959 resultados para Voltage reference circuits


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A new topology for a LVLP variable-gain CMOS amplifier is presented. Input- and load-stage are built around triode-transconductors so that voltage-gain is fully defined by a linear relationship involving only device-geometries and biases. Excellent gain-accuracy, temperature-insensitivity; and wide range of programmability, are thus achieved. Moreover, adaptative biasing improves the common-mode voltage stability upon gain-adjusting. As an example, a 0-40dB programmablegain audio-amplifier is designed. Its performance is supported by a range of simulations. For VDD=1.8V and 20dB-nominal gain, one has Av=19.97dB, f3db=770KHz and quiescent dissipation of 378μW. Over temperatures from -25°C to 125°C, the 0. ldB-bandwidth is 52KHz. Dynamic-range is optimized to 57.2dB and 42.6dB for gains of 20dB and 40dB, respectively. THD figures correspond to -60.6dB@Vout= 1Vpp and -79.7dB@Vout= 0.5 Vpp. A nearly constant bandwidth for different gains is also attained.


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A low-voltage, low-power four-quadrant analog multiplier with optimized current-efficiency is presented. Its core corresponds to a pseudodifferential cascode, gain-boosting triode-transconductor. According to a low-voltage 1.2μm CMOS n-well process, operand differential-amplitudes are 1.0Vpp and 0.32Vpp for a 1.3V-supply. Common-mode voltages are properly chosen to maximize current-efficiency to 58%. Total quiescent dissipation is 260μW. A range of PSPICE simulation supports theoretical analysis. Excellent linearity is observed on dc characteristic. Assuming a ±0.5% mismatch on (W/L) and VTH THD at full-scale is 0.93% and 1.42%, for output frequencies of 1MHz and 10MHz, respectively.


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A low-voltage, low-power OTA-C sinusoidal oscillator based on a triode-MOSFET transconductor is here discussed. The classical quadrature model is employed and the transconductor inherent nonlinear characteristic with input voltage is used as the amplitude-stabilization element. An external bias VTUNE linearly adjusts the oscillation frequency. According to a standard 0.8μm CMOS n-well process, a prototype was integrated, with an effective area of 0.28mm2. Experimental data validate the theoretical analysis. For a single 1.8V-supply and 100mV≤VTUNE≤250mV, the oscillation frequency fo ranges from 0.50MHz to 1.125MHz, with a nearly constant gain KVCO=4.16KHz/mV. Maximum output amplitude is 374mVpp @1.12MHz. THD is -41dB @321mVpp. Maximum average consumption is 355μW.


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A CMOS low-voltage, wide-band continuous-time current amplifier is presented. Based on an open-loop topology, the circuit is composed by transresistance and transconductance stages built around triode-operating transistors. In addition to an extended dynamic range, the amplifier gain can be programmed within good accuracy by the rapport between the aspect-ratio of such transistors and tuning biases Vxand Vy. A balanced current-amplifier according to a single I. IV-supply and a 0.35μm fabrication process is designed. Simulated results from PSPiCE and Bsm3v3 models indicate a programmable gain within the range 20-34dB and a minimum break-frequency of IMHz @CL=IpF. For a 200 μApp-level, THD is 0.8% and 0.9% at IKHz and 100KHz, respectively. Input noise is 405pA√Hz @20dB-gain, which gives a SNR of 66dB @1MHz-bandwidth. Maximum quiescent power consumption is 56μ W. © 2002 IEEE.


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An active leakage-injection scheme (ALIS) for low-voltage (LV) high-density (HD) SRAMs is presented. By means of a feedback loop comprising a servo-amplifier and a common-drain MOSFET, a current matching the respective bit-line leakage is injected onto the line during precharge and sensing, preventing the respective capacitances from erroneous discharges. The technique is able to handle leakages up to hundreds of μA at high operating temperatures. Since no additional timing is required, read-out operations are performed at no speed penalty. A simplified 256×1bit array was designed in accordance with a 0.35 CMOS process and 1.2V-supply. A range of PSPICE simulation attests the efficacy of ALIS. With an extra power consumption of 242 μW, a 200 μA-leakage @125°C, corresponding to 13.6 times the cell current, is compensated.


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A quasi-sinusoidal linearly tunable OTA-C VCO built with triode-region transconductors is presented. Oscillation upon power-on is ensured by RHP poles associated with gate-drain capacitances of OTA input devices. Since the OTA nonlinearity stabilizes the amplitude, the oscillation frequency f0 is first-order independent of VDD, making the VCO adequate to mixed-mode designs. A range of simulations attests the theoretical analysis. As part of a DPLL, the VCO was prototyped on a 0.8μm CMOS process, occupying an area of 0.15mm2. Nominal f0 is 1MHz, with K VCo=8.4KHz/mV. Measured sensitivity to VDD is below 2.17, while phase noise is -86dBc at 100-KHz offset. The feasibility of the VCO for higher frequencies is verified by a redesign based on a 0.35μm CMOS process and VDD=3.3V, with a linear frequency-span of l3.2MHz - 61.5MHz.


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A low-voltage low-power 2nd-order CMOS pseudo-differential bump-equalizer is presented. Its topology comprises a bandpass section with adjustable center frequency and quality factor, together with a programmable current amplifier. The basic building blocks are triode-operating transconductors, tunable by means of either a DC voltage or a digitally controlled current divider. The bump-equalizer as part of a battery-operated hearing aid device is designed for a 1.4V-supply and a 0.35μm CMOS fabrication process. The circuit performance is supported by a set of simulation results, which indicates a center frequency from 600Hz to 2.4kHz, 1≤Q≤5, and an adjustable gain within ±6dB at center frequency. The filter dynamic range lies around 40dB. Quiescent consumption is kept below 12μW for any configuration of the filter.


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Incentives for using wind power and the increasing price of energy might generate in a relatively short time a scenario where low voltage customers opt to install roof-top wind turbines. This paper focuses on evaluating the effects of such situation in terms of energy consumption, loss reduction, reverse power flow and voltage profiles. Various commercially-available roof-top wind turbines are installed in two secondary distribution circuits considering real-life wind speed data and seasonal load demand. Results are presented and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.


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An analog circuit that implements a radial basis function network is presented. The proposed circuit allows the adjustment of all shape parameters of the radial functions, i.e., amplitude, center and width. The implemented network was applied to the linearization of a nonlinear circuit, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). This application can be classified as an open-loop control in which the network plays the role of the controller. Experimental results have proved the linearization capability of the proposed circuit. Its performance can be improved by using a network with more basis functions. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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This paper investigates the major similarities and discrepancies of three important current decompositions proposed for the interpretation of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase four-wire circuits. The considered approaches were the so-called FBD Theory, the pq-Theory and the CPT. Although the methods are based on different concepts, the results obtained under ideal conditions (sinusoidal and balanced signals) are very similar. The main differences appear in the presence of unbalanced and non linear load conditions. It will be demonstrated and discussed how the choice of the voltage referential and the return conductor impedance can influence in the resulting current components, as well as, the way of interpreting a power circuit with return conductor. Under linear unbalanced conditions, both FBD and pq-Theory suggest that the some current components contain a third-order harmonic. Besides, neither pq-Theory nor FBD method are able to provide accurate information for reactive current under unbalanced and distorted conditions, what seems to be done by means of the CPT. © 2009 IEEE.


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In a general way, in an electric power utility the current transformers (CT) are used to measurement and protection of transmission lines (TL) 1 The Power Line Carriers systems (PLC) are used for communication between electrical substations and transmission line protection. However, with the increasing use of optical fiber to communication (due mainly to its high data transmission rate and low signal-noise relation) this application loses potentiality. Therefore, other functions must be defined to equipments that are still in using, one of them is detecting faults (short-circuits) and transmission lines insulator strings damages 2. The purpose of this paper is to verify the possibility of using the path to the ground offered by the CTs instead of capacitive couplings / capacitive potential transformers to detect damaged insulators, since the current transformers are always present in all transmission lines (TL's) bays. To this a comparison between this new proposal and the PLC previous proposed system 2 is shown, evaluating the economical and technical points of view. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents some methodologies for reactive energy measurement, considering three modern power theories that are suitable for three-phase four-wire non-sinusoidal and unbalanced circuits. The theories were applied in some profiles collected in electrical distribution systems which have real characteristics for voltages and currents measured by commercial reactive energy meters. The experimental results are presented in order to analyze the accuracy of the methodologies, considering the standard IEEE 1459-2010 as a reference. Finally, for additional comparisons, the theories will be confronted with the modern Yokogawa WT3000 energy meter and three samples of a commercial energy meter through an experimental setup. © 2011 IEEE.


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Based on the framework of the Conservative Power Theory (CPT), this paper proposes some compensation strategies for shunt current compensators. CPT current decompositions result in several current-related terms associated with specific load characteristics, such as power consumption, energy storage, unbalances and load nonlinearities. These current components are decoupled (orthogonal) from each other and are used here to define different compensation strategies, which can be selective in minimizing particular effects of disturbing loads. Compensation strategies for single- and three-phase four-wire circuits are also considered. Simulated and experimental results are described to validate the possibilities and performance of the proposed strategies. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB