1000 resultados para Winter, Una Richardson
A field study was carried out to investigate the impacts of windrowed harvesting residues on denitrification, immobilisation and leaching of N-15-labelled nitrate applied at 20 kg N ha(-1) to microplots in second-rotation hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations of 1-3 years old in southeast Queensland, Australia. The PVC microplots were 235 mm in diameter and 150 mm. long, and driven into the 100 mm soil. There were three replications of such microplots for each of the six treatments which were areas just under and between 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of harvesting residues. Based on gaseous N losses estimated by the difference between the recoveries of bromide (Br) applied at 100 kg Br ha(-1) and N-15-labelled nitrate, denitrification was highest (23% based on N-15 loss) in the areas just under the 1-year-old windrows 25 days after a simulated 75 mm rainfall and following several natural rainfall events. There was no significant difference in N-15 losses (14-17%) among the other treatments. The N-15 immobilisation rate was highest for microplots in the areas between the 1-year-old windrows and generally higher for microplots in the areas just under the windrows (30-39%) than that (26-30%) between the windrows. Direct measurement of N-15 gas emissions (N-15(2) + (N2O)-N-15) confirmed that the highest denitrification rate occurred in the microplots under the 1-year-old windrows although the gaseous N-15 loss calculated by gas emission was only about one-quarter that estimated by the N-15 mass balance method. A significant, positive linear relationship (P < 0.05) existed between the gaseous N-15 losses measured by the two methods used. The research indicates that considerable mineral N could be lost via denitrification during the critical inter-rotation period and early phase of the second rotation. However, the impacts of windrowed harvesting residues on N losses via denitrification might only last for a period of about 2 years. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
At semiarid Charters Towers, north Queensland, Australia, the importance of Aedes aegypti (L.) in wells was assessed in relation to the colonization of surface habitats during the wet season. From April to July 1999, 10 wells (five positive for Ae. aegypti) were monitored to assess their status and larvae population numbers therein. All surface containers located within a 100 m radius of each well were removed, treated with s-methoprene or sealed to prevent the utilization of these containers by mosquitoes. These inner cores were surrounded by outer zones for a further 100 m in which surface containers were left untreated but all subterranean habitats were treated. Ovitraps were monitored monthly in the inner cores for 36 wk from August 1999 to April 2000 and differences in the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti and Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) were analyzed by logistic regression. Analysis of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti near positive wells indicated significantly greater colonization from November to March (the wet season), compared with those situated near Ae. aegypti negative wells. As Oc. notoscriptus were not produced from subterranean sites, comparisons of the proportions of ovitraps positive for Oc. notoscriptus in positive and negative inner cores provided an indication of the relative productivity of the uncontrolled surface containers in the outer zones. Differences in the utililization of ovitraps by Oc. notoscriptus among positive and negative cores were observed during only one month (March), when oviposition was greater in ovitraps in the negative cores, compared with the positive cores. Best subsets linear regression analysis of the proportion of ovitraps positive for Ae. aegypti against meteorological variables (rainfall, mean wind speed, mean relative humidity, mean minimum, and maximum temperature) during the week of ovitrapping indicated that minimum temperature and wind speed accounted for 63.4% of the variability. This study confirms that for semiarid towns such as Charters Towers, the practice of treating a relatively small number of key subterranean habitats during winter will significantly affect Ae. aegypti recolonization of surface container habitats during summer, the period of greatest risk for dengue.
Habitat instability associated with seasonal crop succession in broad-acre farming systems presents a problem for the conservation and utilisation of beneficial insects in annual field crops. The present paper describes two experiments used to measure the potential of seven plant species to be utilised as winter refuges to support and conserve the predatory bug Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker). In the first experiment, replicated plots of canola (Brassica napus ), red salvia (Salvia coccinea ), niger (Guizotia abyssinica ), linseed (Linum usitatissimum ), lupins (Lupinus angustifolius ), and lucerne (Medicago falcata ) were planted in a randomized experiment during Autumn 1998. Upon crop establishment, adults and nymphs of P. plagipennis were released into treatment plots and their numbers were assessed, along with those of their potential prey, throughout the ensuing winter months. Post-release sampling suggested that canola and niger retained a proportion of adult P. plagipennis , while niger, lucerne and canola retained some nymphs. The other plant species failed to support P. plagipennis nymphs and adults postrelease. In the second experiment, niger was compared with two lines of sunflower (Helianthus annus ). Both sunflower lines harboured significantly higher (P < 0.05) densities of P. plagipennis nymphs than did niger. The more successful refuge treatments (sunflower, niger and canola) had an abundance of yellow flowers that were attractive to pollinating insects, which served as supplementary prey on which P. plagipennis were observed to feed. Sunflower and niger also supported high densities of the prey insect Creontiades dilutus (Stal) and provided protective leafy canopies which supplied shelter during the winter months. The potential and limitations for using each plant species as a winter refuge to retain P. plagipennis during winter are discussed.
Este informe expone de forma sumaria los diversos enfoques y aproximaciones que nueve pa??ses de la Uni??n Europea ??? seis antiguos miembros (Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Espa??a y Portugal) y tres miembros recientes (Letonia, Polonia y Hungr??a) ??? est??n usando para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. En la primera parte, se presenta el marco conceptual y las definiciones con las que poder entender de qu?? hablamos cuando hablamos de corrupci??n y de conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. Posteriormente, trata de las razones existentes tras las pol??ticas de regulaci??n y tratamiento de los conflictos de inter??s y la importancia de ellas para el funcionamiento adecuado de la democracia. A continuaci??n, se explican las caracter??sticas, peculiaridades y dilemas de esta pol??tica p??blica en el contexto de las teor??as y enfoques sobre pol??ticas p??blicas. El informe tambi??n examina los puntos comunes en las estructuras, m??todos y procesos utilizados para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en los pa??ses estudiados, adem??s de explicitar las principales diferencias en los marcos legales, medios de implantaci??n, mecanismos de evaluaci??n y medios de ejecuci??n. Por ??ltimo, incluye una visi??n cr??tica de las ventajas y desventajas relacionadas con la utilidad de los instrumentos empleados y finaliza con recomendaciones relativas a c??mo formular e implantar pol??ticas de este tipo.
Este artículo analiza rasgos que por su persistencia en prolongados períodos históricos pueden ser considerados como elementos que contribuyen a moldear la identidad de la nación rusa. Estas "fuerzas profundas" son: el excepcionalismo, el mesianismo, el externalismo, el territorialismo y el peso del Estado. También se aborda a las "fuerzas organizadas" como actores estatales y burocracias. Se reflexiona sobre el peso y la vigencia de algunos de estas fuerzas en los debates sobre la política exterior contemporánea.
En los últimos años, Brasil se está convirtiendo en una potencia mundial, a la vez que se le considera el líder regional. En este trabajo se aborda el papel creciente de Brasil en el ámbito internacional, al tiempo que aumentan las tensiones con sus vecinos. ¿Cuál es la prioridad de la política exterior brasileña: las relaciones regionales o los asuntos mundiales?
El artículo analiza la búsqueda de posiciones comunes del Mercosur Ambiental, teniendo en cuenta la evolución del proceso regional. Desde el constructivismo social se pretende identificar las contribuciones de las comunidades epistémicas y de la sociedad civil para definir una agenda ambiental para Brasil y Argentina, y se describen algunas perspectivas.
Potassium and nitrogen are the elements present in the highest percentage in the onion dry matter. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate yield and post-harvest conservation of Vale Ouro IPA-11 onion cultivar regarding to nitrogen and potassium levels. The experiment was carried out in Petrolina-PE, Brazil, from June to September 2009. The experimental design was a completely randomized block in a 4 x 3 factorial design, composed of four nitrogen levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1) and three potassium levels (0, 90 and 180 kg ha-1) with three replications. The highest yield of commercial bulbs was achieved at an estimated N level of 172.6 kg ha-1. The lowest yield of noncommercial bulbs was estimated at N level of 147.0 kg ha-1. Lower percentage of smaller bulbs (class 2) were obtained by increasing levels of N x K, with a quadratic effect at the dose of 90 kg ha-1 K2O and minimum production point with 127.6 kg N ha-1 (20.3%). Regarding larger caliber bulbs (class 4), linear effects were found both in the absence and for the level of 90 kg ha-1 of K2O as levels of N were increased. When the highest level of 180 kg ha-1 K2O was applied, the level of 92.8 kg ha-1 of N was estimated as the one that would promote the highest bulb yield of this class (35.4%), and 5.3% was found in the lack of potassium fertilization.