays a key role. High galactose diets are damaging to experimental animals and oxidative stress also plays a role in this toxicity which can be alleviated by purple sweet potato colour (PSPC). This plant extract is rich in acetylated anthocyanins which have been shown to quench free radical production. The objective of this Commentary is to advance the hypothesis that PSPC, or compounds therefrom, may be a viable basis for a novel therapy for galactosemia.


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O vinho tinto é uma importante fonte de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante e que estão relacionados com a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e cancro. Estes compostos são um sub-produto do processo de destilação vínica utilizado para produzir aguardente necessária para a produção de Vinho do Porto. Esta tese tem como objetivo valorizar os compostos fenólicos resultantes das destilarias de vinho, através do estudo da sua composição, das interações com o material polimérico do vinho, da sua estabilidade durante o armazenamento e avaliação dos seus potenciais efeitos biológicos in vitro. Isto irá permitir definir aplicações para estes compostos como ingredientes alimentares com propriedades funcionais. Dois vinhos tintos (RW1 e RW2) foram utilizados como fonte de compostos fenólicos. A fim de estudar estes compostos, cada vinho foi evaporado à pressão atmosférica, permitindo obter o respetivo vinho desalcolizado (DW1 e DW2). Os polissacarídeos e compostos fenólicos presentes nos vinhos desalcolizados foram fracionados por extração em fase sólida utilizando cartuchos C18 sep-pak. A fração hidrofóbica, rica em compostos fenólicos, foi separada em frações ricas em ácidos fenólicos, em procianidinas e em antocianinas, as quais foram usadas para avaliar a sua contribuição para a atividade antioxidante total e caracterização fenólica detalhada dos DW. Foram obtidas quantidades comparáveis de compostos fenólicos totais (1.3 g/L para RW1 e DW1, e 3.1 para RW2 e DW2), de taninos (1.2 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 1.6 para RW2 e DW2) e de antocianinas (0.24 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 0.41 para RW2 e DW2) para os vinhos e para os respetivos vinhos desalcolizados. A determinação da atividade antioxidante de RW e DW pelos métodos do DPPH e ABTS também originou valores semelhantes, permitindo inferir que o processo de destilação realizado não promoveu uma perda relevante de compostos fenólicos. A atividade antioxidante total de vinho deveu-se essencialmente à fração rica em antocianinas. Os dois DW foram dialisados para se obter o material polimérico dos vinhos (WPM1 e WPM2). O WPM1 e WPM2 apresentavam 1.1 e 1.3 g/L de material sólido, respetivamente. O WPM (WPM1 e WPM2) era composto por polissacarídeos (31 e 36%), proteínas (10 e 12%) e também por compostos fenólicos (32 e 43%). A análise de açúcares mostrou que as manoproteínas e as arabinogalactanas eram os principais polissacarídeos presentes. A extração do WPM com metanol deu origem a um material insolúvel em metanol (PMi) e a uma fração solúvel em metanol, que continuava a conter hidratos de carbono e compostos fenólicos, mostrando uma forte interação entre estes compostos. Para determinar a energia de ativação (Ea) da libertação dos compostos fenólicos de fracções de material polimérico do vinho, foram realizadas diálises do DW, WPM e PMi, utilizando-se quatro concentrações diferentes, a cinco temperaturas (5-40 °C). O valor da Ea foi 25 para o WPM e 61 kJ/mol para o PMi, mostrando que os compostos fenólicos do vinho podem estar associados de forma diferente à matriz polimérica e que uma fração pode estar, ainda, fortemente associada a esta matriz. A fim de avaliar a possível existência de interações seletivas com os compostos fenólicos, o WPM foi fracionado, permitindo a obtenção de uma fração rica em manoproteínas (MP), através de uma cromatografia de afinidade com concanavalina A e 3 frações ricas em arabinogalactanas (AG0, AG1 e AG2) obtidas por cromatografia de troca aniónica. Foi avaliada a difusão de nove antocianinas monoméricas através de uma membrana de diálise, em presença do WPM, e das frações ricas em MP e em AG. A diálise dos compostos fenólicos livres do vinho foi realizada como ensaio em branco. Todas as frações poliméricas mostraram capacidade para reter as antocianinas, embora em diferente extensão. Foi observada uma capacidade de retenção maior para as antocianinas acilglucosiladas do que para as antocianinas glucosiladas. A fração rica em AG teve uma maior contribuição para a capacidade de retenção das antocianinas pelo material polimérico vinho do que a fração rica em MP, principalmente quando as antocianinas estavam acetiladas. Com o objetivo de estudar formas para preservar, a longo prazo, as propriedades antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos, o extrato de compostos fenólicos (PCE), em pó, foi armazenado em diferentes condições de luz e atmosfera, à temperatura ambiente durante 1 ano. Observou-se que o PCE armazenado no escuro, dentro de um exsicador sob atmosfera de azoto, preservou 95% da atividade antioxidante inicial. Também foram avaliadas as melhores condições para preservar as antocianinas quando em solução, armazenadas a duas temperaturas (5 e 30 ºC) durante 3 meses. A adição de 0.5 g/L de uma fração rica em polissacarídeos a um vinho armazenado a 30 ºC promoveu a proteção das antocianinas, especialmente das antocianinas cumaroiladas. Os potenciais efeitos biológicos dos compostos fenólicos foram avaliados em diferentes sistemas celulares in vitro utilizando as seguintes frações: WPM, WPS (polissacarídeos do vinho), WPC (compostos fenólicos do vinho), PA-E (fração rica em ácidos fenólicos), PR-E (fração rica em procianidinas) e APP-E (fração rica em antocianinas e procianidinas poliméricas). Foi observada uma maior viabilidade celular quando as células do carcinoma do cólon HT-29 foram expostas a dois agentes oxidantes (radiação UV e H2O2) em presença das frações PR-E e APP-E. Além disso, os extratos WPS, WPC, PR-E e APP-E mostraram propriedades anti-inflamatórias, avaliadas pela inibição da produção de NO por células de macrófagos RAW264.7, sendo o extrato APP-E (0.19 mg/mL) o que exibiu a maior capacidade anti-inflamatória. A fim de elucidar as propriedades antioxidantes dos extratos do vinho em células humanas, os glóbulos vermelhos (RBC) foram selecionados como um modelo metabolicamente simples. Os extratos WPM, WPS, WPC, PR-E, e APP-E mostraram efeito anti-hemolítico para a hemólise dos RBC provocada pelo peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) e pelo di-hidrocloreto de 2,2'-azo-bis(2-diaminopropano) (AAPH). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o processo de desalcoolização dos vinhos à pressão atmosférica, preservou as principais características antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos. Estes compostos podem contribuir para a defesa das células contra agentes oxidantes, nomeadamente por terem um potencial de atividades anti-inflamatória e anti-hemolítica, promovendo a viabilidade celular. A interação dos compostos fenólicos do vinho com o material polimérico permite inferir uma dosagem contínua e gradual das antocianinas vinho tinto após a sua ingestão, contribuindo para um período mais longo da sua exposição e, como consequência, dos seus potenciais benefícios para a saúde.


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The pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) liquor has been produced for several centuries in the south of Portugal, mainly in the mountain areas. The “Assaria” variety is the preferred cultivar due to its organoleptic properties and high arils to peel ratio. Wild pomegranates are also widely distributed but, despite the health benefits that have been associated to the fruits, they continue to be unappreciated for consumption. Liquor preparation is a very good alternative for wild pomegranate fruits. We prepared pomegranate liquors by following a maceration procedure using the arils or juice of Assaria and wild pomegranate fruits. Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit spirits were used to prepare the liquors. At the end of the maceration time 5 day as minimum sugar syrup was added. The maturation period was three months or longer. The obtained liquors showed a very attractive pink colour. The colour and the total polyphenol, as well as the anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles, were measured at the end of the maceration and maturation times. Wild pomegranates gave rise liquors with more intense pink colour and higher polyphenol contents than the prepared using Assaria fruits. The anthocyanin and ellagitannin profiles also indicated higher contents of polyphenols for liquors prepared using wild pomegranate fruits. When juice is used instead of complete arils during the maceration period punicalin is not present and the consequently total polyphenols is low. The main anthocyanins identified in the liquors were delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside, cyaniding-3,5-diglucoside, delphinidin–3-glucoside, cyaniding–3-glucoside, pelargonidin–3–glucoside; the main ellagitannins were punicalagin and punicalin.


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Nature has developed strategies to present us with a wide variety of colours, from the green of leaves to the bright colours seen in flowers. Anthocyanins are between these natural pigments that are responsible for the great diversity of colours seen in flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins have been used to sensitize titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). DSSCs have become one of the most popular research topic in photovoltaic cells due to their low production costs when compared to other alternatives. DSSCs are inspired in what happens in nature during photosynthesis. A primary charge separation is achieved by means of a photoexcited dye capable of performing the electron injection into the conduction band of a wide band-gap semiconductor, usually TiO2. With this work we aimed to synthesize a novel mesoporous TiO2 structure as the semiconductor in order to increase the dye loading. We used natural occurring dyes such as anthocyanins and their synthetic flavylium relatives, as an alternative to the widely used metal complexes of Ru(II) which are expensive and are environmentally unsafe. This offers not only the chance to use safer dyes for DSSCs, but also to take profit of waste biological products, such as wine and olive oil production residues that are heavily loaded with anthocyanin dyes. We also performed a photodegradation study using TiO2 as the catalyst to degrade dye contaminants, such as those from the wine production waste, by photo-irradiation of the system in the visible region of the light spectrum. We were able to succeed in the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 both powder and thin film, with a high capacity to load a large amount of dye. We proved the concept of photodegradation using TiO2 as catalyst. And finally, we show that wine production waste is a possible dye source to DSSCs application.


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Grape (Vitis spp.) is a culturally and economically important crop plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years, primarily for the production of wine. Grape berries accumulate a myriad of phenylpropanoid secondary metabolites, many of which are glucosylated in plantae More than 90 O-glucosyltransferases have been cloned and biochemically characterized from plants, only two of which have been isolated from Vitis spp. The world-wide economic importance of grapes as a crop plant, the human health benefits associated with increased consumption of grape-derived metabolites, the biological relevance of glucosylation, and the lack of information about Vitis glucosyltransferases has inspired the identification, cloning and biochemical characterization of five novel "family 1" O-glucosyltransferases from Concord grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Concord). Protein purification and associated protein sequencIng led to the molecular cloning of UDP-glucose: resveratrollhydroxycinnamic acid O-glucosyltransferase (VLRSGT) from Vitis labrusca berry mesocarp tissue. In addition to being the first glucosyltransferase which accepts trans-resveratrol as a substrate to be characterized in vitro, the recombinant VLRSGT preferentially produces the glucose esters of hydroxycinnamic acids at pH 6.0, and the glucosides of trans-resveratrol and flavonols at 'pH 9.0; the first demonstration of pH-dependent bifunctional glucosylation for this class of enzymes. Gene expression and metabolite profiling support a role for this enzyme in the bifuncitonal glucosylation ofstilbenes and hydroxycinnamic acids in plantae A homology-based approach to cloning was used to identify three enzymes from the Vitis vinifera TIGR grape gene index which had high levels of protein sequence iii identity to previously characterized UDP-glucose: anthocyanin 5-0-glucosyltransferases. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization demonstrated that these enzymes (rVLOGTl, rVLOGT2, rVLOGT3) glucosylate the 7-0-position of flavonols and the xenobiotic 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (TCP), but not anthocyanins. Variable gene expression throughout grape berry development and enzyme assays with native grape berry protein are consistent with a role for these enzymes in the glucosylation of flavonols; while the broad substrate specificity, the ability of these enzymes to glucosylate TCP and expression of these genes in tissues which are subject to pathogen attack (berry, flower, bud) is consistent with a role for these genes in the plant defense response. Additionally, the Vitis labrusca UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VL3GT) was identified, cloned and characterized. VL3GT has 96 % protein sequence identity to the previously characterized Vitis vinifera flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VV3GT); and glucosylates the 3-0-position of anthocyanidins and flavonols in vitro. Despite high levels of protein sequence identity, VL3GT has distinct biochemical characteristics (as compared to VV3GT), including a preference for B-ring methylated flavonoids and the inability to use UDP-galactose as a donor substrate. RT-PCR analysis of VL3GT gene expression and enzyme assays with native grape protein is consistent with an in planta role for this enzyme in the glucosylation of anthocyanidins,but not flavonols. These studies reveal the power of combining several biochemistry- and molecular biology-based tools to identify, clone, biochemically characterize and elucidate the in planta function of several biologically relevant O-glucosyltransferases from Vitis spp.


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Plants were regenerated from callus induced from leaf disc explants of a tomato F, hybrid heterozygous for three marker loci (a), without anthocyanin (aw), and hairless (hl). Regenerants were studied for somaclonal variation at the phenotypic level by scoring for variation in the marker loci, and at the DNA level by probing geomic DNA blots with a chlorophyll a/b binding protein (Cab-3C) cDNA sequence. While no variation was observed at the phenotypic level in over 950 somaclones studied, DNA polymorphism for the Cab locus could be detected in two out of 17 somaclones tested. Tissue culture induced variation at the phenotypic level for specific loci is very low (less than 0.001 for a, awor hl) but DNA sequence changes are induced at much greater frequency (- 0.1 for a multicopy gene family such as Cab).


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Nos últimos anos estudos efectuados com frutos vermelhos têm revelado a sua riqueza em compostos bioactivos,sobretudo devido a presença de compostos polifenólicos. Neste trabalho foram avaliados os sub-produtos da ginja (Prunus cerasus L.) resultantes da indústria do licor de Óbidos, através da determinação do seu conteúdo em compostos fenólicos totais e, em particular, em antocianinas. As amostras de folhagens (pedúnculos e folhas) e de bagaço (película e película+caroço) foram extraídas por maceração através de 2 métodos de extracção diferentes, utilizando o etanol e o metanol como solventes. Na generalidade observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os teores em fenóis totais e antocianinas, quer dos extractos obtidos a partir de diferentes fracções (folhagem ou bagaço), quer dos extractos obtidos a partir da mesma fracção mas utilizando diferentes solventes. Os extractos das folhagens apresentaram valores de fenóis totais mais elevados que os extractos de bagaço. O metanol foi o solvente mais eficaz na extracção dos fenóis totais e das antocianinas para todas as amostras em estudo. Para as amostras de bagaço as amostras sem caroço (amostras de película) foram as que apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais e de antocianinas. Os resultados obtidos apontam no sentido dos sub-produtos agro-industriais analisados poderem constituir uma promissora fonte de compostos polifenólicos de custo reduzido, com potencial para aplicação em formulações dermocosméticas. Estudos futuros serão efectuados para avaliar o potencial destes resíduos como ingrediente antioxidante.


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The levels of health-related phytochemicals were determined in lettuce leaf and in strawberry, raspberry and blueberry fruits grown in near-commercial conditions under plastic films of three different UV transparencies. In the red lettuce Lollo Rosso, total phenolics, anthocyanin, luteolin and quercetin levels were all raised by changing from a UV blocking film to a film of low UV transparency, and to a film of high UV transparency. The related green lettuce, Lollo Biondo, cultivated under the same conditions, showed virtually no phytochemical responses to the same variation in UV levels. Overall, the phenolic levels of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries were unresponsive to the UV transparency of the plastic film under which the crops were grown. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the nutritional quality of soft fruit and salad crops which are increasingly being grown commercially under plastic tunnels.


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The growth and production of anthocyanin, flavonoid and phenolic compounds were evaluated in Lollo Rosso lettuce 'Revolution' grown continuously under films varying in their ability to transmit LTV radiation (completely transparent to IN, transparent above 320, 350, 370 and 3 80 nm and completely opaque to LTV radiation). Plants were grown from seed under UV transparent and UV blocking films and destructively harvested 3-4 weeks after transplanting. Plants under a complete UV blocking film (UV400) produced up to 2.2 times more total above ground dry weight than plants under the UV transparent film. In contrast, anthocyanin content in plants under the UV blocking film was approximately eight times lower than in plants under a UV transparent film. Furthermore, there was a curvilinear relationship between the anthocyanin content and LTV wavelength cutoff such that above 370 run there was no further reduction in anthocyanin content. Fluorescence measurements indicated that photosynthetic performance index was 15% higher under the presence of UVB and UVA (UV280) than under the presence of UVA (UV320) and 53% higher than in the absence of UV radiation suggesting protection of the photosynthetic apparatus possibly by phenolic compounds. These findings are of particular importance as the potential of UV transmitting films to increase secondary compounds may offer the opportunity to produce plants commercially with increased health benefits compared to those grown under conventional films.