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Web应用服务器是为事务性web应用提供一系列运行时服务的分布式系统。它既要管理多种不同类型的资源,又要集成以往成熟的网络管理协议和系统,因此,如何统一有效地管理Web应用服务器的资源、应用和服务成为实现web应用服务的一个难点。为此,本文基于JMX(Java~(TM) Management Extensions)技术,提出了一种可扩展管理模型,该模型具有较好的灵活性和开放性,可扩展能力强。同时,本文还给出了实现该模型的若干关键技术包括可扩展管理内核的实现技术、资源远程管理技术、服务可扩展管理技术。目前该模型已在我们研制的Web应用服务器 WebFrame2.O中成功实现。
Web应用服务器是Web计算环境下产生的新型中间件,为创建、部署、运行、集成和管理事务性Web应用提供一个跨平台的运行环境,被认为是自关系型数据库以来最令人激动的企业应用技术。诸多IT企业纷纷推出其各自的Web应用服务器产品和系统,学术界也对这种热门领域产生了浓厚的兴趣。在分析Web计算环境下传统中间件发展所遇到的问题的基础上,介绍Web应用服务器的起源和发展、运行模式以及评测基准,然后对Web应用服务器研究现状进行综述,主要包括Web应用服务器的定义、体系结构、组件容器、分布事务处理、负载平衡、高速缓存、Web Service等研究热点和关键技术。根据评测基准,对若干主流Web应用服务器从功能和性能两个文献进行分析和比较。此外,还指出了Web应用服务器目前存在的不足以及未来的发展趋势。
网络分布计算环境下应用系统的需求多样化和复杂性的增长,要求位于中间件层次的Web应用服务器(web application server,简称WAS)从原来的尽力而为服务模型转变为服务质量(quality of service,简称QoS)保障模型,为具有不同需求的应用分别提供适宜的服务质量保障.目前的WAS系统在此方面仍然比较薄弱.OnceAS/Q是一个面向QoS的WAS系统,它以QoS规约为基础,为不同应用提供不同的QoS保障能力.OnceAS/Q实现了一个应用QoS保障框架,提供了一组QoS服务组件支持具有QoS需求的应用开发和运行.介绍了OnceAS/Q的体系结构和主要组件,详细阐述了两个关键问题,一是QoS规约的定义及其映射,另一个是面向QoS的服务组件和资源的动态重配.OnceAS/Q原型在Ecperf测试基准下,对其QoS保障能力进行了实验.实验数据表明,在较大规模的应用环境下,OnceAS/Q能够提供更好的服务质量,并且开销是可接受的.
失效检测是分布式系统的基本可靠性保障技术,它对运行时系统的存活状态进行及时检测.作为网络分布计算环境中的主流中间件,Web应用服务器(Web application server简称WAS)需要提供良好的检测机制,并且要能满足适应性的需求.适应性失效检测要求失效检测器能够根据应用需求和系统环境的变化而动态地改变检测的质量.首先给出了WAS的多层失效检测模型,然后基于失效检测器的服务质量规约,提出了适应性失效检测算法,并设计了一个WAS的适应性失效检测框架.它能够满足动态调整失效检测质量和灵活集成失效检测器的要求.该工作在OnceAS应用服务器中进行了实现,并给出了OnceAS平台上的实验及数据.
随着Internet的迅速发展,大型的企业信息化系统以及以B2C和C2C等模式为代表的电子商务领域的应用逐渐成为当今软件技术的主流趋势和竞争焦点。在该领域,作为信息系统基础平台的应用服务器面临极大的负载压力,通过应用服务器集群系统来扩展平台的计算能力是目前业界重要的研究课题。 然而,目前广泛适用的应用服务器集群系统尚存在一些不足,一方面,集群架构缺乏静态可扩展性。用户无法根据当前的网络状态和软硬件环境,灵活的配置集群系统所需的底层通讯框架以及负载平衡算法。另一方面,集群系统缺乏动态可扩展性。目前的集群框架无法根据当前负载的大小动态地伸缩规模,在高负载时无法提供足够的计算能力,而在负载低时,会产生空闲节点造成资源浪费。 针对集群系统的动态扩展需求,本文提出了一种易扩展的集群框架:OnceCluster,并针对该框架的设计以及实现过程当中遇到的相关技术问题展开研究和讨论。 首先,本文对当今主流的J2EE应用服务器集群的现状进行了分析,总结几种主要集群架构的特点,并在此基础上提出了一种易扩展的集群架构:OnceCluster。该架构研究主要包括三部分:高效易扩展的负载平衡器,易扩展的集群基础设施,以及集群成员动态扩展机制。 其次,本文分别针对OnceCluster的三个主要组成部分的设计与实现进行阐述。在负载平衡器部分,本文研究了负载平衡器的实现方式和负载平衡算法的设计,分析了影响负载平衡器性能的关键问题,并在此基础之上设计并实现了灵活易插拔的负载平衡器框架,该框架利用XML结构化对象模型和Java虚拟机的运行时动态绑定机制,实现了一个基于的IoC的对象生成机制,并基于该机制实现了组通讯管理模块,负载平衡算法模块和线程池模块。在集群基础设施部分,本文研究了集群系统和应用服务器之间交互关系,集群信息状态同步和失效恢复机制,并设计与实现了一种可灵活替换的集群基础设施通讯框架。在集群成员动态扩展机制部分,本文通过研究了一种分布式的集群成员管理机制,及时侦测集群成员的存活信息及负载状态,自动的启动或关闭集群成员,对集群规模进行动态地伸缩。 论文的研究成果已经应用于中国科学院软件研究所自主研发的基于J2EE规范的应用服务器OnceAS当中,目前,OnceAS已成功用于电子政务,电子商务和ERP系统等领域。
This paper presents the design and implementation of an infrastructure that enables any Web application, regardless of its current state, to be stopped and uninstalled from a particular server, transferred to a new server, then installed, loaded, and resumed, with all these events occurring "on the fly" and totally transparent to clients. Such functionalities allow entire applications to fluidly move from server to server, reducing the overhead required to administer the system, and increasing its performance in a number of ways: (1) Dynamic replication of new instances of applications to several servers to raise throughput for scalability purposes, (2) Moving applications to servers to achieve load balancing or other resource management goals, (3) Caching entire applications on servers located closer to clients.
BACKGROUND: Sharing of epidemiological and clinical data sets among researchers is poor at best, in detriment of science and community at large. The purpose of this paper is therefore to (1) describe a novel Web application designed to share information on study data sets focusing on epidemiological clinical research in a collaborative environment and (2) create a policy model placing this collaborative environment into the current scientific social context. METHODOLOGY: The Database of Databases application was developed based on feedback from epidemiologists and clinical researchers requiring a Web-based platform that would allow for sharing of information about epidemiological and clinical study data sets in a collaborative environment. This platform should ensure that researchers can modify the information. A Model-based predictions of number of publications and funding resulting from combinations of different policy implementation strategies (for metadata and data sharing) were generated using System Dynamics modeling. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The application allows researchers to easily upload information about clinical study data sets, which is searchable and modifiable by other users in a wiki environment. All modifications are filtered by the database principal investigator in order to maintain quality control. The application has been extensively tested and currently contains 130 clinical study data sets from the United States, Australia, China and Singapore. Model results indicated that any policy implementation would be better than the current strategy, that metadata sharing is better than data-sharing, and that combined policies achieve the best results in terms of publications. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our empirical observations and resulting model, the social network environment surrounding the application can assist epidemiologists and clinical researchers contribute and search for metadata in a collaborative environment, thus potentially facilitating collaboration efforts among research communities distributed around the globe.
Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotope analysis (SIA) has been used to identify the terrestrial subsidy of freshwater food webs. However, SIA fails to differentiate between the contributions of old and recently fixed terrestrial C and consequently cannot fully determine the source, age, and biochemical quality of terrestrial carbon. Natural abundance radiocarbon (∆14C) was used to examine the age and origin of carbon in Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland. 14C and stable isotope values were obtained from invertebrate, algae, and fish samples, and the results indicate that terrestrial organic C is evident at all trophic levels. High winter δ15N values in calanoid zooplankton (δ15N = 24‰) relative to phytoplankton and particulate organic matter (δ15N = 6‰ and 12‰, respectively) may reflect several microbial trophic levels between terrestrial C and calanoid invertebrates. Winter and summer calanoid ∆14C values show a seasonal switch between autochthonous and terrestrial carbon sources. Fish ∆14C values indicate terrestrial support at the highest trophic levels in littoral and pelagic food webs. 14C therefore is useful in attributing the source of carbon in freshwater in addition to tracing the pathway of terrestrial carbon through the food web.