988 resultados para Voice over


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The present work aims to demonstrate the link of the principle of efficiency - as expressed in the Constitution of 1988, by Constitutional Amendment No. 19 - with regulatory agencies, more specifically the ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency). It also includes this principle’s importance to regulation - to monitor and manage public services - as well as when an activity will be considered efficient, keeping in mind that agencies are subjected to other principles of public administration. The increasing use of telephony has enabled further development of technologies that provide improvements in the provision of this service. The VoIP (Voice over IP), is nothing more than a technological breakthrough that directly targets the providers of conventional telephone service, both by modifying the business working for a long time with the same technology as the amount of new competitors’ dispute on market share. It also analyses the difficulty of understanding and definition of what is VoIP telephony, its growth and the threats that the traditional and mostly which is ANATEL’s role concerning this telephony technology. As regulator of the telecommunications service, ANATEL not yet regulated the voice telephony service using the IP protocol. What looks over the years is that ANATEL exercise its regulatory function to provide better conditions for competition among providers of VoIP and traditional telephone companies, obviously some difficulties are expected, given that VoIP is a technology that provides two services, through conventional telephony and using the internet.


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El presente trabajo empleó herramientas de hardware y software de licencia libre para el establecimiento de una estación base celular (BTS) de bajo costo y fácil implementación. Partiendo de conceptos técnicos que facilitan la instalación del sistema OpenBTS y empleando el hardware USRP N210 (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) permitieron desplegar una red análoga al estándar de telefonía móvil (GSM). Usando los teléfonos móviles como extensiones SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) desde Asterisk, logrando ejecutar llamadas entre los terminales, mensajes de texto (SMS), llamadas desde un terminal OpenBTS hacia otra operadora móvil, entre otros servicios.


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INTRODUCCIÓN El objetivo primordial de esta tesis doctoral ha sido profundizar en el conocimiento de la historia, los traductores, los aspectos profesionales y las convenciones de la traducción audiovisual en Serbia. Los motivos de esta investigación, en primer lugar, se encuentran en mi interés por los productos cinematográficos y televisivos y por la traductología, que aumentó durante mis estudios de filología hispánica e inglesa en la Universidad de Belgrado y culminó con mis estudios de doctorado en la Traducción a Interpretación en la Universidad de Málaga. Durante mis estudios de doctorado, aparte de la historia de traducción, la traducción audiovisual (TAV) fue la modalidad de traducción a la que más atención dediqué. Este fue otro motivo para acometer esta investigación, guiada por mi deseo de conocer las características, peculiaridades y el desarrollo de estos dos campos en un determinado entorno cultural. DESARROLLO TEÓRICO Y OBJETIVOS El trabajo de investigación realizado en la presente tesis doctoral se ha centrado en describir los aspectos históricos, profesionales, técnicos, formales y traductológicos de la traducción audiovisual en Serbia. El objetivo, principal ha sido realizar un estudio descriptivo, empírico y exploratorio de la TAV en Serbia, en particular de la subtitulación de películas en inglés, del doblaje de dibujos animados, y de la traducción de documentales, según se detalla a continuación: • Estudio descriptivo: Se desarrolla a través de la observación y el análisis de un corpus de textos audiovisuales, se deducen y describen tendencias de traducción específicas de distintos géneros audiovisuales. • Estudio empírico: Consiste en observar y cuantificar las recurrencias propias de la TAV que se producen en el corpus de textos audiovisuales, previamente seleccionado por su variedad en cuanto a géneros audiovisuales, en cuanto a soportes y en cuanto a agentes implicados en el proceso • Estudio exploratorio: Se ha empleado, por tanto, una metodología de corte exploratorio y descriptivo-interpretativo, ya que se ha buscado estudiar, describir e interpretar una realidad concreta con el objetivo de mapear y detectar las normas de la traducción para el doblaje, la subtitulación y el voice-over; con carácter empírico por la obtención, tratamiento y gestión de los datos obtenidos a partir de las encuestas y de las traducciones analizadas; y con una representatividad sustantiva o sociológica, no numérica, que está motivada por el deseo de integrar en el estudio diferentes aspectos de una realidad compleja. El análisis de textos que forman el corpus de films, series, dibujos animados y documentales en el capítulo 6 ha servido para comprobar la certeza o falsedad de las hipótesis en relación con las convenciones que existen en la traducción para la subtitulación, doblaje y voice-over, y comprobar la veracidad de los datos obtenidos de los profesionales entrevistados, que han sido expuestos en los capítulos 4 y 5. CONCLUSIÓN El propósito de esta tesis doctoral ha sido realizar una primera aproximación sobre los aspectos esenciales de la TAV en Serbia, en especial de las tres modalidades que se emplean en el caso de los géneros audiovisuales más frecuentes –films, series, dibujos animados y documentales –, es decir de la subtitulación, el doblaje, y el voice-over. El análisis ha sido más detallado en el caso de la subtitulación, ya que esta es la modalidad dominante. Gracias a las entrevistas a los profesionales de la traducción audiovisual en Serbia y la bibliografía seleccionada, hemos investigado la historia de estas modalidades traductológicas, sus aspectos técnicos, formales y traductológicos y las características de su entorno profesional. Las convenciones que rigen la labor del traductor audiovisual en Serbia las hemos comprobado a través de un corpus limitado y no representativo, mediante un análisis cualitativo que nos ha servido como una especie de ‘cata’ de las normas de traducción en Serbia. En casos concretos hemos realizado análisis de orientación cuantitativa, con porcentajes que muestran la tendencia dominante en los ejemplos y textos meta seleccionados. BIBLIOGRAFÍA La bibliografía incluye el trabajo de investigación y los artículos sobre la traducción audiovisual en Serbia de la autora de esta tesis (Lukić 2007, 2009, 2010 y 2013), además de otros estudios y volúmenes que, junto con las entrevistas, ofrecen una base teórica de los aspectos de la TAV que han sido analizados a partir de un corpus. Los aspectos profesionales de la TAV en Serbia, por su parte, provienen de las entrevistas, ya que se trata de factores externos que influyen una traducción audiovisual. Actualmente, no tenemos constancia de que existan trabajos publicados de este volumen dedicados exclusivamente al tema de la Traducción Audiovisual en Serbia. Los artículos sobre la traducción en la televisión pública y en las cadenas de televisión privadas en Croacia de Nikolić (2005), y su tesis doctoral de 2011 sobre la recepción de la cultura origen a través de los subtítulos, describen un ambiente cercano al que trata este trabajo. Durante la elaboración de esta tesis fue de gran ayuda la consulta de obras de referencia sobre el doblaje y el subtitulado en España o en otros países. Las convenciones y las fases del proceso de subtitulación o doblaje descritos por autores como Díaz Cintas y Remael (2007) y Chaume (2004, 2012), aparte de ser una valiosa fuente de información utilizada a lo largo de este volumen, nos han ayudado a la hora de planificar la estructura del trabajo y diseñar las entrevistas a los profesionales. Entre otros trabajos que se han utilizado para describir los aspectos históricos de la TAV en Serbia y para elaborar una base teórica de la tesis destacamos: Slijepčević (1982), Volk (1986), Toury (1995), Pym (2009), Ivarsson (1992), Nord (1993), Gambier (1994), Venuti (1995), Zabalbeascoa (1997), Whitman (2001), Mayoral Asensio (2001), Santamaria (2001), Rodríguez Espinosa (2001), Heiss (2004), Scandura (2004), Acuña Partal y Rodríguez Espinosa (2004), Bartoll (2006), Díaz Cintas y Remael (2007), Martínez Sierra (2010), Ranzato (2011), etc.


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En la actualidad, todos los servicios convergen en una Red de Próxima Generación [NGN]. Asimismo, las exigencias de calidad de servicio [QoS], por los requerimientos de los usuarios, son más estrictas, lo que hace necesario plantear procedimientos de QoS que garanticen una operación eficaz en el transporte de los servicios más críticos y de tiempo real ¿como la voz¿, garantizando la disminución de los problemas de latencia, jitter, pérdida de paquetes y eco. Los operadores de Telecomunicaciones deben aplicar las regulaciones emitidas por la Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones de Colombia [CRC] y ajustarse a las recomendaciones Y.1540 y Y.1541 de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones [UIT]. Este documento presenta un procedimiento para aplicar mecanismos de QoS en una NGN en el acceso xDSL con el fin de mantener un nivel de QoS en Voz sobre IP (VoIP) que permita su provisión, con eficiencia económica y técnica, en favor tanto del cliente, como del operador de telecomunicaciones.


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Common approaches to IP-traffic modelling have featured the use of stochastic models, based on the Markov property, which can be classified into black box and white box models based on the approach used for modelling traffic. White box models, are simple to understand, transparent and have a physical meaning attributed to each of the associated parameters. To exploit this key advantage, this thesis explores the use of simple classic continuous-time Markov models based on a white box approach, to model, not only the network traffic statistics but also the source behaviour with respect to the network and application. The thesis is divided into two parts: The first part focuses on the use of simple Markov and Semi-Markov traffic models, starting from the simplest two-state model moving upwards to n-state models with Poisson and non-Poisson statistics. The thesis then introduces the convenient to use, mathematically derived, Gaussian Markov models which are used to model the measured network IP traffic statistics. As one of the most significant contributions, the thesis establishes the significance of the second-order density statistics as it reveals that, in contrast to first-order density, they carry much more unique information on traffic sources and behaviour. The thesis then exploits the use of Gaussian Markov models to model these unique features and finally shows how the use of simple classic Markov models coupled with use of second-order density statistics provides an excellent tool for capturing maximum traffic detail, which in itself is the essence of good traffic modelling. The second part of the thesis, studies the ON-OFF characteristics of VoIP traffic with reference to accurate measurements of the ON and OFF periods, made from a large multi-lingual database of over 100 hours worth of VoIP call recordings. The impact of the language, prosodic structure and speech rate of the speaker on the statistics of the ON-OFF periods is analysed and relevant conclusions are presented. Finally, an ON-OFF VoIP source model with log-normal transitions is contributed as an ideal candidate to model VoIP traffic and the results of this model are compared with those of previously published work.


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Due to the dynamic and mutihop nature of the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), voice communication over MANET may encounter many challenges. We set up a subjective quality evaluation model using ITU-T E-model with extension. And through simulation in NS-2, we evaluate how the following factors impact voice quality in MANET: the number of hops, the number of route breakages, the number of communication pairs and the background traffic. Using AODV as the underlying routing protocol, and with the MAC layer changed from 802.11 DCF to 802.11e EDCF, we observe that 802.11e is more suitable for implementating voice communication over MANET. © 2005 IEEE.


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The QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus consists of 600 hours of noisy speech sequences designed to enable a thorough evaluation of voice activity detection (VAD) algorithms across a wide variety of common background noise scenarios. In order to construct the final mixed-speech database, a collection of over 10 hours of background noise was conducted across 10 unique locations covering 5 common noise scenarios, to create the QUT-NOISE corpus. This background noise corpus was then mixed with speech events chosen from the TIMIT clean speech corpus over a wide variety of noise lengths, signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and active speech proportions to form the mixed-speech QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus. The evaluation of five baseline VAD systems on the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT corpus is conducted to validate the data and show that the variety of noise available will allow for better evaluation of VAD systems than existing approaches in the literature.


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For several reasons, the Fourier phase domain is less favored than the magnitude domain in signal processing and modeling of speech. To correctly analyze the phase, several factors must be considered and compensated, including the effect of the step size, windowing function and other processing parameters. Building on a review of these factors, this paper investigates a spectral representation based on the Instantaneous Frequency Deviation, but in which the step size between processing frames is used in calculating phase changes, rather than the traditional single sample interval. Reflecting these longer intervals, the term delta-phase spectrum is used to distinguish this from instantaneous derivatives. Experiments show that mel-frequency cepstral coefficients features derived from the delta-phase spectrum (termed Mel-Frequency delta-phase features) can produce broadly similar performance to equivalent magnitude domain features for both voice activity detection and speaker recognition tasks. Further, it is shown that the fusion of the magnitude and phase representations yields performance benefits over either in isolation.


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Change is a regular part of school life. Educational innovations are constantly being implements in order to benefit students, improve outcomes and meet the obligations and accountability demands of governments. Rapid social and technological change has occurred within and around schools during the past 15 or more years, impacting upon curricula and pedagogies. Simultaneously, there has been a trend towards incorporating youth voice, where young people share in the decisions that will impact on their school experiences (Mitra, 2008a, 2004). Most recently, with the advent of the first National Australian Curriculum (McGaw, 2010), there is an imposed curriculum change, which reflects the growing global trend towards centralised control over what students learn in school (Zhao, 2011) and highlights that schools have to respond to change from all levels. Spears (in press) also notes that parents are raising children in an increasingly wireless world which is far removed from the one in which they were raised. Educators are teaching in schools that are vastly different technologically from those they knew as children and adolescents, or even those in which they were teaching a decade ago. Children born in 1995, the year when the Internet was first commercialised, are 16 years old in 2011 and, whilst parents may have embraced technological advances in their own adult working or social lives, they are yet to fathom fully what it means for their children and their relationships: to be educated and to socialise in the midst of mobile social media. Young people have greater access to more information than at any time past and move seamlessly between online and offline environments, often referring to them as ‘the same life’ (Spears, Kofoed, Bartolo, Palermiti and Castabile, in press). Along with these changes has come the transformation of traditional forms of bullying to cyberbullying, amid the public perception that bullying generally is becoming worse in schools.


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Nutrition interventions in the form of both self-management education and individualised diet therapy are considered essential for the long-term management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The measurement of diet is essential to inform, support and evaluate nutrition interventions in the management of T2DM. Barriers inherent within health care settings and systems limit ongoing access to personnel and resources, while traditional prospective methods of assessing diet are burdensome for the individual and often result in changes in typical intake to facilitate recording. This thesis investigated the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) to overcome limitations to current approaches in the nutritional management of T2DM, in particular the development, trial and evaluation of the Nutricam dietary assessment method (NuDAM) consisting of a mobile phone photo/voice application to assess nutrient intake in a free-living environment with older adults with T2DM. Study 1: Effectiveness of an automated telephone system in promoting change in dietary intake among adults with T2DM The effectiveness of an automated telephone system, Telephone-Linked Care (TLC) Diabetes, designed to deliver self-management education was evaluated in terms of promoting dietary change in adults with T2DM and sub-optimal glycaemic control. In this secondary data analysis independent of the larger randomised controlled trial, complete data was available for 95 adults (59 male; mean age(±SD)=56.8±8.1 years; mean(±SD)BMI=34.2±7.0kg/m2). The treatment effect showed a reduction in total fat of 1.4% and saturated fat of 0.9% energy intake, body weight of 0.7 kg and waist circumference of 2.0 cm. In addition, a significant increase in the nutrition self-efficacy score of 1.3 (p<0.05) was observed in the TLC group compared to the control group. The modest trends observed in this study indicate that the TLC Diabetes system does support the adoption of positive nutrition behaviours as a result of diabetes self-management education, however caution must be applied in the interpretation of results due to the inherent limitations of the dietary assessment method used. The decision to use a close-list FFQ with known bias may have influenced the accuracy of reporting dietary intake in this instance. This study provided an example of the methodological challenges experienced with measuring changes in absolute diet using a FFQ, and reaffirmed the need for novel prospective assessment methods capable of capturing natural variance in usual intakes. Study 2: The development and trial of NuDAM recording protocol The feasibility of the Nutricam mobile phone photo/voice dietary record was evaluated in 10 adults with T2DM (6 Male; age=64.7±3.8 years; BMI=33.9±7.0 kg/m2). Intake was recorded over a 3-day period using both Nutricam and a written estimated food record (EFR). Compared to the EFR, the Nutricam device was found to be acceptable among subjects, however, energy intake was under-recorded using Nutricam (-0.6±0.8 MJ/day; p<0.05). Beverages and snacks were the items most frequently not recorded using Nutricam; however forgotten meals contributed to the greatest difference in energy intake between records. In addition, the quality of dietary data recorded using Nutricam was unacceptable for just under one-third of entries. It was concluded that an additional mechanism was necessary to complement dietary information collected via Nutricam. Modifications to the method were made to allow for clarification of Nutricam entries and probing forgotten foods during a brief phone call to the subject the following morning. The revised recording protocol was evaluated in Study 4. Study 3: The development and trial of the NuDAM analysis protocol Part A explored the effect of the type of portion size estimation aid (PSEA) on the error associated with quantifying four portions of 15 single foods items contained in photographs. Seventeen dietetic students (1 male; age=24.7±9.1 years; BMI=21.1±1.9 kg/m2) estimated all food portions on two occasions: without aids and with aids (food models or reference food photographs). Overall, the use of a PSEA significantly reduced mean (±SD) group error between estimates compared to no aid (-2.5±11.5% vs. 19.0±28.8%; p<0.05). The type of PSEA (i.e. food models vs. reference food photograph) did not have a notable effect on the group estimation error (-6.7±14.9% vs. 1.4±5.9%, respectively; p=0.321). This exploratory study provided evidence that the use of aids in general, rather than the type, was more effective in reducing estimation error. Findings guided the development of the Dietary Estimation and Assessment Tool (DEAT) for use in the analysis of the Nutricam dietary record. Part B evaluated the effect of the DEAT on the error associated with the quantification of two 3-day Nutricam dietary records in a sample of 29 dietetic students (2 males; age=23.3±5.1 years; BMI=20.6±1.9 kg/m2). Subjects were randomised into two groups: Group A and Group B. For Record 1, the use of the DEAT (Group A) resulted in a smaller error compared to estimations made without the tool (Group B) (17.7±15.8%/day vs. 34.0±22.6%/day, p=0.331; respectively). In comparison, all subjects used the DEAT to estimate Record 2, with resultant error similar between Group A and B (21.2±19.2%/day vs. 25.8±13.6%/day; p=0.377 respectively). In general, the moderate estimation error associated with quantifying food items did not translate into clinically significant differences in the nutrient profile of the Nutricam dietary records, only amorphous foods were notably over-estimated in energy content without the use of the DEAT (57kJ/day vs. 274kJ/day; p<0.001). A large proportion (89.6%) of the group found the DEAT helpful when quantifying food items contained in the Nutricam dietary records. The use of the DEAT reduced quantification error, minimising any potential effect on the estimation of energy and macronutrient intake. Study 4: Evaluation of the NuDAM The accuracy and inter-rater reliability of the NuDAM to assess energy and macronutrient intake was evaluated in a sample of 10 adults (6 males; age=61.2±6.9 years; BMI=31.0±4.5 kg/m2). Intake recorded using both the NuDAM and a weighed food record (WFR) was coded by three dietitians and compared with an objective measure of total energy expenditure (TEE) obtained using the doubly labelled water technique. At the group level, energy intake (EI) was under-reported to a similar extent using both methods, with the ratio of EI:TEE was 0.76±0.20 for the NuDAM and 0.76±0.17 for the WFR. At the individual level, four subjects reported implausible levels of energy intake using the WFR method, compared to three using the NuDAM. Overall, moderate to high correlation coefficients (r=0.57-0.85) were found across energy and macronutrients except fat (r=0.24) between the two dietary measures. High agreement was observed between dietitians for estimates of energy and macronutrient derived for both the NuDAM (ICC=0.77-0.99; p<0.001) and WFR (ICC=0.82-0.99; p<0.001). All subjects preferred using the NuDAM over the WFR to record intake and were willing to use the novel method again over longer recording periods. This research program explored two novel approaches which utilised distinct technologies to aid in the nutritional management of adults with T2DM. In particular, this thesis makes a significant contribution to the evidence base surrounding the use of PhRs through the development, trial and evaluation of a novel mobile phone photo/voice dietary record. The NuDAM is an extremely promising advancement in the nutritional management of individuals with diabetes and other chronic conditions. Future applications lie in integrating the NuDAM with other technologies to facilitate practice across the remaining stages of the nutrition care process.


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In this paper we discuss the failure of the employee voice system at the Bundaberg Base Hospital (BBH) in Australia. Surgeon Jayant Patel was arrested over the deaths of patients on whom he operated when he was the director of surgery at the hospital. Our interest is in the reasons the established employee voice mechanisms failed when employees attempted to bring serious issues to the attention of managers. Our data is based on an analysis of the sworn testimonies of participants who participated in two inquiries concerning these events. An analysis of the events with a particular focus on the failings of the voice system is presented. We ask the following: how and why did the voice systems in the case of the BBH fail?


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We propose a novel technique for conducting robust voice activity detection (VAD) in high-noise recordings. We use Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) to train two generic models; speech and non-speech. We then score smaller segments of a given (unseen) recording against each of these GMMs to obtain two respective likelihood scores for each segment. These scores are used to compute a dissimilarity measure between pairs of segments and to carry out complete-linkage clustering of the segments into speech and non-speech clusters. We compare the accuracy of our method against state-of-the-art and standardised VAD techniques to demonstrate an absolute improvement of 15% in half-total error rate (HTER) over the best performing baseline system and across the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database. We then apply our approach to the Audio-Visual Database of American English (AVDBAE) to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in using visual, audio-visual or a proposed fusion of these features.


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We extend the modeling heuristic of (Harsha et al. 2006. In IEEE IWQoS 06, pp 178 - 187) to evaluate the performance of an IEEE 802.11e infrastructure network carrying packet telephone calls, streaming video sessions and TCP controlled file downloads, using Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). We identify the time boundaries of activities on the channel (called channel slot boundaries) and derive a Markov Renewal Process of the contending nodes on these epochs. This is achieved by the use of attempt probabilities of the contending nodes as those obtained from the saturation fixed point analysis of (Ramaiyan et al. 2005. In Proceedings ACM Sigmetrics, `05. Journal version accepted for publication in IEEE TON). Regenerative analysis on this MRP yields the desired steady state performance measures. We then use the MRP model to develop an effective bandwidth approach for obtaining a bound on the size of the buffer required at the video queue of the AP, such that the streaming video packet loss probability is kept to less than 1%. The results obtained match well with simulations using the network simulator, ns-2. We find that, with the default IEEE 802.11e EDCA parameters for access categories AC 1, AC 2 and AC 3, the voice call capacity decreases if even one streaming video session and one TCP file download are initiated by some wireless station. Subsequently, reducing the voice calls increases the video downlink stream throughput by 0.38 Mbps and file download capacity by 0.14 Mbps, for every voice call (for the 11 Mbps PHY). We find that a buffer size of 75KB is sufficient to ensure that the video packet loss probability at the QAP is within 1%.


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In the context of the IEEE 802.11e standard for WLANs, we provide an analytical model for obtaining the maximum number of VoIP calls that can be supported on HCCA, such that the delay QoS constraint of the accepted calls is met, when TCP downloads are coexistent on EDCA. In this scenario, we derive the TCP download throughput by using an analytical model for the case where only TCP sessions are present in the WLAN. We show that the analytical model for combined voice and TCP transfers provides accurate results in comparison with simulations (using ns-2).