566 resultados para acre


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e priorizar as demandas de natureza tecnológica, resultantes de problemas que atuam como entraves ou "gargalos' ao desenvolvimento do sistema produtivo de madeira e móveis.


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Este trabalho é parte do resultado do "Projeto Plataforma Tecnológica para o setor extrativista do estado do Acre".


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O crescimento da ovinocultura regional vem acompanhada de um desconhecimento geral quanto a um manejo adequado, bem como de padrões produtivos e reprodutivos de raças de ovinos deslanados que melhor se adaptem à região. Com vistas ao problema, a Embrapa - UEPAE de Rio Branco vem desenvolvendo um trabalho sobre o comportamento produtivo de ovinos deslanados da raça Morada Nova no Acre.


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o Estado do Acre apresenta forte aptidão e tradição extrativistas, possuindo cerca de dois terços de sua área total ocupados por reservas extrativistas, áreas indígenas e outras áreas de conservação e preservação. No entanto, o modelo tradicional de extrativismo não-madeireiro, praticado ao longo deste século, caracterizado pelo baixo nível tecnológico, tem se mostrado não-sustentável, sob o ponto de vista econômico e social, diante da estrutura de mercado local e externo, especialmente em sua baixa capacidade competitiva.


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Business card from Green Acre Kennels, Aylmer East, Quebec, n.d.


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Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Thomas Fraser of the Township of Edwardsburgh granted 1 acre in Lot no.9 in the County of Stormont. Signed by William Jarvis, Sir Isaac Brock, Prideaux Selby and John Macdonell. There are some holes in the document and there are small pieces missing on the right hand side. William Jarvis was the Provincial Secretary of the Lt. Governor of Upper Canada; Sir Isaac Brock. Jarvis was an officer in the Queen’s Rangers. He also served as Provincial Secretary of Upper Canada. A partial crown seal is attached, Mar. 26, 1812.


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Vaccinia virus strains from the family Poxviridae have been frequently isolated in Brazil and associated with outbreaks of exanthematic disease affecting cows and humans. An ELISA IgG was applied to evaluate the seroprevalence of orthopoxviruses in a community located in a rural settlement in the Amazon region, where no orthopoxvirus outbreaks have yet been reported. An overall seroprevalence of 27.89% was found, and it was 23.38% in the non-vaccinated population (smallpox vaccination). These results strongly suggest that orthopoxviruses circulate in this population, and it is the first finding of seropositivity for orthopoxviruses in a population without any previously reported outbreaks.


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O trabalho trata, sob uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, do papel do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Acre, diante das transformações na organização social e política e do rearranjo institucional a partir da Constituição de 88. Também analisa os aspectos da eficiência e da eficácia da instituição superior de controle externo, nos dez primeiros anos de funcionamento do órgão no Estado, bem como sua relação com outras instituições jurisdicionadas de controle externo. O foco da pesquisa é o jogo político que caracteriza os processos de nomeação dos Conselheiros e de análise das contas dos Governadores estaduais de 1989 a 1998


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The relation between State and civil society is not a very recent discussion, but it does not mean that debate is exhausted, since is in the historical context that the novelty is seized. Thinking like this, we may analyze how the relation between state and civil society happened in Acre during the decade of 1970. But, to understand how this relation is established in faraway Acre, we have available to the reader historical analyses, in a tireless attempt to clarify minimally aspects that characterize acreana society. To do this, we take on as a departure point, in general not differentiating of the given structure at national level, the conformation of this society was guided in a passive revolution, in another way, by high transformismo, relegating to the civil society, which is incipient, pífia a simple participation in the hegemonic policy direction. All this brings us to the thought that both state bureaucracy structure and the civil society organization, were influenced decisively for a traditional political elite. In addition, we begin the work with the lifting bibliographic reference searching and then we analyze the empirical reality, such as newspapers, official media publications and private, a few documents and last, interviews with political actors associated with the process consolidation of civil society in the 1970 decade. The interviewees were selected, firstly for their location in the region, and for their outstanding contribution to the consolidating process of recent Acre history. Thus, the interviews followed up on a semi-structured way, leading up, also, for the informations that the interviewees would have to pass on. The systematization and analysis of these surveys have shown us that, in the period before of the Acre Federal State lifting had, of course, a transformismo by high, but at 1970decade, the society with a more heterogeneous social formation, is not allowed, or at least, organize itself, to counter a systematic imposition. Thus, the hegemonic area of dispute between State and civil society occurs from the "reconciliation" with the adoption of public policies that amenizasse the dispute between both spheres, and to build up some bodies, settling a acreana civil society.


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About two decades ago Brazil has been suffered some important political changes on its government and supporter systems. In these changes the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers support) has been researched significant results as much legislation as executive ways. These conquests propitiate a structure for it to get an alternative motion in order to manage public goods by petista government way. Trying to examinate this we can study the Partido dos Trabalhadores government experience in Acre (1999-2002) to know about why the PT government characteristics are different from the others. To do this we assumed to conjecture a popular participation with priorities inversion and ethics in public resources administration. These are the elements of PT government way. This way we started our work making an evaluation of its bibliography. Them we do a field inquiry to analyses documents of the government projects (budget rules law, papers, approved laws, IBGE, PNUD, TSE) and semi-structured interviews with some characters of recent political Acres life. The scheme and the analysis about these givens disclose that weren t confirmed our hypothesis in part, since PT remained old local politics habitus. In other side the executive administration on PT government has got to inflect the Governance . Further on an efficient management as World Bank dispossess but PT absolve many requests of progressive sectors as well it expanded the society participation to resolutions process. By a cabinets enlargement. So it rescues a total administrative course which is printed in the called petista government way. Personally we think so it means important advancements in this Acre government way