942 resultados para aerospace propulsion


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Torsional vibration predictions and measurements of a marine propulsion system, which has both damping and a highly flexible coupling, are presented in this paper. Using the conventional approach to stress prediction in the shafting system, the numerical predictions and the experimental torsional vibration stress curves in some parts of the shafting system are found to be quite different. The free torsional vibration characteristics and forced torsional vibration response of the system are analyzed in detail to investigate this phenomenon. It is found that the second to fourth natural modes of the shafting system have significant local deformation. This results in large torsional resonant responses in different sections of the system corresponding to different engine speeds. The results show that when there is significant local deformation in the shafting system for different modes, then multi-point measurements should be made, rather than the conventional method of using a single measurement at the free end of the shaft, to obtain the full torsional vibration characteristics of the shafting system.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The success of manufacturing composite parts by liquid composite molding processes with RTM depends on tool designs, efficient heat system, a controlled injection pressure, a stabilized vacuum system, besides of a suitable study of the preform lay-up and the resin system choice. This paper reports how to assemble a RTM system in a laboratory scale by specifying heat, injection and vacuum system. The design and mold material were outlined by pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. Four different carbon fiber fabrics were used for testing the RTM system. The injection pressure was analyzed regarding fiber volume content, preform compression and permeability, showing how these factors can affect the process parameters. The glass transition temperature (Tg) around 203 ºC matched with the aimed temperature of the mold which ensured good distribution of the heat throughout the upper and lower mold length. The void volume fraction in a range of 2% confirmed the appropriate RTM system and parameters choice.


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This Special Issue presents a selection of papers initially presented at the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), held from 9 to 12 September 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal. The main topics of this Special Issue are linear and, mainly, nonlinear dynamics, chaos and control of systems and structures and their applications in different field of science and engineering. According to the goal of the Special Issue, the selected contributions are divided into three major parts: “Vibration Problems in Vertical Transportation Systems”, “Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Control of Elastic Structures” and “New Strategies and Challenges for Aerospace and Ocean Structures Dynamics and Control”.


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A new control scheme has been presented in this thesis. Based on the NonLinear Geometric Approach, the proposed Active Control System represents a new way to see the reconfigurable controllers for aerospace applications. The presence of the Diagnosis module (providing the estimation of generic signals which, based on the case, can be faults, disturbances or system parameters), mean feature of the depicted Active Control System, is a characteristic shared by three well known control systems: the Active Fault Tolerant Controls, the Indirect Adaptive Controls and the Active Disturbance Rejection Controls. The standard NonLinear Geometric Approach (NLGA) has been accurately investigated and than improved to extend its applicability to more complex models. The standard NLGA procedure has been modified to take account of feasible and estimable sets of unknown signals. Furthermore the application of the Singular Perturbations approximation has led to the solution of Detection and Isolation problems in scenarios too complex to be solved by the standard NLGA. Also the estimation process has been improved, where multiple redundant measuremtent are available, by the introduction of a new algorithm, here called "Least Squares - Sliding Mode". It guarantees optimality, in the sense of the least squares, and finite estimation time, in the sense of the sliding mode. The Active Control System concept has been formalized in two controller: a nonlinear backstepping controller and a nonlinear composite controller. Particularly interesting is the integration, in the controller design, of the estimations coming from the Diagnosis module. Stability proofs are provided for both the control schemes. Finally, different applications in aerospace have been provided to show the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed NLGA-based Active Control System.


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With the insatiable curiosity of human beings to explore the universe and our solar system, it is essential to benefit from larger propulsion capabilities to execute efficient transfers and carry more scientific equipment. In the field of space trajectory optimization the fundamental advances in using low-thrust propulsion and exploiting the multi-body dynamics has played pivotal role in designing efficient space mission trajectories. The former provides larger cumulative momentum change in comparison with the conventional chemical propulsion whereas the latter results in almost ballistic trajectories with negligible amount of propellant. However, the problem of space trajectory design translates into an optimal control problem which is, in general, time-consuming and very difficult to solve. Therefore, the goal of the thesis is to address the above problem by developing a methodology to simplify and facilitate the process of finding initial low-thrust trajectories in both two-body and multi-body environments. This initial solution will not only provide mission designers with a better understanding of the problem and solution but also serves as a good initial guess for high-fidelity optimal control solvers and increases their convergence rate. Almost all of the high-fidelity solvers enjoy the existence of an initial guess that already satisfies the equations of motion and some of the most important constraints. Despite the nonlinear nature of the problem, it is sought to find a robust technique for a wide range of typical low-thrust transfers with reduced computational intensity. Another important aspect of our developed methodology is the representation of low-thrust trajectories by Fourier series with which the number of design variables reduces significantly. Emphasis is given on simplifying the equations of motion to the possible extent and avoid approximating the controls. These facts contribute to speeding up the solution finding procedure. Several example applications of two and three-dimensional two-body low-thrust transfers are considered. In addition, in the multi-body dynamic, and in particular the restricted-three-body dynamic, several Earth-to-Moon low-thrust transfers are investigated.


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A study on the manoeuvrability of a riverine support patrol vessel is made to derive a mathematical model and simulate maneuvers with this ship. The vessel is mainly characterized by both its wide-beam and the unconventional propulsion system, that is, a pump-jet type azimuthal propulsion. By processing experimental data and the ship characteristics with diverse formulae to find the proper hydrodynamic coefficients and propulsion forces, a system of three differential equations is completed and tuned to carry out simulations of the turning test. The simulation is able to accept variable speed, jet angle and water depth as input parameters and its output consists of time series of the state variables and a plot of the simulated path and heading of the ship during the maneuver. Thanks to the data of full-scale trials previously performed with the studied vessel, a process of validation was made, which shows a good fit between simulated and full-scale experimental results, especially on the turning diameter


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For many years now, sails have been used as a propulsion system. At present, they are restricted to recreational/sport crafts since the appearance of the first steam vessels in the beginning of the 19 th century. But in the last years, due to the increase of fuel price and the pollution of the environment, it is being studied the possibility to introduce again the sail as a propulsive method combined with other conventional systems. In this paper, it is studied the viability of using a sail as a propellant with other conventional systems of propulsion. After considering the concept of apparent wind, the range of use of this complementary propulsion is presented. The calculation methodology, the numerical simulations and the wind inputs from a specific route are also included.


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Una planta AIP es cualquier sistema propulsivo capaz de posibilitar la navegación de un vehículo submarino bajo la superficie del mar de forma completamente independiente de la atmósfera terrestre. El uso a bordo de submarinos de plantas AIP basadas en la reacción química entre un hidrocarburo y oxígeno (ambos almacenados en el interior del submarino) da lugar a la producción en grandes cantidades de agua y CO2, residuos que necesitan ser eliminados. En concreto, la producción de CO2 en grandes cantidades (y en estado gaseoso) constituye un auténtico problema en un submarino navegando en inmersión, ya que actualmente no resulta viable almacenarlo a bordo, y su eliminación tiene que llevarse a cabo de forma discreta y con un coste energético reducido. Actualmente, hay varias alternativas para eliminar el CO2 producido en la propulsión de un submarino navegando en inmersión, siendo la más ventajosa la disolución de dicha sustancia en agua de mar y su posterior expulsión al exterior del submarino. Esta alternativa consta básicamente de 3 etapas bien definidas: • Etapa 1.- Introducir agua de mar a bordo del submarino, haciendo bajar su presión desde la existente en el exterior hasta la presión a la que se quiere realizar el proceso de disolución. • Etapa 2.- Llevar a cabo el proceso de disolución a presión constante e independiente de la existente en el exterior del submarino. • Etapa 3.- Expulsar fuera del submarino el agua de mar saturada de CO2 haciendo subir su presión desde la correspondiente al proceso de disolución hasta la existente en el exterior. Para ejecutar las etapas 1 y 3 con un coste energético aceptable, resulta necesaria la instalación de un sistema de recuperación de energía, el cual basa su funcionamiento en aprovechar la energía producida en la caída de presión del flujo de agua entrante para elevar la presión del flujo de agua saliente saturada de CO2. El sistema arriba citado puede implementarse de 3 formas alternativas: • Recuperación de doble salto mediante máquinas hidráulicas de desplazamiento positivo. • Recuperación directa mediante cilindros estacionarios dotados de pistones internos. • Recuperación directa mediante cilindros rotativos sin pistones internos. Por otro lado, para ejecutar la etapa 2 de forma silenciosa, y sin ocupar excesivo volumen, resulta necesaria la instalación de un sistema de disolución de CO2 en agua de mar a baja presión, existiendo actualmente 2 principios funcionales viables: • Dispersión de finas burbujas de gas en el seno de una masa de agua. • Difusión directa de CO2 a través de una inter-fase líquido/gas estable sin procesos de dispersión previos. Una vez dicho todo esto, el objetivo de la tesis consiste en llevar a cabo dos estudios comparativos: uno para analizar las ventajas/inconvenientes que presentan las 3 alternativas de recuperación de energía citadas y otro para analizar las ventajas/inconvenientes que presentan los sistemas de disolución de CO2 en agua de mar basados en los 2 principios funcionales mencionados. En ambos estudios se van a tener en cuenta las singularidades propias de una instalación a bordo de submarinos. Para finalizar este resumen, cabe decir que la ejecución de los estudios arriba citados ha exigido el desarrollo de un código software específico (no disponible en la bibliografía) para llevar a cabo la simulación numérica de los distintos sistemas presentados en la tesis. Este código software se ha desarrollado bajo una serie de restricciones importantes, las cuales se listan a continuación: • Ha sido necesario tener en cuenta fluidos de trabajo multi-componente: agua de mar con CO2 disuelto. • El fluido de trabajo se encuentra normalmente en estado líquido, habiendo sido necesario considerar fenómenos de cambio de fase únicamente en etapas incipientes. • La algoritmia se ha diseñado de la forma más simple posible, al objeto de facilitar el subsiguiente proceso de programación y reducir al máximo el tiempo de ejecución en máquina. • La algoritmia arriba citada se ha diseñado para llevar a cabo análisis de tipo comparativo solamente, y no para obtener resultados extremadamente precisos en términos absolutos.


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The EU-CargoXpress project suggests the usage of sustainable energies to reduce the fuel consumption. The updated concept consists of hoisting the superstructure and using it as a sail together with the conventional propulsion. This paper presents the study of the sail performance by means of a computational analysis and wind tunnel tests. Moreover, a research of the energy saving in different operational areas has been conducted. It is concluded that there is a significant energy saving by using the superstructure as a sail which leads to a reduction of fossil fuel consumption and consequently, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.


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We develop a simplified model of choked flow in pipes for CO2-water solutions as an important step in the modelling of a whole hydraulic system with the intention of eliminating the carbon dioxide generated in air-independent submarine propulsion. The model is based on an approximate fitting of the homogeneous isentropic solution upstream of a valve (or any other area restriction), for given fluid conditions at the entrance. The relative maximum choking back-pressure is computed as a function of area restriction ratio. Although the procedure is generic for gas solutions, numeric values for the non-dimensional parameters in the analysis are developed only for choking in the case of carbon dioxide solutions up to the pure-water limit.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) requires integrated "all in one" electronic devices capable of performing analysis of structural integrity and on-board damage detection in aircraft?s structures. PAMELA III (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment, version III) SHM embedded system is an example of this device type. This equipment is capable of generating excitation signals to be applied to an array of integrated piezoelectric Phased Array (PhA) transducers stuck to aircraft structure, acquiring the response signals, and carrying out the advanced signal processing to obtain SHM maps. PAMELA III is connected with a host computer in order to receive the configuration parameters and sending the obtained SHM maps, alarms and so on. This host can communicate with PAMELA III through an Ethernet interface. To avoid the use of wires where necessary, it is possible to add Wi-Fi capabilities to PAMELA III, connecting a Wi-Fi node working as a bridge, and to establish a wireless communication between PAMELA III and the host. However, in a real aircraft scenario, several PAMELA III devices must work together inside closed structures. In this situation, it is not possible for all PAMELA III devices to establish a wireless communication directly with the host, due to the signal attenuation caused by the different obstacles of the aircraft structure. To provide communication among all PAMELA III devices and the host, a wireless mesh network (WMN) system has been implemented inside a closed aluminum wingbox. In a WMN, as long as a node is connected to at least one other node, it will have full connectivity to the entire network because each mesh node forwards packets to other nodes in the network as required. Mesh protocols automatically determine the best route through the network and can dynamically reconfigure the network if a link drops out. The advantages and disadvantages on the use of a wireless mesh network system inside closed aerospace structures are discussed.


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This paper presents a mechanical actuator for the biomimetic propulsion of swimming devices and the experimental study of the effect of the caudal fin elasticity on the overall performance. The design of the proposed drive allows the DC motor to operate at constant speed, so all the power of the motor is spent only for the motion of the caudal fin. A prototype of the actuator, in which the caudal fin serves as a driving element, is manufactured and tested in both laboratory and natural conditions. The swimming speed, the thrust efficiency and the maneuverability are evaluated for caudal fins with different stiffness. The caudal fin whose rigidity varies relative to both vertical and horizontal cross-section, exhibits the best performance. The achieved results also confirm that the proposed actuator could be of great interest to applications in the field of underwater operation, ocean investigation and environmental protection.