881 resultados para Unit root test
Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) is used for testing for multiple break points in univariate series using conjugate normal-gamma priors. This approach can test for the number of structural breaks and produce posterior probabilities for a break at each point in time. Results are averaged over specifications including: stationary; stationary around trend and unit root models, each containing different types and number of breaks and different lag lengths. The procedures are used to test for structural breaks on 14 annual macroeconomic series and 11 natural resource price series. The results indicate that there are structural breaks in all of the natural resource series and most of the macroeconomic series. Many of the series had multiple breaks. Our findings regarding the existence of unit roots, having allowed for structural breaks in the data, are largely consistent with previous work.
We investigate for 26 OECD economies whether their current account imbalances to GDP are driven by stochastic trends. Regarding bounded stationarity as the more natural counterpart of sustainability, results from Phillips–Perron tests for unit root and bounded unit root processes are contrasted. While the former hint at stationarity of current account imbalances for 12 economies, the latter indicate bounded stationarity for only six economies. Through panel-based test statistics, current account imbalances are diagnosed as bounded non-stationary. Thus, (spurious) rejections of the unit root hypothesis might be due to the existence of bounds reflecting hidden policy controls or financial crises.
Many key economic and financial series are bounded either by construction or through policy controls. Conventional unit root tests are potentially unreliable in the presence of bounds, since they tend to over-reject the null hypothesis of a unit root, even asymptotically. So far, very little work has been undertaken to develop unit root tests which can be applied to bounded time series. In this paper we address this gap in the literature by proposing unit root tests which are valid in the presence of bounds. We present new augmented Dickey–Fuller type tests as well as new versions of the modified ‘M’ tests developed by Ng and Perron [Ng, S., Perron, P., 2001. LAG length selection and the construction of unit root tests with good size and power. Econometrica 69, 1519–1554] and demonstrate how these tests, combined with a simulation-based method to retrieve the relevant critical values, make it possible to control size asymptotically. A Monte Carlo study suggests that the proposed tests perform well in finite samples. Moreover, the tests outperform the Phillips–Perron type tests originally proposed in Cavaliere [Cavaliere, G., 2005. Limited time series with a unit root. Econometric Theory 21, 907–945]. An illustrative application to U.S. interest rate data is provided
This paper studies a special class of vector smooth-transition autoregressive (VSTAR) models that contains common nonlinear features (CNFs), for which we proposed a triangular representation and developed a procedure of testing CNFs in a VSTAR model. We first test a unit root against a stable STAR process for each individual time series and then examine whether CNFs exist in the system by Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test if unit root is rejected in the first step. The LM test has standard Chi-squared asymptotic distribution. The critical values of our unit root tests and small-sample properties of the F form of our LM test are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We illustrate how to test and model CNFs using the monthly growth of consumption and income data of United States (1985:1 to 2011:11).
Dynamic system test methods for heating systems were developed and applied by the institutes SERC and SP from Sweden, INES from France and SPF from Switzerland already before the MacSheep project started. These test methods followed the same principle: a complete heating system – including heat generators, storage, control etc., is installed on the test rig; the test rig software and hardware simulates and emulates the heat load for space heating and domestic hot water of a single family house, while the unit under test has to act autonomously to cover the heat demand during a representative test cycle. Within the work package 2 of the MacSheep project these similar – but different – test methods were harmonized and improved. The work undertaken includes: • Harmonization of the physical boundaries of the unit under test. • Harmonization of the boundary conditions of climate and load. • Definition of an approach to reach identical space heat load in combination with an autonomous control of the space heat distribution by the unit under test. • Derivation and validation of new six day and a twelve day test profiles for direct extrapolation of test results. The new harmonized test method combines the advantages of the different methods that existed before the MacSheep project. The new method is a benchmark test, which means that the load for space heating and domestic hot water preparation will be identical for all tested systems, and that the result is representative for the performance of the system over a whole year. Thus, no modelling and simulation of the tested system is needed in order to obtain the benchmark results for a yearly cycle. The method is thus also applicable to products for which simulation models are not available yet. Some of the advantages of the new whole system test method and performance rating compared to the testing and energy rating of single components are: • Interaction between the different components of a heating system, e.g. storage, solar collector circuit, heat pump, control, etc. are included and evaluated in this test. • Dynamic effects are included and influence the result just as they influence the annual performance in the field. • Heat losses are influencing the results in a more realistic way, since they are evaluated under "real installed" and representative part-load conditions rather than under single component steady state conditions. The described method is also suited for the development process of new systems, where it replaces time-consuming and costly field testing with the advantage of a higher accuracy of the measured data (compared to the typically used measurement equipment in field tests) and identical, thus comparable boundary conditions. Thus, the method can be used for system optimization in the test bench under realistic operative conditions, i.e. under relevant operating environment in the lab. This report describes the physical boundaries of the tested systems, as well as the test procedures and the requirements for both the unit under test and the test facility. The new six day and twelve day test profiles are also described as are the validation results.
In this paper, we show that the widely used stationarity tests such as the KPSS test have power close to size in the presence of time-varying unconditional variance. We propose a new test as a complement of the existing tests. Monte Carlo experiments show that the proposed test possesses the following characteristics: (i) In the presence of unit root or a structural change in the mean, the proposed test is as powerful as the KPSS and other tests; (ii) In the presence a changing variance, the traditional tests perform badly whereas the proposed test has high power comparing to the existing tests; (iii) The proposed test has the same size as traditional stationarity tests under the null hypothesis of stationarity. An application to daily observations of return on US Dollar/Euro exchange rate reveals the existence of instability in the unconditional variance when the entire sample is considered, but stability is found in subsamples.
Este trabalho analisa o setor brasileiro de celulose e tenta responder a duas questões principais: a abrangência do mercado relevante e a existência de poder de mercado das empresas que atuam neste setor. A dimensão produto do mercado relevante foi definida a partir de dados qualitativos. Devido à indisponibilidade de dados para uma análise qualitativa mais apurada, a opção foi pela celulose de fibra curta de eucalipto, produto mais importante do setor, tanto pela posição brasileira em tecnologia como pela pauta de exportações. Já quanto à dimensão geográfica, o procedimento realizado baseou-se em Forni (2004) que utiliza testes de raiz unitária para a definição do mercado. Concluiu-se que, com os dados disponíveis, o mercado deste produto pode ser considerado como internacional, não somente pelo resultado do teste como também pelo modo de funcionamento deste mercado. Definido o mercado de produto e geográfico, realizou-se um teste de poder de mercado, pois neste nicho, a Aracruz é líder mundial. Tal teste foi realizado com base na demanda residual descrita por Mayo, Kaserman e Kahai (1996) e estimado segundo Motta (2004). Concluiu-se que, apesar de a Aracruz possuir um elevado market share no setor, ela não possui poder de mercado.
The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for all Latin American countries. These countries share similar economic history and contagious effects from currency crises, which might lead to comovements in their real exchange rates. New time series unit root tests found evidence of PPP for the vast majority of countries. In the panel data framework, tests for the null of unit root, null of stationarity, and unit root under multiple structural breaks indicated stationary real exchange rates. Thus, there is convincing evidence that PPP holds for Latin-American countries in the post-1980 period.
O presente estudo apresenta um modelo de previsão do preço e do volume comercializado no mercado transoceânico de minério de ferro. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um modelo VAR, utilizando, além das variáveis endógenas com um lag de diferença, o preço do petróleo Brent e um índice de produção industrial. Após testar raiz unitária das variáveis e constatar que nenhuma era estacionária, o teste de cointegração atestou que existia relação de longo prazo entre as mesmas que era estacionária, afastando a possibilidade de uma regressão espúria. Como resultado, a modelagem VAR apresentou um modelo consistente, com elevada aderência para a previsão do preço e do volume negociado de minério de ferro no mercado transoceânico, não obstante ele tenha apresentado alguma imprecisão no curto prazo.
Esta dissertação estuda o movimento do mercado acionário brasileiro com o objetivo de testar a trajetória de preços de pares de ações, aplicada à estratégia de pair trading. Os ativos estudados compreendem as ações que compõem o Ibovespa e a seleção dos pares é feita de forma unicamente estatística através da característica de cointegração entre ativos, sem análise fundamentalista na escolha. A teoria aqui aplicada trata do movimento similar de preços de pares de ações que evoluem de forma a retornar para o equilíbrio. Esta evolução é medida pela diferença instantânea dos preços comparada à média histórica. A estratégia apresenta resultados positivos quando a reversão à média se efetiva, num intervalo de tempo pré-determinado. Os dados utilizados englobam os anos de 2006 a 2010, com preços intra-diários para as ações do Ibovespa. As ferramentas utilizadas para seleção dos pares e simulação de operação no mercado foram MATLAB (seleção) e Streambase (operação). A seleção foi feita através do Teste de Dickey-Fuller aumentado aplicado no MATLAB para verificar a existência da raiz unitária dos resíduos da combinação linear entre os preços das ações que compõem cada par. A operação foi feita através de back-testing com os dados intra-diários mencionados. Dentro do intervalo testado, a estratégia mostrou-se rentável para os anos de 2006, 2007 e 2010 (com retornos acima da Selic). Os parâmetros calibrados para o primeiro mês de 2006 puderam ser aplicados com sucesso para o restante do intervalo (retorno de Selic + 5,8% no ano de 2006), para 2007, onde o retorno foi bastante próximo da Selic e para 2010, com retorno de Selic + 10,8%. Nos anos de maior volatilidade (2008 e 2009), os testes com os mesmos parâmetros de 2006 apresentaram perdas, mostrando que a estratégia é fortemente impactada pela volatilidade dos retornos dos preços das ações. Este comportamento sugere que, numa operação real, os parâmetros devem ser calibrados periodicamente, com o objetivo de adaptá-los aos cenários mais voláteis.
This paper introduces a residual based test where the null hypothesis of c:&InOvement between two processes with local persistenc~ can be tested, even under the presence of an endogenous regressor. It, therefore, fills in an existing lacuna in econometrics, in which longrun relationships can also be tested if the dependent and independent variables do not have a unit root, but do exhibit local persistence.
In this paper, we show that the widely used stationarity tests such as the KPSS test has power close to size in the presence of time-varying unconditional variance. We propose a new test as a complement of the existing tests. Monte Carlo experiments show that the proposed test possesses the following characteristics: (i) In the presence of unit root or a structural change in the mean, the proposed test is as powerful as the KPSS and other tests; (ii) In the presence a changing variance, the traditional tests perform badly whereas the proposed test has high power comparing to the existing tests; (iii) The proposed test has the same size as traditional stationarity tests under the null hypothesis of covariance stationarity. An application to daily observations of return on US Dollar/Euro exchange rate reveals the existence of instability in the unconditional variance when the entire sample is considered, but stability is found in sub-samples.
The purpose of this paper is to test the implications of current account solvency for the savinginvestment correlation in developing countries. Since solvency is a long-run phenomenon, and given that the power of the standard unit root and cointegration tests is low, we exploit the panel structure of the sample of 29 developing countries. We find evidence that saving and investment are cointegrated and that the current account is stationary. Therefore, the Feldstein-Horioka correlations are not a puzzle in the sense they reflect the intertemporal budget constraint. The same results are obtained for different subsamples (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) and for different periods of time (1960-74 and 1975-96). We, then, suggest that an error correction model should distinguish between the long-run correlation, which reflects the solvency condition, and the short-run correlation, which could measure capital mobility.
Objective: This ex vivo study evaluated the effect of pre-flaring and file size on the accuracy of the Root ZX and Novapex electronic apex locators (EALs). Material and methods: The actual working length (WL) was set 1 mm short of the apical foramen in the palatal root canals of 24 extracted maxillary molars. The teeth were embedded in an alginate mold, and two examiners performed the electronic measurements using #10, #15, and #20 K-files. The files were inserted into the root canals until the "0.0" or "APEX" signals were observed on the LED or display screens for the Novapex and Root ZX, respectively, retracting to the 1.0 mark. The measurements were repeated after the pre-flaring using the S1 and SX Pro-Taper instruments. Two measurements were performed for each condition and the means were used. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to verify the intra-and inter-examiner agreement. The mean differences between the WL and electronic length values were analyzed by the three-way ANOVA test (p<0.05). Results: ICCs were high (>0.8) and the results demonstrated a similar accuracy for both EALs (p>0.05). Statistically significant accurate measurements were verified in the pre-flared canals, except for the Novapex using a #20 K-file. Conclusions: The tested EALs showed acceptable accuracy, whereas the pre-flaring procedure revealed a more significant effect than the used file size.
Questa tesi è incentrata sull'analisi dell'arbitraggio statistico, strategia di trading che cerca di trarre profitto dalle fluttuazioni statistiche di prezzo di uno o più asset sulla base del loro valore atteso. In generale, si creano opportunità di arbitraggio statistico quando si riescono ad individuare delle componenti sistematiche nelle dinamiche dei prezzi di alcuni asset che si muovono con regolarità persistenti e prevalenti. Perturbazioni casuali della domanda e dell’offerta nei mercati possono causare divergenze nei prezzi, dando luogo a opportunità di intermarket spread, ossia simultanei acquisto e vendita di commodities correlate tra loro. Vengono approfonditi vari test econometrici, i test unit root utilizzati per verificare se una serie storica possa essere modellizzata con un processo random walk. Infine viene costruita una strategia di trading basata sull'arbitraggio statistico e applicata numericamente alle serie storiche dal 2010 al 2014 di due titoli azionari sul petrolio: Brent e WTI.