788 resultados para Vallée de Siria
Primera parte de un estudio fitosociológico del valle del Paular (Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid, España), que incluye (véase Apéndice sintaxonómico) la vegetación potencial (clases Juncetea trifidi, Pino-Juniperetea, Quercetea ilicis y Querco-Fagetea), las orlas forestales arbustivas (subclase Rhamno-Prunenea y clase Cytisetea scopario-striati) y herbáceas (clase Trifolio-Geranietea), y los matorrales seriales (clases Cisto-Lavanduletea y Ononido-Rosmarinetea). Tras una breve introducción sobre la geología, bioclimatología y biogeografía del territorio, se describen las asociaciones reconocidas con sus correspondientes tablas de inventarios (un total de 392). La relaciónde nuevos sintáxones propuestos se expone en el resumen en inglés. Se lectotipifican las asociaciones Melico uniflorae-Betuletum celtibericae y Santolino-Cistetum laur¡folii. También se aporta un mapa de series de vegetación, tres catenas de la vegetación potencial y dos cuadros con la distribución bioclimática de los sintáxon estratados y las relaciones dinámicas y seriales apreciadas entre ellos.
Las orlas arbustivas de los encinares acidófilos y melojares mediterráneos gallegos corresponden a dos nuevas asociaciones. Erico scopariae-Arbutetum unedonis y Genisto falcatae-Ericetum arboreae, de óptimo mesomediterráneo y supramediterráneo, respectivamente. Las propuestas se sostienen con 16 y 29 inventarios; además una catena del macizo de Trevinca sitúa ambas comunidades en el geosigmetum.
Se preenta un estudio de la vegetación y condiciones mabientales de algunas de las lagunas saladas situadas en la comarca de Los Monegros. Se reconocen 13 asociaciones y 11 subasociaciones. Por último, se sugieren algunas medidas para la conservación de estos enclaves.
Se hace una descripción de las cinco series de vegetación que constituyen el paisaje vegetal de la cuenca del rio Bidasoa en Navarra (norte de España) y se aportan tablas fitosocíologicas de las comunidades que representan la etapa madura de cada serie asi como una tabla de los brezale sdel territorio. Se describen en ellas dos nuevas subasociaciones Polytricho setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris carpinetosum betuli y Tamo communis-Quercetum roboris fagetosum sylvticae.
Se comentan brevemente algunos táxones herborizados en el Valle del Paular, que presentan cierto interés corológico o ecológico.
Se comentan veinte táxones herborizados en el Valle del Paular, que presentan algún interés corológico regional.
Leticia Valle, the eleven-year-old narrator and protagonist of Rosa Chacel’s 1945 novel Memorias de Leticia Valle seduces and destroys her history teacher, Daniel. Here, I argue that Daniel represents traditionalist, right-wing interpretations of Spanish history while also recalling the importance of the colonial wars in Morocco in the build up to the Civil War, and the Nationalists’ use of Moroccan conscripts and recruits within the peninsula. Written at a time when history was being used to justify an armed rebellion, a civil war, and the imposition of a brutal dictatorship, Chacel’s novel depends on ellipses and absence to question historiographical principles. Furthermore, it combines continued reference to Spanish history with the use of violent and militant language. The most devastating conflict of all is between Leticia and Daniel: she silences and dehumanizes him, though she is not able to fully explain what happened. Writing from Switzerland, Chacel’s narrator takes possession of Spanish history at a time when dissent within Spain was being silenced by the Francoist regime.
Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) ‘Sweetheart’ were harvested at different production regions from Portugal (Cova da Beira and Portalegre) and Spain (Valle de Jerte). Cherries were harvested at their commercial maturation according to the empirical knowledge of external color corresponding to good quality. Fruits were stored and evaluated in order to study their quality on the harvest day and during a period of 21 days, at cold storage (1 ºC, 95% RH). The sweet cherry ‘Sweetheart’ is a well known variety and a highly appreciated one but fruits present a short shelf life. On the other hand the effect of different “terroir” on cherry characteristics should be known and clarified. Fruits from day 0, considered without storage, were kept at 20ºC and analyzed. Every weak, 3 replicas were randomly picked up and 10 fruits from each one were submitted to several analyses after fruit temperature stabilized at 20ºC. Several quality parameters were evaluated: external color (L*, a*, b*), texture, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and the ratio between soluble solid contents (SSC) and tritratable acidity (TA). Fruits from different orchards and locations were significantly different according to these parameters. Fruits from Cova da Beira were less firm comparing with other two regions, Valle de Jerte and Portalegre, which may indicate a higher maturation rate at harvest in those fruits. This is in accordance with SSC/titratable acidity rate suggesting a late harvest in Cova da Beira comparing with other two orchards, however fruits from Cova da Beira exhibit a poor color at harvest. These results clearly showed a lower correlation between SSC and firmness considering fruits origin.
Tesis que para obtener el grado de DOCTOR EN ESTUDIOS MESOAMERICANOS. Tutor: Dr. Alfredo López Austin Asesores:Lic. Víctor Castillo Farreras, Dr. José Rubén Romero Galván. México, D.F., 2000