963 resultados para Yang Fudong
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a novel technique of non-invasive brain stimulation which has been used to treat several neuropsychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder, chronic pain and epilepsy. Recent studies have shown that the therapeutic effects of rTMS are associated with plastic changes in local and distant neural networks. In fact, it has been suggested that rTMS induces long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) - like effects. Besides the initial positive clinical results; the effects of rTMS are stilt mixed. Therefore new toots to assess the effects of plasticity non-invasively might be useful to predict its therapeutic effects and design novel therapeutic approaches using rTMS. In this paper we propose that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) might be such a tool. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a neurotrophin that plays a key role in neuronal survival and synaptic strength, which has also been studied in several neuropsychiatric disorders. There is robust evidence associating BDNF with the LTP/LTD processes, and indeed it has been proposed that BNDF might index an increase or decrease of brain activity - the `yin and yang` BDNF hypothesis. In this article, we review the initial studies combining measurements of BDNF in rTMS clinical trials and discuss the results and potential usefulness of this instrument in the field of rTMS. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Let G = Z(pk) be a cyclic group of prime power order and let V and W be orthogonal representations of G with V-G = W-G = W-G = {0}. Let S(V) be the sphere of V and suppose f: S(V) -> W is a G-equivariant mapping. We give an estimate for the dimension of the set f(-1){0} in terms of V and W. This extends the Bourgin-Yang version of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem to this class of groups. Using this estimate, we also estimate the size of the G-coincidences set of a continuous map from S(V) into a real vector space W'.
Despite the fact that the integral form of the equations of classical electrodynamics is well known, the same is not true for non-Abelian gauge theories. The aim of the present paper is threefold. First, we present the integral form of the classical Yang-Mills equations in the presence of sources and then use it to solve the long-standing problem of constructing conserved charges, for any field configuration, which are invariant under general gauge transformations and not only under transformations that go to a constant at spatial infinity. The construction is based on concepts in loop spaces and on a generalization of the non-Abelian Stokes theorem for two-form connections. The third goal of the paper is to present the integral form of the self-dual Yang-Mills equations and calculate the conserved charges associated with them. The charges are explicitly evaluated for the cases of monopoles, dyons, instantons and merons, and we show that in many cases those charges must be quantized. Our results are important in the understanding of global properties of non-Abelian gauge theories.
Alla base dell'elaborato vi è uno studio geometrico differenziale del Taijitu ed in particolare della curva centrale presente nel simbolo; il tutto ripercorrendo cronologicamente ed in termini matematici il cambiamento che il simbolo ha subito nel corso del tempo. Tale studio è consistito, implementando un programma Matlab, nell'approssimazione mediante curve di Bézier, seguita da osservazioni sul grado delle curve trovate e sulla loro differenziabilità.
Prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) and reduction of its mortality and morbidity remains a major public health challenge throughout the "Western world". Recent evidence supports the concept that the impairment of endothelial function, a hallmark of insulin resistance states, is an upstream event in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and its main corollaries: atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis is currently thought to be the consequence of a subtle imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidants that produces favourable conditions for lesion progression towards acute thrombotic complications and clinical events. Over the last decade, a remarkable burst of evidence has accumulated, offering the new perspective that bioavailable nitric oxide (NO) plays a pivotal role throughout the CAD-spectrum, from its genesis to the outcome after acute events. Vascular NO is a critical modulator of coronary blood flow by inhibiting smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation. It also acts in angiogenesis and cytoprotection. Defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) driven NO synthesis causes development of major cardiovascular risk factors (insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and dyslipidaemia) in mice, and characterises CAD-prone insulin-resistant humans. On the other hand, stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NO overproduction causes metabolic insulin resistance and characterises atherosclerosis, heart failure and cardiogenic shock in humans, suggesting a "Yin-Yang" effect of NO in the cardiovascular homeostasis. Here, we will present a concise overview of the evidence for this novel concept, providing the conceptual framework for developing a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent and treat CAD.