930 resultados para Wi-Fi RFID


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With increasing technological innovation, the concept of marketing and its applications become more functional and wide. Today, we witness a steady growth in the development of mobile marketing campaigns, i.e., marketing campaigns targeting mobile devices (mobile phones, Smartphones, PDAs, tablets). Among the several mobile technologies available (Bluetooth networks, Wi-Fi, WAP, SMS service, MMS), Bluetooth seems to have the biggest potential for the least invasive consumer mobile marketing strategy. This study seeks to answer the question "what factors may motivate the Portuguese consumer to accept Bluetooth marketing?.“ We propose a conceptual model capable of investigating the relationships between the several responsiveness factors to Bluetooth marketing. The development of a set of hypotheses supported by an online questionnaire to a valid sample of 755 participants, demonstrates that there is a relationship between factors such as expanded knowledge of the technology, and Bluetooth marketing receptivity. Additionally, we find that the information value of mobile advertising messages, such as entertainment value and personalization, relates well to responsiveness. The ability to accept/dismiss promotional messages sent to mobile phones and other safety features also correlated well with Bluetooth marketing receptivity.


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With the increasing technological innovation, the concept of marketing and its applications become more functional and wide. Today is visible the development of mobile marketing campaigns, ie marketing campaigns for mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, PDAs, tablets). Taking advantage of mobile devices services (bluetooth networks, Wi-Fi, WAP, SMS service, MMS) as a vehicle to approach and communicate with consumers, bluetooth technology is a potential way of mobile marketing to become increasingly less invasive to consumers. This study seeks to answer the question "what factors may motivate the Portuguese consumer to adopt the bluetooth marketing?". According to the literature review on the concept of mobile marketing, bluetooth marketing and consumer behaviour theories, we propose a conceptual model capable of investigating the relationships between the determinants of responsiveness to bluetooth marketing. The empirical study developed from a set of hypotheses and implementation of an online questionnaire to a sample of 755 respondents, demonstrated that there is a relationship between factors such as, technology ease of use, file exchanging and influence of peers, and the receptivity to bluetooth marketing. Also information value of mobile advertising messages, such as entertainment and personalization relates to responsiveness. The consumer’s perceived control over mobile promotional messages and the safety features of the technology, also showed a positive relationship with the receptivity to bluetooth marketing.


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As Redes Sem Fios Enterradas (Wireless Underground Networks - WUN) são formadas por nós que comunicam entre si através de ligações sem fios e têm como meio de propagação o solo. Os sistemas de localização mais utilizados atualmente têm desvantagens ao nível da precisão e o custo. Nesta tese é proposta uma solução de localização de precisão que recorre à utilização de redes sem fios enterradas e um algoritmo de posicionamento baseados em Wi-Fi. O objetivo é estimar a localização de objetos, utilizando dispositivos Wi-Fi de baixo custo. Os resultados experimentais obtidos demonstram que o erro de localização é inferior a 0,40 m, e que esta solução é viável para, por exemplo, localizar jogadores num campo de futebol ou localizar um objeto num campo agrícola.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores


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This research addresses the problem of creating interactive experiences to encourage people to explore spaces. Besides the obvious spaces to visit, such as museums or art galleries, spaces that people visit can be, for example, a supermarket or a restaurant. As technology evolves, people become more demanding in the way they use it and expect better forms of interaction with the space that surrounds them. Interaction with the space allows information to be transmitted to the visitors in a friendly way, leading visitors to explore it and gain knowledge. Systems to provide better experiences while exploring spaces demand hardware and software that is not in the reach of every space owner either because of the cost or inconvenience of the installation, that can damage artefacts or the space environment. We propose a system adaptable to the spaces, that uses a video camera network and a wi-fi network present at the space (or that can be installed) to provide means to support interactive experiences using the visitor’s mobile device. The system is composed of an infrastructure (called vuSpot), a language grammar used to describe interactions at a space (called XploreDescription), a visual tool used to design interactive experiences (called XploreBuilder) and a tool used to create interactive experiences (called urSpace). By using XploreBuilder, a tool built of top of vuSpot, a user with little or no experience in programming can define a space and design interactive experiences. This tool generates a description of the space and of the interactions at that space (that complies with the XploreDescription grammar). These descriptions can be given to urSpace, another tool built of top of vuSpot, that creates the interactive experience application. With this system we explore new forms of interaction and use mobile devices and pico projectors to deliver additional information to the users leading to the creation of interactive experiences. The several components are presented as well as the results of the respective user tests, which were positive. The design and implementation becomes cheaper, faster, more flexible and, since it does not depend on the knowledge of a programming language, accessible for the general public.


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A procura crescente de energia ao longo do tempo, e também o seu custo, tem estimulado a procura de novas formas de geração ou aproveitamento energético, donde se pode destacar a geração de energia eléctrica para autoconsumo. À semelhança de já muitos países aderentes aos sistemas de autoconsumo, Portugal também já tem legislação que permite a utilização deste tipo de sistemas através de Unidades de Produção para Autoconsumo (UPAC). Este tipo de sistemas trazem consigo vantagens tanto para o produtor, que produz a sua própria energia e assim poderá ter algum retorno financeiro, como também para a rede eléctrica nacional (RESP) que, mercê da disponibilidade de mais fontes de energia, tem a possibilidade de ficar menos sobrecarregada em períodos de ponta. Com o intuito de aproveitar ao máximo a energia produzida para autoconsumo e evitar estar a utilizar energia da rede em períodos em que a energia produzida não consegue dar resposta à procura, este trabalho propõe-se a optimizar os níveis de autoconsumo destes sistemas, que no geral apresentam valores entre os 20% e 40% anuais no sector residencial. Deste modo, e de acordo com o que é definido por Demand-Side Management (DSM) será desenvolvido neste trabalho de dissertação um projecto deste tipo, que consiste na monitorização e gestão da energia produzida numa habitação ou indústria. O desenvolvimento deste projecto assenta na criação de um sistema de autoconsumo, constituído por um painel fotovoltaico, sensores, actuadores e uma carga, assim como hardware que permitirá monitorizar, de forma remota, as condições de funcionamento do sistema e fazer a gestão de energia do mesmo, de forma remota, recorrendo para isso às tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. As aplicações de software responsáveis por essa gestão serão desenvolvidas com recurso à linguagem JAVA e Arduino Programming Language. Será utilizado um módulo Wi-Fi que permitirá a troca de dados entre Cliente (Arduino UNO com Microchip RN-171-XV) e Servidor (Aplicação em JAVA presente num computador). No final serão analisados os levantamentos de energia produzida e avaliado se o controlo de cargas é feito consoante as melhores condições de aproveitamento da energia produzida.


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In the past decade, the research community has been dedicating considerable effort into indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting techniques, mainly due to their capability to exploit existing infrastructures. Crowdsourcing approaches, also known as organic, have been proposed recently to address the problem of creating and maintaining the corresponding radio maps. In these organic systems, the users of the system build the radio map themselves while using it to estimate their own position/location. However, most of these collaborative methods, proposed by several authors, assume that all the users are honest and committed to contribute to a good quality radio map. In this paper we assess the quality of a radio map built collaboratively and propose a method to classify the credibility of individual contributions and the reputation of individual users. Experimental results are presented for an organic indoor location system that has been used by more than one hundred users over a period of around 12 months.


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Data traces, consisting of logs about the use of mobile and wireless networks, have been used to study the statistics of encounters between mobile nodes, in an attempt to predict the performance of opportunistic networks. Understanding the role and potential of mobile devices as relaying nodes in message dissemination and delivery depends on the knowledge about patterns and number of encounters among nodes. Data traces about the use of WiFi networks are widely available and can be used to extract large datasets of encounters between nodes. However, these logs only capture indirect encounters between nodes, and the resulting encounters datasets might not realistically represent the spatial and temporal behaviour of nodes. This paper addresses the impact of overlapping between the coverage areas of different Access Points of WiFi networks in extracting encounters datasets from the usage logs. Simulation and real-world experimental results show that indirect encounter traces extracted directly from these logs strongly underestimate the opportunities for direct node-to- node message exchange in opportunistic networks.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores


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Doctoral Programme in Telecommunication - MAP-tele


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La aplicación presentada trata sobre la sincronización entre diferentes grupos de información dentro de cualquier dispositivo móvil con la intranet Coneix de forma Wi-Fi. El proyecto se ha apoyado en una herramienta OpenSource con la que se puede tratar datos internamente en los dispositivos móviles. Otras tecnologías usadas son HTML, PHP para el desarrollo de interfaz y de algoritmos, y MySQL como soporte para las bases de datos usadas durante el proceso de la sincronización.


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Als darrers anys la necessitat de connectar-se a internet des de qualsevol lloc s’ha incrementat exponencialment sobretot de manera inalàmbrica. Degut al finit espectre radioelèctric es tendeix a aprofitar totes les franges freqüencials d’aquest convivint diferents sistemes en franges properes podent induir-se interferències mútuament. Per evitar aquestes interferències es requereix de filtres a tots els dispositius els quals aïllin un sistema del adjacent. En aquest projecte es dóna una solució al cas concret de la convivència entre els sistemes Wi-Fi y WiMAX eliminant la banda Wi-Fi interferent en sistemes WiMAX. Aquesta solució consisteix en el disseny d’un filtre banda eliminada d’ordre 3 implementat mitjançant tecnologia BAW a partir de l’estructura y especificacions d’un filtre comercial. A més també es fa un petit estudi per veure si seria interessant una millora en els processos de fabricació del filtre per part del fabricant.


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Desarrollo de un entorno con conectividad inalámbrica basada en Wi-Fi, sistema de envío y recepción de datos en redes computacionales que utiliza ondas hertzianas para la comunicación y está acotada por la Wi-Fi Alliance bajo el estándar 802.11.


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La Universitat de Deusto al seu campus de San Sebastià pretén amb aquest projecte gestionar centralitzadament els espais amb cobertura WIFI corresponents a ubicacions concretes i localitzades. Per a això s'acollirà al programa 'Accés a Internet i mobilitat amb WI-FI' promogut per la SPRI (Societat per a la Promoció i Reconversió Industrial), que ofereix subvencions per a la instal·lació de xarxes sense fil amb tecnologia WI-FI ubicades dins de la Comunitat Autònoma de País Basc.