472 resultados para Ulva lactuca


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A field population of Ulva pseudocurvata Koeman et C. Hoek (hereafter termed Ulva) at Sylt Island (North Sea, Germany) exhibited biweekly peaks of gametophytic reproduction during the colder seasons and approximately weekly peaks during summer. The reproductive events lasted 1-5 d and were separated from each other by purely vegetative phases. Under constant conditions in the laboratory, a free-running rhythm was observed with reproductive peaks occurring approximately every 7 d. When artificial moonlight was provided every 4 weeks, fewer reproductive events occurred, and the reproductive rhythm became synchronized to the environmental artificial moonlight rhythm. In the laboratory, apical disks were entirely converted into reproductive tissue after 8 d cultivation, while almost all basal disks stayed vegetative, which prevented the entire loss of the vegetative thallus during reproductive events. Seasonal size reduction of the thallus occurred from late autumn onward and was determined to be controlled by a genuine photoperiodic response, since size reduction could be induced from May onward by experimental short-day (SD) treatment but was prevented in a long-day (LD) or night-break regime (NB). A daily fine-tuning occurred with gamete release early in the morning at the first sign of daylight, following an obligatory dark ("night") period of at least 1 h duration. No release took place if the overnight dark phase was replaced by continuous light. Blue, green, or red light all triggered gamete release after a dark phase at an irradiance of 0.1 mu mol photons . m(-2) .s(-1), while 0.001 mu mol photons . m(-2) . s(-1) was equivalent to a dark control.


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The region of Qingdao, China, experienced the world's largest green tide from May to July 2008. More than one million tons of fresh algal biomass of the green alga Ulva prolifera was harvested, while more was suspected to have sunk to the bottom. The original source of this seaweed was suspected to be from the south as revealed by satellite images. The floating biomass drifted with the water current northward and flourished in nearshore waters around Qingdao. However, direct biological evidence for "seed" source is lacking. It is still unclear whether this alga could survive the Qingdao local coastal environment and pose future danger of potential blooming. Systematic and seasonal sampling of waters in the intertidal zone at six collection sites along the Qingdao coast was conducted from December 2008 to April 2009. Forty-eight water samples were analyzed. From these, nine different morphotypes of Ulva were grown in the laboratory under standard temperature and light regimes. Growth of Ulva was observed in all water samples. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the dominant U. prolifera strain of the 2008 bloom was absent in all the water-derived cultures during the sampling period. These results provide evidence that the dominant bloom-forming alga was unlikely able to survive the coastal waters (the minimal surface water temperature in February is 2A degrees C) in winter conditions in Qingdao, even though all the sampling locations were heavily covered by this alga in June 2008.


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Ulvacean green seaweeds are common worldwide; they formed massive green tides in the Yellow Sea in recent years, which caused marine ecological problems as well as a social issue. We investigated two major genera of the Ulvaceae, Ulva and Enteromorpha, and collected the plastid rbcL and nuclear ITS sequences of specimens of the genera in two sides of the Yellow Sea and analyzed them. Phylogenetic trees of rbcL data show the occurrence of five species of Enteromorpha (E. compressa, E. flexuosa, E. intestinalis, E. linza and E. prolifera) and three species of Ulva (U. pertusa, U. rigida and U. ohnoi). However, we found U. ohnoi, which is known as a subtropical to tropical species, at two sites on Jeju Island, Korea. Four ribotypes in partial sequences of 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 from E. compressa were also found. Ribotype network analysis revealed that the common ribotype, occurring in China, Korea and Europe, is connected with ribotypes from Europe and China/Japan. Although samples of the same species were collected from both sides of the Yellow Sea, intraspecific genetic polymorphism of each species was low among samples collected worldwide.


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The effects of fresh thalli and culture medium filtrates from two species of marine macroalgae, Ulva pertusa Kjellm (Chlorophyta) and Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Dawson (Rhodophyta), on growth of marine microalgae were investigated in co-culture under controlled laboratory conditions. A selection of microalgal species were used, all, being identified as bloom-forming dinoflagellates: Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu sp., Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, Amphidinium carterae Hulburt and Scrippsiella trochoide (Stein) Loeblich III. Results showed that the fresh thalli of either U. pertusa or G. lemaneiformis significantly inhibited the microalgal growth, or caused mortality at the end of the experiment. However, the overall effects of the macroalgal culture filtrates on the growth of the dinoflagellates were species-specific (inhibitory, stimulatory or none) for different microalgal species. Results indicated an allelopathic effect of macroalga on the co-cultured dinoflagellate. We then took P. donghaiense as an example to further assess this hypothesis. The present study was carried out under controlled conditions, thereby excluded the fluctuation in light and temperature. Nutrient assays showed that nitrate and phosphate were almost exhausted in G. lemaneiformis co-culture. but remained at enough high levels in U pertusa co-culture, which were well above the nutrient limitation for the microalgal growth, when all cells of P. donghaiense were killed in the co-culture. Daily f/2 medium enrichment greatly alleviated the growth inhibition on P. donghaiense in G. lemaneiformis co-culture, but could not eliminate it. Other environmental factors, such as carbonate limitation, bacterial presence and the change of pH were also not necessary for the results. We thus concluded that allelopathy was the most possible reason leading to the negative effect of U. pertusa on P. donghaiense, and the combined roles of allelopathy and nutrient competition were essential for the effect of G. lemaneiformis on P. donghaiense. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polysaccharide extracted from Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta) is a group of sulfated heteropolysaccharide; for simplicity, the sulfated polysaccharide is referred to as ulvan in this paper. In this study, different sulfate content ulvans were prepared with sulfur trioxide/N,N-diinethylformamide (SO3-DMF) in formamide, and their antioxidant activities were investigated including scavenging activity of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, reducing Power and metal chelating ability. As expected, we obtained several satisfying results, as follows: firstly, high sulfate content ulvans had more effective scavenging activity on hydroxyl radical than natural ulvan. Secondly, comparing with natural ulvan, high sulfate content ulvans exhibited stronger reducing power. Thirdly, HU4 (sulfate content, 30.8%) and HU5 (sulfate content, 32.8%) showed more pronounce chelating ability on ferrous ion at high concentration than other samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polysaccharides extracted from Ulva pertusa Kjellm ( Chlorophyta) are a group of sulfated heteropolysaccharides, the ulvans. In this study, different molecular weight ulvans were prepared by H2O2 degradation and their antioxidant activities investigated including superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, reducing power and metal chelating ability. The molecular weights of natural and degraded ulvans were 151.7, 64.5, 58.0, and 28.2 kDa, respectively, as determined by high performance gel permeation chromatography. Among the four samples, U-3 ( the lowest molecular weight sample) showed significant inhibitory effects on superoxide and hydroxyl radicals with IC50 values of 22.1 mu g mL(-1) and 2.8 mg mL(-1); its reducing power and metal chelating ability were also the strongest among the four samples. All the other samples also demonstrated strong activity against superoxide radicals. The results indicated that molecular weight had a significant effect on the antioxidant activity of ulvan with low molecular weight ulvan having stronger antioxidant activity.


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Ulvan, a sulfated polysaccharide from Ulva pertusa, was degraded to yield two low molecular weight fractions U1 and U2. The molecular weights of ulvan and its fractions were determined and varied from 151.6 to 28.2 kDa. They were fed to rats on a hypercholesterolemic diet for 21 days to evaluate and compare the antihyperlipidemic actions. Ulvan-based diet significantly lowered the levels of serum total cholesterol (-45.2%, P < 0.05) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol, -54.1%, P < 0.05). While U1- and U2-based diets significantly elevated the levels of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol, +22.0% for U1, not significant; +61.0% for U2; P < 0.05) and reduced triglyceride (TG, -82.4% for U1, -77.7% for U2; P < 0.05) in rats as compared to control diet. In addition, consumptions of various ulvans significantly increased fecal bile acid excrement. The results indicated that ulvans with different molecular weights exhibited diverse effects on lipid metabolism. The high molecular weight ulvan was effective in serum total and LDL-cholesterol, whereas low molecular weight fractions were in TG and HDL-cholesterol. The fractions were considered to be more beneficial to hyperlipidemia associated with diabetes over ulvan. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polysaccharides from Ulva pertusa were isolated and prepared by extraction in hot water and precipitation by ethanol. The water-soluble polysaccharides were chemically well defined, containing 47.0% total carbohydrate, 23.2% uronic acids, 17.1% sulfate groups, 1.0% N and 29.9% ash. Gas chromatography analysis demonstrated that the neutral sugars were mainly composed of rhamnose, xylose and glucose and smaller amounts of mannose, galactose and arabinose. The FTIR and C-13-NMR spectra indicated that basic repeating units of the polysaccharides were (beta-D-GlcpA-(1->4)-alpha-L-Rhap 3S) and (alpha-L-IdopA-(1->4)-alpha-L-Rhap 3S). Fifty ICR mice were used to study the effect of water-soluble polysaccharides from Ulva pertusa on the level of plasma lipids, with inositol niacinate as positive control. The results indicated that the polysaccharides significantly lowered the contents of plasma total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride and markedly increased the contents of serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, compared with the hyperlipidemia control group (p<0.01). Moreover, administration of polysaccharides significantly decreased the atherogenic index. The present results suggest that the polysaccharides from Ulva pertusa have great potential for preventing ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


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To investigate the ecological effect of macroalgae on de-eutrophication and depuration of mariculture seawater, the variation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (DIP), the amount of Vibrio anguillarum, and total heterotrophic bacteria in Ulva clathrata culture, as well as on the algal surface, were investigated by artificially adding nutrients and V. anguillarum strain 65 from February to April 2006. The results indicated that U. clathrata not only had strong DIN and DIP removal capacities, but also showed a significant inhibitory effect on V. anguillarum, although not reducing the total heterotrophic bacteria. Vibrio anguillarum 65 dropped from 5 similar to 8 x 10(7) cfu mL(-1) to 10 cfu mL(-1) (clone-forming units per mL) in 10 g L-1 of fresh U. clathrata culture within 2 days; i.e., almost all of the Vibrios were efficiently eradicated from the algal culture system. Our results also showed that the inhibitory effect of U. clathrata on V. anguillarum strain 65 was both DIN- and DIP-dependent. Addition of DIN and DIP could enhance the inhibitory effects of the algae on the Vibrio, but did not reduce the total heterotrophic bacteria. Further studies showed that the culture suspension in which U. clathrata was pre-cultured for 24 h also had an inhibitory effect on V. anguillarum strain 65. Some unknown chemical substances, either released from U. clathrata or produced by the alga associated microorganisms, inhibited the proliferation of V. anguillarum 65.


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The antioxidant activity of natural ulvan and its derivatives (acetylated and benzoylated ulvans) in vitro was determined, including scavenging activity against superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, reducing power, and chelating ability. Obvious differences in antioxidant activity between natural ulvan and its derivatives were observed, moreover, the antioxidant activity of acetylated and benzoylated ulvans was stronger than that of natural ulvan. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Os trabalhos de pesquisa em melhoramento com alface no país, têm obtido grandes progressos, com desenvolvimento de cultivares de alface lisa e, mais recentemente, crespa, com maior resistência ao pendoamento precoce e às principais doenças. Tendo em vista a reduzida informação no Estado em relação às novas cultivares disponíveis no mercado, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de doze cultivares de alface, durante o período seco (julho a agosto) em Rio Branco, Acre.